advertisements without discrimination, under the identical rates, terms and conditions that apply to BA-RI’s Customers.
BA-RI will include in the “Information Pages” or comparable section of its White Pages Directories for areas served by Cox, listings provided by Cox for Cox’s installation, repair and Customer service information, including appropriate identifying logo. Cox shall be allocated one page. Such listings shall appear in the manner that such information appears for subscribers of BA-RI and other LECs. BA-RI shall not charge Cox for inclusion of this information.
19.2.1 Upon request, BA will provide Cox with directory assistance and/or IntraLATA operator services in accordance with the rates and terms set forth in the Pricing Schedule (Exhibit A hereto) and the Directory Assistance and Operator Services Agreement appended hereto as Exhibit C.
19.2.2 Cox shall arrange at its expense the trunking and other facilities required to transport traffic to and from the designated DA and OS switch locations.
19.3.1 Wholesale Busy Line Verification permits the operator of one local carrier to request the status of access lines (conversation in progress, available to receive calls, or out of order) that are served by another local carrier. Interrupt allows the operator of one local carrier to request interruption of conversation on access lines that have been determined to be in use.
19.3.2 If Local Carrier A decides or is required by a regulatory body of competent jurisdiction to offer BLV/I services to enable its Customers to verify and/or interrupt calls of Local Carrier B’s Customers, the operator bureau of Local Carrier B shall accept and respond to Wholesale BLV/I requests from the operator bureau of Local Carrier A. Cox and BA-RI shall compensate the other Local Carrier for Wholesale BLV/I inquiries in accordance with the rates of the other Local Carrier’s Tariff or at the rates specified in Exhibit A of this Agreement for Wholesale BLV/I.
19.3.3 The Local Carrier B operator shall only verify the status of the line or interrupt the line to inform the called party that another caller is attempting to reach them. The Local Carrier B operator will not complete the telephone call of the Customer initiating the BLV/I request. The Local Carrier B operator will make only one Wholesale BLV/I attempt per operator bureau telephone request, and the applicable charges apply whether or not the called party releases the line.
Wholesale BLV/I cannot be performed on telephone numbers utilizing a “call forwarding” feature. The operator shall respond to only one telephone number per call on requests for Wholesale BLV/I.
19.3.4 Each Local Carrier shall route Wholesale BLV/I traffic inquiries over separate direct trunks groups (and not the Local/IntraLATA/InterLATA Trunks established between the Local Carriers’ respective operator bureaus. Each Party shall offer interconnection for Wholesale BLV/I traffic at its operator services switch serving the LATA or other mutually agreed point within the LATA. Unless otherwise mutually agreed, the Parties shall configure Wholesale BLV/I trunks over the Interconnection architectures in accordance with the terms of Section 4 of this Agreement. Local Carrier A shall outpulse the appropriate NPA, ATC Code, and Routing Code (operator code) to Local Carrier B.
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19.4 | Direct Access to Directory Assistance (DADA) |
Direct Access to Directory Assistance (DADA) is a database service that provides for access to BA-RI listings by a Cox operator. The DADA database is a physically distinct entity from the BA-RI DA database, populated with identical listing data, and updated from the same source on a daily basis.
Cox is required to arrange for interconnection to the database. BA-RI will interconnect at any technically feasible point designated by Cox.
BA-RI will provide Cox with a User Guide for training its agents.
Rates and Charges for DADA are set forth in the Pricing Schedule.
19.5 Operator Emergency Bulletin Service
This option provides Cox with emergency numbers of police, fire, ambulance and Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) in the BA-RI serving area so that Cox operators can connect callers directly to the proper emergency bureaus.
The BA-RI Operator Emergency Bulletin Service lists the emergency, police, fire, ambulance and PSAP telephone numbers by municipality and in alphabetical order for each of the areas served by BA-RI.
Operator Emergency Bulletin Service is available for use by Cox operators for the sole purpose of assisting callers in reaching an emergency bureau.
Operator Emergency Bulletin Service is a copy of BA-RI’s own emergency bulletin. This agreement includes one annual copy of the bulletin plus periodic updates during the year. Independent telephone companies’ emergency numbers are not included (Exhibit A hereto).
Rates and charges for Operator Emergency Bulletin service are set forth in the Pricing Schedule.
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19.6 | Operator Passthrough Service |
This option provides Cox’s end users with access to operators of their Presubscribed Interexchange Carriers (IC) for operator assisted call completion. This option applies only when the Presubscribed IC provides Operator Services for Cox’s end users for calls originating from a particular LATA and is capable of receiving calls passed through it by BA-RI in that LATA.
BA-RI will, when requested by Cox’s end user, connect that end user to a specified IC for operator call completion provided that IC offers operator services in that end user’s originating LATA and is capable of receiving calls passed through to it by BA-RI in that LATA.
If the IC does not provide Operator Services for Cox’s end user, at the option of the IC, BA-RI will provide Cox’s end user with access to an IC designated Operator Services Provider or to a BA-RI provided announcement which will direct Cox’s end user to contact their Presubscribed IC for dialing instructions.
The Operator Passthrough charge is applied on an operator work second basis, and rated using the 0-Operator Handled calls in the Pricing Schedule.
Cox will be assessed this charge on calls that are passed through to either the Presubscribed IC’s operator, or a BA-RI provided recording indicating that the IC does not provide service in that area.
Rates and charges applied to Operator Passthrough Service are set forth in the Pricing Schedule.