Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Interim Condensed Balance Sheet
- Interim Condensed Balance She_2
- Interim Condensed Statements of
- Interim Condensed Statement of
- Interim Condensed Statements _2
- Organization and Nature of Oper
- Basis of Presentation - Going C
- Interim Reporting and Significa
- Intangible Assets
- Notes and Interest Payable
- Convertible Notes and Interest
- Common Stock
- Interim Reporting and Signifi_2
- Intangible Assets (Tables)
- Notes and Interest Payable (Tab
- Convertible Notes and Interes_2
- Basis of Presentation - Going_2
- Intangible Assets (Details Narr
- Intangible Assets - Schedule of
- Notes and Interest Payable (Det
- Notes and Interest Payable - Sc
- Convertible Notes and Interes_3
- Convertible Notes and Interes_4
- Convertible Notes and Interes_5
- Common Stock (Details Narrative