Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Balance Sheets
- Balance Sheets (Parenthetical)
- Statements of Operations
- Statement of Stockholders' Equi
- Statements of Cash Flows
- Description of Business
- Going Concern
- Summary of Significant Accounti
- Equity Transactions Disclosure
- Loan Transaction Disclosure
- Related Party Transaction
- Material Contracts Disclosure
- Intangible Assets Disclosure
- Income Taxes Disclosure
- Subsequent Event
- Summary of Significant Accoun17
- Summary of Significant Accoun18
- Summary of Significant Accoun19
- Summary of Significant Accoun20
- Summary of Significant Accoun21
- Summary of Significant Accoun22
- Summary of Significant Accoun23
- Summary of Significant Accoun24
- Summary of Significant Accoun25
- Summary of Significant Accoun26
- Intangible Assets Disclosure_ S
- Income Taxes Disclosure_ Schedu
- Equity Transactions Disclosure
- Loan Transaction Disclosure (De
- Related Party Transaction (Deta
- Material Contracts Disclosure (
- Intangible Assets Disclosure_33
- Income Taxes Disclosure_ Sche34
- Income Taxes Disclosure (Detail
- Subsequent Event (Details)