26.1 | Appointment of Alternate Directors |
A Director may, with the approval of the Board, appoint any person (who need not be a Member of the Company) to be an alternate Director in the Director’s place during such period (until the next Annual General Meeting, at which time the appointment ceases) as the Director thinks fit.
26.2 | Rights of Alternate Director |
Any person while holding office as an Alternate Director, is entitled to notice of meetings of Directors and to attend and vote thereat and to exercise all the powers of the appointor in his place.
An Alternate Director must ipso facto vacate office if the Alternate Director’s appointor vacates office as a Director or removes the appointee from office.
26.4 | Notice of appointment or removal |
Any appointment or removal under this clause 26 must be effected by notice in writing to the Company and to person concerned under the hand of the Director who makes the appointment or removal.
27. | Powers and duties of directors |
27.1 | Management of Company |
The business of the Company is managed by the Directors who may exercise all the powers of the Company that are not by the Corporations Act or by this constitution required to be exercised by the Company in general meeting subject nevertheless to any provision of this constitution and to the provisions of the Corporations Act.
27.2 | Members approval to significant changes |
The Directors must not make a significant change (either directly or indirectly) to the nature and scale of its activities except after having disclosed full details to ASX in accordance with the requirements of the Listing Rules and the Directors must not sell or otherwise dispose of the main undertaking of the Company without the approval of the Company in general meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Listing Rules.
28. | Proceedings of directors |
The Directors may meet together to adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings as they think fit using any technology consented to from time to time by all the Directors.
28.2 | Decisions at Directors’ Meetings |
| (a) | Questions arising at any meeting are decided by a majority of votes cast by Directors entitled to vote. |
| (b) | In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairperson does not have a second or casting vote. |