Debt and Equity Securities | NOTE 4. Debt and Equity Securities: Investments in debt securities, classified as available-for-sale, are as follows: Amortized Allowance for credit losses (1) Gross unrealized Estimated (in thousands) gains losses December 31, 2020 U.S. Treasury bonds $ 80,172 $ — $ 778 $ (104 ) $ 80,846 Municipal bonds 1,168,425 — 80,953 (570 ) 1,248,808 Foreign government bonds 194,042 — 6,004 (516 ) 199,530 Governmental agency bonds 254,248 — 9,869 (195 ) 263,922 Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities 3,401,737 — 74,549 (1,668 ) 3,474,618 U.S. corporate debt securities 637,808 (119 ) 43,505 (497 ) 680,697 Foreign corporate debt securities 384,572 (13 ) 22,078 (236 ) 406,401 $ 6,121,004 $ (132 ) $ 237,736 $ (3,786 ) $ 6,354,822 December 31, 2019 U.S. Treasury bonds $ 143,825 $ — $ 469 $ (353 ) $ 143,941 Municipal bonds 1,043,252 — 47,804 (217 ) 1,090,839 Foreign government bonds 179,554 — 1,497 (961 ) 180,090 Governmental agency bonds 316,318 — 5,820 (219 ) 321,919 Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities 3,241,966 — 43,599 (7,307 ) 3,278,258 U.S. corporate debt securities 535,878 — 18,466 (972 ) 553,372 Foreign corporate debt securities 335,962 — 9,468 (213 ) 345,217 $ 5,796,755 $ — $ 127,123 $ (10,242 ) $ 5,913,636 (1) Reflects impairment losses resulting from credit-related factors, which are also included in net realized investment gains/losses in the consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2020. Sales of debt securities resulted in realized gains of $18.2 million, $12.1 million and $3.3 million, realized losses of $3.5 million, $6.1 million and $20.3 million, and proceeds of $758.9 million, $1.1 billion and $1.3 billion for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 and 2018, respectively. Investments in debt securities, based on length of time in an unrealized loss position, are as follows: Less than 12 months 12 months or longer Total (in thousands) Estimated Unrealized Estimated Unrealized Estimated Unrealized December 31, 2020 U.S. Treasury bonds $ 7,744 $ (104 ) $ — $ — $ 7,744 $ (104 ) Municipal bonds 74,045 (570 ) — — 74,045 (570 ) Foreign government bonds 67,094 (516 ) — — 67,094 (516 ) Governmental agency bonds 15,353 (195 ) — — 15,353 (195 ) Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities 287,947 (1,089 ) 100,473 (579 ) 388,420 (1,668 ) U.S. corporate debt securities 42,508 (484 ) 1,357 (13 ) 43,865 (497 ) Foreign corporate debt securities 19,042 (232 ) 276 (4 ) 19,318 (236 ) $ 513,733 $ (3,190 ) $ 102,106 $ (596 ) $ 615,839 $ (3,786 ) December 31, 2019 U.S. Treasury bonds $ 12,507 $ (350 ) $ 3,193 $ (3 ) $ 15,700 $ (353 ) Municipal bonds 29,333 (207 ) 2,827 (10 ) 32,160 (217 ) Foreign government bonds 112,167 (934 ) 11,001 (27 ) 123,168 (961 ) Governmental agency bonds 24,493 (142 ) 14,923 (77 ) 39,416 (219 ) Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities 719,602 (2,785 ) 637,009 (4,522 ) 1,356,611 (7,307 ) U.S. corporate debt securities 42,607 (451 ) 10,216 (521 ) 52,823 (972 ) Foreign corporate debt securities 30,895 (108 ) 12,373 (105 ) 43,268 (213 ) $ 971,604 $ (4,977 ) $ 691,542 $ (5,265 ) $ 1,663,146 $ (10,242 ) Based on the Company’s review of its debt securities in an unrealized loss position for which an allowance for credit losses has not been recorded, it determined that the losses were due to non-credit factors. As such, the Company does not consider these securities to be credit impaired at December 31, 2020. Activity in the allowance for credit losses on debt securities for the year ended December 31, 2020 is summarized as follows: (in thousands) Year Ended Balance at beginning of period $ — Credit losses recognized during the period (7,493 ) Net decreases to credit losses previously recognized 4,300 Reductions for securities sold/matured 3,061 Balance at end of period $ (132 ) In determining credit losses on its debt securities in an unrealized loss position, the Company considers certain factors that may include, among others, severity of the unrealized loss, security type, industry sector, credit rating, profitability and stock performance. Investments in debt securities at December 31, 2020, by contractual maturities, are as follows: (in thousands) Due in one Due after Due after Due after Total U.S. Treasury bonds Amortized cost $ 62,485 $ 13,092 $ 1,423 $ 3,172 $ 80,172 Estimated fair value $ 63,022 $ 13,189 $ 1,534 $ 3,101 $ 80,846 Municipal bonds Amortized cost $ 42,368 $ 105,426 $ 452,334 $ 568,297 $ 1,168,425 Estimated fair value $ 42,673 $ 109,698 $ 486,158 $ 610,279 $ 1,248,808 Foreign government bonds Amortized cost $ 52,719 $ 60,252 $ 66,852 $ 14,219 $ 194,042 Estimated fair value $ 52,768 $ 62,151 $ 68,614 $ 15,997 $ 199,530 Governmental agency bonds Amortized cost $ 19,541 $ 132,378 $ 47,928 $ 54,401 $ 254,248 Estimated fair value $ 19,666 $ 136,370 $ 49,274 $ 58,612 $ 263,922 U.S. corporate debt securities Amortized cost $ 13,452 $ 318,682 $ 233,414 $ 72,260 $ 637,808 Estimated fair value $ 13,502 $ 340,056 $ 245,796 $ 81,343 $ 680,697 Foreign corporate debt securities Amortized cost $ 9,845 $ 199,272 $ 131,944 $ 43,511 $ 384,572 Estimated fair value $ 9,903 $ 209,557 $ 139,734 $ 47,207 $ 406,401 Total debt securities, excluding mortgage-backed securities Amortized cost $ 200,410 $ 829,102 $ 933,895 $ 755,860 $ 2,719,267 Estimated fair value $ 201,534 $ 871,021 $ 991,110 $ 816,539 $ 2,880,204 Total mortgage-backed securities Amortized cost $ 3,401,737 Estimated fair value $ 3,474,618 Total debt securities Amortized cost $ 6,121,004 Estimated fair value $ 6,354,822 Mortgage-backed securities, which include contractual terms to maturity, are not categorized by contractual maturity as borrowers may have the right to call or prepay obligations with, or without, call or prepayment penalties. Investments in equity securities are as follows: Cost Estimated (in thousands) December 31, 2020 Preferred stocks $ 22,163 $ 19,479 Common stocks 354,157 444,647 $ 376,320 $ 464,126 December 31, 2019 Preferred stocks $ 21,849 $ 18,094 Common stocks 328,110 374,224 $ 349,959 $ 392,318 Net gains (realized and unrealized) of $48.7 million and $66.7 million and net losses (realized and unrealized) of $38.6 million were recognized for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 and 2018, respectively, as a result of changes in the fair values of equity securities. Included in net gains during the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 were net unrealized gains of $48.8 million and $52.3 million, respectively, related to equity securities still held at December 31, 2020 and 2019, respectively. The composition of the investment portfolio at December 31, 2020, by credit rating, is as follows: A- or higher BBB+ to BBB- Non-Investment Grade Total (in thousands, except percentages) Estimated fair value Percentage Estimated fair value Percentage Estimated fair value Percentage Estimated fair value Percentage Debt securities: U.S. Treasury bonds $ 80,846 100.0 $ — — $ — — $ 80,846 100.0 Municipal bonds 1,205,891 96.5 42,142 3.4 775 0.1 1,248,808 100.0 Foreign government bonds 183,350 91.9 13,221 6.6 2,959 1.5 199,530 100.0 Governmental agency bonds 263,922 100.0 — — — — 263,922 100.0 Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities 3,474,618 100.0 — — — — 3,474,618 100.0 U.S. corporate debt securities 280,026 41.1 324,208 47.7 76,463 11.2 680,697 100.0 Foreign corporate debt securities 148,088 36.4 227,964 56.1 30,349 7.5 406,401 100.0 Total debt securities 5,636,741 88.7 607,535 9.6 110,546 1.7 6,354,822 100.0 Preferred stocks 50 0.2 18,107 93.0 1,322 6.8 19,479 100.0 Total $ 5,636,791 88.4 $ 625,642 9.8 $ 111,868 1.8 $ 6,374,301 100.0 Included in debt securities at December 31, 2020, were bank loans totaling $54.2 million, of which $50.7 million were non-investment grade; high yield corporate debt securities totaling $52.4 million, all of which were non-investment grade; and emerging market debt securities totaling $73.0 million, of which $6.7 million were non-investment grade. The composition of the debt securities portfolio in an unrealized loss position at December 31, 2020, by credit rating, is as follows: A- or higher BBB+ to BBB- Non-Investment Grade Total (in thousands, except percentages) Estimated fair value Percentage Estimated fair value Percentage Estimated fair value Percentage Estimated fair value Percentage U.S. Treasury bonds $ 7,744 100.0 $ — — $ — — $ 7,744 100.0 Municipal bonds 70,648 95.4 3,397 4.6 — — 74,045 100.0 Foreign government bonds 67,094 100.0 — — — — 67,094 100.0 Governmental agency bonds 15,353 100.0 — — — — 15,353 100.0 Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities 388,420 100.0 — — — — 388,420 100.0 U.S. corporate debt securities 3,470 7.9 8,496 19.4 31,899 72.7 43,865 100.0 Foreign corporate debt securities 6,419 33.2 4,803 24.9 8,096 41.9 19,318 100.0 Total $ 559,148 90.8 $ 16,696 2.7 $ 39,995 6.5 $ 615,839 100.0 Debt securities in an unrealized loss position at December 31, 2020, included bank loans totaling $37.3 million, of which $34.4 million were non-investment grade; high yield corporate debt securities totaling $5.3 million, all of which were non-investment grade; and emerging market debt securities totaling $0.3 million, all of which were non-investment grade. The credit ratings in the above tables reflect published ratings obtained from globally recognized securities rating agencies. If a security was rated differently among the rating agencies, the lowest rating was selected. Governmental agency mortgage-backed securities are not rated by any of the ratings agencies; however, these securities have been included in the above table in the “A- or higher” rating category because the payments of principal and interest are guaranteed by the governmental agency that issued the security. |