Finance Receivables, Credit Quality Information, and Allowance for Credit Losses | Note 4. Finance Receivables, Credit Quality Information, and Allowance for Credit Losses Finance receivables for the periods indicated consisted of the following: December 31, In thousands 2019 2018 Small loans $ 462,499 $ 437,662 Large loans 608,608 437,998 Automobile loans 9,623 26,154 Retail loans 24,083 30,429 Finance receivables $ 1,104,813 $ 932,243 The contractual delinquency of the finance receivable portfolio by product and aging for the periods indicated are as follows: December 31, 2019 Small Large Automobile Retail Total In thousands $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % Current $ 372,921 80.7 % $ 523,936 86.1 % $ 6,906 71.8 % $ 18,093 75.1 % $ 921,856 83.4 % 1 to 29 days past due 47,313 10.2 % 51,118 8.4 % 1,963 20.4 % 3,531 14.7 % 103,925 9.4 % Delinquent accounts 30 to 59 days 12,666 2.8 % 11,351 1.9 % 240 2.5 % 853 3.6 % 25,110 2.3 % 60 to 89 days 9,889 2.1 % 8,103 1.3 % 110 1.1 % 563 2.3 % 18,665 1.7 % 90 to 119 days 7,500 1.6 % 5,832 1.0 % 129 1.4 % 375 1.5 % 13,836 1.3 % 120 to 149 days 6,570 1.4 % 4,541 0.7 % 127 1.3 % 357 1.5 % 11,595 1.0 % 150 to 179 days 5,640 1.2 % 3,727 0.6 % 148 1.5 % 311 1.3 % 9,826 0.9 % Total delinquency $ 42,265 9.1 % $ 33,554 5.5 % $ 754 7.8 % $ 2,459 10.2 % $ 79,032 7.2 % Total finance receivables $ 462,499 100.0 % $ 608,608 100.0 % $ 9,623 100.0 % $ 24,083 100.0 % $ 1,104,813 100.0 % Finance receivables in nonaccrual status $ 22,718 4.9 % $ 17,739 2.9 % $ 590 6.1 % $ 1,186 4.9 % $ 42,233 3.8 % December 31, 2018 Small Large Automobile Retail Total In thousands $ % $ % $ % $ % $ % Current $ 347,053 79.3 % $ 365,950 83.6 % $ 17,767 67.9 % $ 23,392 76.9 % $ 754,162 80.9 % 1 to 29 days past due 49,946 11.4 % 45,234 10.3 % 6,304 24.1 % 4,436 14.6 % 105,920 11.4 % Delinquent accounts 30 to 59 days 12,168 2.8 % 8,768 2.0 % 751 2.9 % 842 2.7 % 22,529 2.3 % 60 to 89 days 9,555 2.2 % 6,779 1.5 % 421 1.6 % 627 2.1 % 17,382 1.9 % 90 to 119 days 7,202 1.6 % 4,407 1.0 % 241 0.9 % 429 1.4 % 12,279 1.3 % 120 to 149 days 6,266 1.4 % 3,823 0.9 % 434 1.7 % 367 1.2 % 10,890 1.2 % 150 to 179 days 5,472 1.3 % 3,037 0.7 % 236 0.9 % 336 1.1 % 9,081 1.0 % Total delinquency $ 40,663 9.3 % $ 26,814 6.1 % $ 2,083 8.0 % $ 2,601 8.5 % $ 72,161 7.7 % Total finance receivables $ 437,662 100.0 % $ 437,998 100.0 % $ 26,154 100.0 % $ 30,429 100.0 % $ 932,243 100.0 % Finance receivables in nonaccrual status $ 22,549 5.2 % $ 14,379 3.3 % $ 1,359 5.2 % $ 1,276 4.2 % $ 39,563 4.2 % Changes in the allowance for credit losses for the periods indicated are as follows: Year Ended December 31, In thousands 2019 2018 2017 Balance at beginning of period $ 58,300 $ 48,910 $ 41,250 Provision for credit losses 99,611 87,056 77,339 Credit losses (100,056 ) (82,341 ) (75,880 ) Recoveries 4,345 4,675 6,201 Balance at end of period $ 62,200 $ 58,300 $ 48,910 In the third quarter of 2018, three changes occurred that impacted the Company’s estimate of the allowance for credit losses. The changes collectively increased the allowance for credit losses as of September 30, 2018 and the provision for credit losses for the three months ended September 30, 2018, which decreased net income by $0.2 million, or $0.01 diluted earnings per share. The three changes are described in more detail in the paragraphs below. Certain of the Company’s loan origination fees are non-refundable, non-refundable (non-refundable non-refundable e non-refundable non-refundable non-refundable non-refundable In September 2018, the Company updated modeling assumptions used in estimating the specific component of the allowance for credit losses related to impaired finance receivables. The Company obtained additional performance data on finance receivables that had been modified under Company loss mitigation policies. Loss mitigation policies were formalized during 2016, and the impacted finance receivables now have more seasoning and predictable performance data. As a result of this change in estimate, the Company increased the allowance for credit losses as of September 30, 2018 and the provision for credit losses for the three months ended September 30, 2018 by $2.8 million, which decreased net income by $2.1 million, or $0.17 diluted earnings per share. Apart from the various optional payment and collateral protection insurance products that the Company offers to customers , non-file Non-file non-file non-file Separate from the changes noted above, in September 2018, the Company recorded a $3.9 million increase to the allowance for credit losses related to estimated incremental credit losses on customer accounts impacted by hurricanes. As of June 30, 2019, the allowance for credit losses no longer required or included an incremental hurricane allowance. In September 2017, the Company recorded a $3.0 million increase to the allowance for credit losses related to estimated incremental credit losses on customer accounts impacted by hurricanes. As of June 30, 2018, the allowance for credit losses no longer required or included an incremental hurricane allowance. On an annual basis, the Company updates the estimated loss emergence period for each finance receivable type. During 2017, the loss emergence period for each finance receivable type changed as follows: small loan finance receivables increased from six to seven months; large loan finance receivables decreased from twelve to ten months; and retail loan finance receivables increased from ten to eleven months. These net changes in the loss emergence periods increased the Company’s allowance for credit losses by $0.1 million, which decreased net income for the year ended December 31, 2017 by $0.1 million, or $0.01 diluted earnings per share. During , the loss emergence period for each finance receivable type changed as follows: small loan finance receivables increased from seven to ; large loan finance receivables decreased from ten to ; automobile loan finance receivables decreased from twelve to nine months; and retail loan finance receivables decreased from eleven to . These net changes in the loss emergence periods decreased the Company’s allowance for credit losses by $ million, which increased net income for the year ended December , by $ million, or $ diluted earnings per share. During , the loss emergence period for each finance receivable type neither required nor included any changes. The Company sells previously charged-off loans for all products in the portfolio to a third-party debt buyer. The proceeds from these sales are recognized as a recovery in the allowance for credit losses. In , the Company recognized a recovery of $ million from the bulk sale of previously charged-off customer accounts in bankruptcy. These accounts had been excluded from previous sales of charged-off loans. The following is a reconciliation of the allowance for credit losses by product for the periods indicated: In thousands Balance January 1, Provision Credit Recoveries Balance December 31, Finance Receivables December 31, Allowance as Percentage of December 31, 2019 Small loans $ 30,759 $ 54,842 $ (57,323 ) $ 2,310 $ 30,588 $ 462,499 6.6 % Large loans 23,702 41,278 (37,475 ) 1,643 29,148 608,608 4.8 % Automobile loans 1,893 575 (1,893 ) 245 820 9,623 8.5 % Retail loans 1,946 2,916 (3,365 ) 147 1,644 24,083 6.8 % Total $ 58,300 $ 99,611 $ (100,056 ) $ 4,345 $ 62,200 $ 1,104,813 5.6 % In thousands Balance January 1, Provision Credit Recoveries Balance December 31, Finance Receivables December 31, Allowance as Percentage of December 31, 2018 Small loans $ 24,749 $ 51,859 $ (48,333 ) $ 2,484 $ 30,759 $ 437,662 7.0 % Large loans 17,548 31,103 (26,337 ) 1,388 23,702 437,998 5.4 % Automobile loans 4,025 1,300 (4,085 ) 653 1,893 26,154 7.2 % Retail loans 2,588 2,794 (3,586 ) 150 1,946 30,429 6.4 % Total $ 48,910 $ 87,056 $ (82,341 ) $ 4,675 $ 58,300 $ 932,243 6.3 % In thousands Balance January 1, Provision Credit Recoveries Balance December 31, Finance Receivables December 31, Allowance as Percentage of December 31, 2017 Small loans $ 21,770 $ 45,104 $ (45,612 ) $ 3,487 $ 24,749 $ 375,772 6.6 % Large loans 11,460 25,024 (20,088 ) 1,152 17,548 347,218 5.1 % Automobile loans 5,910 4,210 (7,424 ) 1,329 4,025 61,423 6.6 % Retail loans 2,110 3,001 (2,756 ) 233 2,588 33,050 7.8 % Total $ 41,250 $ 77,339 $ (75,880 ) $ 6,201 $ 48,910 $ 817,463 6.0 % Impaired finance receivables as a percentage of total finance receivables were 2.8% and 2.9% for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The following is a summary of finance receivables evaluated for impairment for the periods indicated: December 31, 2019 In thousands Small Large Automobile Retail Total Impaired receivables specifically evaluated $ 9,920 $ 20,667 $ 652 $ 130 $ 31,369 Finance receivables evaluated collectively 452,579 587,941 8,971 23,953 1,073,444 Finance receivables outstanding $ 462,499 $ 608,608 $ 9,623 $ 24,083 $ 1,104,813 Impaired receivables in nonaccrual status $ 1,629 $ 3,189 $ 184 $ 40 $ 5,042 Amount of the specific reserve for impaired accounts $ 4,069 $ 7,733 $ 386 $ 69 $ 12,257 Amount of the general component of the allowance $ 26,519 $ 21,415 $ 434 $ 1,575 $ 49,943 December 31, 2018 In thousands Small Large Automobile Retail Total Impaired receivables specifically evaluated $ 8,361 $ 17,196 $ 918 $ 110 $ 26,585 Finance receivables evaluated collectively 429,301 420,802 25,236 30,319 905,658 Finance receivables outstanding $ 437,662 $ 437,998 $ 26,154 $ 30,429 $ 932,243 Impaired receivables in nonaccrual status $ 1,209 $ 2,292 $ 178 $ 37 $ 3,716 Amount of the specific reserve for impaired accounts $ 3,791 $ 6,860 $ 492 $ 61 $ 11,204 Amount of the general component of the allowance $ 26,968 $ 16,842 $ 1,401 $ 1,885 $ 47,096 The average recorded investment in impaired finance receivables and the amount of interest income recognized on impaired loans for the periods indicated are as follows: Year Ended December 31, 2019 2018 In thousands Average Interest Income Average Interest Income Small loans $ 9,723 $ 1,551 $ 6,577 $ 1,066 Large loans 18,938 2,538 13,221 1,639 Automobile loans 786 37 1,381 60 Retail loans 129 5 109 6 Total $ 29,576 $ 4,131 $ 21,288 $ 2,771 |