| Cash and cash equivalent s $ 40,000 $ 63,931 $ 70,590 $ 63,425 $ 86,773 Short -t erm invest ment s 239,856 — 99,994 — — Loans, held for sale, at fair value 152,231 206,706 200,318 216,022 160,999 Loans eligible for repurchase from Ginnie Mae 117,229 105,244 101,408 95,158 81,484 Derivat ive inst rument s 4,351 4,187 4,131 4,725 5,022 Receivable from t hird part ies 111,221 106,562 6,756 6,756 11,064 Asset s of consolidat ed VIEs 631,765 597,277 944,894 861,662 968,999 Li abi l i ti e s P romissory not e, net 7,046 6,773 6,494 6,107 5,883 Convert ible not e, net — — 109,414 108,991 109,226 Guarant eed loan financing 361,916 332,812 313,388 293,045 278,500 Liabilit ies for loans eligible for repurchase from Ginnie Mae 117,229 105,244 101,408 95,158 81,484 Dividends payable 12,162 12,289 12,289 12,289 12,335 Total Li abi l i ti e s $ 1,977,662 $ 1,894,109 $ 1,948,090 $ 1,968,036 $ 2,079,198 Common st ock 3 4 3 3 3 Ret ained earnings (Deficit ) (2,648) (4,030) (3,952) (3,385) 2,559 Non-cont rolling int erest s 38,847 19,394 19,338 19,394 19,737 Total Li abi l i ti e s an d S tock h ol de rs ’ Equ i ty $ 2,527,522 $ 2,446,920 $ 2,503,143 $ 2,523,503 $ 2,640,954 (1) Certain balances have been reclassified to match current period presentation18 (2) Excludes the equity component of our 2017 convertible note issuance. Adju s te d B ook Val u e pe r S h are (2 ) $ 16.73 $ 16.67 $ 16.68 $ 16.69 $ 16.88 Total S tock h ol de rs ’ Equ i ty $ 549,860 $ 552,811 $ 555,053 $ 555,467 $ 561,756 T ot al Sut herland Asset Management Corporat ion equit y 511,013 533,417 535,715 536,073 542,019 Addit ional paid-in capit al 513,658 537,443 539,664 539,455 539,457 S tock h ol de rs ’ Equ i ty Account s payable and ot her accrued liabilit ies 63,130 53,768 54,579 74,636 64,490 Derivat ive inst rument s 619 931 358 282 756 Cont ingent considerat ion 8,841 8,939 9,037 10,016 10,732 Senior secured not e, net 73,390 138,311 138,074 138,078 178,688 Securit ized debt obligat ions of consolidat ed VIEs, net 434,055 397,911 680,282 598,148 679,871 Secured borrowings 899,274 837,131 522,767 631,286 657,233 Total As s e ts $ 2,527,522$ 2,446,920$ 2,503,143$ 2,523,503$ 2,640,954 Ot her asset s 60,938 39,452 35,356 56,840 53,592 Servicing right s 84,997 86,751 89,372 94,038 104,613 Invest ment in unconsolidat ed joint vent ure — — — 55,369 50,229 Mort gage backed securit ies, at fair value 31,365 43,877 41,371 39,922 47,181 Loans, net 1,033,7971,175,370892,896 1,017,9201,057,034 Rest rict ed cash 19,772 17,563 16,057 11,666 13,964 As s e ts BALANCE SHEET BY QUARTER (In Th ou s an ds ) 3/31/2017 (1 ) 6/30/2017 (1 ) 9/30/2017 12/31/2017 3/31/2018 |