Exhibit 10.71
Insurance Agency Contract
Party A: AVIVA-COFCO life insurance Co. ltd
Party B: Law Anhou Insurance Agency Co., Ltd.
According to the"People's Republic of ChinaInsurance Law","insurance agencyregulatory requirements" and otherrelevant laws and regulations, thePartyB commissionedwithin their authorityto handle the insurancebusiness matters,both partiesthroughequaland friendlyconsultations,agree as follows:
Article 1 Term
1、This contractis valid from January 1st, 2015 untilyearendedDecember 31, 2017.
2、If Party AorParty B fails to sentnoticebeforethe expiration ofthe effective period ofthis contractwithin 60 days ofeach other in writingnotto renew the contract, the contractis automaticallyrenewedafter the expiration ofone year,torenewthe contract periodendedonDecember 31, 2018.
3、Renewthe contract expiresin thepreceding60 daysbeforethe contract period,the partiescan negotiatea contractto determine whetheradjourned;ifboth sidesagree to renewshouldbe entered into separate"insuranceagency businesscooperation contract," orother writtensupplementary agreement, otherwisethatcontractexpiresatthe termination ofthe contract.
4、Both partiesmayterminatethis contractprior and have other special agreement.
Article 2 Cooperation
Party A engages Party as asales agentsof insurance products,namelywithin the authorization scope,in accordance with relevantlawsandregulations of the stateinsurance regulators, theintroductionand saleofinsurance products issued byParty A;Party A shall pay operation fees toParty B.Both partiesshould besincere cooperation,honesty,equality and mutual benefit, and strictlycomply withthe provisions of thiscontract.
Article 3、Geographical Scope of Authorization of Agency
Party A engagesParty B as theinsurance agents,the geographical scopeof insurance products forPartyB is Henan Province.
Party B in theauthorizedgeographicalscope ofinsuranceprovided by PartyAshall,in accordance withthe relevant provisions ofnational laws, regulations andinsurance regulators,insurance businessto handlethe following:
1)publicity, promotionpartydesignatedinsurance products,life insurance businessto attractand guidethe insuredfor the relevantinsurance procedures(including theinterpretationof insurance productsandcontentsinsurance policy,insuranceexplanationprecautionsfillthe book,the correct guidance ofthe insured, the insuredfill inthe Proposal Formand related documents);
2)establish a specialaccount, the collection ofthe precedingbusinessinsurance,andinsuranceonthe date of receiptof thetwodays oftransfertothe accountdesignatedby Party A;
3)the collection ofinsurancepolicyholders,contract changes,terminationapplication, claimsapplication,loanapplicationsand other relevantdocuments, and withinthe stipulated timepromptly forwarded toParty A;
4)collection ofinsurance benefitsbeneficiariesand other relevantapplicationdocuments, and withinthe stipulated timepromptly forwarded toParty A
5)According tothe requirements ofthe Party A,on behalf ofnotmore than 500 yuan(inclusive)of themicro-insurance andsurrenderpaymentsand other relatedpaymentstransferred to thepolicyholder, the insuredorthe beneficiary;
6)According tothe requirements ofthe Party A,on behalf oftheinsurancecontractandthe noticeor other documentwithina specified periodPartypromptly forwarded tocustomers. Depending onthe businessdevelopment ofthe Party A, withwritten notice tochange orsupplementthe purview ofthe preceding paragraphagent.
Party Bactsbeyondthe scope of authorization,theParty B shall beliable,regardless of theparty, resulting inlossesto theParty A, theParty A should becompensated.
Article 4 The Scope of insurance
1, theinsurancescopeof bilateral cooperationin Annex"in theBritishlife insuranceagent(agency)feepayment method."
2, In the effective periodof the contract,both partiescanchangethe scope ofcooperationthrough negotiationof insurance, the onlysuch changesneed to supplementthewrittenagreementsignedby both parties, except asotherwise agreed bythe contract.
Article 5 Independent Contractor
Both partiessigned acooperationand performance of thiscontract,does not mean thatboth partiesconstitutesan employment relationshipora legal partnership relationshiporde facto.
Article 6 Commission Payment and Refund
1, in the effective periodthe contract,the real effectiveinsurancecontractwith theinsuredpartyandsignedby theParty Bin accordance withthe sales agentsales agentand PartyBunder thepremiumsalready paid,under thiscontractandAccessories "British Liferemunerationcalculatedinsuranceagent(agency)feepaymentapproach "agreedto payfeesto theParty B.
2. Ifthe preceding paragraphof thecommission"effectiveinsurancecontract"foratleast one yearduring theinsurancepoliciesof the new contract, PartyA to Party Bto payagreed uponin the preceding paragraphneed to meetthe followingconditions:
1)policyhas beensuccessfulvisitand
2)Thepolicyis the customer's signaturepieces,and
3)to reachthe other requirementsof this contractrelating tofeespaid.
These"successfulvisit" means apartydesignated byspecialized departmentsand personnel designated by Party Alinked to theinsuredby telephoneor letterandcompleteda return visit.Abovethe "customer's signaturepiece" meansaParty Bto attract,insurancedocuments(including, butnot limited to,insurancebook,insurancetips, product brochures,a statementof investment-orientedinsuranceproducts)forthe insured andthe insuredhimselfautographedandreceiptpolicyautographedpolicyholdersinsurancecontract.
Party A hasthe right to modify, "In the Life InsuranceAgents(agency)feespaidapproach"remunerationcalculation methodbased onthe actual situation ofbusiness development,provided that suchmodification mustprior writtennotice to Party B;Party Aissueda written noticeshould be clearlymodifications"in theBritishlife insuranceagent(agency)feepayment methods," theeffective time.In themodificationof the"Sino-Britishlife insuranceagent(agency)feepayment method" has beensignedbefore the commencement ofa validinsurance contract,receivesinsurancepolicyandobtainreceipthandwrittensignatureofthe insuredbusiness,the original"In the Life InsuranceAgentsrequire the person(organization)feepayment methods, "themeterto paycommission.
Party A, prior to the 25thof each month(in case ofextended holidaysto the nextbusiness day),toprovideacalendar month to party B based on successfully representedthe actualunderwritingandsuccessfulvisit done byParty B,a signaturepieceforthe client himself,andhesitantafter theexpiry of thewarrantyperiod is stillvaliddetails,andthe detailsof theinsurance premiumfor thebasecommission rateaccording to"in the Life Insuranceagents(agency)feepaymentapproach"to deal withthe calculation ofthe fee.Forreturningunsuccessfulpartyorclient's signaturepieceofthe insurance contract,iftheinsurance contractto complete thevisitandbecome a customer's signaturepieceoftimeinthe 18thmonth(including the firstday ofthe 18th, in case ofholidaysin advance), thepolicyPartywill accompanythe monthcovered byfeeschargedto copewithissuingParty.However, ifthe policy isto complete thevisitandbecome a customer's signaturepiecesafter 18hoursina month, thepolicyimplications ofthepolicyowner the rightfeeandcompletea return visitnext monthto becomethe customer's signaturepieces, with thenext monthto deal withthe formalitiesPartyfeespaidtogether
This contractmeans theinsuredallegedhesitation periodfrom the dateof receiptof insurance contractsduring the10 days(subjecttoreceiptdocumented), andduring this periodthe insuredmayterminate the insurance contractaccording to the provisionsof the insurance contract, the Party Awill beunder the insurancecontractallinsuredpaidpremiumsrefunded without interest.
Party A, prior tothe 25thof each month,shall (in case ofextended holidaysto the nextbusiness day) makethepayment ofthe agreedfeein the preceding paragraphto Party B.
Party Bshall deliver the invoice afterreceiving the feefrom the datewithintwobusiness daysof the payment.If Party Bdoes notdeliver,withinthis period,theinvoice, the payment for nextmonthshall paid on the condition that Party Ahas provided theinvoicesto Party A.
Party Ashall paythefee to the following account designated by Party B:
Bank account:
Account Name:
PartyB shallpay tothe moneythe Party Athe following account:
Bank:Branch ofICBCBeijingChaoyang Gate
Bank account:0200216919000002621
Account Name: ChinaLife Insurance Company Limited
Anyinsurancecontracts agented by Party B, such asafter thecommencement of the contract,is held invalid,oris canceledor revoked,ordischargeddue to customerbreach of this obligationisto exercisethe right to rescindthe Partyunder the InsuranceActand other factorsled tothe Partythe insuredshallbe fully refundedpremiums,commissions and othercompensationof allParty Bwithin ten daysafter receipt ofnoticeof Party A,should beundertheprotectionof individualcharged,fullrefund tothe Party A,even after thetermination of this contractlikewise.Party B is not entitled to receive the initial brokerage for newly entered insurance contract when the former insurance contract of the insured is defaulted or surrendered 6 months before the new insurance contract is entered. Party B shall return the brokerage to Party A when the former insurance contract of the insured is defaulted or surrendered 6 months after the new insurance contract is entered.
Thecontractterminsurance contractis canceled, includingthe insuredhesitateto terminate the contractperiod,andafter the end ofthe contractperiodto lifthesitation.
Thetermination of the contractof insurancecontracttermrefers to theinsuredat the end ofthe grace periodhas yetto pay therenewal premium,resulting intermination of the contractofinsurancecases.
In the event that, in theconductof insuranceagency businessin the process ofillegal, illegal,in violation of thecontract orother damagesthe insured, thebehavior ofthe insured,the beneficiary orthe interestsofthe Party, theParty A has the right toclaw backthe appropriate commission paid to PartyB, etc.remuneration.Party B’sbehaviorcausedloss to PartyA, Party Bshallcompensateall lossessuffered bythe Party A.
Party A,at the time ofthe monthlysettlement fee, could askpayabledirectlydeductedfromthe incomeof this contract, includingArticle VI, paragraphs 8 and9 ofthe agreement, includinga refundof theentryfeeshould be,or to requesta refund from PartyB thepaymentofthe appropriatefee.ForParty Bshallrefundowedin addition to theentryfeeshould be returnedoroutside, includingbut not limited toPartyBunder thiscontractshallpayliquidated damagesanddamages, such asmoney,fromthecollectiondeductingfees orother benefitsagency.Anyoverdue returncommissions oroverdueunpaiddamages,for each overdueday,five thousandths ofcalculatingthe amountowedshall beliquidated.
Article 7 Obligations of Party A
1, in theeffective period of the contract, PartyAshall payto theagency commissionin accordance withthis contract to Party B.
2,Depending on the actualsituation, the Party Ashallprovideto theParty Bto carry outthe necessarybusinessrelated materials.
3, If Party Adecided to stopsellingsome productswithinthe scope of cooperationin thiscontractorcontractmodificationwithinthe scopeof thiscooperationsome insuranceproductsParty Ashall promptlynotify Party Bin writing,thenotice shall be effectivewhendelivered toParty B, withoutthe consentby theParty B.
4, If the Party Adecided to modifyor changeproduct salesregulations,shall immediately notify theParty B;to change or modifythe provisionsof theParty B causing thehardblocks ofrows,the parties shallnegotiatein good faithto resolvethis,the negotiation fails,the partiesmayterminate the contract.
5,Party Ashould be based onthe relevantlaws, regulationsand insuranceregulatory agencies,trainingandmanagement for the PartyBanddepending on the actualsituation ofcounselingtrainingto assistemployees intheirinsurance agentsand otherstaff of Party B.
Article 8 Obligations of Party B
1, Party Bhascommitted tofulfillthe qualifications andcapabilitiesof this contract,including butnot limited to,obtainingappropriate insuranceagent qualification,a legitimateand effective"insuranceagent license", "business license" and so on.When PartyB in theconductof insuranceagency businessprocessorthe performance of thiscontractshall bein accordance withthe principlesof good faithand strictly abide byrelevant laws andrelevantregulations,insuranceregulators,andtheprovisions of thiscontract,the insurance agentto fulfillobligationsandresponsibilities,notillegal, illegal,in violation of thecontract orthe insuredprejudicialbehaviorinsured, the beneficiaryor thepartyinterests, otherwiseParty B shallbear alllegal responsibilitiesof itsbehavior,causinglossesto customers,Party B shallbe liable forthe customer;causinglossestothe Party,PartyB shallbe liable for damages.
2, Party Bmust conduct businesswithinthe authorized scope bythe Party A. PartyB hasnoagency,beyondthe scope or any conduct after termination ofagency. Anylossescaused to Party A by the Party B’s behavior,PartyB shallbe liable for damages.
3,PartyBhas no rightto issueon behalf ofanyinsurance policy orcontract of insuranceorrepairhairin any wayto make acommitmentunderwrittenagreenottoengage in anyinsurance claimson behalfof Party Awork,right to representthe Party A tothe insured, the insuredor the beneficiaryentered into anyagreementormake anyform ofpaymentof the debtscommitment.
4, Party Bsellsinsurance productsofferedstrictlyin accordance with relevantlaws and regulations,regulatory requirementsandthe terms ofthe insurance contract,the premium ratetables,insurancedocuments orinsurancerequirements provided by Party A. Party Bshall notmake anychanges, modifications, ormisinterpreted,shall not be grantedshares, optionsorinterestsofthe insured, theinsured or thebeneficiary ofthe insurance contractmake any commitmentbeyond.Any violationof Party B,Party Bshall take theresponsibility.
5,PartyBshould strictly abide bythe relevant provisions ofthe relevant laws, regulations,insuranceregulators,andthe provisions of thiscontractto carry outthe insuranceagency businessforinsurancedocuments(including, butnot limited to,insurancenotes,informthe relevantmatters,thestatementauthorizationbooks, etc.),insurance policy, policyendorsement,endorsement orother supplementalinsuranceregulators requireagreement ormattersdescribed by Party A. PartyBshall trulyquestioningthe customer,informorexplain;exemptionsforinsurance contractliabilityinsurer,insuranceliability provisions,surrenderand other chargesdeducted fromthe cash value,such asthe termsofhesitation, Party Bshallclearly promptedcustomersandclearly stated,and promptscustomers toread the relevantexclusion clausescarefullywhen receiveinsurance, insuranceor other insurancecertificateto fulfillthe obligation ofthe insurer;the mattersrequiredto make a statementor tellthe customer, theParty Bshall procure thatitsfactualdescription,if the customer hasaddedPartyB shallpromptlyconvey to Party A;
Party B shall witness Customersignaturesoninsuranceapplication documents,power of attorney,insurance policiesand other documentsreceipt. PartyBsalesdividends,investment and evenwhenother newuniversallife insurance products,shouldtake the initiative toreadtipspolicyholderdividends insurance, universalinsurance andinvestment-linkedinsuranceproduct descriptions,witnessthe policyholderontheproduct descriptionautographsandspecial tipsdividendsinsurancedividenduncertainty, universalinsurancesettlement rateexpense deductionsituationanduncertaintyofinvestment-linkedproductsandinvestment incomesituationexpense deductionmay be negativerisksand other content,andtranscribedtestimonyinsuredwhen completing theproposal formbelowaftersignaturestatement:"I have readthe termsof insurance, product brochuresandinsurancetipsbook,understandthe features andbenefitsofthisproductpolicyuncertainty."
6,All information relatingto insurance contractsshould beengaged ininsuranceagency businessin the processlearnedtruthfully informParty A.
7,In accordance withthe requirements, anycollection(turn) theinsuranceorinsurance,surrenderpayment orother paymentshallbe delivered toParty A,respectively,according tothe beneficiary orpayeeParty, and shall notin orderto offsetarewardorforother purposes.Ifunjustifieddelays byParty B orhandedoverthe money,should beforwardedto thedelay inthe amount ofthe base,a dailytwo hundreddollarsto payliquidated damages;andconstitutesunlawful orcriminalacts,shouldbear the corresponding legalresponsibility.
8, Party Bshall ensure that itsemployeescomply withthe conditionsofChinaInsurance Regulatory Commission,ChinaInsurance Regulatory Commissionwith aqualification certificateandinsuranceshould belegalandbusiness knowledge trainingandprofessional ethics educationandfurther educationforemployeesin accordance withlawsandregulations.Salesof new products,Party B shallensure compliance"in theBritish lifeinsurance productsthrough thegenerationof newmarketingsales management approach" requirement,and strictlyin accordance with the"Sino-British lifeinsurance productsthrough thegenerationof newmarketingsales managementapproach"itsmanagement.Partyshall ensure that itsemployeesshowexhibition industrypermits, work permitsorpracticingcertificates and othercredentialswhenvisiting customerssales,but alsothe name ofthe insurance companyshall informthe customeragent.
9, PartyB,forthiscontractandanyinformationfrom thepartybecause ofa business relationshiplearned(including, butnot limited to,partyinfo, insuranceproduct information,customer informationand otherPartyand other informationprovided by thePartyoperation)areto beconfidential,regardless ofwhetherthe termination ofthis contract, and bywritten consent,Party B shall notdiscloseto othersorused for commercial purposes,butfor the exerciseorprotection ofrights under thiscontractorby lawarebornfor, unless.
10, Party Bshould useand manage properly the use ofa variety ofdocumentsand materialsprovided by Party A,andshall, within 30days ofthe remainingdocuments andmaterialreturn toParty Aatthe date of terminationof thiscontract.
11, Party B hasthe obligation toactively cooperate withParty A for itsproxy servicestatus andmanagementsupervisionand inspection.
12, PartyBis obligedintactand promptlyhandeditto theparty Aobtainedthe agentactivityduringthe insurancecontractandall documentsandinformation relating to.
13, PartyBreserves the right tosupervise andinspectthe condition ofthe provision of agencyservices,the basic situation ofthe customerhasthe right to knowandmake the appropriatesupervisionandinspection, PartyB must cooperate.
Article 9 Termination
1. Thecontractis terminateddue to the followingcircumstances,if any debtrepaymentshould be fulfilledfirst:
(1), Ifthere is any factthateither party(including, butnot limited to,suspension of business,dissolution,bankruptcylaw, etc.), oronthe law(including, butnot limited torevoke thebusiness licensewasbeingrevoked,ordered to close downorcancellation of a license) not runningbusiness, theother party mayimmediatelybe made in writingto terminate thiscontract.
(2)Whenany partybusiness has seriously deteriorated, the other partyis entitled to have60 daysadvancewrittennotice to the otherto terminate this contract,theexpiration of60 daysnoticeof this contractshall be terminated.
(3)Anyparty tothis contractbeforethe expiration ofthe effective period of60 daysnoticein writing tothe other partynotto renew the contract, the contracton itsexpiry date ofthe validity periodshall terminate.
(4), Party B agree that promised amount of responsibility for each contract year, beginning with its annual life insurance premium income by total real income of not less than RMB $ 0.6 million, and continues to not less than 70%. Party A has the right to terminate this Contract if fail to achieve either conditions. If such fails due to force majeure, Party A shall assist Party B according to actual circumstance. Party A has the right to terminate this Contract if the Party B fails to achieve the target set forth in above article.
2. Aftertermination of this contract, either party shall payshall pay the amountowed to the other Party,within 30 days aftertermination ofthe contract.
3.During theinsuranceagentprocess, ifone ofthe following circumstances happens, Party Areserves the right toterminate this contract, noagency commissionpaid to theParty Band other relatedremunerationand claimdamagesParty,constitutes a crimesubmitto judicial organsaccording to law:
1)concealment orfictionalimportant informationrelating tothe insurance contract,ormisleading sales;
2)unauthorized changes tothe insurance provisions, arbitrarilyraise or lowerinsurance rates,selling fakeinsurance documents,or providefalse evidenceofinsurancecontract parties;
3)in the insuranceagency businessfraud,breach of trust,forgeryorSike sealof;
4)hinderthe insuredto perform the obligationsorinduceit does notperform the obligations;
5)deceivethe insured, the insured, the beneficiaryor theparty,orcollusioninsured,the insuredpartyto be deceived, the beneficiaryorother third parties;
6)misappropriation, interception, embezzlementinsurance,insurance premiumsorsurrenderof gold;
7)alterorforgetheir owninsurance contractsandrelateddocuments, forms,product promotional materials,or fictitiousinsurance agency businessor fabricatesurrender,takinga commission;
8)counterfeitinsured, the insuredsignature;
9)insalesdividends,investment-linked, universallife insurance, and other newproducts, thecounterfeitinsuredreproducesthe following statement:"Ihave read theinsurance policy, product brochuresandinsurepromptbook,to understandthe features andbenefitsofthisproductpolicyuncertainty."
10)issued bythe insurance policy orunauthorizedrepairinsurance contractsissued;
11)replace orassist others toreplacecustomersexamination, forgery ormodifythe medical report,butIknewexaminationof non-customerbehaviortruthfully informParty;
13)participate in orabetinfluencecustomers to makethe Party's reputation,brandimageandsocialbehavior;
| 14) | Otherprivilegesbeyondinsurance agentorviolation of state lawsand regulations,the relevant regulatoryagenciesregulatory requirements,the provisionsof this contractor Party,or damage tothepartyorthe insured,the insuredacts,the beneficiary's interests. |
4.Whetherthe contractfor any reasonandthe dissolution or termination,shallpaytheagency commission toPartyB,Party Bis limited to thepremiumbyagents of theinsurance contractbeforethe dissolution or terminationof this contracthas actually beenreceived bythecomputingPartytheagency commission;afterthe dissolution or terminationof this contract,forreasonsofinsurance contractPartyagents,regardless ofthe dissolution or terminationof this contractinthe futurewhetherto pay the correspondingpremium,PartyBhas the right torequirepayment of anyagencyprocedurescontinueto Partyfees.Butexcept forrescission or terminationof this contract, the two sideshadsignedan insurance contractrenewalservices andcorrespondingcompensationpayment standardto reach a supplementaryagreement
5.Party B,after thetermination of this contract, continue the operation(refer totheirinsuranceagent licenseand business licenseis still valid,continue to operatethe insuranceagency business), and thetwo sides signed the"insuranceagency businesscooperation contractterminationagreement(a)", thePartycontinuesprovidingcustomersto Partypolicyrenewalinsuranceservices (includingbut not limited tothe timely payment ofpremiumsto remind customers,customer visits,assistingcustomers forpolicychangesto help customersapply forclaims, claimsguidance,customer complaintsand complaintshandling andotherafter-salesconsulting services.
5. Remuneration Paid to Party B will be limited to the life insurance in the first year and renewal commissions annual service fee. The payment regarding the insurance policies will be made by Party A and Party A has the right to offset any unpaid amount plus interest owed by Party B.
6. PartyB, in thetermination of this contract, the two sidessigned the "insuranceagency businesscooperationterminationagreement, thePartyhasin factnot(such asclosure, dissolution,is revoked,is declaredbankrupt, etc.)or uponthelaw not(if a legal personunderlicenseorbusiness licensewithdrawn orrevoked), the Partycanbe made in writingimmediatelylift the"termination ofthe insuranceagency businesscooperationagreement.
7. PartyAis entitled torecover the fullinsurance policycontractwhich is terminatedbefore theoriginal contractandnotin accordance with thelife insuranceagent(agency)feepaymentapproach"to paymoneynotpaidthe first year,such ascommissions,salesbonuses,monthly performancebonuses,year-endbonuses,commissionsandrenewal, renewalannual serviceallowance,bonusratescontinuedagencyagreedtopayParty.Partypolicyhas beento attractall thepost-servicetransferbackallPartyBshouldcompensatelossescausedto the owner.
8. Eitherpartyagreedto terminate this contractin accordance withthe laworthe contract, the contractwill beterminatedwhenthenoticeserved on the otherpartyto terminate the contract,butthe contractforcontracttermination, exceptas otherwise agreed upontime.Eitherby courierservice,by registered letter,or otherforms ofdelivery recordofsendingnotice of thetermination of the contract, thecontractat the endof the noticedeliveredtothe addressshown on pageorthe otherdepending onthe other partywritten notice ofchangeofaddressshall be deemedserved.
Article 9 General Provisions
| 1. | Any matters not agreed in this Contract, therelevant provisions of therelevant laws and regulationsorstateinsurance regulators will be applied or both parties agree to sign separate agreement. This Agreement, including all appendices and attachments hereto, constitutes the complete and exclusive understanding and agreement between the parties regarding its subject matter and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, relating to its subject matter. |
| 2. | The notifying in this contract shall be sent tothe addressshown inthe contractin writingoraccording tothe other partywritten notice ofchange of address. |
| 3. | Whenthe contractis signed,Party Bshould providea copy ofthe relevant certificatesof insuranceagent license,business license, legallicense, organization codecertificate, etc.tothe Party Afor the record.Ifthere is a changein thelicensecontract period, Party B shallimmediatelyseized anewcertificate and acopyof thememorandumsent tothe Party A.Without thewritten consent ofthe other party,either partyshall notassign ortransferits rights or obligationsbasedborn ofthis contract. |
| 4. | Due todisputesarising fromthis contract, the two partiesthrough friendlyconsultation,negotiation fails,eitherpartyshall have the righttosuein the local people's court. |
| 5. | This Contract will be executed in four copies; two for each party. |
January 1st, 2015