The Indiana Secretary of State filing office certifies that this copy is on file in this office. Indiana Secretary of State Packet: 198507-375 Filing Date: 07/12/1985 Effective Date: 07/12/1985 ARTICLE II PURPOSES To manufacture, compound, mold, produce, purchase, sell, own, use, develop, pledge, experiment with, license and generally deal in and with materials commonly known as plactics and all other similar materials, products and by-products, and all articles composed in whole or in part of plastic materials and the machinery, equipment, supplies, molds and appliances used or useful in the manufacture, processing, production, packaging and marketing of any of the foregoing. In addition, the corporation shall have the following general : -.. . powers and purposes, which are in furtherance of and not..,in. limitation of the powers Conferredby, law: Article 2.01. To continue as a cprpprationy under its corporate name, perpetually. Article 2.02. To sue and be sHeai-dId4s’d&ipope|isnamev., , Article 2.03. To have- pleasure, and to use such seal; ''.generally,/ But the use ofols-uch.7 “ seal shall be necessary only as required by law. Article 2.04. To acquire., ..on, hold|:; use, lease, mortgage/,;, ‘ pledge, sell, convey or otherwise dispose of property, reairand” personal, tangible or intangible. ‘ Article 2.05. To make contracts and guaranties and incur liabilities, borrow money at such rates of interest as the corporation may determine, issue its notes, bonds and other obligations, and secure any of its obligations, by mortgage or pledge of all or any part of its property, franchises and income. Article 2.06. To conduct business in this State and elsewhere; to have one or more offices out of this state, and to acquire, own, hold and use, and to lease, mortgage, pledge, sell, convey, or otherwise dispose of property, real and personal, tangible and intangible, out of this state. Article 2.07. To acquire, by purchase, exchange or otherwise, all or any part of, or any interest in, the properties, assets, business and goodwill of any one or more persons, firms, associations, or corporations heretofore or hereafter engaged in any business for which a corporation may now or hereafter be organized under the laws of this State; to pay for the same in cash, property, or its own or other securities; to hold, operate, reorganize, liquidate, sell, or in any manner dispose of the whole or any part thereof; and in connection therewith, to assume or guarantee performance of any liabilities, obligations or contracts of such persons, firms, associations or corporations, |