Approval of the 2021 Remuneration Policy is conditional on the 2021 PGIP also being approved.
Introduction of the 2021 Profitable Growth Incentive Plan (“2021 PGIP”)
The 2021 PGIP is an equity-based remuneration scheme which will grant conditional share awards intended to incentivise Executive Directors and all of Abcam’s senior leaders to deliver its revenue growth ambition by the end of 2024, underpinned by Return on Capital Employed (“ROCE”).
Alignment to 2024 Strategy
Equity ownership is fundamental to our approach to remuneration which we believe can drive the right long-term behaviour and alignment with stakeholders’ interests in Abcam’s sustainable long-term profitable growth.
Accordingly, the Remuneration Committee considers that the 2021 PGIP is the best structure to create long-term alignment between delivery of the 2024 Strategy, Executive Director and senior leader remuneration and the interests of shareholders. It is directly aligned to the externally communicated revenue targets of the 2024 Strategy.
During FY2020 the Group initiated the 2024 Strategy and related programme of investments across the business, focused on sustaining long-term top-line growth whilst driving attractive margin and returns. COVID-19 brought in a level of uncertainty with respect to the outlook, however Abcam’s investment plans have remained unchanged and Abcam retains ambitious sales targets of achieving reported revenue of £425 million to £500 million for the year to 31 December 2024. Abcam also retains an ambition of achieving adjusted operating margins of above 30% and Return on Capital Employed of over 18%.
The Remuneration Committee strongly believes that the ability of the Executive Directors and senior leaders to achieve the revenue performance measure and ROCE underpin set out below will be driven by the successful execution of the 2024 Strategy, including above-market revenue growth, expanding into related markets, scaling the Group’s operations and supplementing organic growth with acquisitions.
Plan Participants and Total Size
It is anticipated that the 2021 PGIP would cover approximately 80 colleagues, including the CEO, CFO, Executive Leadership Team (“ELT”) and approximately 75 additional senior leaders who are critical for the delivery of the 2024 Strategy. The 2021 PGIP may also be used for future new hires.
Alongside the 2021 PGIP, the Remuneration Committee is currently working on the plans for the successor to our multi-award winning all employee share plan (excluding the Executive Directors) (“AbShare”) which was launched in 2018 and is due to mature in November 2021. Currently over 90% of global employees are members of this plan. Further details of how we will be further rewarding our wider group of employees will be communicated in due course.
Participants of the 2021 PGIP will not be entitled to participate in the successor to the AbShare scheme, or any other long-term incentive plans (other than the deferred share elements of the Annual Bonus Plan) over the life of the policy. Current LTIP arrangements will be left to vest under the existing performance conditions and plan terms. The LTIP may also be used for future new hires or in respect of buy-out awards on recruitment, where applicable.
Based on the proposed awards, at Maximum performance the 2021 PGIP would award participants up to a total of 6,348,935 ordinary shares in aggregate (being equivalent to 2.80% of Abcam’s issued share capital as at the date of this circular).
Performance Condition and Underpin
The 2021 PGIP has a performance condition of organic revenue growth, which is aligned to the 2024 Strategy. This will be calculated on a Constant Exchange Rate (CER) basis, using exchange rates set on 1 July 2021 with reference to the Reported Rates used for the 12 months to 30 June 2021, and the outcome will be measured via the audited accounts of the financial year ending December 2024. Vesting will start at a Threshold level of £425 million, rising to a Target level of £465 million and to a Maximum of £500 million. Revenues above Maximum performance will not be directly rewarded, save for participants benefiting in future appreciation in the value of Abcam shares.