Filing exhibits
- 10-Q Quarterly report
- 31.1 Certification Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-oxley Act of 2002
- 31.2 Certification Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-oxley Act of 2002
- 32.1 Certification Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-oxley Act of 2002
- 32.2 Certification Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-oxley Act of 2002
- Download Excel data file
- View Excel data file
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Condensed Balance Sheets
- Condensed Balance Sheets (Paren
- Condensed Statements of Operati
- Condensed Statements of Cash Fl
- Condensed Statements of Shareho
- Pay vs Performance Disclosure
- Insider Trading Arrangements
- Interim Financial Reporting
- Revenues
- Selected Balance Sheet Informat
- Warranty Reserve
- Income Taxes
- Financing Arrangements
- Common Stock
- Share-Based Compensation
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Segment Reporting
- Earnings Per Common Share (_EPS
- Interim Financial Reporting (Po
- Revenues (Tables)
- Selected Balance Sheet Inform_2
- Warranty Reserve (Tables)
- Share-Based Compensation (Table
- Earnings Per Common Share (_E_2
- Schedule of disaggregated reven
- Schedule of contract asset (Det
- Schedule of components of inven
- Schedule of components of other
- Changes in the Company_s warran
- Income Taxes (Details Narrative
- Financing Arrangements (Details
- Common Stock (Details Narrative
- Stock option transactions durin
- The following assumptions were
- Share-Based Compensation (Detai
- The computations of the basic a
- Earnings Per Common Share (_E_3