Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated Condensed Balance
- Consolidated Condensed Statemen
- Consolidated Condensed Statem_2
- Consolidated Condensed Statem_3
- Consolidated Condensed Statem_4
- Consolidated Condensed Statem_5
- Basis of Presentation
- Revenues
- Acquisitions
- Goodwill
- Leases
- Income Taxes
- Long-Term Debt
- Accumulated Other Comprehensive
- Pensions and Other Postretireme
- Share-Based Compensation
- Segment Information
- Earnings Per Share
- Additional Financial Statement
- Fair Value Measurements
- Restructuring Costs
- Basis of Presentation (Policies
- Basis of Presentation (Tables)
- Revenues (Tables)
- Acquisition Activity (Tables)
- Goodwill (Tables)
- Leases (Tables)
- Long-Term Debt (Tables)
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_2
- Pensions and Other Postretire_2
- Share-Based Compensation (Table
- Segment Information (Tables)
- Earnings Per Share (Tables)
- Additional Financial Statemen_2
- Fair Value Measurements (Tables
- Restructuring Costs (Tables)
- Revenues - Disaggregation of Re
- Revenues - Disaggregation of _2
- Revenues - Contract Assets and
- Revenues - Narrative (Details)
- Acquisition Activity (Narrative
- Acquisition Activity (Schedule
- Acquisitions (Pro Forma Informa
- Goodwill (Schedule of Goodwill)
- Leases - Narrative (Details)
- Leases - Leases Recorded on the
- Leases - Other Information Rela
- Leases - Components of Lease Ex
- Leases - Maturities of Operatin
- Income Taxes (Details)
- Long-Term Debt (Schedule of Lon
- Long-Term Debt (Narrative) (Det
- Accumulated Other Comprehensi_3
- Pensions and Other Postretire_3
- Share-Based Compensation (Narra
- Share-Based Compensation (Sched
- Segment Information (Narrative)
- Segment Information (Schedule o
- Segment Information (Intersegme
- Earnings Per Share (Computation
- Additional Financial Statemen_3
- Additional Financial Statemen_4
- Fair Value Measurements (Schedu
- Restructuring Costs (Narrative)
- Restructuring Costs (Details)
- Uncategorized Items - vpg-20200