Pay vs Performance Disclosure pure in Millions | 12 Months Ended |
Dec. 31, 2022 USD ($) | Dec. 31, 2021 USD ($) | Dec. 31, 2020 USD ($) | Dec. 31, 2019 USD ($) | Dec. 31, 2018 USD ($) |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance [Table Text Block] | Pay Versus Performance Pay Versus Performance Table As required by Section 953(a) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, and Item 402(v) of Regulation S-K, we are providing the following information about the relationship between executive compensation actually paid and certain financial performance of the Company. The table below reflects Compensation Actually Paid to the Company’s Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) and average Compensation Actually Paid to Non-CEO NEOs during 2018 through 2022. In addition, the table compares the Company’s Total Shareholder Return (“TSR”) against peer group TSR using S&P 500 Industrials (sector comparison). For further information concerning the Company’s variable pay-for-performance philosophy and how the Company aligns executive compensation with the Company’s performance, refer to “Compensation Discussion and Analysis.” Summary (1) Compensation (1) Average (1) Average (1) Value of Initial Fixed $100 Net Income (3) Adjusted (3) (4) Year Generac Peer Group (2) 2022 6,807,676 (19,884,139 ) 1,613,648 (2,501,201 ) 203.14 142.63 408.9 825.4 2021 7,519,812 45,045,143 2,178,594 10,308,753 710.28 150.89 556.6 861.4 2020 6,961,596 50,563,134 1,748,639 11,189,642 459.04 124.59 347.2 583.8 2019 6,050,937 28,371,014 1,597,189 6,346,729 203.08 112.17 252.3 454.1 2018 5,883,719 8,623,168 1,603,323 2,177,446 100.35 86.71 241.2 424.6 (1) Amounts represent Summary Compensation Table (“SCT”) total compensation and compensation “actually paid” (“CAP”) to our primary executive officer (our CEO), and the average SCT compensation and CAP to our remaining NEOs for the relevant fiscal year. Our NEOs include the individuals indicated in the table below for each fiscal year: Year CEO Non-CEO NEOs 2022 Aaron Jagdfeld Patrick Forsythe, York Ragen, Norm Taffe, and Erik Wilde 2021 Aaron Jagdfeld Patrick Forsythe, Russell Minick, York Ragen, and Erik Wilde 2020 Aaron Jagdfeld Patrick Forsythe, Russell Minick, York Ragen, and Erik Wilde 2019 Aaron Jagdfeld Patrick Forsythe, Russell Minick, York Ragen, and Erik Wilde 2018 Aaron Jagdfeld Patrick Forsythe, Russell Minick, York Ragen, and Erik Wilde CAP represents the “Total” compensation reported in the SCT for the applicable fiscal year, adjusted as set forth below. None of our NEOs participate in a pension plan; therefore, no adjustments from the SCT total related to pension value are needed. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Adjustments CEO Average non- CEO Average non- CEO Average non- CEO Average non- CEO Average non- Deduction for Amounts $ (3,360,079 ) $ (751,814 ) $ (3,500,012 ) $ (775,080 ) $ (4,000,039 ) $ (819,443 ) $ (5,000,287 ) $ (1,344,446 ) $ (5,750,198 ) $ (1,200,356 ) Increase for ASC 718 Fair $ 4,585,583 $ 1,026,023 $ 9,078,989 $ 2,010,525 $ 12,496,480 $ 2,559,987 $ 5,503,280 $ 1,455,423 $ 1,297,184 $ 295,801 Increase/deduction for Awards $ 1,745,445 $ 314,505 $ 16,466,626 $ 3,398,108 $ 34,780,954 $ 7,646,497 $ 18,401,180 $ 3,975,629 $ (18,601,108 ) $ (2,648,632 ) Increase/deduction for Awards $ (231,500 ) $ (14,591 ) $ 325,693 $ 124,286 $ 324,142 $ 53,962 $ 18,621,157 $ 4,043,554 $ (3,637,693 ) $ (561,662 ) Deduction of ASC 718 Fair $ 0 $ 0 $ (51,219 ) $ (8,297 ) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS $ 2,739,449 $ 574,123 $ 22,320,076 $ 4,749,541 $ 43,601,537 $ 9,441,003 $ 37,525,330 $ 8,130,159 $ (26,691,815 ) $ (4,114,850 ) (2) Our peer group is the S&P 500 Industrials (Sector) Index, which is the industry index used to show our performance in our Form 10-K. (3) Net income and Adjusted EBITDA as reported in the Pay Versus Performance Table are before adjusting for non-controlling interests. (4) Our company-selected measure, which is the measure we believe represents the most important financial performance measure not otherwise presented in the table above that we use to link CAP for fiscal 2022 to performance, is Adjusted EBITDA, which is a Non-GAAP measure that excludes the impact of acquisitions. A reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to net income can be found in Item 7 of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. | | | | |
Company Selected Measure Name | Adjusted EBITDA | | | | |
Named Executive Officers, Footnote [Text Block] | (1) Amounts represent Summary Compensation Table (“SCT”) total compensation and compensation “actually paid” (“CAP”) to our primary executive officer (our CEO), and the average SCT compensation and CAP to our remaining NEOs for the relevant fiscal year. Our NEOs include the individuals indicated in the table below for each fiscal year: Year CEO Non-CEO NEOs 2022 Aaron Jagdfeld Patrick Forsythe, York Ragen, Norm Taffe, and Erik Wilde 2021 Aaron Jagdfeld Patrick Forsythe, Russell Minick, York Ragen, and Erik Wilde 2020 Aaron Jagdfeld Patrick Forsythe, Russell Minick, York Ragen, and Erik Wilde 2019 Aaron Jagdfeld Patrick Forsythe, Russell Minick, York Ragen, and Erik Wilde 2018 Aaron Jagdfeld Patrick Forsythe, Russell Minick, York Ragen, and Erik Wilde | | | | |
Peer Group Issuers, Footnote [Text Block] | (2) Our peer group is the S&P 500 Industrials (Sector) Index, which is the industry index used to show our performance in our Form 10-K. | | | | |
PEO Total Compensation Amount | $ 6,807,676 | $ 7,519,812 | $ 6,961,596 | $ 6,050,937 | $ 5,883,719 |
PEO Actually Paid Compensation Amount | $ (19,884,139) | 45,045,143 | 50,563,134 | 28,371,014 | 8,623,168 |
Adjustment To PEO Compensation, Footnote [Text Block] | CAP represents the “Total” compensation reported in the SCT for the applicable fiscal year, adjusted as set forth below. None of our NEOs participate in a pension plan; therefore, no adjustments from the SCT total related to pension value are needed. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Adjustments CEO Average non- CEO Average non- CEO Average non- CEO Average non- CEO Average non- Deduction for Amounts $ (3,360,079 ) $ (751,814 ) $ (3,500,012 ) $ (775,080 ) $ (4,000,039 ) $ (819,443 ) $ (5,000,287 ) $ (1,344,446 ) $ (5,750,198 ) $ (1,200,356 ) Increase for ASC 718 Fair $ 4,585,583 $ 1,026,023 $ 9,078,989 $ 2,010,525 $ 12,496,480 $ 2,559,987 $ 5,503,280 $ 1,455,423 $ 1,297,184 $ 295,801 Increase/deduction for Awards $ 1,745,445 $ 314,505 $ 16,466,626 $ 3,398,108 $ 34,780,954 $ 7,646,497 $ 18,401,180 $ 3,975,629 $ (18,601,108 ) $ (2,648,632 ) Increase/deduction for Awards $ (231,500 ) $ (14,591 ) $ 325,693 $ 124,286 $ 324,142 $ 53,962 $ 18,621,157 $ 4,043,554 $ (3,637,693 ) $ (561,662 ) Deduction of ASC 718 Fair $ 0 $ 0 $ (51,219 ) $ (8,297 ) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS $ 2,739,449 $ 574,123 $ 22,320,076 $ 4,749,541 $ 43,601,537 $ 9,441,003 $ 37,525,330 $ 8,130,159 $ (26,691,815 ) $ (4,114,850 ) | | | | |
Non-PEO NEO Average Total Compensation Amount | $ 1,613,648 | 2,178,594 | 1,748,639 | 1,597,189 | 1,603,323 |
Non-PEO NEO Average Compensation Actually Paid Amount | $ (2,501,201) | 10,308,753 | 11,189,642 | 6,346,729 | 2,177,446 |
Adjustment to Non-PEO NEO Compensation Footnote [Text Block] | CAP represents the “Total” compensation reported in the SCT for the applicable fiscal year, adjusted as set forth below. None of our NEOs participate in a pension plan; therefore, no adjustments from the SCT total related to pension value are needed. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Adjustments CEO Average non- CEO Average non- CEO Average non- CEO Average non- CEO Average non- Deduction for Amounts $ (3,360,079 ) $ (751,814 ) $ (3,500,012 ) $ (775,080 ) $ (4,000,039 ) $ (819,443 ) $ (5,000,287 ) $ (1,344,446 ) $ (5,750,198 ) $ (1,200,356 ) Increase for ASC 718 Fair $ 4,585,583 $ 1,026,023 $ 9,078,989 $ 2,010,525 $ 12,496,480 $ 2,559,987 $ 5,503,280 $ 1,455,423 $ 1,297,184 $ 295,801 Increase/deduction for Awards $ 1,745,445 $ 314,505 $ 16,466,626 $ 3,398,108 $ 34,780,954 $ 7,646,497 $ 18,401,180 $ 3,975,629 $ (18,601,108 ) $ (2,648,632 ) Increase/deduction for Awards $ (231,500 ) $ (14,591 ) $ 325,693 $ 124,286 $ 324,142 $ 53,962 $ 18,621,157 $ 4,043,554 $ (3,637,693 ) $ (561,662 ) Deduction of ASC 718 Fair $ 0 $ 0 $ (51,219 ) $ (8,297 ) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS $ 2,739,449 $ 574,123 $ 22,320,076 $ 4,749,541 $ 43,601,537 $ 9,441,003 $ 37,525,330 $ 8,130,159 $ (26,691,815 ) $ (4,114,850 ) | | | | |
Compensation Actually Paid vs. Total Shareholder Return [Text Block] | | | | | |
Compensation Actually Paid vs. Net Income [Text Block] | | | | | |
Compensation Actually Paid vs. Company Selected Measure [Text Block] | | | | | |
Tabular List [Table Text Block] | Pay Versus Performance Tabular List We believe the following performance measures represent the most important financial performance measures used by us to link compensation actually paid to our NEOs for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022: Financial Performance Measures Linked to the Compensation of Named Executive Officers Adjusted EBITDA Primary Working Capital (“PWC”) as a Percent of Net Sales Annual Revenue Growth Rate (“CAGR”) Adjusted EBITDA Margin Percentage Free Cash Flow (“FCF”) The Compensation Discussion and Analysis provides a further description of how these metrics are defined and used in the Company’s executive compensation program. | | | | |
Total Shareholder Return Amount | $ 203.14 | 710.28 | 459.04 | 203.08 | 100.35 |
Peer Group Total Shareholder Return Amount | 142.63 | 150.89 | 124.59 | 112.17 | 86.71 |
Net Income (Loss) | $ 408,900,000 | $ 556,600,000 | $ 347,200,000 | $ 252,300,000 | $ 241,200,000 |
Company Selected Measure Amount | 825.4 | 861.4 | 583.8 | 454.1 | 424.6 |
PEO Name | Aaron Jagdfeld | | | | |
Measure [Axis]: 1 | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Measure Name | Adjusted EBITDA | | | | |
Non-GAAP Measure Description [Text Block] | (4) Our company-selected measure, which is the measure we believe represents the most important financial performance measure not otherwise presented in the table above that we use to link CAP for fiscal 2022 to performance, is Adjusted EBITDA, which is a Non-GAAP measure that excludes the impact of acquisitions. A reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to net income can be found in Item 7 of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022. | | | | |
Measure [Axis]: 2 | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Measure Name | Primary Working Capital (“PWC”) as a Percent of Net Sales | | | | |
Measure [Axis]: 3 | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Measure Name | Annual Revenue Growth Rate (“CAGR”) | | | | |
Measure [Axis]: 4 | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Measure Name | Adjusted EBITDA Margin Percentage | | | | |
Measure [Axis]: 5 | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Measure Name | Free Cash Flow (“FCF”) | | | | |
PEO [Member] | Equity Awards Value In Summary Compensation Table (Grant Date Value) [Member] | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | $ (5,750,198) | $ (5,000,287) | $ (4,000,039) | $ (3,500,012) | $ (3,360,079) |
PEO [Member] | Equity Awards Adjustments Of Granted During Fiscal Year That Remain Unvested As Of Fiscal Year End [Member] | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | 1,297,184 | 5,503,280 | 12,496,480 | 9,078,989 | 4,585,583 |
PEO [Member] | Total Equity Awards Adjustments [Member] | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (26,691,815) | 37,525,330 | 43,601,537 | 22,320,076 | 2,739,449 |
PEO [Member] | Change In Fair Value Of Outstanding And Unvested Awards Granted In Prior Fiscal Years [Member] | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (18,601,108) | 18,401,180 | 34,780,954 | 16,466,626 | 1,745,445 |
PEO [Member] | Change In Fair Value As Of Vesting Date Of Prior Year Awards Vested During Current Year [Member] | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (3,637,693) | 18,621,157 | 324,142 | 325,693 | (231,500) |
PEO [Member] | Equity Awards Adjustments Of Value Of Awards Granted During Prior Fiscal Year That Were Forfeited During Applicable Fiscal Year [Member] | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | 0 | 0 | 0 | (51,219) | 0 |
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Equity Awards Value In Summary Compensation Table (Grant Date Value) [Member] | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (1,200,356) | (1,344,446) | (819,443) | (775,080) | (751,814) |
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Equity Awards Adjustments Of Granted During Fiscal Year That Remain Unvested As Of Fiscal Year End [Member] | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | 295,801 | 1,455,423 | 2,559,987 | 2,010,525 | 1,026,023 |
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Total Equity Awards Adjustments [Member] | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (4,114,850) | 8,130,159 | 9,441,003 | 4,749,541 | 574,123 |
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Change In Fair Value Of Outstanding And Unvested Awards Granted In Prior Fiscal Years [Member] | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (2,648,632) | 3,975,629 | 7,646,497 | 3,398,108 | 314,505 |
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Change In Fair Value As Of Vesting Date Of Prior Year Awards Vested During Current Year [Member] | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (561,662) | 4,043,554 | 53,962 | 124,286 | (14,591) |
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Equity Awards Adjustments Of Value Of Awards Granted During Prior Fiscal Year That Were Forfeited During Applicable Fiscal Year [Member] | | | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | $ 0 | $ 0 | $ 0 | $ (8,297) | $ 0 |