Results of Operations
It is the Company’s objective to maintain a 100% utilization rate for all equipment purchased in any given year. All equipment transactions are acquired subject to binding lease commitments, so equipment utilization is expected to remain high during the funding period and throughout the reinvestment stage. Initial lease terms of these leases are generally from 36 to 120 months, and as they expire, the Company will attempt to re-lease or sell the equipment. All of the Company’s equipment on lease was purchased in the years 2011 through 2015. The utilization percentage of existing assets under lease was 86% and 87% at December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively.
Cost reimbursements to the Managing Member and/or affiliates are based on its costs incurred in performing administrative services for the Company. These costs are allocated to each managed entity based on certain criteria such as total assets, number of investors or contributed capital based upon the type of cost incurred.
2017 versus 2016
The Company had net loss of $39 thousand and net income of $44 thousand for the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016, respectively. The results for the year ended December 31, 2017 reflect decreases in both total revenues and total operating expenses when compared to the prior year period.
Total revenues for the year ended December 31, 2017 declined by $2.0 million, or 21%, as compared to the prior year period. Such decrease was largely due to a $1.9 million, or 20%, reduction in operating lease revenues, mainly the result of portfolio runoff and dispositions of lease assets; a $237 thousand unfavorable decrease in the gain on sales or dispositions of investment in securities; a $124 thousand, or more than 2 times, unfavorable change in the gain/loss on the sale of lease assets and early termination of notes due to a change in the mix of assets sold; and a $115 thousand, or 84%, decrease in interest on notes receivables, due to a decrease in outstanding notes in the current year period; offset, in part, by a $377 thousand, or 99%, favorable change in the fair market value adjustment on warrant holdings.
Total expenses for the year ended December 31, 2017 decreased by $1.9 million, or 20%, as compared to the prior year period. The net decrease in total expenses was primarily the result of a $1.9 million, or 29%, decrease in depreciation of operating lease assets, a result of lease portfolio run-off and sales of lease assets; a $112 thousand, or 28%, decrease in interest expense, a result of a $1.4 million net reduction in outstanding borrowings since December 31, 2016; a $101 thousand, or 104%, decrease in acquisition expense due to lower acquisition of operating lease assets; a $92 thousand, or 2 times, favorable turnaround in the provision for credit losses, a direct result of the collection of amounts previously reserved as uncollectible; and an $80 thousand, or 18%, decrease, in asset management fees to Managing Member, the result of lower asset balances under management and related revenues; offset, in part, by a $50 thousand, increase in impairment losses on investment in securities; a $186 thousand, or 131%, increase in professional fees, related to legal fees associated with a legal action against a lessee of the Company; a $129 thousand, or 15%, increase in cost reimbursement to the managing member and/or affiliates, the result of higher indirect cost allocations, a result of refinement of cost allocation methodology; and a $37 thousand, or 53%, increase in outside services, indicative of additional efforts required to comply with certain regulatory requirements.
Capital Resources and Liquidity
At December 31, 2017 and 2016, the Company’s cash and cash equivalents totaled $932 thousand and $2.6 million, respectively. The liquidity of the Company varies, increasing to the extent cash flows from leases and proceeds of asset sales exceed expenses and decreasing as distributions are made to the Members and to the extent expenses exceed cash flows from leases and proceeds from asset sales.
The Company currently believes it has adequate reserves available to meet its immediate cash requirements and those of the next twelve months, but in the event those reserves were found to be inadequate, the Company would likely be in a position to borrow against its current portfolio to meet such requirements.