Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document, Entity and Informatio
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balance3
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Stateme5
- Summary of business and signifi
- Condensed consolidated financia
- Financing Arrangements
- Employee benefit plans
- Net loss per share
- Income taxes
- Related party transactions
- Commitments, contingencies and
- Concentrations of risk and geog
- Restructuring charges
- Summary of business and signi16
- Summary of business and signi17
- Condensed consolidated financ18
- Employee benefit plans (Tables)
- Net loss per share (Tables)
- Income taxes (Tables)
- Commitments, contingencies an22
- Concentrations of risk and ge23
- Restructuring charges (Tables)
- Summary of business and signi25
- (Details)
- Condensed consolidated financ27
- Condensed consolidated financ28
- Condensed consolidated financ29
- Condensed consolidated financ30
- Condensed consolidated financ31
- Condensed consolidated financ32
- Condensed consolidated financ33
- Financing Arrangements (Details
- Stockholders' equity (Details)
- Employee benefit plans - Narrat
- Employee benefit plans - Stock
- Employee benefit plans - Restri
- Employee benefit plans - Alloca
- Net loss per share - Basic and
- Net loss per share - Antidiluti
- Income taxes - Reconciliation t
- Income taxes - Unrecognized Inc
- Income taxes - Income Taxes (De
- Income taxes - Narrative (Detai
- Related party transactions (Det
- Commitments, contingencies an47
- Commitments, contingencies an48
- Concentrations of risk and ge49
- Concentrations of risk and ge50
- Concentrations of risk and ge51
- Restructuring charges - Restruc
- Restructuring charges (Details)
- Restructuring charges - Restr54