Q (Peter Lawless): | Who is your lead technical expertise on your team that is going to allow the company to grow the quality diamonds we are looking for? |
A (Jerry McGuire): | Hi Peter, this is Jerry. We have a team here of folks some of whom go back to the Apollo days and some that have joined us more recently than that so you’ll see on our website we have identified Chuck Wario SP? as one of our technical contributors but to be quite honest there are several others as well. |
Q (Peter Lawless): | Thank you for sharing that; I’m familiar with Chuck. |
A (Jerry McGuire): | Right but in addition to Chuck and his expertise we have some experts in material science as well as solid state chemistry and folks that are involved in lasers and who know to handle all the different pieces of the manufacturing process here. |
Q (Jim Carroll): | I guess I’m directing the question to Jerry. I got on the call late so I don’t know if this is allowed to be talked about but can you talk a little about what you feel this company can consistently produce as far as diamond quality, that is, multiple and profitable for the company? |
A (Jerry McGuire): | Yeah, so the company has got, as you well know, Jim, a long history in these recipes dating back to the Apollo days and we’ve got recipes that allow us to grow stones toward the white end of the spectrum and we’ve got other recipes that we can grow reliable that target the industrial core with post-processing and get us into some of the fancy colors. So all the spectrum of recipes we have we are focusing down on the ones that have run the most reliably and are working with those in moving them from a proof of concept phase really into a manufacturing phase so that’s what we’re working on now, Jim. |
Q (Jim Carroll): | Okay I want to follow up with additional questions and if you’re not comfortable answering them I understand. Can you talk about the process in general what type of growth you experience such as that? I understand it’s in a general sense of what the results of that is if you can talk about the gross margins anticipated. I don’t know what you can discuss and what you can’t but I’m curious about that. |
A (Jerry McGuire): | Okay Jim, you know, the way we opened up the call you know the intent of the call today is really an introduction to Bern and myself and a brief update on the business. We’re working very diligently to get the 10-K done. Once that’s done I think we can get into conversations about margin and that sort of thing. But between now and then we’re not going to comment on that. As you take a look at the equipment and you know the manufacturing, we’ve got installed line here with multiple machines that are running with 3-inch chambers so my goal is to get the existing line humming and in a manufacturing routine a consistency of flow and then after that we’ve got a short term plan to double the capacity to move the chambers to 4 inch. That’s about the limit of what I’m comfortable talking about right at the moment Jim. |
Q (Jim Carroll): | Okay, that’s fine. |
Q (Don Doering): | What can you tell us about the China contract? |
A (Bern McPheely): | Hey Don, I just mentioned a few minutes ago the first question we are learning all about the ins and outs of that and we’ll be ready to comment that during the annual meeting. |
Q (Don Doering): | Okay, okay, thank you. |
Q (Michelle Graff): | You said that Gerald Maguire is the president and CEO, correct? |
A (Bern McPheely): | Jerry Maguire, correct. |
Q (Michelle Graff): | I thought I had seen something online or several reports actually that he is interim or is he permanent now. I had thought I had seen something online that he had resigned. Is that inaccurate? Did something happen there? |
A (Bern McPheely): | You know there were a lot of things that happened at the transition from the old board to the new board and Jerry was part of the old, was CEO during the old board and then he was decided by the new board to come back as the president and CEO. So you are correct in both cases. |
Q (Michelle Graff): | So he did resign for how long and then he’s been reappointed? |
A (Bern McPheely): | The old board had chosen him and the new board asked him to come back and he agreed to be part of that. Jerry’s the one who has been talking about the business in addition to me. This is Bern McPheely and Jerry has been the other person talking. |
Q (Michelle Graff): | Can you give me an idea, was it like a week he was interim CEO then he wasn’t then he is again? |
A (Jerry McGuire): | Yes, it was about a week. |
Q (Michelle Graff): | So what I just said is accurate. That you were interim CEO then you weren’t and now you are again and are you interim or permanent? |
A (Jerry McGuire): | Permanent and a member of the board. |
Q (Michelle Graff): | Okay wonderful, I just wanted to understand that. Thank you so much. |
Q (Neil Kane): | I have a related question. Until this call today was announced which I noticed on your website a few days ago, I was unaware of the travails of your company over the last couple of months. So can you provide a context unless this has been documented somewhere in which case if you can point me to that it would be great but what’s the context for this sort of distress and the takeover and the change of the board? Can you kind of explain what has happened and how you got to where you are now? |
A (Bern McPheely): | No we can’t. Just the terms of the settlement and the way we’re going forward. We aren’t talking about the past. We’ve got a great plan going forward we feel and what’s public is public but we’re moving on from here. |
Q (Unidentified caller): | Why did you take over the company? |
Q (Roger Headrick): | Can you say anything about near-term financing plans? |
A (Bern McPheely): | That’s one of the things we can’t do until the 10K is filed. |
Q (Roger Headrick): | What is the schedule for filing the 10K? |
A (Bern McPheely): | As soon as we possibly can. |
Q (Roger Headrick): | Like next week? |
A (Bern McPheely): | As soon as we possibly can. We’ve only had a couple of weeks here with the new group and we’re working diligently. Jonathan and Jerry are putting everything there but we hope it can be in the very, very short term. |
Q (Ryan Ashley): | Hi, Bern. Question. I see that Jerry has joined the board. Are you one of the two Adams Monahan board appointees? |
A (Bern McPheely): | No, Jerry was elected by the board. |
Q (Ryan Ashley): | Okay but he was also hired by old management before the new board, correct? |
A (Bern McPheely): | Correct. We are, the entire board voted unanimously on Jerry coming into the company. We are very pleased on how he’s taken opportunity going forward. |
Q (Ryan Ashley): | Great. Welcome Jerry. |
A (Bern McPheely): | Thank you very much. Other questions? |