Officers participate in Committee activities purely in an informational and advisory capacity and have no vote in
the Committee’s decision-making process. The Chief Executive Officer does not attend those portions of
Committee meetings during which his performance is evaluated or his compensation is being determined. In
addition, the Committee meets in executive session, as appropriate, without management being present.
Use of Advisors
The Committee engages independent compensation consultants to assist in the compensation process for the
NEOs. Compensation consultants are retained by and report directly to the Committee. The consultants have the
freedom to provide independent recommendations to the Committee, based on their research and experience,
within the scope of their contracted services. Independent consultants to the Committee provide services to
management only in relation to activities of the Committee. Consultants provide expertise and information about
competitive trends in the employment marketplace, including established and emerging compensation practices
at peer and other companies, including community banks in the Company’s marketplace.
The consultants also provide peer proxy statement and survey data, and assist in assembling relevant comparison
groups for various purposes and establishing benchmarks for base salary, equity awards, and cash incentives from
the comparison group proxy statements and survey data. The Committee evaluates, at least annually, the
experience, performance, independence, and tenure of the consultants and affirmatively engages them for
services in the upcoming year.
Historically, the Committee’s practice has been to conduct a comprehensive review of executive compensation
every three years (the "triennial review"), with the assistance of its independent compensation consultant; and, in
the intervening years, utilizes its independent consultant to report on current market practices and trends, and to
provide guidance for compensation and other related matters. The Committee also evaluates current market
practice and Company information needs in evaluating the frequency of comprehensive executive compensation
reviews, and may change the frequency as deemed appropriate.
In 2022, the Committee engaged Aon to conduct its last triennial review, which was the basis for determining
2023 executive compensation.
In 2023, Aon was also engaged to conduct a review of the annual Proxy CD&A, Committee Charter and executive
employment agreements. The Committee regularly reviews the services, performance, and independence of its
outside advisors. Aon’s independence was last reviewed against the rules and requirements of the SEC and
NASDAQ in January 2024, and they were found to meet all of the criteria for independence.
In 2023, the Committee also utilized the firm of Luse Gorman, PC (“Luse Gorman”) to provide consultation
regarding legal matters related to the functioning of the Committee, including interpretation of applicable rules
and regulations and consultation on legal documents pertaining to NEOs employment and change-in-control
agreements, benefit plans, the 2023 Management Cash Incentive Plan and equity award agreements under the
2019 Equity Incentive Plan. The Committee also consulted with Luse Gorman on the development of the
December 1, 2023, Company Clawback Policy, in compliance with the rules of the Exchange Act, The Committee
does not utilize Luse Gorman for compensation consultation. The Committee regularly reviews the services
provided by Luse Gorman. Luse Gorman also provides services to the Company related to SEC and other
regulatory matters.
Compensation Objectives and Philosophy
The overall objectives of the Company’s compensation programs are to attract, motivate, retain, and reward
employees and officers (including the NEOs) for sustained high performance, and to provide competitive
compensation, including cash and equity incentive compensation, to attract diverse talent to the Company,
consistent with effective risk management. Our executive compensation program is designed to reward the NEOs
based on their level of assigned management responsibilities, individual experience and performance levels, and
knowledge of banking and our business. The methods used to achieve these objectives are influenced by the
compensation and employment practices of our competitors within the financial services industry, and elsewhere