Filing exhibits
- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
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Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated Statements of Earn
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Statements of Shar
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Description of Business and Seg
- Basis of Preparation and Statem
- Summary of Significant Accounti
- Critical Accounting Judgments,
- General and Administrative
- Finance Costs
- Foreign Exchange (Gain) Loss, N
- Divestitures
- Other (Income) Loss, Net
- Impairment Charges and Reversal
- Discontinued Operations
- Income Taxes
- Per Share Amounts
- Cash and Cash Equivalents
- Accounts Receivable and Accrued
- Inventories
- Exploration and Evaluation Asse
- Property, Plant and Equipment,
- Right of Use Assets, Net
- Other Assets
- Goodwill
- Accounts Payable and Accrued Li
- Short-Term Borrowings
- Long-term Debt and Capital Stru
- Lease Liabilities
- Contingent Payment
- Decommissioning Liabilities
- Other Liabilities
- Pensions and Other Post-Employm
- Share Capital
- Accumulated Other Comprehensive
- Stock-Based Compensation Plans
- Employee Salaries and Benefit E
- Related Party Transactions
- Financial Instruments
- Risk Management
- Supplementary Cash Flow Informa
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Subsequent Event
- Summary of Significant Accoun_2
- Description of Business and S_2
- General and Administrative (Tab
- Finance Costs (Tables)
- Foreign Exchange (Gain) Loss,_2
- Impairment Charges and Revers_2
- Income Taxes (Tables)
- Per Share Amounts (Tables)
- Cash and Cash Equivalents (Tabl
- Accounts Receivable and Accru_2
- Inventories (Tables)
- Exploration and Evaluation As_2
- Property, Plant and Equipment_2
- Right of Use Assets, Net (Table
- Other Assets (Tables)
- Accounts Payable and Accrued _2
- Long-term Debt and Capital St_2
- Lease Liabilities (Tables)
- Contingent Payment (Tables)
- Decommissioning Liabilities (Ta
- Other Liabilities (Tables)
- Pensions and Other Post-Emplo_2
- Share Capital (Tables)
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_2
- Stock-Based Compensation Plans
- Employee Salaries and Benefit_2
- Related Party Transactions (Tab
- Financial Instruments (Tables)
- Risk Management (Tables)
- Supplementary Cash Flow Infor_2
- Commitments and Contingencies (
- Subsequent Event (Tables)
- Description of Business and S_3
- Description of Business and S_4
- Description of Business and S_5
- Description of Business and S_6
- Description of Business and S_7
- Description of Business and S_8
- Summary of Significant Accoun_3
- Critical Accounting Judgments_2
- General and Administrative - Su
- Finance Costs - Schedule of Fin
- Foreign Exchange (Gain) Loss,_3
- Divestitures - Additional Infor
- Other (Income) Loss, Net - Addi
- Impairment Charges and Revers_3
- Impairment Charges and Revers_4
- Impairment Charges and Revers_5
- Impairment Charges and Revers_6
- Discontinued Operations - Addit
- Income Taxes - Provision for In
- Income Taxes - Additional Infor
- Income Taxes - Reconciliation o
- Income Taxes - Deferred Income
- Income Taxes - Schedule of Move
- Income Taxes - Schedule of Amou
- Per Share Amounts - Schedule Re
- Per Share Amounts - Additional
- Cash and Cash Equivalents - Sch
- Accounts Receivables and Accrue
- Inventories - Schedule of Inven
- Inventories - Additional Inform
- Exploration and Evaluation As_3
- Exploration and Evaluation As_4
- Property, Plant and Equipment_3
- Property, Plant and Equipment_4
- Right of Use Assets, Net - Summ
- Other Assets - Schedule of Othe
- Other Assets - Additional Infor
- Goodwill - Additional Informati
- Accounts Payable and Accrued _3
- Short-Term Borrowings - Additio
- Long-term Debt and Capital St_3
- Long-term Debt and Capital St_4
- Long-term Debt and Capital St_5
- Long-term Debt and Capital St_6
- Long-term Debt and Capital St_7
- Long-term Debt and Capital St_8
- Lease Liabilities - Summary of
- Lease Liabilities - Summary o_2
- Contingent Payment - Summary of
- Contingent Payment - Additional
- Decommissioning Liabilities - S
- Decommissioning Liabilities - A
- Decommissioning Liabilities -_2
- Other Liabilities - Summary of
- Pensions and Other Post-Emplo_3
- Pensions and Other Post-Emplo_4
- Pensions and Other Post-Emplo_5
- Pensions and Other Post-Emplo_6
- Pensions and Other Post-Emplo_7
- Pensions and Other Post-Emplo_8
- Share Capital - Additional Info
- Share Capital - Summary of Shar
- Share Capital - Schedule of Pai
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_3
- Stock-Based Compensation Plan_2
- Stock-Based Compensation Plan_3
- Stock-Based Compensation Plan_4
- Stock-Based Compensation Plan_5
- Stock-Based Compensation Plan_6
- Stock-Based Compensation Plan_7
- Employee Salaries and Benefit_3
- Related Party Transactions - Su
- Financial Instruments - Additio
- Financial Instruments - Reconci
- Financial Instruments - Summary
- Financial Instruments - Summa_2
- Financial Instruments - Summa_3
- Financial Instruments - Summa_4
- Financial Instruments - Summa_5
- Financial Instruments - Summa_6
- Risk Management - Additional In
- Risk Management - Net Fair Valu
- Risk Management - Net Fair Va_2
- Risk Management - Impact of Flu
- Risk Management - Undiscounted
- Supplementary Cash Flow Infor_3
- Supplementary Cash Flow Infor_4
- Commitments and Contingencies -
- Commitments and Contingencies_2
- Commitments and Contingencies_3
- Subsequent Event- Additional In
- Subsequent Event - Summary of D