Company means Abcam plc incorporated in England and Wales under company number 3509322;
Conditional Share Award means a conditional right under the Plan to acquire Plan Shares;
Control has the meaning given to it by section 995 of ITA 2007;
Dealing Day means any day on which the London Stock Exchange is open for the transaction of business;
Dealing Restrictions means restrictions on dealings imposed by statute, order or regulation or Government directive, or by the Model Code or any code adopted by the Company based on the Model Code;
Deferred Share Award means a Conditional Share Award or a Nil Cost Option;
Eligible Employee means an individual who at the Award Date devotes substantially the whole of his or her working hours to the business of the Group and is either an Executive Director or an employee of a Group Member;
Executive Director means a director of the Company who is employed under a contract of employment;
Financial Year means the accounting reference period of the Company as defined in section 391 of the Companies Act 2006;
Group means the Company and its Subsidiaries from time to time and Group Member shall be interpreted accordingly;
ITA 2007 means the Income Tax Act 2007;
London Stock Exchange means the London Stock Exchange plc or any successor body;
Market Value on any day means
if at the relevant time Plan Shares are listed in the Daily Official List of the London Stock Exchange (or any other recognised stock exchange within the meaning of section 1005 of ITA 2007 or the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange),the middle market quotation (as derived from that List) on the preceding Dealing Day; or where Plan Shares are not so listed, the market value of a Plan Share calculated as described in the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992.
Maximum Bonus Potential means the maximum amount payable pursuant to an Award expressed as a percentage of Annual Remuneration;
Model Code means the Model Code on directors’ dealings in securities as set out in Listing Rule 9, Annex 1 of the Listing Rules issued by the Financial Conduct Authority in its present form and as amended from time to time;
Nil Cost Option means a right to acquire Plan Shares for no payment or (if so determined by the Remuneration Committee and stated in the Award Certificate, for payment of the nominal value of the Plan Shares subject to the Nil Cost Option);
Performance Target means a performance target, which may be made up of one or more constituent elements (for example, but not exclusively, financial, strategic and personal criteria) imposed as a condition of the Vesting of an Award under Rule 2.1;
Plan means the Abcam plc Annual Bonus Plan as amended from time to time;
Plan Shares means ordinary shares in the capital of the Company (or any shares representing them);