This Product Distribution Agreement (this "Agreement") is made effective as of the signature date below between mCig, Inc., of 433 North Camden Drive, 6th Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, and Cafe Serendipity Holdings, Inc., of 10120 S. Eastern Ave Suite 200, Henderson, Nevada 89052.
In the Agreement, the party who is granting the right to sell its merchandise will be referred to as "mCig, Inc.", and the other party who is receiving the right to sell the merchandise will be referred to as "Cafe Serendipity Holdings, Inc.".
The parties agree as follows:
I. RIGHT TO SELL. MCig, Inc. owns MCig, Inc. products and can sell VitaCig, Inc. (a controlled entity) products as listed on a Catalogue of Products to be provided by mCig, Inc. to Cafe Serendipity Holdings, Inc. ("mCig Products"). In accordance with this Agreement, mCig, Inc. grants Cafe Serendipity Holdings, Inc. a non-exclusive right to sell the mCig Products under the terms of this Agreement. mCig, Inc. agrees to deliver to Cafe Serendipity Holdings, Inc. all sales prices and terms of sale, which shall be determined by mutual consent of the parties.
II. CONDITIONS OF SALE. (a)Cafe Serendipity Holdings, Inc. agrees that a minimum of sixty percent (60%) of the products carried in the Cafe Serendipity Holdings, Inc. stores shall be mCig Products; (b) mCig, Inc. has the first right of refusal to, create, produce, and supply Cafe Serendipity Holdings, Inc. with any needed products for their franchisees, provided if mCig, Inc. cannot, or chooses not to, create needed product line, then Cafe Serendipity Holdings, Inc. has the secondary right to outsource the product; (c) all products, should be mutually created to meet reasonable competitive market costs in regard to retail and wholesale pricing, by Cafe Serendipity Holdings, Inc. and mCig, Inc. and to be profitable for both; and (d) upon execution of this Agreement, Cafe Serendipity Holdings, Inc. willappoint of a designee of mCig to the Board of Directors ofCafe Serendipity Holdings, Inc.(with best efforts used to retain this designee during the duration of the time in which mCig holdsCafe Serendipity Holdings, Inc. shares of common stock, if any, pursuant to a separate agreement or three (3) years, whichever is sooner).