Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Combined Statements of Assets a
- Combined Statements of Operatio
- Combined Statements of Changes
- Combined Statements of Cash Flo
- Statements of Assets and Liabil
- Statements of Operations (Unaud
- Statements of Changes in Net As
- Statements of Cash Flows (Unaud
- Statements of Assets and Liab_2
- Statements of Operations (Una_2
- Statements of Changes in Net _2
- Statements of Cash Flows (Una_2
- Statements of Assets and Liab_3
- Statements of Operations (Una_3
- Statements of Changes in Net _3
- Statements of Cash Flows (Una_3
- Statements of Assets and Liab_4
- Statements of Operations (Una_4
- Statements of Changes in Net _4
- Statements of Cash Flows (Una_4
- Statements of Assets and Liab_5
- Statements of Assets and Liab_6
- Statements of Operations (Una_5
- Statements of Changes in Net _5
- Statements of Cash Flows (Una_5
- Statements of Assets and Liab_7
- Statements of Operations (Una_6
- Statements of Changes in Net _6
- Statements of Cash Flows (Una_6
- Combined Schedule of Investment
- Note 1 - Organization and Opera
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts an
- Note 3 - Summary of Significant
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurement
- Note 5 - Derivative Instruments
- Note 6 - Organizational and Off
- Note 7 - Detail of the Net Asse
- Note 8 - Subsequent Events
- Schedule of Investments (Unaudi
- Note 1 - Organization and Ope_2
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts _2
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa_2
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measureme_2
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrumen_2
- Note 6 - Financial Highlights -
- Note 7 - Organizational and Off
- Note 8 - Subsequent Events - Te
- Schedule of Investments (Unau_2
- Note 1 - Organization and Ope_3
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts _3
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa_3
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measureme_3
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrumen_3
- Note 6 - Financial Highlights_2
- Note 7 - Organizational and O_2
- Note 8 - Subsequent Events - _2
- Schedule of Investments (Unau_3
- Note 1 - Organization and Ope_4
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts _4
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa_4
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measureme_4
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrumen_4
- Note 6 - Financial Highlights_3
- Note 7 - Organizational and O_3
- Note 8 - Subsequent Events - _3
- Schedule of Investments (Unau_4
- Note 1 - Organization and Ope_5
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts _5
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa_5
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measureme_5
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrumen_5
- Note 6 - Financial Highlights_4
- Note 7 - Organizational and O_4
- Note 8 - Subsequent Events - _4
- Schedule of Investments (Unau_5
- Note 1 - Organization and Ope_6
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts _6
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa_6
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measureme_6
- Note 5 - Financial Highlights -
- Note 6 - Organizational and O_2
- Note 7 - Subsequent Events - Te
- Schedule of Investments (Unau_6
- Note 1 - Organization and Ope_7
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts _7
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa_7
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measureme_7
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrumen_6
- Note 6 - Financial Highlights_5
- Note 7 - Organizational and O_5
- Note 8 - Subsequent Events - Ha
- Insider Trading Arrangements
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Combined Schedule of Investme_2
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts _8
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa_8
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measureme_8
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrumen_7
- Note 7 - Detail of the Net As_2
- Schedule of Investments (Unau_7
- Note 1 - Organization and Ope_8
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts _9
- Note 3 - Summary of Significa_9
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measureme_9
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrumen_8
- Note 6 - Financial Highlights_6
- Schedule of Investments (Unau_8
- Note 1 - Organization and Ope_9
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_10
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_10
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurem_10
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrumen_9
- Note 6 - Financial Highlights_7
- Schedule of Investments (Unau_9
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_10
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_11
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_11
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurem_11
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_10
- Note 6 - Financial Highlights_8
- Schedule of Investments (Una_10
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_11
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_12
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_12
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurem_12
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_11
- Note 6 - Financial Highlights_9
- Schedule of Investments (Una_11
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_12
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_13
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_13
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurem_13
- Note 5 - Financial Highlights_2
- Schedule of Investments (Una_12
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_13
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_14
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_14
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurem_14
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_12
- Note 6 - Financial Highlight_10
- Combined Schedule of Investme_3
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_14
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_15
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_16
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_15
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_16
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_17
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_18
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_19
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurem_15
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_13
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_14
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_15
- Note 7 - Detail of the Net As_3
- Note 8 - Subsequent Events (Det
- Schedule of Investments (Una_13
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_15
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_16
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_17
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_18
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_20
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_21
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_22
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_23
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurem_16
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_16
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_17
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_18
- Note 6 - Financial Highlight_11
- Schedule of Investments (Una_14
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_17
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_18
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_19
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_20
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_24
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_25
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_26
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_27
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurem_17
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_19
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_20
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_21
- Note 6 - Financial Highlight_12
- Schedule of Investments (Una_15
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_19
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_20
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_21
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_22
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_28
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_29
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_30
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_31
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurem_18
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_22
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_23
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_24
- Note 6 - Financial Highlight_13
- Note 8 - Subsequent Events - _5
- Schedule of Investments (Una_16
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_21
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_22
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_23
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_24
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_32
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_33
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_34
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_35
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurem_19
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_25
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_26
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_27
- Note 6 - Financial Highlight_14
- Schedule of Investments (Una_17
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_23
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_24
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_25
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_26
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_36
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_37
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_38
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurem_20
- Note 5 - Financial Highlights_3
- Schedule of Investments (Una_18
- Schedule of Investments (Una_19
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_25
- Note 1 - Organization and Op_26
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_27
- Note 2 - Principal Contracts_28
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_39
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_40
- Note 3 - Summary of Signific_41
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurem_21
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurem_22
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_28
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_29
- Note 5 - Derivative Instrume_30
- Note 6 - Financial Highlight_15