Filing exhibits
- 10-K Annual report
- 2.3 EX-2.3
- 4.2 EX-4.2
- 10.5 EX-10.5
- 10.9 EX-10.9
- 10.12 EX-10.12
- 10.23 EX-10.23
- 10.31 EX-10.31
- 10.32 EX-10.32
- 10.33 EX-10.33
- 10.34 EX-10.34
- 10.50 EX-10.50
- 10.56 EX-10.56
- 10.61 EX-10.61
- 10.64 EX-10.64
- 10.65 EX-10.65
- 10.67 EX-10.67
- 10.68 EX-10.68
- 14.1 EX-14.1
- 21.1 EX-21.1
- 23.1 EX-23.1
- 31.1 EX-31.1
- 31.2 EX-31.2
- 32.1 EX-32.1
- 32.2 EX-32.2
- Download Excel data file
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Table of Contents
- Cover
- Consolidated Statements of Oper
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Pa
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Consolidated Statements of Chan
- Consolidated Statements of Ch_2
- Nature of operations
- Significant accounting policies
- Business combinations
- Discontinued operations and dis
- Revenue Revenue
- Other operating expenses, net
- Restructuring charges
- Other expense, net
- Income taxes
- Earnings per share
- Employee benefit plans
- Stock-based compensation
- Accumulated other comprehensive
- Property, plant and equipment,
- Goodwill and intangible assets
- Impairment charges
- Other accrued expenses
- Debt
- Fair value measurements
- Derivatives
- Commitments and contingencies
- Leasing
- Segments
- Quarterly financial information
- Subsequent events
- SEC Schedule, Article 12-09, Va
- Significant accounting polici_2
- Significant accounting polici_3
- Business Combinations (Tables)
- Discontinued operations and d_2
- Revenue (Tables)
- Other operating expenses, net (
- Restructuring charges (Tables)
- Other expense, net (Tables)
- Income taxes (Tables)
- Earnings per share (Tables)
- Employee benefit plans (Tables)
- Stock-based compensation (Table
- Accumulated other comprehensi_2
- Property, plant and equipment_2
- Goodwill and intangible assets
- Debt (Tables)
- Fair value measurements (Tables
- Derivative Instruments and Hedg
- Commitments and contingencies (
- Leasing (Tables)
- Segments (Tables)
- Quarterly financial informati_2
- Nature of operations (Detail)
- Significant accounting polici_4
- Significant accounting polici_5
- Significant accounting polici_6
- Business combinations - Additio
- Business combinations - Summary
- Business combinations - Summa_2
- Discontinued operations and d_3
- Discontinued operations and d_4
- Discontinued operations and d_5
- Revenue - Schedule of External
- Revenue Revenue - Schedule of D
- Other operating expenses, net_2
- Restructuring charges - Additio
- Restructuring charges - Schedul
- Restructuring charges - Summary
- Other expense, net (Detail)
- Income taxes - Additional Infor
- Income taxes - Summary of Incom
- Income taxes - Summary of Expen
- Income taxes - Reconciliation B
- Income taxes - Consolidated Def
- Income taxes - Schedule of Chan
- Earnings per share (Detail)
- Employee benefit plans - Summar
- Employee benefit plans - Schedu
- Employee benefit plans - Summ_2
- Employee benefit plans - Summ_3
- Employee benefit plans - Compon
- Employee benefit plans - Summ_4
- Employee benefit plans - Summ_5
- Employee benefit plans - Other
- Employee benefit plans - Sche_2
- Employee benefit plans - Summ_6
- Employee benefit plans - Summ_7
- Employee benefit plans - Summ_8
- Employee benefit plans - Contri
- Employee benefit plans - Sche_3
- Employee benefit plans - Define
- Employee benefit plans - Sche_4
- Stock-based compensation - Addi
- Stock-based compensation - Sche
- Stock-based compensation - Summ
- Stock-based compensation - Su_2
- Stock-based compensation - Su_3
- Accumulated other comprehensi_3
- Accumulated other comprehensi_4
- Property, plant and equipment_3
- Goodwill and intangible asset_2
- Goodwill and intangible asset_3
- Goodwill and intangible asset_4
- Goodwill and intangible asset_5
- Impairment charges (Details)
- Other accrued expenses (Details
- Debt - Summary of Short Term Fi
- Debt - Additional Information (
- Debt - Schedule of Long Term De
- Debt - Future Contractual Matur
- Debt - Long-term debt restructu
- Debt - Unused line fees (Detail
- Debt - Summary of Assets Pledge
- Debt - Fair Values of Debt (Det
- Fair value measurements - Sched
- Fair value measurements - Addit
- Fair value measurements - Recon
- Fair value measurements - Fair
- Derivatives (Detail)
- Derivative Instruments - Schedu
- Derivatives - Fair Value of Der
- Commitments and contingencies -
- Commitments and contingencies_2
- Commitments and contingencies_3
- Leasing - Assets and Liabilitie
- Leases - Lease Cost (Details)
- Leases - Maturity Schedule (Det
- Leases - Maturity Schedule unde
- Leases - Additional Lease Infor
- Segments - Company's Segment In
- Segments - Reconciliation of Ne
- Quarterly financial informati_3
- Subsequent events (Details)
- SEC Schedule, Article 12-09, _2
- Uncategorized Items - unvr-2019