December 20, 2019
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| Meeting. Accordingly, please revise your disclosure to clarify, if accurate, that as a result of the letter agreements, all proposals on which Class M shareholders are entitled to vote at the Special Meeting are expected to be approved, regardless of the votes of Class M shareholders who have not entered into such agreements. |
The Registrant has revised the disclosure on pages 3, 22, 31 and 76 of the Proxy Statement to include such a statement to comply with the Staff’s comment.
What are the principal conditions to consummation of the Share Transactions?, page 5
2. | You disclose that the parties’ obligations to complete the Share Transactions are conditioned upon, among others, the “receipt of certain regulatory approvals necessary to consummate, and the actual consummation of, the restructuring of certain reinsurance transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement.” Please revise to briefly describe the nature of such restructuring transactions, either here or elsewhere in your proxy statement. |
The restructuring of certain reinsurance transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement is a reference to the following disclosure on page 44 of the Proxy Statement in the section entitled “Related Party Transactions – Reinsurance of Voya Financial, Inc. and Investment in VA Capital Company LLC and Debt Financing to Venerable Holdings, Inc.”:
Prior to the closing of the transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement, all of the business that is currently ceded by VIAC to ALRe will be recaptured by VIAC. Immediately following such recapture, VIAC will cede to Athene Annuity Re Ltd. (“AARe”) all of the recaptured business previously reinsured by ALRe.
The Registrant has added the following language after such disclosure to comply with the Staff’s comment:
Such recapture and new reinsurance are subject to the prior approval of the Arizona Department of Insurance and the Iowa Insurance Division. ALRe, AARe and VIAC expect to consummate such recapture and new reinsurance promptly following the receipt of such approvals or, if later, December 31, 2019.
The Registrant has also revised the disclosure on pages 5 and 74 to reference the description of the nature of the restructuring of certain reinsurance transactions contemplated by the Transaction Agreement in the section entitled “Related Party Transactions – Reinsurance of Voya Financial, Inc. and Investment in VA Capital Company LLC and Debt Financing to Venerable Holdings, Inc.” to comply with the Staff’s comment.