InvestorPresentation December31,2020 SimoneLagomarsino President&ChiefExecutiveOfficer LauraTarantino ExecutiveVicePresident&ChiefFinancialOfficer EXHIBIT 99.2

2 ForwardͲLookingStatement This communication contains a number of forwardͲlooking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forwardͲlooking statements reflect our current views with respect to, among other things, future events and our results of operations, financial condition and financial performance. All statements contained in this communication that are not clearly historical in nature are forwardͲlooking, and the words such as "anticipate," "believe," “continue,” "could," "estimate," "expect," “impact,” "intend," "seek," "may," "outlook," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "will," "would" and similar terms and phrases are generally intended to identify forwardͲlooking statements. These forwardͲlooking statements are not historical facts, and are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about our industry, management’s beliefs and certain assumptions made by management, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and beyond our control. Accordingly, we caution you that any such forwardͲ looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, assumptions and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in these forwardͲlooking statements are reasonable as of the date made, actual results may prove to be materially different from the results expressed or implied by the forwardͲlooking statements. The COVIDͲ19 pandemic is adversely affecting us, our customers, counterparties, employees, and thirdͲparty service providers, and the ultimate extent of the impacts on our business, financial position, results of operations, liquidity, and prospects is uncertain. Continued deterioration in general business and economic conditions, including further increases in unemployment rates, or turbulence in domestic or global financial markets could adversely affect our revenues and the values of our assets and liabilities, reduce the availability of funding, lead to a tightening of credit, and further increase stock price volatility. In addition, changes to statutes, regulations, or regulatory policies or practices as a result of, or in response to COVIDͲ19, could affect us in substantial and unpredictable ways. Other factors include, without limitation, the “Risk Factors” referenced in our Annual Report on Form 10ͲK for the year ended December 31, 2019 and other reports we file with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). The risks and uncertainties listed from time to time in our reports and documents filed with the SEC include the following factors: challenges and uncertainties regarding the COVIDͲ19 pandemic, business and economic conditions generally and in the financial services industry, nationally and within our current and future geographic market areas; economic, market, operational, liquidity, credit and interest rate risks associated with our business; the occurrence of significant natural or manͲmade disasters, including fires, earthquakes, and terrorist acts; public health crisis and pandemics, including the COVIDͲ19 pandemic, and their effects on the economic and business environments in which we operate, including on our credit quality and business operations, as well as the impact on general economic and financial market conditions; our management of risks inherent in our real estate loan portfolio, and the risk of a prolonged downturn in the real estate market; our ability to achieve organic loan and deposit growth and the composition of such growth; the fiscal position of the U.S federal government and the soundness of other financial institutions; changes in consumer spending and savings habits; technological and social media changes; the laws and regulations applicable to our business; increased competition in the financial services industry; changes in the level of our nonperforming assets and chargeͲoffs; uncertainty regarding the future of LIBOR; our involvement from time to time in legal proceedings and examination and remedial actions by regulators; the composition of our management team and our ability to attract and retain key personnel; material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting; systems failures or interruptions involving our information technology and telecommunications systems; and potential exposure to fraud, negligence, computer theft and cyberͲcrime. Luther Burbank Corporation ("LBC", the "Company", "we", "us", or "our") can give no assurance that any goal or expectation set forth in forwardͲlooking statements can be achieved and readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such statements. These forwardͲlooking statements are made as of the date of this communication, and the Company does not intend, and assumes no obligation, to update any forwardͲlooking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which the statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events or circumstances, except as required by law.

3 UseofNonͲGAAPFinancialMeasures This investor presentation contains certain financial measures that are not measures recognized under U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“GAAP”) and therefore, are considered nonͲGAAP financial measures. The Company’s management uses these nonͲGAAP financial measures in their analysis of the Company’s performance, financial condition and the efficiency of its operations. Management believes that these nonͲGAAP financial measures provide a greater understanding of ongoing operations and enhance comparability of results with prior periods as well as demonstrate the effects of significant changes in the current period. The Company’s management also believes that investors find these nonͲGAAP financial measures useful as they assist investors in understanding our underlying operating performance and the analysis of ongoing operating trends. However, the nonͲGAAP financial measures discussed herein should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the most directly comparable or other financial measures calculated in accordance with GAAP. Moreover, the manner in which we calculate the nonͲGAAP financial measures discussed herein may differ from that of other companies reporting measures with similar names. You should understand how such other banking organizations calculate their similar financial measures or with names similar to the nonͲ GAAP financial measures we have discussed herein when comparing such nonͲGAAP financial measures. Below is a listing of the nonͲGAAP financial measures used in this investor presentation. • Pro forma items include provision for income taxes, net income, return on average assets, return on average equity and earnings per share. Prior to January 1, 2018, these pro forma amounts are calculated by adding back our franchise SͲCorporation tax to net income, and using a combined CͲCorporation effective tax rate for Federal and California income taxes of 42.0%. This calculation reflects only the changes in our status as a SͲCorporation and does not give effect to any other transaction. • Efficiency ratio is defined as noninterest expenses divided by operating revenue, which is equal to net interest income plus noninterest income. • Tangible book value and tangible stockholders’ equity to tangible assets are nonͲGAAP measures that exclude the impact of goodwill and are used by the Company’s management to evaluate capital adequacy. Because intangible assets such as goodwill vary extensively from company to company, we believe that the presentation of these nonͲGAAP financial measures allows investors to more easily compare the Company’s capital position to other companies. A reconciliation to these nonͲGAAP financial measures to the most directly comparable GAAP measures are provided in the appendix to this investor presentation.

4 LBCRespondingtoCOVIDͲ19 OurCommunitiesOurDepositors OurBorrowers OurEmployees • Branchofficesremainopen • Abilitytotransactbusiness viamobile,onlineorby telephone • IncreasedATMwithdrawal limitsandnoATMfees; waiversofcertainearly withdrawalpenaltiesand overdraftfees • Customermailingsand websitepostings:LBC contactinformation;howto transactbusiness;greater awarenessaroundscams andcybercriminals;andlinks totheCDC/WHO • Increasedstaffingdedicated tohandlingborrower inquiries • Modificationswithno paymentsfor6monthsfor SingleFamilyResidential (“SFR”)firstͲtimehome buyerborrowers • Modificationswithno paymentsfor3to6months forportfolioSFRand CommercialRealEstate (“CRE”)borrowers • Acceptingapplicationsand continuingtooriginatenew realestateloanswith tightenedcredit underwritingguidelines • Remoteworkcapabilities andflexibleworkinghoursto maintainourproductivity andefficiencywhile minimizingCOVIDͲ19 exposurerisk • Reducedbranchhoursfrom 10a.m.to3p.m.tolimit publicexposure • Specialwellnesspayments foreligiblebranch employees • Implementedfederal,state, andlocalguidanceon protectivemeasures • Frequentcommunication aboutaccesstoemployee benefits • Increasedcontributions tononprofitprograms thatprovideaccessto foodandshelterfor thosemostinneed • DonatedN95masksto localhospital • Successfullysponsored twoofournonͲprofit partnersforFHLB AHEADProgramgrants tobenefitorganizations tacklingthechallenges posedbyCOVIDͲ19to vulnerablehouseholds byprovidingimmediate reliefandfinancial stabilitytobolster resiliency

5 37% 59% 2% 2% 0% AgencyResidentialMBSand CMOs AgencyCommercialMBS& CMOs Agencybonds CRAQualifiedInvestmentFund (CRAIX) OtherInvestments LiquidityManagement (1)Capacitybasedoninternalguidelines. (2)Capacitybasedonpledgedloancollateralspecifictolendingbank. (3)AvailabilitytoborrowfromtheFHLBispermittedupto40%ofLutherBurbankSavings’(the“Bank”)assetsor$2.8billion.AtDecember31,2020,wehad$806.7millionand$62.6millioninoutstandingadvancesandletters ofcreditwiththeFHLB,respectively. (4)At12/31/2020,thesecuritiesportfoliohadanetunrealizedgainpositionof$9.5million. (5)Fortheyearended12/31/2020. OtherBorrowingsSecuritiesPortfolio (4) LiquidityPosition (Dollarsinthousands) Asof12/31/2020 %ofAssets UnrestrictedCash&CashEquivalents $169,941 2.5% UnencumberedLiquidSecurities 605,771 8.8% Unutil izedBrokeredDepositCapacity(1) 739,649 10.7% Unutil izedFHLBBorrowingCapacity(2)(3) 900,020 13.0% Unutil izedFRBBorrowingCapacity(2) 178,593 2.6% Commercial Lines ofCredit 50,000 0.7% Total Liquidity $2,643,974 38.3% Total Assets $6,906,104 Type Amount Outstanding 12/31/2020 Costof Borrowings(5) FHLBAdvances $807million 2.25% SeniorNotes $95million 6.67% TrustPreferred $62million 2.22%

6 LimitedExposuretoNonresidentialCRE • AtDecember31,2020,theBankhadfoursecuredlinesofcreditwithatotalcommitmentof$11.0million.Therearenounsecuredlinesofcredit intheportfolio. • TheBankdidnotparticipateinthePaycheckProtectionProgramgiventhesmallamountofbusinessclientsinourcustomerbase. OtherLoanNotes: (1)ConstructionandlanddevelopmentLTViscalculatedbasedonan“ascompleted”propertyvalue. December31,2020LoanPortfolioComposition Construction& Land Development 0% SingleFamily Residential 29% Multifamily Residential 68% CommercialReal Estate 3% OtherLoans 0% ($ in 000's) Count Balance Weighted Avg. LTV (1) % of Total Loans Multifamily Real Estate 2,578 4,100,831$ 56.6% 67.7% Single Family Real Estate 1,832 1,723,953 63.9% 28.5% Commercial Real Estate Type: Strip Retail 23 48,808 51.1% 0.8% Mid Rise Office 7 39,222 65.0% 0.6% Low Rise Office 13 25,791 55.4% 0.4% Medical Office 7 20,426 62.3% 0.3% Multi-Tenant Industrial 8 12,782 49.1% 0.2% Anchored Retail 3 12,216 53.2% 0.2% More than 50% commercial 11 10,848 47.2% 0.2% Shopping Center 4 8,778 50.5% 0.1% Unanchored Retail 7 8,495 44.4% 0.1% Shadow Retail 4 6,978 59.6% 0.1% Warehouse 4 3,082 41.3% 0.1% Flex Industrial 2 2,488 64.1% 0.0% Restaurant 2 1,527 34.0% 0.0% Light Manufacturing 1 1,341 49.4% 0.0% Other 1 89 16.9% 0.0% Commercial Real Estate 97 202,871 55.1% 3.4% Construction & Land Development 11 22,061 56.5% 0.4% Non-mortgage Loans 1 100 N/A 0.0% Total 4,519 6,049,816$ 58.6% 100.0%

7 COVIDͲ19HardshipModifications CompletedApplicationsReceivedbyMonth PaymentDeferralLoanModificationsasofDecember31,2020 ApplicationsbyStatus 501 Modification Completed 58% Withdrawn 20% Denied 14% ApprovedNot Accepted 8% ($in000's) #of Loans Current Balance %ofLoan Portfolio Segment Weighted Avg.LTV Weighted Avg. DSR/DTI(4 #of Loans Current Balance %ofTotal Modified Loans #of Loans Current Balance %ofTotal Modified Loans Multifamilyresidential 99 $176,787 4.3% 60.1% 1.3 99 $176,787 100.0% Ͳ$Ͳ 0.0% Singlefamilyresidential 135 145,642 8.6% 68.9% 39.6 134 144,531 99.2% 1 1,111 0.8% Commercialrealestate 20 53,576 26.5% 57.4% 1.3 20 53,576 100.0% ͲͲ 0.0% Total 254 $376,005 6.3% 63.1% N/A 253 $374,894 99.7% 1 $1,111 0.3% (3)TheoutstandingloanincludedinRemainingModifiedLoanshasnotrequestedadditionalassistanceandisscheduledtoresumepaymentsinFebruary2021. (4)Weightedaveragedebtserviceratio("DSR")anddebtͲtoͲincome("DTI")arepreͲCOVIDͲ19measures. TotalLoansModified(1) TotalLoansReturned/Returning toPaymentStatus(1)(2) RemainingModifiedLoans(1)(3) (1) As of December 31, 2020, 25 single family loans totaling $33.4 million and 5 multifamily loans totaling $9.7 million have paid off subsequent to their modification and are excluded from the table above. (2) Loans which the borrower has confirmed payments will resume at the end of the modification period are included within Loans Returned/Returning to Payment Status and excluded from Remaining Modified Loans. As of December 31, 2020, 250 loans totaling $372.4 million, have returned to scheduled payments. 2 loans totaling $770 thousand are scheduled to resume payments in January 2021. Theremainingloantotaling$1.7millioninitiallyresumedmakingpaymentsbuthassubsequentlyreturnedtodelinquentstatusasofDecember31,2020.

8 COVIDͲ19HardshipModifications PaymentDeferralLoanModificationsasofDecember31,2020 (1) TheoutstandingloanincludedinRemainingModifiedLoanshasnotrequestedadditionalassistanceandisscheduledtoresumepaymentsinFebruary2021. (2) WeightedaverageDSRandDTIarepreͲCOVIDͲ19measures. (3) LoanswhichtheborrowerhasconfirmedpaymentswillresumeattheendofthemodificationperiodareincludedwithinLoansReturned/ReturningtoPaymentStatus. ($in000's) #ofLoans Current Balance %ofLoan PortfolioSegment Weighted Avg.LTV WeightedAvg. DSR/DTI(2) Singlefamilyresidential 1 $1,111 0.1% 61.7% 46.5 RemainingModifiedLoans(1) ($in000's) #ofLoans CurrentBalance #ofLoans CurrentBalance December1,2020andprior: Multifamilyresidential 99 $176,787 Ͳ $Ͳ Singlefamilyresidential 132 143,761 Ͳ Ͳ Commercial real estate 20 53,576 Ͳ Ͳ January1,2021: Singlefamilyresidential 2 770 Ͳ Ͳ February1,2021: Singlefamilyresidential Ͳ Ͳ 1 1,111 Total 253 $374,894 1 $1,111 TotalLoansReturned/ReturningtoPaymentStatus (3) RemainingModifiedLoans (1) ReturntoPaymentDates

9 AllowanceforLoanLosses Q42020AllowanceforLoanLossesComponents YTD12/31/2020AllowanceforLoanLossesComponents Rollforward($in000's) Balance 9/30/2020AllowanceforLoanLosses 46,063$ COVIDͲ19impact 1,206 Netrecoveries 151 Declineinportfolioandotherchanges (1,206) 12/31/2020AllowanceforLoanLosses 46,214$ Rollforward($in000's) Balance 12/31/2019AllowanceforLoanLosses 36,001$ COVIDͲ19impact 12,449 NetchargeͲoffs (337) Declineinportfolioandotherchanges (1,899) 12/31/2020AllowanceforLoanLosses 46,214$

10 CapitalManagement • Afterreturningexcesscapitaltoshareholdersoverthepastfewyears,ourcapitalratioscontinuetobewellaboveregulatoryminimums. • CommonsharesoutstandingatDecember31,2020werereducedby3.8millionshares,or7%,comparedtoDecember31,2019. • Returned$48.4milliontoshareholdersduringtheyearendedDecember31,2020. • Netsharerepurchasesof$36.1million. • Quarterlycommonstockdividendsof$0.0575pershare,or$12.3million. CommonEquityTier1RiskͲBasedRatioTier1LeverageRatio Tier1RiskͲBasedCapitalRatio TotalRiskͲBasedCapitalRatio $384mm,or 136%,above regulatory minimum $335mm,or 125%,above regulatory minimum $340mm,or 104%,above regulatory minimum $311mm,or 77%,above regulatory minimum 4.0% 9.5% RegulatoryMinimum 12/31/2020 7.0% 15.8% RegulatoryMinimum 12/31/2020 8.5% 17.4% RegulatoryMinimum 12/31/2020 10.5% 18.6% RegulatoryMinimum 12/31/2020

11 FranchiseOverviewandFinancialHighlights (1) Financialdataasoforfortheyearended12/31/2020.SeeNonͲGAAPReconciliationinAppendixhereto. (2) Proformahighlightsareadjustedfortheimpactofa$10.4millionnonͲrecurringcostincurredinconnectionwiththeprepaymentof$150millionoflongͲtermFHLBborrowingsinlateDecember2020.SeeNonͲGAAP ReconciliationinAppendixhereto. (3) Includesmultifamilyresidential,commercialrealestate,andconstructionloans. FinancialHighlights12/31/2020(1) Branch(11) LoanProductionOffice(7) **Highlightedcountiesindicateprimarylendingmarkets OurSmallNetworkofLargeBranches OR CA WA San Francisco Los Angeles 1 2 59 367 8 4 A 1 5 9 4 37 6 2 10 *Acquisitiondate 11 # BranchLocation DateEstablished 1 SantaRosa Oct.1983 $1,079.8 2 SanRafael Sep.1996* 603.3 3 Encino Aug.2007 511.0 4 BeverlyHills Jul.2010 401.8 5 LosAltos Aug.2000 335.5 6 Pasadena May2009 346.5 7 Toluca Lake Jan.2008 302.0 8 LongBeach Jun.2015 318.5 9 SanJose Jun.2012 250.3 10 Bellevue Jun.2018 103.1 11 ElSegundo Jan.2020 47.8 50.0 BusinessBanking 914.7 A CorporateOffice 964.7 TotalDeposits $5,264.3 Dec31,2020 Deposits ($mm) WholesaleDeposits Actual Proforma (2) Tota l Assets ($mm) $6,906 Tota l Loans HFI($mm) $6,050 Tota l Depos i ts ($mm) $5,264 Loans /Depos i ts 115% Tangible CommonEquity/Tang.Assets 8.8% Leverage Capita l Ratio 9.5% Tota l RiskͲBasedCapita l Ratio 18.6% Tota l CRELoans (3)/Tota l RiskͲBasedCapita l 606% ROAA 0.56% 0.67% ROAE 6.53% 7.74% NetInterestMargin 1.97% EPSͲFul lyDi luted $0.75 $0.89 EfficiencyRatio 52.4% 45.0% NoninterestExpense /Avg.Assets 1.04% 0.90% NPAs /Assets 0.09% ALLL/Loans HFI 0.76% Ful l ͲTime Employees (FTE) 277

12 Historyof Profitability WellͲPositionedin StrategicMarkets Demonstrated OrganicGrowth Engine Strong ManagementTeamand RobustInfrastructure Strong AssetQuality Efficient Operations KeyHighlights Note:Financialdataasoforfortheyearended12/31/2020.SeeNonͲGAAPReconciliationinAppendixhereto. 4 3 2 1 6 5 ¾ Recordedconsecutivequarterlyprofitssinceoursecond quarterofoperations ¾ Survivedandprosperedthroughnumerouseconomiccycles duringourmorethan37Ͳyearhistory ¾ WestCoastgatewaycitiesinsupplyͲconstrainedmarkets withstrongjobgrowthandlimitedaffordablehousing ¾ Achievedeeperpenetrationofourlendinganddeposit gatheringoperationsinourattractiveWestCoastmarkets ¾ ExpandintocontiguousmarketsontheWestCoastto completeourSeattletoSanDiegofootprint ¾ Multifamily: professionalrealestateinvestorsfocusedon investinginstable,cashͲflowingassets ¾ SingleFamily: primaryresidence,secondhomeor investmentproperty ¾ RetailDeposits: strongbasebuiltonahighlevelofservice, competitiveratesandourreputationforstrengthand security ¾ Ledby President&CEOSimoneLagomarsino(31+yearsof bankingexperience) ¾ Investedheavilyinpeopleandinfrastructureoverthelast severalyears ¾ Ourmostimportantfocus ¾ Strict,qualityorientedunderwritingandcreditmonitoring processes ¾ 0.09%NPAs/TotalAssets ¾ Maintainasmallnetworkoflargebranches($391million avg.branchsize) ¾ 52.4%efficiencyratio,1.04%noninterestexpense/average assetsand277FTEs ¾ ExcludingtheimpactofthenonͲrecurringcostassociated withtheprepaymentofFHLBborrowings,efficiencyratio andnoninterestexpense/averageassetswouldhavebeen 45.0%and0.90%,respectively 1.HistoryofProfitability 2.WellͲPositionedinStrategicMarkets 3.DemonstratedOrganicGrowthEngine 4.StrongManagementTeamandRobustInfrastructure 5.StrongAssetQuality 6.EfficientOperations

13 TopMultifamilyLendersintheUnitedStates Source:S&PGlobalMarketIntelligence (1) Representsdelinquentmultifamilyloansasapercentageoftotalmultifamilyloans.Delinquentloansinclude30+dayspastdueandnonaccrualloans. (2) IncludesallU.S.commercialbanks,savingsbanksandsavingsandloanassociations. Top25BanksandThriftsbyMultifamilyLoans (Dollarsinbillions) AsofSeptember30,2020 MultifamilyLoansChangeSince(%) Delinquency Total Multifamily June30, September30, %of ChangeSince(bps) Rank InstitutionName Headquarters Assets Loans 2020 2019 Multifamily(1) September30,2019 1. JPMorganChase &Co. NewYork,NY 3,246.1 74.51 (0.8) 1.6 0.09 4 2. NewYorkCommunityBancorp,Inc. Westbury,NY 54.9 32.12 1.6 6.1 0.01 (1) 3. Signature Bank NewYork,NY 63.8 15.29 0.6 0.7 0.17 3 4. Wel ls Fargo&Company SanFrancisco,CA 1,922.2 14.90 1.4 0.9 0.42 19 5. Fi rs tRepubl icBank SanFrancisco,CA 133.2 13.39 1.6 14.5 0.01 1 6. Capita l One Financia l Corporation McLean,VA 421.9 12.84 3.7 3.8 0.91 70 7. SantanderHoldings USA,Inc. Boston,MA 145.7 8.68 1.3 2.1 1.03 89 8. Ci tigroupInc. NewYork,NY 2,234.5 8.39 (0.4) 0.1 3.10 298 9. MUFGAmericas Holdings Corporation NewYork,NY 164.0 7.38 (1.5) 11.0 0.33 (12) 10. Investors Bancorp,Inc. ShortHi l l s ,NJ 26.6 7.26 (2.0) (9.4) 0.78 30 11. PNCFinancia l Services Group,Inc. Pi ttsburgh,PA 461.9 6.97 9.7 3.0 2.04 197 12. Truis tFinancia l Corporation Charlotte,NC 499.2 5.51 (0.6) 103.2 0.00 (63) 13. Val leyNational Bancorp Wayne,NJ 40.7 5.22 (5.0) 30.2 0.23 19 14. Paci ficPremierBancorp,Inc. Irvine,CA 19.8 5.15 (1.6) 216.8 0.00 0 15. BankofAmerica Corp. Charlotte,NC 2,738.5 5.10 (7.4) (5.0) 0.04 0 16. TDGroupUSHoldings LLC Wi lmington,DE 488.4 4.80 3.3 16.7 0.64 50 17. M&TBankCorporation Buffa lo,NY 138.6 4.67 1.2 17.4 0.79 (8) 18. Sterl ingBancorp Pearl River,NY 30.6 4.60 0.3 (3.8) 0.37 23 19. KeyCorp Cleveland,OH 171.3 4.28 (4.4) 6.9 0.43 16 20. LutherBurbankCorporation SantaRosa,CA 7.1 4.09 0.1 3.2 0.01 (18) 21. U.S.Bancorp Minneapol i s ,MN 540.5 3.92 (0.1) 3.5 0.36 (4) 22. CIBCBancorpUSAInc. Chicago,IL 53.4 3.85 0.9 12.2 0.08 8 23. HSBCNorthAmerica Holdings Inc. NewYork,NY 264.5 3.53 0.0 7.3 0.00 0 24. People's UnitedFinancia l Inc. Bridgeport,CT 60.9 3.46 (4.9) 3.4 0.47 36 25. Umpqua Holdings Corporation Portland,OR 29.4 3.44 (2.2) (2.6) 0.05 5 BankingIndustryAggregate(2) 478.40 0.9 5.8 0.39 18

14 MultifamilyLoansͲ IndustryTrends Source:S&PGlobalMarketIntelligence AnalysisincludesallU.S.commercialbanks,savingsbanksandsavingsandloanassociations. (1) Representsnonaccrualandpastduemultifamilyloansasapercentageoftotalmultifamilyloans. (2) Representsnonaccrualandpastduegrossloansandleasesasapercentageofgrossloansandleases. MultifamilyLoanGrowth MultifamilyLoanDelinquencies (1) (2)

15 LutherBurbankPeerGroup Source:S&PGlobalMarketIntelligence.GAAPdatawhenavailable,otherwiseFRYͲ9C’sandbankcallreportsasoforforthethreemonthsended9/30/2020.NotethatSNLearningsratiosmaydifferfromCompanyasSNL annualizesonequarterratherthanusingdatafor12months. (1) Nonperformingassets(“NPA”)includesperformingtroubleddebtrestructurings. (2) Compoundannualgrowthrate(“CAGR”)from12/31/2016to9/30/2020. ¾ IncludesallmajorexchangeͲtradedbanksandthriftsnationwideasofandforthequarterendedSeptember30,2020with: 9 Totalassets>$1billion 9 Grossloans/assets>65% 9 Multifamilyloans/totalloans>30% 9 MFR+SFR+CRE/totalloans>75% GeneralInformation Profitability Capital&BalanceSheetRatios AssetQuality(1) Bal.SheetGrowth(2) Total NPA/ NCO/ Gross Total Total Multifamily Yieldon Costof NIE/Avg. Eff. TCE/ Leverage Capital Loans/ LLR/ Loans Avg. Loans Deposits Assets Loans ROAA ROAE NIM Loans Deposits Assets Ratio TA Ratio Ratio Deposits Loans +OREO Loans CAGR CAGR InstitutionName Ticker State ($bn) ($bn) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) LutherBurbankCorporation LBC CA 7.1 4.1 0.80 9.43 2.06 3.66 1.18 0.91 44.6 8.6 9.2 18.2 115 0.75 0.10 (0.01) 8.8 13.0 PeerGroup: 1. DimeCommunityBancshares,Inc. DCOM NY 6.6 2.9 0.98 9.22 2.91 3.86 0.69 1.53 49.0 8.0 10.1 16.3 123 0.87 0.22 (0.01) Ͳ0.3 0.0 2. FirstFoundationInc. FFWM CA 6.5 2.6 1.76 18.93 3.09 4.00 0.85 1.75 40.1 9.1 8.2 11.4 93 0.47 0.47 0.01 17.4 24.2 3. FlushingFinancialCorporation FFIC NY 7.1 2.3 0.81 9.94 3.09 4.12 0.64 1.68 58.1 8.1 9.0 13.8 119 0.65 0.50 0.06 5.6 4.5 4. InvestorsBancorp,Inc. ISBC NJ 26.6 7.3 0.95 9.72 2.75 NA 0.73 1.44 48.0 9.7 9.8 14.6 108 1.37 0.69 0.01 2.9 6.2 5. KearnyFinancialCorp. KRNY NJ 7.3 2.1 0.62 4.07 2.70 4.21 0.98 1.84 63.6 12.8 12.9 22.1 97 1.30 1.06 0.01 14.6 17.6 6. MalagaBankF.S.B. CA 1.3 1.0 1.49 11.99 3.02 4.03 0.59 0.92 30.5 12.8 12.5 21.1 145 0.31 0.00 0.00 7.5 1.6 7. MarquetteBank IL 1.8 0.6 0.62 6.16 3.39 4.24 0.30 3.18 76.5 8.2 7.9 13.6 80 1.33 2.31 0.12 1.8 3.6 8. NewYorkCommunityBancorp,Inc. NYCB NY 54.9 32.1 0.85 6.89 2.28 3.58 0.86 0.95 43.4 7.3 8.4 13.0 135 0.44 0.16 (0.01) 2.3 2.5 9. NorthfieldBancorp,Inc. NFBK NJ 5.6 2.4 0.63 4.61 2.54 3.98 0.71 1.75 NA 12.9 13.0 NA 89 1.04 0.43 0.00 6.3 11.8 10. ProvidentSavingsBank,F.S.B. CA 1.2 0.5 0.57 5.88 2.97 4.16 0.28 2.31 72.1 9.6 9.6 18.2 96 0.95 1.56 0.00 Ͳ3.8 Ͳ0.9 11. WaterstoneFinancial,Inc. WSBF WI 2.2 0.6 4.80 26.44 2.86 4.31 1.32 9.49 NA 18.0 18.1 23.8 148 1.04 0.85 (0.02) 7.2 6.1 Average: 1.28 10.35 2.87 4.05 0.72 2.44 53.5 10.6 10.9 16.8 112 0.89 0.75 0.02 5.6 7.0 Median: 0.85 9.22 2.91 4.08 0.71 1.75 49.0 9.6 9.8 15.4 108 0.95 0.50 0.00 5.6 4.5

16 OurLendingBusiness Note:Dataasof12/31/2020. MultifamilyResidentialLoans Markets: ¾ Highbarriertoentryfornewdevelopment;littlelandtodevelop ¾ Limitedsupplyofnewhousing ¾ Highvariancebetweencosttoownandrent Deals: ¾ Stabilizedandseasonedassets ¾ Older,smallerpropertieswithrentsat/belowmarketlevels, cateringtolowerandmiddleincomerenters Sponsors: ¾ Experiencedrealestateprofessionalswhodesireregular income/cashflowstreamsandarefocusedonbuildingwealth steadilyovertime SingleFamilyResidentialLoans PropertyTypes: ¾ BothownerͲoccupiedandinvestorowned BrokerNetwork: ¾ Primarilythirdpartymortgagebrokerswiththeintentionof retainingtheseloansinourportfolio Originations: ¾ Majorityareforpurchasetransactions ¾ Alsoproviderefinancing UnderwritingFocus: ¾ Debtratios ¾ LoantoValue ¾ Creditscores ¾ Borrower’sliquidityandcashreserves 0.09% NPAs/Assets 0.10% NPLs/Loans MultifamilyPortfolioHighlights ¾ $1.6millionaverageloanbalance ¾ 14.6unitsaverage ¾ 57%averageloanͲtoͲvalueratio ¾ 1.54xaveragedebtservicecoverageratio SingleFamilyPortfolioHighlights ¾ $928thousandaverageloanbalance ¾ 64%averageloanͲtoͲvalueratio ¾ 751averagecreditscore

17 ¾ FirstMortgages ¾ HybridStructures • 25Ͳ or30Ͳyearamortization • 10Ͳ,25Ͳ or30Ͳyearmaturities • 3Ͳ,5Ͳ,7Ͳ or10Ͳyearfixedrateperiods ¾ InterestOnlyOption • LowerloanͲtoͲvalueratios • Underwriteatamortizingpayment ¾ InvestorͲOwnerPurchaseorRefinance ¾ LinesofCredit • Realestatesecuredonly/specificbusiness purpose/fullyadjustable/shortterm OurLendingProducts Multifamily/CommercialRealEstateLending SingleFamilyResidentialLending ¾ FirstMortgages ¾ HybridStructures • 30Ͳ or40Ͳyearamortization • 30Ͳ or40Ͳyearmaturities • 3Ͳ,5Ͳ,7Ͳ or10Ͳyearfixedrateperiods ¾ FullDocumentation ¾ InterestOnly ¾ PurchaseorRefinanceTransactions ¾ PrimaryResidence,SecondHomeorInvestor programs ¾ LowͲ andModerateͲincomelendingprogram • 30Ͳyearfixedmortgagesandforgivablesecond mortgagesforfirsttimehomebuyers

18 LoanPortfolio (1) Asoforfortheyearended12/31/2020. HistoricalLoanGrowth 3.73%yieldonloans(1);3.99% weightedaveragecoupon LoanPortfolioComposition MultifamilyLoansbyLendingArea SingleFamilyLoansbyLendingArea

19 AssetQuality ¾ Riskmanagementisacorecompetencyof ourbusiness ¾ Extensiveexpertiseamongourlending andcreditadministrationstaffand executiveofficers ¾ Creditdecisionsaremadeefficientlyand consistentwithourunderwriting standards ¾ Continuousevaluationofriskandreturn ¾ Strictseparationbetweenbusiness developmentandcreditdecisions ¾ Vigilantresponsetoadverseeconomic conditionsandspecificproblemcredits ¾ Strict,qualityorientedunderwritingand creditmonitoringprocesses ¾ 12/31/2020NPAs/TotalAssetsof0.09%; NPLs/TotalLoansof0.10% ¾ NPAsandloans90+dayspastduetototal assetshavebeenatlowlevelssince2014 ¾ Noforeclosuressince2015 Culture Approach Results NonperformingAssets/TotalAssets $2.7 $6.9 $2.0 $6.3 $5.6 $4.9 $4.8 $6.3 0.05% 0.12% 0.03% 0.09% 0.08% 0.07% 0.07% 0.09% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% $0.0 $10.0 $20.0 $30.0 December31, 2016 December31, 2017 December31, 2018 December31, 2019 March31, 2020 June30, 2020 September30, 2020 December31, 2020 AssetQualityͲ NonperformingAssets($inmillions) NonperformingAssets(excludingperformingtroubleddebtrestructuings) NonperformingAssets/TotalAssets

20 LoanOriginationVolumeandRates Pipeline: • TotalloanpipelineatDecember31,2020is$330.7million($278.8millionCREat3.483%weightedaveragecoupon(“WAC”),$51.9millionSFR at3.525%WAC).Aportionofourpipelinewillultimatelyfallout/notfundandloanswithoutratelocksaresubjecttoongoingrate increases/decreases. • Q22019originationsincludea$10.1millionCREloanpurchase. • Q12020originationsincludea$20.4million CREloanpurchase. $2,073.6 $2,140.3 $2,047.8 $311.5 $333.1 $457.5 $487.9 $382.4 $235.2 $412.7 $385.2 3.51% 4.00% 4.63% 4.35% 3.70% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00% 4.50% 5.00% $0 $500 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 December31, 2016 December31, 2017 December31, 2018 December31, 2019 December31, 2020 TotalLoansOriginatedYTD($inmillions) &WeightedAverageLoanCoupon 3.66% 3.78% 3.98% Q3 Q2 Q1 4.15% 4.26% 4.44% 4.62% Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 $1,441.4 3.39% $1,564.1 Q4

21 $1,091.4 $1,366.8 $1,218.3 $207.3 $217.5 $303.4 $269.1 $215.3 $166.7 $246.9 $293.4 3.43% 4.02% 4.60% 4.40% 3.67% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00% 4.50% 5.00% $0 $250 $500 $750 $1,000 $1,250 $1,500 December31, 2016 December31, 2017 December31, 2018 December31, 2019 December31, 2020 CRELoansOriginatedYTD($inmillions) &WeightedAverageLoanCoupon Q4 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q3 Q2 Q1 CRELoanOriginationVolumeandRates • Q22019originationsincludea$10.1millionCREloanpurchase. • Q12020originationsincludea$20.4millionCREloanpurchase. $972.9 4.16% 4.34% 4.49% 4.61% $946.7 3.65% 3.78% 3.95% 3.36%

22 SFRLoanOriginationVolumeandRates 5.15% $815.5 $756.1 $828.8 $104.2 $115.6 $154.1 $218.8 $167.1 $68.6 $165.8 $91.8 3.56% 3.94% 4.67% 4.29% 3.77% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50% 4.00% 4.50% 5.00% $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 December31, 2016 December31, 2017 December31, 2018 December31, 2019 December31, 2020 SFRLoansOriginatedYTD($inmillions) &WeightedAverageLoanCoupon 3.49% $591.2 4.14% 4.16% 4.34% 4.63% Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q3 Q2 Q1 3.69% 3.78% 4.02% $494.8 Q4

23 LoanPortfolioRates • AtDecember31,2020,loansrepresenting72%oftheloanportfolio,or$4.3billioninaggregateoutstandingprincipalbalance,areattheirfloors. 3.000% 3.200% 3.400% 3.600% 3.800% 4.000% 4.200% 4.400% 4.600% 4.800% 5.000% Ja n M ar M ay Ju l Se p N ov Ja n M ar M ay Ju l Se p N ov Ja n M ar M ay Ju l Se p N ov Ja n M ar M ay Ju l Se p N ov Ja n M ar M ay Ju l Se p N ov 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 RateonOriginations RateonPrincipalReductions/Sales RateonLoanPortfolio

24 LoanPrepaymentSpeeds 3.00% 8.00% 13.00% 18.00% 23.00% 28.00% 33.00% 38.00% Ja n M ar M ay Ju l Se p N ov Ja n M ar M ay Ju l Se p N ov Ja n M ar M ay Ju l Se p N ov Ja n M ar M ay Ju l Se p N ov Ja n M ar M ay Ju l Se p N ov 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CP R TotalLoans SFRLoans CRELoans Conditionalprepaymentrate("CPR")basedon12monthrollingaverageofmonthlyprepaymentrates(SMM)

25 BranchLocation Consumer Business Wholesale Total Deposits SantaRosa $1,033.5 $46.3 $0.0 $1,079.8 SanRafael 531.7 71.6 0.0 603.3 Encino 503.8 7.2 0.0 511.0 BeverlyHills 392.2 9.6 0.0 401.8 LosAltos 327.9 7.6 0.0 335.5 Pasadena 343.6 2.9 0.0 346.5 Toluca Lake 290.8 11.2 0.0 302.0 LongBeach 314.5 4.0 0.0 318.5 SanJose 163.8 86.5 0.0 250.3 Bellevue 102.1 1.0 0.0 103.1 ElSegundo 42.9 4.9 0.0 47.8 CorporateOffice 54.4 860.3 50.0 964.7 TotalDeposits $4,101.2 $1,113.1 $50.0 $5,264.3 NoninterestͲ bearingDeposits 2% MMDAs&Other SavingsDeposits 34% InterestChecking Deposits 6% TimeDeposits 58% DepositComposition (1) Asoforfortheyearended12/31/2020. HistoricalDepositGrowth&PortfolioComposition 1.38%costofinterestͲbearingdeposits(1) DepositBreakdownbyBranch($inmillions)(1) $3,334.0 $3,951.3 $5,001.0 $5,234.7 $5,285.4 $5,383.5 $5,276.7 $5,264.3 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 December31, 2016 December31, 2017 December31, 2018 December31, 2019 March31, 2020 June30, 2020 September30, 2020 December31, 2020 TotalDeposits($inmillions)

26 DepositGrowth/Balance GrowthTrend $3,143.0 $3,418.0 $3,852.6 $3,845.5 $3,859.3 $3,903.4 $4,144.1 $4,101.2 $105.0 $253.9 $440.1 $416.0 $545.0 $380.0 $95.0 $50.0 $86.0 $279.4 $708.3 $973.2 $881.1 $1,100.1 $1,037.6 $1,113.1 $Ͳ $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 December31, 2016 December31, 2017 December31, 2018 December31, 2019 March31, 2020 June30, 2020 September30, 2020 December31, 2020 DepositGrowthbySegment($inmillions) RetailͲConsumer Wholesale RetailͲBusiness ($12.4) $617.3 $1,049.7 $233.7 $50.7 $98.1 ($106.8)

27 HOA 10% 1031Exchange 27% Fiduciary 36% UnionAccounts 7% ZeroInterest 4% Other 16% BusinessDepositComposition ByVertical December31,2019 December31,2020 Totalbusinessdepositsof$973.2million Totalbusinessdepositsof$1.1billion HOA 6% 1031Exchange 6% Fiduciary 58% UnionAccounts 8% ZeroInterest 5% Other 17%

28 EfficientOperationsResultinConsistentProfitability (1) Forperiodspriorto2018,netincomeadjustedforCͲCorpstatusassumes42%taxrate.SeeNonͲGAAPReconciliationinAppendixhereto. (2) Proformafinancialhighlightsadjustedfortheimpactofa$10.4millionnonͲrecurringcostincurredinconnectionwiththeprepaymentof$150millionoflongͲtermFHLBborrowingsinlateDecember2020. ReturnonAverageAssets(1) ReturnonAverageEquity(1) EfficiencyRatio NoninterestExpensetoAverageAssets 0.67% 0.69% 0.70% 0.69% 0.56% 0.67% Fullyear 12/31/2016 Fullyear 12/31/2017 FullYear 12/31/2018 FullYear 12/31/2019 FullYear 12/31/2020 ROAA ProFormaROAA (2) 8.02% 8.89% 7.96% 8.15% 6.53% 7.74% Fullyear 12/31/2016 Fullyear 12/31/2017 FullYear 12/31/2018 FullYear 12/31/2019 FullYear 12/31/2020 ROAE ProFormaROAE (2) 59.8% 47.8% 48.5% 46.9% 52.4% 45.0% Fullyear 12/31/2016 Fullyear 12/31/2017 FullYear 12/31/2018 FullYear 12/31/2019 FullYear 12/31/2020 EfficiencyRatio ProFormaEfficiencyRatio (2) 1.3% 1.0% 1.0% 0.9% 1.0% 0.9% Fullyear 12/31/2016 Fullyear 12/31/2017 FullYear 12/31/2018 FullYear 12/31/2019 FullYear 12/31/2020 NoninterestExptoAvgAssets ProFormaNoninterestExptoAvgAssets (2)

29 NetInterestMargin QuarterlyNetInterestMargin NetInterestMargin 1.86% 1.75% 1.84% 1.89% 1.84% 1.88% 2.03% 2.13% Q12019 Q22019 Q32019 Q42019 Q12020 Q22020 Q32020 Q42020 2.04% 2.05% 1.98% 1.84% 1.97% Fullyear 12/31/2016 Fullyear 12/31/2017 FullYear 12/31/2018 FullYear 12/31/2019 FullYear 12/31/2020

30 InterestRateRiskAnalysis Onaquarterlybasis,theCompanymeasuresandreportsNIIandEVEatRisktoisolatethechangeinincomeandequityrelated solelytointerestͲearningassetsandinterestͲbearingliabilities.Bothmodelsmeasureinstantaneousparallelshifts inmarket interestrates,impliedbytheforwardyieldcurve. NIIImpact($inmillions) EVEImpact($inmillions)

31 EconomicValueofEquityTrend (1) ForLutherBurbankSavings Ͳ35% Ͳ30% Ͳ25% Ͳ20% Ͳ15% Ͳ10% Ͳ5% 0% +200bpShock +100bpShock (1) (1)

32 DepositsͲ CostofFundsComparison (1) BetaiscalculatedusinganaverageFedFundsRate. 0.000 0.500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 A ve .M on th ly R at e % DepositPortfolioCostofFunds FedFunds DepositPortfolioBeta31% Jan. 2018Ͳ Dec. 2020(1) DepositPortfolioBeta50% Dec.2019Ͳ Dec.2020 (1)

33 ExecutiveManagement Simone Lagomarsino. Ms. Lagomarsino, serves as President and Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of the Company and the Bank. Ms. Lagomarsino has served on our Board of Directors since November 30, 2018. Prior to joining the Company, Ms. Lagomarsino was President and CEO of the Western Bankers Association and a director of Pacific Premier Bancorp. (NASDAQ: PPBI). From 2011 to 2016, she served as CEO of Heritage Oaks Bank, and President and CEO and a director of Heritage Oaks Bancorp. Ms. Lagomarsino also previously held executive positions with Hawthorne Financial Corporation, Ventura County National Bank, and Kinecta Federal Credit Union. In addition to her role at the Company, Ms. Lagomarsino serves on the board of directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco and Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. (NYSE: HASI). Laura Tarantino.Ms. Tarantino serves as Chief Financial Officer of the Company and Bank, a position she has held since 2006. In this role, she oversees all aspects of financial reporting including strategic planning, asset/liability management, taxation and regulatory filings. She also serves on the Company's Executive Committee. Ms. Tarantino has over 28 years of experience with the Bank, having joined as Controller in 1992. She previously served as Audit Manager for KPMG LLP, San Francisco, specializing in the financial services industry. In addition to her role at the Company, Ms. Tarantino has served as an audit committee member for the Santa Rosa Council on Aging since 2012. Ms. Tarantino is a CPA (inactive) and holds a B.S. in Business Administration Ͳ Finance & Accounting with summa cum laude honors from San Francisco State University. Bill Fanter. Mr. Fanter serves the Company as Head of Retail Banking. In this role he is responsible for expanding the Bank’s deposit offerings and creating greater access to its products and services, including consumer deposit generation across traditional branch and online banking platforms. He is also a member of the Company's Executive Committee. Prior to joining the Company in 2020, Mr. Fanter served as Executive Vice President, Head of Retail Banking at Opus Bank from 2019 and previous to that, as Senior Vice President, Consumer and Business Banking Market Executive at U.S. Bank from 2003Ͳ2019. His background also includes positions as Director of Automation Services at Kirchman Corporation and several roles culminating with Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer at GreatBanc, Inc.

34 ExecutiveManagementͲ Continued Parham Medhat. Mr. Medhat serves the Company as Chief Operations and Technology Officer. In this role he is responsible for deposit operations, information technology, project management and marketing; he is also a member of the Company’s Executive Committee. Prior to joining the Bank in 2019, Mr. Medhat served as Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer at CTBC from 2014 to 2019; previous to that as Senior Vice President, Director of Bank Operations at Opus Bank; and in several roles over thirteen years at CapitalSource Bank. Mr. Medhat holds a M.A. in Educational–Instructional Technology from California State University, Dominguez Hills and a B.A. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from California State University, Long Beach. Tammy Mahoney. Ms. Mahoney joined the Company in 2016 and serves as the Chief Risk Officer. In her role, Ms. Mahoney oversees the Company's compliance, internal audit and risk management functions; she is also a member of its Executive Committee. Prior to joining the Bank, Ms. Mahoney served as Senior Vice President of Enterprise Risk and Compliance at Opus Bank from 2011 through 2015; as Director, Risk Advisory Services at KPMG LLP from 1995 to 2004; and as Associate National Bank Examiner with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. A Certified Enterprise Risk Professional, Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager and Certified Internal Auditor, Ms. Mahoney holds a B.S. in Business Administration Ͳ Finance from San Diego State University. Liana Prieto. Ms. Prieto serves as General Counsel and Corporate Secretary of the Company and Bank. In this role she is responsible for leading a team of legal, human resources, Bank Secrecy Act, fair and responsible banking and third party risk management professionals. She is also a member of the Company's Executive Committee. Prior to joining the Bank in 2014, Ms. Prieto served as Associate and then Counsel at Buckley LLP from 2009 to 2014, and as a trial attorney in the Enforcement & Compliance Division of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. In addition to her role at the Company, Ms. Prieto has served in leadership and advisory roles on the Banking Law Committee of the American Bar Association's Business Law Section and the American Association of Bank Directors. She also serves on the Board of Directors of Long Beach Local, a nonͲprofit that supports sustainable urban agriculture. Ms. Prieto holds a J.D. from Fordham University School of Law and a B.A. from Georgetown University. Mike Stedman. Mr. Stedman serves the Company as Chief Credit Officer. In this role, he oversees the Bank’s underwriting, credit and special assets activities. He is also a member of the Company’s Executive Committee. Prior to joining the Bank as Deputy Chief Credit Officer in 2020, Mr. Stedman served as President of Ponderosa Homes since 2017. Previous to that, he spent twentyͲfour years at MUFG Union Bank holding a variety of positions including Regional Manager – Commercial Real Estate, Senior Credit Officer – Real Estate, Head of Real Estate Industries and, most recently, Head of Commercial Banking and Real Estate. Mr. Stedman holds a M.B.A. from St. Mary’s College and a B.A. in Economics from the University of California, San Diego.

35 BoardofDirectors Victor S. Trione. Mr. Trione, serves as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Company and the Bank, a position he has held since founding the Bank in 1983. In addition to serving as our Chair, Mr. Trione is President of Vimark, Inc., a real estate development and vineyard management company, and coͲproprietor of Trione Winery. Mr. Trione also serves in the following roles: Director and Chair of the Executive Committee of Empire College; Advisory Board member of the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research; Board of Overseers of Stanford University's Hoover Institution; and, trustee of the U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation. Renu Agrawal. Ms. Agrawal, joined the Board of Directors in December 2020 and serves on the Audit and Risk Committee. Ms. Agrawal most recently served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Wells Fargo’s Financial Institutions Group. Prior to that, she oversaw Well’s Fargo International Treasury Management business and played a leadership role in the Wells FargoͲWachovia merger. Earlier, Ms. Agrawal was Chief Operating Officer at ValleyCrest Companies and Quisic Corporation. She began her career as a scientist at Polaroid and also worked at McKinsey & Company. Ms. Agrawal is a founding member of Neythri, a global community of South Asian professional women committed to helping each other succeed. In 2018, she received the National Asian Pacific American Corporate Achievement Award. Ms. Agrawal holds a M.B.A. from MIT Sloan School of Management and a Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from MIT. She graduated with a B.Tech in Metallurgy from IIT, Kanpur. John C. Erickson. Mr. Erickson, serves on the Audit and Risk Committee and on the Compensation Committee. Mr. Erickson has served on our Board of Directors since 2017. Mr. Erickson has more than 35 years of financial services experience, including over 30 years at Union Bank N.A. He served in many executive roles across that institution, culminating in two vice chairman positions (Chief Risk Officer and Chief Corporate Banking Officer) between 2007 and 2014. As Chief Corporate Banking Officer, he oversaw commercial banking, real estate, global treasury management, wealth management and global capital markets. He was a director of Zions Bancorporation (NASDAQ: ZION) from 2014 to 2016, and chair of that board's Risk Committee, as well as a member of the Audit Committee. He also served as President, Consumer Banking and President, California, for CIT Group, Inc. (NYSE: CIT) in 2016. He joined the board of directors of Bank of Hawaii Corporation (NYSE: BOH) in January 2019, and serves as a member of its Audit and Risk Committee and Nominating and Governance Committee. Mr. Erickson qualifies as an "audit committee financial expert" as defined in SEC rules. Jack Krouskup. Mr. Krouskup, serves as Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee and also serves on the Governance and Nominating Committee. Mr. Krouskup has served on our Board of Directors since 2012. He is a certified public accountant (inactive) with more than 35 years of experience serving customers in a variety of industries. At Deloitte, he served as partnerͲinͲcharge of the company's Northern California Financial Services practice and also served on Deloitte's Financial Services Advisory Committee. Mr. Krouskup has years of boardroom experience representing Deloitte with numerous global and highly complex organizations. Consequently, he has an extensive corporate governance background and deep familiarity with board and audit committee best practices. Mr. Krouskup retired from Deloitte in 2011. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees of the University of California, Santa Barbara, Alumni Association. Mr. Krouskup qualifies as an "audit committee financial expert" as defined in SEC rules.

36 BoardofDirectorsͲ Continued Anita Gentle Newcomb. Mrs. Newcomb, serves on the Audit and Risk Committee. Ms. Newcomb has served on our Board of Directors since 2014. Her experience spans over three decades in the financial services industry as a commercial banker, investment banker, and strategic consultant. She has advised numerous banks and financial services companies on a wide range of corporate development initiatives, from strategic planning, consumer and business banking strategy, and corporate governance best practices, to mutual conversions and valuing and structuring acquisitions. Most recently, Ms. Newcomb was president of A.G. Newcomb & Co., a financial services consultancy, she founded and managed from 1999 to 2019. She also served on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of RichmondͲ Baltimore Branch from 2010 through 2015. She is also a certified public accountant (inactive). Ms. Newcomb qualifies as an "audit committee financial expert" as defined in SEC rules. Bradley M. Shuster. Mr. Shuster, serves as Chair of the Compensation Committee and also serves on the Governance and Nominating Committee. Mr. Shuster has served on our Board of Directors since 1999. Mr. Shuster has served as Executive Chairman and Chairman of the Board of NMI Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: NMIH) since January 2019. Mr. Shuster founded National MI and served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company from 2012 to 2018. Prior to founding National MI, he was a senior executive of The PMI Group, Inc. (NYSE: PMI), where he served as Chief Executive Officer of PMI Capital Corporation. Before joining PMI in 1995, Mr. Shuster was a partner at Deloitte, where he served as partnerͲinͲcharge of Deloitte's Northern California Insurance and Mortgage Banking practices. Mr. Shuster has received both CPA and CFA certifications. He is a member of the board of directors of McGrath Rentcorp (NASDAQ: MGRC), and serves as a member of its Audit and Governance Committees. Thomas C. Wajnert. Mr. Wajnert, serves as our Lead Independent Director, Chair of the Governance and Nominating Committee, and a member of the Compensation Committee. Mr. Wajnert has served on our Board of Directors since 2013. He launched his career in 1968 with US Leasing, a NYSEͲlisted company. For over 40 years, Mr. Wajnert has navigated the changing currents of the equipment leasing industry and built an impressive list of accomplishments, including serving as Chief Executive Officer and Chair of AT&T Capital Corporation, an international, fullͲservice equipment leasing and commercial finance company, from 1984 to 1996. Mr. Wajnert also has extensive public company board experience at Reynolds American as Chair, and at Solera, UDR, Inc., NYFIX, and JLG Industries as a director. Mr. Wajnert also serves on the board of International Finance Group, one of the largest privately owned P&C insurance companies in the U.S., and for many years served as a Trustee of Wharton's Center for Financial Institutions.


38 BalanceSheet ($in000’s) (1) Unaudited December31, 2020(1) December31, 2019 ASSETS Cash,cashequivalents andrestrictedcash $178,861 $88,565 Availableforsaleinvestmentsecurities,atfairvalue 593,734 625,074 Heldtomaturityinvestmentsecurities,atamortizedcost(fairvalueof$7,870and$10,349at December31,2020and2019,respectively) 7,467 10,170 Equitysecurities,atfairvalue 12,037 11,782 Loans receivable,netofallowanceforloanlosses of$46,214and$36,001as ofDecember31,2020 and2019,respectively 6,003,602 6,194,976 Accruedinterestreceivable 18,795 20,814 Federal HomeLoanBank("FHLB")stock,atcost 25,122 30,342 Premises andequipment,net 18,226 19,504 Goodwill 3,297 3,297 Prepaidexpenses andotherassets 44,963 41,304 Totalassets $6,906,104 $7,045,828 LIABILITIESANDSTOCKHOLDERS'EQUITY Liabilities: Deposits $5,264,329 $5,234,717 Federal HomeLoanBankadvances 806,747 978,702 Juniorsubordinateddeferrableinterestdebentures 61,857 61,857 Seniordebt $95,000faceamount,6.5%interestrate,dueSeptember30,2024(lessdebtissuancecosts of $461and$584atDecember31,2020and2019,respectively) 94,539 94,416 Accruedinterestpayable 1,388 2,901 Otherl iabil ities andaccruedexpenses 63,553 58,771 Totalliabilities 6,292,413 6,431,364 Stockholders'equity: Commonstock,noparvalue;100,000,000sharesauthorized;52,220,266and55,999,754shares issuedandoutstandingatDecember31,2020and2019,respectively 414,120 447,784 Retainedearnings 192,834 165,236 Accumulatedothercomprehensiveincome,netoftaxes 6,737 1,444 Totalstockholders'equity 613,691 614,464 Totalliabilitiesandstockholders'equity $6,906,104 $7,045,828 Asof

39 IncomeStatement ($in000’s,exceptpersharedata) (1) Unaudited (2) The2020amountsincludea$10.4millionnonͲrecurringcostincurredinconnectionwiththeprepaymentof$150millionoflongͲtermFHLBborrowingsinlateDecember2020. 2020(1) 2019 2020(1) 2019 Interestandfeeincome: Loans $55,335 $63,452 $230,996 $249,530 Investmentsecurities 2,068 3,517 9,856 15,461 Cash,cashequivalents andrestrictedcash 85 464 538 2,151 Totalinterestandfeeincome 57,488 67,433 241,390 267,142 Interestexpense: Interestondeposits 13,185 26,406 73,331 105,092 InterestonFHLBadvances 5,211 5,731 21,761 24,896 Interestonjuniorsubordinateddeferrableinterestdebentures 269 560 1,373 2,447 Interestonotherborrowings 1,575 1,574 6,302 6,300 Totalinterestexpense 20,240 34,271 102,767 138,735 Netinterestincomebeforeprovisionforloanlosses 37,248 33,162 138,623 128,407 Provisionforloanlosses Ͳ 1,000 10,550 1,250 Netinterestincomeafterprovisionforloanlosses 37,248 32,162 128,073 127,157 Noninterestincome: Netgainonsaleofloans Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ 607 FHLBdividends 373 559 1,650 2,163 Otherincome 91 255 870 1,905 Totalnoninterestincome 464 814 2,520 4,675 Noninterestexpense: Compensationandrelatedbenefits 10,187 9,371 43,100 37,228 Depositinsurancepremium 476 (440) 1,905 545 Professional andregulatoryfees 528 565 1,844 1,984 Occupancy 1,188 1,474 4,585 5,688 Depreciationandamortization 656 617 2,685 2,618 Dataprocessing 907 929 3,911 3,738 Marketing 172 1,611 1,683 5,053 Otherexpenses (2) 11,239 1,214 14,221 5,514 Totalnoninterestexpense 25,353 15,341 73,934 62,368 Incomebeforeprovisionforincometaxes 12,359 17,635 56,659 69,464 Provisionforincometaxes 3,658 5,178 16,747 20,603 Netincome $8,701 $12,457 $39,912 $48,861 Basicearnings percommonshare $0.17 $0.22 $0.75 $0.87 Dilutedearnings percommonshare $0.17 $0.22 $0.75 $0.87 Dividends percommonshare $0.06 $0.06 $0.23 $0.23 Weightedaveragecommonshares outstandingͲbasic 51,922,219 55,614,066 53,000,150 55,974,230 Weightedaveragecommonshares outstandingͲdiluted 52,151,886 55,937,952 53,146,298 56,219,892 FortheThreeMonthsEndedDecember31, FortheYearEndedDecember31,

40 NetInterestMargin($in000’s) (1) NonͲaccrualloansareincludedintotalloanbalances.Noadjustmenthasbeenmadefortheseloansinthecalculationofyields.Interestincomeonloansincludesamortizationofdeferredloancosts,net. (2) Securitiesheldtomaturityincludemunicipalsecurities.Yieldsarenotcalculatedonataxequivalentbasis. (3) NetinterestspreadistheaverageyieldontotalinterestͲearningassetsminustheaveragerateontotalinterestͲbearingliabilities. (4) NetinterestmarginisnetinterestincomedividedbytotalaverageinterestͲearningassets. (5) Yieldsshownareannualized. Average Interest Average Average Interest Average Average Interest Average Balance Inc/Exp Yield/Rate(5) Balance Inc/Exp Yield/Rate(5) Balance Inc/Exp Yield/Rate(5) InterestͲEarningAssets Multifamilyresidential 4,063,607$ 155,104$ 3.82% 4,091,316$ 38,153$ 3.73% 4,077,293$ 37,805$ 3.71% Singlefamilyresidential 1,907,940 65,030 3.41% 1,786,566 14,549 3.26% 1,911,888 16,224 3.39% Commercialrealestate 206,639 9,530 4.61% 203,340 2,320 4.56% 209,379 2,444 4.67% Construction,landandNM 20,199 1,332 6.59% 20,212 313 6.16% 17,883 293 6.52% Totalloans(1) 6,198,385 230,996 3.73% 6,101,434 55,335 3.63% 6,216,443 56,766 3.65% SecuritiesavailableͲforͲsale/equity 638,137 9,650 1.51% 624,666 2,019 1.29% 652,615 2,136 1.31% SecuritiesheldͲtoͲmaturity(2) 9,037 206 2.28% 7,859 49 2.49% 8,785 31 1.41% Cash,cashequivalentsandrestrictedcash 185,246 538 0.20% 256,285 85 0.13% 242,528 83 0.14% TotalinterestͲearningassets 7,030,805 241,390 3.43% 6,990,244 57,488 3.29% 7,120,371 59,016 3.32% NoninterestͲearningassets 61,602 59,386 56,529 Totalassets 7,092,407$ 7,049,630$ 7,176,900$ InterestͲBearingLiabilities InterestͲbearingdemanddeposits 309,601$ 1,789 0.57% 369,987$ 422 0.45% 368,072$ 463 0.49% Moneymarketdemandaccounts 1,521,163 13,949 0.90% 1,707,229 3,029 0.69% 1,593,623 3,467 0.85% TimedepositsͲRetail 3,076,921 54,281 1.74% 3,025,441 9,581 1.24% 3,073,740 11,498 1.46% TotalinterestͲbearingdepositsͲRetail 4,907,685 70,019 1.40% 5,102,657 13,032 1.00% 5,035,435 15,428 1.20% TimedepositsͲWholesale 314,071 3,312 1.05% 71,033 153 0.85% 270,109 316 0.46% TotalinterestͲbearingdeposits 5,221,756 73,331 1.38% 5,173,690 13,185 1.00% 5,305,544 15,744 1.16% FHLBadvances 965,490 21,761 2.25% 945,177 5,211 2.19% 961,747 5,307 2.20% Seniordebt 94,473 6,302 6.67% 94,519 1,575 6.67% 94,488 1,574 6.66% Juniorsubordinateddebentures 61,857 1,373 2.22% 61,857 269 1.73% 61,857 279 1.79% TotalinterestͲbearingliabilities 6,343,576 102,767 1.60% 6,275,243 20,240 1.27% 6,423,636 22,904 1.40% NoninterestͲbearingdemanddeposits 69,208 87,904 77,572 NoninterestͲbearingliabilities 68,853 67,747 68,194 Totalliabilities 6,481,637 6,430,894 6,569,402 Totalstockholders'equity 610,770 618,736 607,498 Totalliabilitiesandstockholders'equity 7,092,407$ 7,049,630$ 7,176,900$ Netinterestspread(3) 1.83% 2.02% 1.92% Netinterestincome/margin(4) 138,623$ 1.97% 37,248$ 2.13% 36,112$ 2.03% FortheTwelveMonthsEnded September30,2020December31,2020 FortheThreeMonthsEnded December31,2020 FortheThreeMonthsEnded

41 NonͲGAAPReconciliation ($in000’s) (1) ForperiodspriortoJanuary1,2018,wecalculateourproformanetincome,earningspershare,returnonaverageassets,returnonaverageequityandreturnonaveragetangibleequitybyaddingbackourfranchiseSͲ Corporationtaxtonetincome,andusingacombinedCͲCorporationeffectivetaxrateforFederalandCaliforniaincometaxesof42%.ThiscalculationreflectsonlythechangeinourstatusasanSͲCorporationanddoes notgiveeffecttoanyothertransaction. 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Tangiblecommonequity Total assets $6,906,104 $7,045,828 $6,937,212 $5,704,380 $5,063,585 Less:Goodwill (3,297) (3,297) (3,297) (3,297) (3,297) Less:Total l iabil ities (6,292,413) (6,431,364) (6,356,067) (5,154,635) (4,659,210) Tangiblecommonequity $610,394 $611,167 $577,848 $546,448 $401,078 Tangibleassets Total assets $6,906,104 $7,045,828 $6,937,212 $5,704,380 $5,063,585 Less:Goodwill (3,297) (3,297) (3,297) (3,297) (3,297) Tangibleassets $6,902,807 $7,042,531 $6,933,915 $5,701,083 $5,060,288 Tangiblecommonequitytotangibleassets Tangiblebookvalue(numerator) $610,394 $611,167 $577,848 $546,448 $401,078 Tangibleassets (denominator) 6,902,807 7,042,531 6,933,915 5,701,083 5,060,288 Tangiblecommonequitytotangibleassets 8.8% 8.7% 8.3% 9.6% 7.9% Efficiencyratio Noninterestexpense(numerator) $73,934 $62,386 $62,687 $56,544 $61,242 Netinterestincome $138,623 $128,407 $125,087 $110,895 $94,594 Noninterestincome 2,520 4,675 4,131 7,508 7,885 Operatingrevenue(denominator) $141,143 $133,082 $129,218 $118,403 $102,479 Efficiencyratio 52.4% 46.9% 48.5% 47.8% 59.8% Proformaitems(1) Netincomebeforeincometaxes $65,231 $53,940 Effectivetaxrate 42% 42% Proformaprovisionforincometaxes $27,397 $22,655 Netincomebeforeincometaxes $65,231 $53,940 Proformaprovisionforincometaxes 27,397 22,655 Proformanetincome $37,834 $31,285 Proformanetincome(numerator) $37,834 $31,285 Averageassets (denominator) 5,485,832 4,676,676 Proformareturnonaverageassets 0.69% 0.67% Averagestockholders'equity(denominator) $425,698 $390,318 Proformareturnonaveragestockholders'equity 8.89% 8.02% AsoforFortheYearsEndedDecember31,

42 NonͲGAAPReconciliation ($in000’s,exceptpersharedata) (1) FortheyearendedDecember31,2020,ourproformaamountsaboveareadjustedtoreversetheimpactofanonͲrecurringcostincurredinconnectionwiththeearlypaydown of$150millionoflongͲtermFHLB borrowingsinlateDecember2020. AsoforForthe YearEnded December31, 2020 Proformaitemscontinued(1) Netincome $39,912 Add:NonͲrecurringnoninterestexpenseitem,nettaxes 7,352 Proformanetincome $47,264 Proformanetincome(numerator) $47,264 Averageassets (denominator) 7,092,407 Proformareturnonaverageassets 0.67% Proformanetincome(numerator) $47,264 Averagestockholders'equity(denominator) 610,770 Proformareturnonaveragestockholders'equity 7.74% Proformanetincome(numerator) $47,264 Fullydilutiveshares (denominator) 53,146,298 Proformaearnings pershare $0.89 Noninterestexpense $73,934 Less:NonͲrecurringnoninterestexpenseitem,beforeincometaxes (10,443) Proformanoninterestexpense(numerator) $63,491 Operatingrevenue(denominator) $141,143 Proformaefficiencyratio 45.0% Proformanoninterestexpense(numerator) $63,491 Averageassets (denominator) 7,092,407 Proformanoninterestexpensetoaverageassets 0.90%