Debt and Equity Securities | Note 4 – Debt and Equity Securities Investments in debt securities, classified as available-for-sale, are as follows: (in thousands) Amortized Gross unrealized Estimated Gains Losses September 30, 2018 U.S. Treasury bonds $ 204,854 $ 135 $ (5,033 ) $ 199,956 Municipal bonds 1,093,531 3,630 (22,973 ) 1,074,188 Foreign government bonds 156,289 231 (2,518 ) 154,002 Governmental agency bonds 334,690 284 (8,425 ) 326,549 Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities 2,786,111 2,422 (49,763 ) 2,738,770 U.S. corporate debt securities 773,189 2,763 (12,147 ) 763,805 Foreign corporate debt securities 275,290 1,020 (3,720 ) 272,590 $ 5,623,954 $ 10,485 $ (104,579 ) $ 5,529,860 December 31, 2017 U.S. Treasury bonds $ 173,049 $ 2,199 $ (1,250 ) $ 173,998 Municipal bonds 1,031,146 12,185 (7,394 ) 1,035,937 Foreign government bonds 170,220 489 (1,221 ) 169,488 Governmental agency bonds 212,731 1,061 (2,322 ) 211,470 Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities 2,172,377 3,168 (16,588 ) 2,158,957 U.S. corporate debt securities 734,409 11,768 (2,962 ) 743,215 Foreign corporate debt securities 256,430 4,145 (956 ) 259,619 $ 4,750,362 $ 35,015 $ (32,693 ) $ 4,752,684 Sales of debt securities resulted in realized gains of $0.6 million and $1.9 million, realized losses of $3.1 million and $6.9 million, and proceeds of $183.1 million and $525.4 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2018, respectively, and realized gains of $0.9 million and $3.9 million, realized losses of $0.4 million and $4.0 million, and proceeds of $63.7 million and $357.7 million for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017, respectively. Gross unrealized losses on investments in debt securities are as follows: Less than 12 months 12 months or longer Total (in thousands) Estimated fair value Unrealized losses Estimated fair value Unrealized losses Estimated fair value Unrealized losses September 30, 2018 U.S. Treasury bonds $ 138,105 $ (2,976 ) $ 49,131 $ (2,057 ) $ 187,236 $ (5,033 ) Municipal bonds 508,857 (7,747 ) 296,302 (15,226 ) 805,159 (22,973 ) Foreign government bonds 101,286 (1,250 ) 33,004 (1,268 ) 134,290 (2,518 ) Governmental agency bonds 183,040 (3,260 ) 136,979 (5,165 ) 320,019 (8,425 ) Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities 1,367,730 (21,748 ) 877,474 (28,015 ) 2,245,204 (49,763 ) U.S. corporate debt securities 442,049 (7,825 ) 86,252 (4,322 ) 528,301 (12,147 ) Foreign corporate debt securities 152,560 (2,546 ) 39,727 (1,174 ) 192,287 (3,720 ) $ 2,893,627 $ (47,352 ) $ 1,518,869 $ (57,227 ) $ 4,412,496 $ (104,579 ) December 31, 2017 U.S. Treasury bonds $ 78,605 $ (511 ) $ 37,498 $ (739 ) $ 116,103 $ (1,250 ) Municipal bonds 279,292 (1,714 ) 226,895 (5,680 ) 506,187 (7,394 ) Foreign government bonds 98,942 (972 ) 6,678 (249 ) 105,620 (1,221 ) Governmental agency bonds 55,707 (409 ) 93,737 (1,913 ) 149,444 (2,322 ) Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities 671,871 (4,868 ) 774,959 (11,720 ) 1,446,830 (16,588 ) U.S. corporate debt securities 171,817 (1,568 ) 60,724 (1,394 ) 232,541 (2,962 ) Foreign corporate debt securities 81,525 (821 ) 5,697 (135 ) 87,222 (956 ) $ 1,437,759 $ (10,863 ) $ 1,206,188 $ (21,830 ) $ 2,643,947 $ (32,693 ) Based on the Company’s review of its debt securities in an unrealized loss position at September 30, 2018, it determined that the losses were primarily the result of changes in interest rates, which were considered to be temporary, rather than a deterioration in credit quality. The Company does not intend to sell and it is not more likely than not that the Company will be required to sell these securities prior to recovering their amortized cost. As such, the Company does not consider these securities to be other-than-temporarily impaired at September 30, 2018. Investments in debt securities at September 30, 2018, by contractual maturities, are as follows: (in thousands) Due in one year or less Due after one through five years Due after five through ten years Due after ten years Total U.S. Treasury bonds Amortized cost $ 27,440 $ 63,667 $ 51,675 $ 62,072 $ 204,854 Estimated fair value $ 27,200 $ 62,757 $ 50,409 $ 59,590 $ 199,956 Municipal bonds Amortized cost $ 84,445 $ 273,965 $ 305,452 $ 429,669 $ 1,093,531 Estimated fair value $ 84,352 $ 272,119 $ 300,956 $ 416,761 $ 1,074,188 Foreign government bonds Amortized cost $ 19,036 $ 109,717 $ 11,715 $ 15,821 $ 156,289 Estimated fair value $ 19,002 $ 108,840 $ 11,505 $ 14,655 $ 154,002 Governmental agency bonds Amortized cost $ 33,161 $ 119,472 $ 127,656 $ 54,401 $ 334,690 Estimated fair value $ 33,115 $ 116,611 $ 125,714 $ 51,109 $ 326,549 U.S. corporate debt securities Amortized cost $ 31,337 $ 368,851 $ 329,269 $ 43,732 $ 773,189 Estimated fair value $ 31,258 $ 364,834 $ 324,843 $ 42,870 $ 763,805 Foreign corporate debt securities Amortized cost $ 26,278 $ 157,324 $ 83,175 $ 8,513 $ 275,290 Estimated fair value $ 26,241 $ 155,799 $ 82,037 $ 8,513 $ 272,590 Total debt securities excluding mortgage-backed securities Amortized cost $ 221,697 $ 1,092,996 $ 908,942 $ 614,208 $ 2,837,843 Estimated fair value $ 221,168 $ 1,080,960 $ 895,464 $ 593,498 $ 2,791,090 Total mortgage-backed securities Amortized cost $ 2,786,111 Estimated fair value $ 2,738,770 Total debt securities Amortized cost $ 5,623,954 Estimated fair value $ 5,529,860 Mortgage-backed securities, which include contractual terms to maturity, are not categorized by contractual maturity as borrowers may have the right to call or prepay obligations with, or without, call or prepayment penalties. Investments in equity securities are as follows: (in thousands) Cost Estimated fair value September 30, 2018 Preferred stocks $ 18,616 $ 18,432 Common stocks 373,543 429,317 $ 392,159 $ 447,749 December 31, 2017 Preferred stocks $ 19,233 $ 18,990 Common stocks 394,439 447,526 $ 413,672 $ 466,516 The Company adopted new accounting guidance on January 1, 2018, which requires investments in equity securities with readily determinable fair values to be measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognized through net income. See Note 1 Basis of Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements for further discussion of the new guidance. Net gains (realized and unrealized) of $14.2 million and $16.0 million were recognized for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2018, respectively, as a result of changes in the fair values of equity securities. Included in net gains during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2018, were net unrealized gains of $14.1 million and $15.9 million, respectively, related to equity securities still held at September 30, 2018. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017, sales of equity securities resulted in realized gains of $0.7 million and $17.9 million and realized losses of $0.3 million and $2.0 million, respectively. The composition of the investment portfolio at September 30, 2018, by credit rating, is as follows: A- or higher BBB+ to BBB- Non-Investment Grade Total (in thousands, except percentages) Estimated fair value Percentage Estimated fair value Percentage Estimated fair value Percentage Estimated fair value Percentage Debt securities: U.S. Treasury bonds $ 199,956 100.0 $ — — $ — — $ 199,956 100.0 Municipal bonds 997,639 92.9 52,149 4.9 24,400 2.2 1,074,188 100.0 Foreign government bonds 125,378 81.4 23,757 15.4 4,867 3.2 154,002 100.0 Governmental agency bonds 326,549 100.0 — — — — 326,549 100.0 Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities 2,738,770 100.0 — — — — 2,738,770 100.0 U.S. corporate debt securities 303,068 39.7 248,671 32.6 212,066 27.7 763,805 100.0 Foreign corporate debt securities 123,299 45.2 112,708 41.3 36,583 13.5 272,590 100.0 Total debt securities 4,814,659 87.1 437,285 7.9 277,916 5.0 5,529,860 100.0 Preferred stocks 58 0.3 16,017 86.9 2,357 12.8 18,432 100.0 Total $ 4,814,717 86.8 $ 453,302 8.2 $ 280,273 5.0 $ 5,548,292 100.0 As of September 30, 2018, the estimated fair value of total debt securities included $157.1 million of bank loans, of which $146.3 million was non-investment grade; $95.6 million of high yield corporate debt securities, all of which was non-investment grade; and $86.3 million of emerging market debt securities, of which $11.6 million was non-investment grade. The composition of the debt securities portfolio in an unrealized loss position at September 30, 2018, by credit rating, is as follows: A- or higher BBB+ to BBB- Non-Investment Grade Total (in thousands, except percentages) Estimated fair value Percentage Estimated fair value Percentage Estimated fair value Percentage Estimated fair value Percentage U.S. Treasury bonds $ 187,236 100.0 $ — — $ — — $ 187,236 100.0 Municipal bonds 757,128 94.0 34,436 4.3 13,595 1.7 805,159 100.0 Foreign government bonds 106,665 79.5 22,758 16.9 4,867 3.6 134,290 100.0 Governmental agency bonds 320,019 100.0 — — — — 320,019 100.0 Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities 2,245,204 100.0 — — — — 2,245,204 100.0 U.S. corporate debt securities 260,752 49.3 193,826 36.7 73,723 14.0 528,301 100.0 Foreign corporate debt securities 82,630 43.0 89,010 46.3 20,647 10.7 192,287 100.0 Total $ 3,959,634 89.7 $ 340,030 7.7 $ 112,832 2.6 $ 4,412,496 100.0 As of September 30, 2018, the estimated fair value of total debt securities in an unrealized loss position included $28.9 million of bank loans, of which $28.5 million was non-investment grade; $60.6 million of high yield corporate debt securities, all of which was non-investment grade; and $72.9 million of emerging market debt securities, of which $10.1 million was non-investment grade. The credit ratings in the above tables reflect published ratings obtained from globally recognized securities rating agencies. If a security was rated differently among the rating agencies, the lowest rating was selected. Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities are not rated by any of the ratings agencies; however, these securities have been included in the above table in the “A- or higher” category because the payments of principal and interest are guaranteed by the governmental agency that issued the security. |