Notice & Disclaimer Not financial product advice This Presentation does not constitute financial product or investment advice or any recommendation to acquire New Shares or accounting, legal or tax advice. Each recipient of the Presentation should make its own enquiries and investigations regarding all information in this Presentation including but not limited to the assumptions, uncertainties and contingencies which may affect future operations of the Group and the impact that different future outcomes might have on the Group. Information in this Presentation is not intended to be relied upon as advice to investors or potential investors and has been prepared without taking account of any person’s individual investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. Before making an investment decision, prospective investors should consider the appropriateness of the information having regard to their own investment objectives, financial situation and needs and seek legal, accounting and taxation advice appropriate to their jurisdiction. The Company is not licensed to provide financial product advice in respect of the New Shares. Cooling off rights do not apply to the acquisition of New Shares under the Offer. Investment risk An investment in New Shares is subject to known and unknown risks, some of which are beyond the control of the Company, including possible delays in repayment and loss of principal and income invested. The Company does not guarantee any particular rate of return or the performance of the Group, nor does it guarantee the repayment of capital from the Company or any particular tax treatment. Persons should have regard to the risk factors outlined in this Presentation. Financial data All dollar values are in Australian dollars (A$ or AUD) unless otherwise stated. Past performance The operating and historical financial information given in this document is given for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as (and is not) an indication of the Company’s views on the future performance of the Group. You should note that past performance of the cannot be relied upon as an indicator of (and provides no guidance as to) future performance. This Presentation includes certain historical financial information extracted from the Company’s audited consolidated financial statements, and pro forma historical financial information of the Company, which is derived from such financial statements and has been adjusted to reflect the matters set out in this presentation (collectively, the Historical Financial Information). The Historical Financial Information has been prepared and presented in accordance with the measurement and recognition principles of the Australian Accounting Standards (including the Australian Accounting Interpretations) (AAS). The Historical Financial Information is presented in an abbreviated form insofar as it does not include all the presentation and disclosures, statements or comparative information as required by the AAS and other mandatory professional reporting requirements applicable to general purpose financial reports prepared in accordance with the Corporations Act. Neither the pro forma Historical Financial Information nor the adjustment made to prepare it have been audited. Recipients of this Presentation should note that this Presentation contains a pro forma historical balance sheet (to reflect, among other things, the impact of the Offer). The pro forma historical financial information and the Historical Financial Information provided in this Presentation is for illustrative purposes only and is not represented as being indicative of the Company’s views on its future financial condition and/or performance. Recipients of this Presentation should also be aware that certain financial data included in this Presentation is“non-IFRS financial information” under Regulatory Guide 230 Disclosingnon-IFRS financial information published by ASIC. The Company believes thisnon-IFRS financial information provides, and thesenon-GAAP financial measures provide, useful information to users in measuring the financial performance and conditions of the Company. Thenon-IFRS financial information does not have a standardised meaning prescribed by AAS and, therefore, may not be comparable to similarly titled measures presented by other entities, nor should it be construed as an alternative to other financial measures determined in accordance with AAS. Recipients of this Presentation investors are cautioned, therefore, not to place undue reliance on anynon-IFRS financial information and ratios included in this Presentation.The pro forma historical financial information has been prepared by the Company in accordance with the measurement and recognition requirements, but not the disclosure requirements, of applicable accounting standards and other mandatory reporting requirements in Australia. Effect of rounding A number of figures, amounts, percentages, estimates and calculations of value in this Presentation are subject to the effect of rounding. 3 Notice & Disclaimer Forward-looking statements and forecasts This Presentation contains certain “forward-looking statements” that are based on management’s beliefs, assumptions and expectations and on information currently available to management. Forward-looking statements can generally be identified by the use of forward- looking words such as, “expect”, “anticipate”, “likely”, “intend”, “should”, “could”, “may”, “predict”, “plan”, “propose”, “will”, “believe”, “forecast”, “estimate”, “target” “outlook”, “guidance” and other similar expressions within the meaning of securities laws of applicable jurisdictions and include, but are not limited to, the outcome and effects of the Offer and the use of proceeds. Indications of, and guidance or outlook on, future earnings or financial position or performance are also forward -looking statements. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Any such statements, opinions and estimates in this Presentation, including the current trading outlook, speak only as of the date hereof and are based on assumptions and contingencies subject to change without notice, as are statements about market and industry trends, projections, guidance and estimates. Forward-looking statements are provided as a general guide only. The forward-looking statements contained in this Presentation are not indications, guarantees or predictions of future performance and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Group, and may involve significant elements of subjective judgement and assumptions as to future events which may or may not be correct. Refer to the “Key Risks” in section of this Presentation for anon-exhaustive summary of certain general and specific risk factors that may affect the Group. There can be no assurance that actual outcomes will not differ materially from these forward-looking statements. A number of important factors could cause actual results or performance to differ materially from the forward-looking statements, including the risk factors set out in this Presentation. Investors should consider the forward-looking statements contained in this Presentation in light of those risks and disclosures. The forward-looking statements are based on information available to the Company as at the date of this Presentation. No representation, warranty or assurance (express or implied) is given or made in relation to any forward-looking statement by any person (including the Company or any of its advisers). In particular, no representation, warranty or assurance (express or implied) is given that the occurrence of the events expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements in this Presentation will actually occur. Actual operations, results, performance, production targets or achievement may vary materially from any projections and forward-looking statements and the assumptions on which those statements are based. Except as required by law or regulation (including the ASX Listing Rules), the Company disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update forward-looking statements in this Presentation to reflect any changes in expectations in relation to any forward-looking statement or change in events, circumstances or conditions on which any statement is based. Disclaimer Neither Bell Potter Securities Limited (Lead Manager), nor any of its or the Company’s respective advisers or any of their respective affiliates, related bodies corporate, directors, officers, partners, employees and agents, have authorised, permitted or caused the issue, submission, dispatch or provision of this Presentation and, except to the extent referred to in this Presentation, none of them makes or purports to make any statement in this Presentation and there is no statement in this Presentation which is based on any statement by any of them. For the avoidance of doubt, the Lead Manager and its advisers, affiliates, related bodies corporate, directors, officers, partners, employees and agents have not made or purported to make any statement in this Presentation and there is no statement in this Presentation which is based on any statement by any of them. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Company and the Lead Manager and their respective advisers, affiliates, related bodies corporate, directors, officers, partners, employees and agents exclude and disclaim all responsibility and liability, including, without limitation, for negligence or for any expenses, losses, damages or costs incurred by you as a result and the information in this Presentation being inaccurate or incomplete in any way for any reason, whether by negligence or otherwise. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Company and the Lead Manager and their respective advisers, affiliates, related bodies corporate, directors, officers, partners, employees and agents make no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the currency, accuracy, reliability or completeness of information in this Presentation and, with regards to the Lead Manager, it and its advisers, affiliates, related bodies corporate, directors, officers, partners, employees and agents take no responsibility for any part of this Presentation or the Offer. The Lead Manager and its advisers, affiliates, related bodies corporate, directors, officers, partners, employees and agents make no recommendations as to whether you or your related parties should participate in the Offer nor do they make any representations or warranties to you concerning the Offer, and you represent, warrant and agree that you have not relied on any statements made by the Lead Manager, or its advisers, affiliates, related bodies corporate, directors, officers, partners, employees or agents in relation to the Offer and you further expressly disclaim that you are in a fiduciary relationship with any of them. Statements made in this Presentation are made only as at the date of this Presentation. The information in this Presentation remains subject to change without notice. The Company reserves the right to withdraw the Offer or vary the timetable for the Offer without notice. 4