86 | specified in Box 9(ii). The Sellers shall grant Buyers sufficient daylight hours within which to conduct the said |
87 | inspection and Sellers shall be obliged to ensure attendance of the Class surveyor to monitor the said inspection |
88 | which may be attended by Buyers' and Sellers' representatives without interference to Class and/or the divers. |
89 | However, should the Buyers fail to arrange for such inspection then they shall lose the right of such divers |
90 | inspection. |
91 | (i) If any defects are found during underwater inspection including rudder and propeller that shall affect the |
92 | Vessel's present Class and the repair of which Class agrees can be deferred to the Vessel's next scheduled |
93 | dry-docking, the Buyers' sole remedy shall be the payment by the Sellers of the estimated cost of repair of |
94 | such defects only excluding any dry-dock costs, as per the average of the quotations of two reputable repair |
95 | yards independent of the Sellers and the Buyers in the delivery area, one to be selected by each party. The said |
96 | average amount in respect of the cost of repair shall be deducted from the Purchase Price to be paid to the |
97 | Sellers at the time of delivery of the Vessel. The costs of Class attendance and divers fees incurred for the |
98 | underwater inspection shall be borne by the Buyers unless damage is found and the Class imposes a |
99 | recommendation in which case both costs shall be borne by the Sellers. |
100 | (ii) If damage is found for which Class requires immediate repair, then Sellers shall repair such damage without |
101 | delay prior to delivery. Should the Sellers be required to dry-dock the Vessel to repair such damage, then |
102 | Clause 6 (b) shall apply. |
103 | (b) Where the Sellers are required to dry-dock the Vessel under Clause 6 (a) (ii), the Sellers shall also enable the |
104 | inspection of the Vessel's bottom, rudder, propeller, tail shaft and other underwater parts by a surveyor of the |
105 | Classification Society to the satisfaction of the Classification Society standards. The Sellers shall be obliged to |
106 | rectify any defects found that affect the present Class of the Vessel within the agreed time or if no agreement is |
107 | reached then latest within 14 days of such damage being found (and, insofar as necessary, the Cancelling Date |
108 | shall be extended to allow the full agreed or 14 days' repair period), failure of which shall enable the Buyers to |
109 | cancel the Agreement and recover the deposit together with interest. |
110 | (i) The Buyers shall bear the cost of the survey of the tail shaft system unless the Classification Society requires |
111 | such survey to be carried out, in which case the Sellers shall bear the cost.. The expenses in connection with |
112 | putting the Vessel in and taking her out of dry-dock including dry-dock dues and Classification Society's fees |
113 | shall be paid by the Sellers if any condition or recommendation, excluding surveyor notes is issued as a result |
114 | of the survey. In all other cases Buyers shall pay the aforesaid expenses, dues and fees. |
115 | (ii) The Buyer shall have the right to place a representative for observation whilst the Vessel is in dry-dock |
116 | without interfering with the Classification surveyor's work or decisions, during the Classification Society |
117 | inspections. |
118 | (iii) The Buyers shall have the right to have the underwater parts of the Vessel cleaned and painted at their risk and |
119 | expense without interfering with the Classification Society's or the Sellers' work, and without affecting timely |
120 | delivery of the Vessel. Upon the completion of the Sellers' work, the Sellers may tender Notice of Actual |
121 | Readiness of the Vessel for delivery notwithstanding the non-completion of Buyers' work and |
122 | notwithstanding that the Vessel is not at the Delivery Place, upon which the Buyers shall be obliged to take |
123 | delivery of the Vessel in accordance with the aforesaid notice. All dry-docking expenses incurred after such |
124 | delivery except undocking expenses under Clause 6 (a) (ii) shall be borne by the Buyers. |
125 | The Classification Society shall be the only entity to determine whether any underwater damage constitutes a condition |
126 | of Class, and such determination shall be final and binding on both parties. |
127 | 7. Spares/ Bunkers & Others |
128 | The Sellers shall deliver the Vessel to the Buyers with everything belonging to her including all spare parts and spare |
129 | equipment on board and on shore except those spare parts that are on order. Any forwarding charges shall be the |
130 | Buyers' expense. However, the Sellers are not required to replace any spare parts that are taken out of spare and used |
131 | as replacement in the Vessel prior to delivery unless required by Class. The radio installation and navigational |
132 | equipment shall be included in the sale, along with all unused stores and provisions without extra payment. Any |
133 | crockery, plates, cutlery, linen and other items bearing the Sellers' name, if taken by the Sellers, shall be replaced with |
134 | unmarked items. However, the following items shall be excluded without compensation; |
135 | (a) Items that are on use exclusively in Sellers' Vessel like library, forms etc; |
136 | (b) Personal belongings including slop chest of the Vessel captain, officers and crew; |
137 | (c) Items on hire; |
138 | 1. Oxygen bottles - 6 bottles |
139 | 2. Acetylene bottles - 4 bottles |
140 | 3. Freon bottles - 3 bottles |
141 | 4. Iridium laptop - Model - HP Compaq NX 6320... |
142 | 5. Reefer Spare parts as per e-mail sent to the Buyers on the 16th of December 201, 10.03 Greek |
143 | time…………………………….. |