About Immutep
Immutep is a globally active biotechnology company that is a leader in the development of immunotherapeutic products for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune disease. Immutep is dedicated to leveraging its technology and expertise to bring innovative treatment options to market for patients and to maximize value to shareholders. Immutep is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (IMM), and on the NASDAQ (IMMP) in the United States.
Immutep’s current lead product candidate is eftilagimod alpha (“efti” or “IMP321”), a solubleLAG-3Ig fusion protein based on theLAG-3 immune control mechanism. This mechanism plays a vital role in the regulation of the T cell immune response. Efti is currently in a Phase IIb clinical trial as a chemoimmunotherapy for metastatic breast cancer termed AIPAC (clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT02614833); a Phase II clinical trial referred to asTACTI-002 (Two ACTive Immunotherapies) to evaluate a combination of Efti with KEYTRUDA® (pembrolizumab) in several different solid tumours (clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT03625323); a planned Phase I clinical trial referred to asINSIGHT-004 to evaluate a combination of Efti with avelumab (clinical trials.gov identifier NCT03252938); and a Phase I combination therapy trial in metastatic melanoma termedTACTI-mel (clinicaltrials.gov identifier NCT02676869).
Further information can be found on the Company’s websitewww.immutep.com or by contacting:
U.S. Investors:
Jay Campbell, Vice President of Business Development and Investor Relations, Immutep Limited
+1 (917)860-9404;jay.campbell@immutep.com
Australian Investors/Media:
Matthew Gregorowski, Citadel-MAGNUS
+61 2 8234 0105;mgregorowski@citadelmagnus.com
U.S. Media:
Garth Russell, LifeSci Advisors
+1 (646)876-3613;garth@lifesciadvisors.com