Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Condensed Consolidated Interim
- Condensed Consolidated Interi_2
- Statements of Operations and Co
- Condensed Consolidated Interi_3
- Condensed Consolidated Interi_4
- Condensed Consolidated Interi_5
- Organization and Nature of Oper
- Going Concern
- Summary of accounting policies
- Inventory
- Office furniture and equipment
- Asset purchase and goodwill
- Intangible Assets
- Accounts payable and accrued li
- Note payable, Convertible notes
- Common stock
- Equity in joint venture, non-co
- Related party transactions
- Subsequent Events
- Summary of accounting policies
- Summary of accounting policie_2
- Inventory (Tables)
- Office furniture and equipment
- Asset purchase and goodwill (Ta
- Intangible Assets (Tables)
- Accounts payable and accrued _2
- Equity in joint venture, non-_2
- Going Concern (Details Narrativ
- Schedule of Segment Reporting (
- Summary of accounting policie_3
- Schedule of Inventory (Details)
- Schedule of Office Furniture an
- Office furniture and equipmen_2
- Schedule of Identifiable Assets
- Asset purchase and goodwill (De
- Summary of Intangible Assets (D
- Schedule of Intangible Asset Am
- Intangible Assets (Details Narr
- Schedule of Accounts Payable an
- Note payable, Convertible not_2
- Common stock (Details Narrative
- Schedule of Equity in Joint Ven
- Equity in joint venture, non-_3
- Related party transactions (Det