Loans and Allowance for Credit Losses | Note 6. Loans and Allowance for Credit Losses Loa ns includes (i) loans held for investment that are accounted for at amortized cost net of allowance for credit losses, (ii) loans held at fair value under the fair value option, (iii) loans held for sale that are accounted for at the lower of cost or fair value net of valuation allo wance and (iv) loans held for sale at fair value under the fair value option. The classification for a loan is based on product type and management’s strategy for the loan. Loan portfolio The table below summarizes the classification, unpaid principal balance (“UPB”), and carrying value of loans held by the Company including loans of consolidated VIEs. December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 (in thousands) Carrying Value UPB Carrying Value UPB Loans Bridge $ 1,246,725 $ 1,309,683 $ 1,422,091 $ 1,448,281 Fixed rate 197,162 197,272 239,586 241,674 Construction 733,276 874,558 1,176,913 1,212,526 Freddie Mac — — 9,500 9,719 SBA - 7(a) 1,043,120 1,075,845 978,543 1,003,323 Other 157,866 177,155 193,527 198,499 Total Loans, net $ 3,378,149 $ 3,634,513 $ 4,020,160 $ 4,114,022 Loans in consolidated VIEs Bridge 3,854,982 3,970,084 5,356,689 5,389,535 Fixed rate 685,505 688,347 784,360 790,967 SBA - 7(a) 178,498 189,737 213,456 227,636 Other 211,076 212,020 256,820 258,029 Total Loans, net, in consolidated VIEs $ 4,930,061 $ 5,060,188 $ 6,611,325 $ 6,666,167 Loans, held for sale Bridge 58,703 134,065 — — Fixed rate 2,750 6,056 — — Construction 54,392 77,487 — — Freddie Mac 36,248 35,931 20,955 20,729 SBA - 7(a) 87,825 81,524 59,421 55,769 Other 1,708 1,817 1,223 1,297 Total Loans, held for sale $ 241,626 $ 336,880 $ 81,599 $ 77,795 Total $ 8,549,836 $ 9,031,581 $ 10,713,084 $ 10,857,984 In the table above, loans with the “Other” classification are generally LMM acquired loans that have nonconforming characteristics for the Fixed rate , Bridge, Construction, or Freddie Mac classifications due to loan size, rate type, collateral , or borrower criteria. Loan vintage and credit quality indicators The Company monitors the credit quality of its loan portfolio based on primary credit quality indicators, such as delinquency rates. Loans that are 30 days or more past due, provide an indication of the borrower’s capacity and willingness to meet its financial obligations. The tables below summarize the classification, UPB, carrying value and gross write-offs of loans by year of origination. Carrying Value by Year of Origination (in thousands) UPB 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Pre 2020 Total December 31, 2024 Bridge $ 5,279,767 $ 321,439 $ 244,283 $ 2,083,723 $ 2,270,504 $ 105,279 $ 76,479 $ 5,101,707 Fixed rate 885,619 — — 109,733 180,209 86,013 506,712 882,667 Construction 874,558 9,233 26,925 162,309 83,287 144 451,378 733,276 SBA - 7(a) 1,265,582 235,374 138,670 322,007 237,105 94,730 193,732 1,221,618 Other 389,175 14,769 2,881 4,225 685 9,205 337,177 368,942 Total Loans, net $ 8,694,701 $ 580,815 $ 412,759 $ 2,681,997 $ 2,771,790 $ 295,371 $ 1,565,478 $ 8,308,210 Gross write-offs $ 28 $ 1,440 $ 1,710 $ 3,022 $ 617 $ 7,776 $ 14,593 UPB 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Pre 2019 Total December 31, 2023 Bridge $ 6,837,816 $ 322,762 $ 2,951,573 $ 2,943,874 $ 284,485 $ 164,800 $ 111,286 $ 6,778,780 Fixed rate 1,032,641 4,004 109,741 205,895 88,709 315,905 299,692 1,023,946 Construction 1,212,526 105,865 252,910 182,618 73,353 433,425 128,742 1,176,913 Freddie Mac 9,719 — — 3,833 5,667 — — 9,500 SBA - 7(a) 1,230,959 146,158 349,628 316,711 114,383 75,725 189,394 1,191,999 Other 456,528 2,556 4,501 18,130 8,703 43,683 372,774 450,347 Total Loans, net $ 10,780,189 $ 581,345 $ 3,668,353 $ 3,671,061 $ 575,300 $ 1,033,538 $ 1,101,888 $ 10,631,485 Gross write-offs $ 100 $ 950 $ 3,236 $ 258 $ 360 $ 25,731 $ 30,635 The tables below present delinquency information on loans, net by year of origination. Carrying Value by Year of Origination (in thousands) UPB 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Pre 2020 Total December 31, 2024 Current $ 8,094,859 $ 575,781 $ 392,201 $ 2,488,252 $ 2,566,736 $ 289,352 $ 1,475,325 $ 7,787,647 30 - 59 days past due 148,612 3,666 1,676 92,516 26,385 734 6,311 131,288 60+ days past due 451,230 1,368 18,882 101,229 178,669 5,285 83,842 389,275 Total Loans, net $ 8,694,701 $ 580,815 $ 412,759 $ 2,681,997 $ 2,771,790 $ 295,371 $ 1,565,478 $ 8,308,210 UPB 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Pre 2019 Total December 31, 2023 Current $ 9,632,399 $ 565,544 $ 3,340,903 $ 3,400,336 $ 488,508 $ 877,362 $ 872,070 $ 9,544,723 30 - 59 days past due 172,355 551 59,879 80,545 507 22,557 7,101 171,140 60+ days past due 975,435 15,250 267,571 190,180 86,285 133,619 222,717 915,622 Total Loans, net $ 10,780,189 $ 581,345 $ 3,668,353 $ 3,671,061 $ 575,300 $ 1,033,538 $ 1,101,888 $ 10,631,485 The table below presents delinquency information on loans, net by portfolio. (in thousands) Current 30 - 59 days past due 60+ days past due Total Non-Accrual Loans 90+ days past due and Accruing December 31, 2024 Bridge $ 4,732,393 $ 93,078 $ 276,236 $ 5,101,707 $ 366,890 $ 88,396 Fixed rate 840,951 8,421 33,295 882,667 33,295 — Construction 691,655 — 41,621 733,276 60,018 — SBA - 7(a) 1,160,844 27,124 33,650 1,221,618 64,687 — Other 361,804 2,665 4,473 368,942 1,871 973 Total Loans, net $ 7,787,647 $ 131,288 $ 389,275 $ 8,308,210 $ 526,761 $ 89,369 Percentage of loans outstanding 93.7 % 1.6 % 4.7 % 100 % 6.3 % 1.1 % December 31, 2023 Bridge $ 6,169,893 $ 87,047 $ 521,840 $ 6,778,780 $ 338,982 $ — Fixed rate 978,897 21,772 23,277 1,023,946 13,928 — Construction 778,708 49,626 348,579 1,176,913 241,751 82,781 Freddie Mac 9,500 — — 9,500 2,674 — SBA - 7(a) 1,166,695 8,518 16,786 1,191,999 30,549 40 Other 441,030 4,177 5,140 450,347 6,005 — Total Loans, net $ 9,544,723 $ 171,140 $ 915,622 $ 10,631,485 $ 633,889 $ 82,821 Percentage of loans outstanding 89.8 % 1.6 % 8.6 % 100 % 6.0 % 0.8 % In addition to delinquency rates, the current estimated LTV ratio, geographic distribution of the loan collateral and collateral concentration are primary credit quality indicators that provide insight into a borrower’s capacity and willingness to meet its financial obligation. High LTV loans tend to have higher delinquency rates than loans where the borrower has equity in the collateral. The geographic distribution of the loan collateral considers factors such as the regional economy, property price changes and specific events such as natural disasters, which will affect credit quality. The collateral concentration of the loan portfolio considers economic factors or events may have a more pronounced impact on certain sectors or property types. The table below presents quantitative information on the credit quality of loans, net. LTV (1) (in thousands) 0.0 – 20.0% 20.1 – 40.0% 40.1 – 60.0% 60.1 – 80.0% 80.1 – 100.0% Greater than 100.0% Total December 31, 2024 Bridge $ — $ 103,364 $ 553,768 $ 3,230,535 $ 471,137 $ 742,903 $ 5,101,707 Fixed rate 1,348 29,799 379,043 446,246 26,231 — 882,667 Construction 27,973 4,725 90,615 160,507 17,892 431,564 733,276 SBA - 7(a) 14,222 65,279 184,965 354,891 219,371 382,890 1,221,618 Other 105,417 116,848 61,974 62,662 16,661 5,380 368,942 Total Loans, net $ 148,960 $ 320,015 $ 1,270,365 $ 4,254,841 $ 751,292 $ 1,562,737 $ 8,308,210 Percentage of loans outstanding 1.8 % 3.9 % 15.3 % 51.2 % 9.0 % 18.8 % 100.0 % December 31, 2023 Bridge $ 2,308 $ 97,307 $ 754,311 $ 5,766,847 $ 82,063 $ 75,944 $ 6,778,780 Fixed rate 5,222 36,019 448,847 512,325 18,343 3,190 1,023,946 Construction 25,173 94,850 532,207 352,894 118,959 52,830 1,176,913 Freddie Mac — — 2,993 6,507 — — 9,500 SBA - 7(a) 10,522 55,635 171,188 400,884 223,882 329,888 1,191,999 Other 127,303 159,378 81,172 67,263 13,406 1,825 450,347 Total Loans, net $ 170,528 $ 443,189 $ 1,990,718 $ 7,106,720 $ 456,653 $ 463,677 $ 10,631,485 Percentage of loans outstanding 1.6 % 4.2 % 18.7 % 66.8 % 4.3 % 4.4 % 100.0 % (1) LTV is calculated by dividing the current UPB by the most recent collateral value received. The most recent value for performing loans is often the third-party as-is valuation utilized during the original underwriting process. The table below presents the geographic concentration of loans, net, secured by real estate. Geographic Concentration (% of UPB) December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 Texas 19.3 % 18.6 % California 10.8 11.4 Florida 7.9 6.4 Arizona 7.7 6.1 Oregon 7.3 5.9 Georgia 6.7 7.1 New York 4.8 4.8 North Carolina 4.0 4.1 Illinois 3.1 3.7 Washington 3.1 3.4 Other 25.3 28.5 Total 100.0 % 100.0 % The table below presents the collateral type concentration of loans, net. Collateral Concentration (% of UPB) December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 Multi-family 60.1 % 60.9 % SBA 14.6 11.4 Mixed Use 9.5 8.4 Industrial 4.8 4.3 Retail 4.1 4.3 Office 3.2 4.4 Lodging 2.0 1.6 Other 1.7 4.7 Total 100.0 % 100.0 % The table below presents the collateral type concentration of SBA loans within loans, net. Collateral Concentration (% of UPB) December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 Lodging 20.9 % 23.4 % Gasoline Service Stations 12.0 12.8 Eating Places 6.5 6.2 Child Day Care Services 5.7 5.6 Offices of Physicians 3.7 4.1 General Freight Trucking, Local 3.0 3.5 Grocery Stores 2.3 2.3 Coin-Operated Laundries and Drycleaners 1.4 1.9 Car Washes 1.1 1.0 Funeral Service & Crematories 1.0 1.4 Other 42.4 37.8 Total 100.0 % 100.0 % Allowance for credit losses The allowance for credit losses consists of the allowance for losses on loans and lending commitments accounted for at amortized cost. Such loans and lending commitments are reviewed quarterly considering credit quality indicators, including probable and historical losses, collateral values, LTV ratios, and economic conditions. The table below presents the allowance for loan losses by loan product and impairment methodology. (in thousands) Bridge Fixed rate Construction SBA - 7(a) Other Total December 31, 2024 General $ 126,471 $ 3,156 $ 493 $ 18,825 $ 1,523 $ 150,468 Specific 43,974 1,958 137,812 3,262 631 187,637 PCD — — 1,834 — — 1,834 Ending balance $ 170,445 $ 5,114 $ 140,139 $ 22,087 $ 2,154 $ 339,939 December 31, 2023 General $ 17,302 $ 7,884 $ 3,722 $ 12,679 $ 2,886 $ 44,473 Specific 18,939 5,714 5,726 5,188 143 35,710 PCD — — 21,422 — — 21,422 Ending balance $ 36,241 $ 13,598 $ 30,870 $ 17,867 $ 3,029 $ 101,605 The table below presents a summary of the changes in the allowance for loan losses. (in thousands) Bridge Fixed rate Construction SBA - 7(a) Other Total Year Ended December 31, 2024 Beginning balance $ 36,241 $ 13,598 $ 30,870 $ 17,867 $ 3,029 $ 101,605 Provision for (recoveries of) loan losses 134,300 (4,364) 114,069 8,959 (809) 252,155 Charge-offs and sales (96) (4,120) (4,800) (5,511) (66) (14,593) Recoveries 772 772 Ending balance $ 170,445 $ 5,114 $ 140,139 $ 22,087 $ 2,154 $ 339,939 Year Ended December 31, 2023 Beginning balance $ 49,905 $ 6,531 $ 17,334 $ 14,299 $ 2,450 $ 90,519 Provision for (recoveries of) loan losses (13,045) 8,571 6,363 5,598 1,185 8,672 PCD (1) — — 32,862 — — 32,862 Charge-offs and sales (619) (1,504) (25,689) (2,217) (606) (30,635) Recoveries — — — 187 — 187 Ending balance $ 36,241 $ 13,598 $ 30,870 $ 17,867 $ 3,029 $ 101,605 (1) Includes impact of measurement period adjustment related to the Broadmark Merger. Refer to Note 5 for further details on assets acquired and liabilities assumed in connection with the Broadmark Merger. The table above excludes $0.8 million and $0.7 million of allowance for loan losses on unfunded lending commitments as of December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023 , respectively . Refer to Note 3 – Summary of Significant Accounting Policies for more information on accounting policies, methodologies and judgment applied to determine the allowance for loan losses and lending commitments. Non-accrual loans A loan is placed on nonaccrual status when it is probable that principal and interest will not be collected under the original contractual terms. At that time, interest income is no longer accrued. The table below presents information on non-accrual loans. (in thousands) December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 Non-accrual loans With an allowance $ 509,752 $ 607,180 Without an allowance 17,009 26,709 Total recorded carrying value of non-accrual loans $ 526,761 $ 633,889 Allowance for loan losses related to non-accrual loans $ (125,218) $ (50,796) UPB of non-accrual loans $ 654,526 $ 688,282 Interest income on non-accrual loans for the year ended $ 47,192 $ 12,282 Loan modifications made to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty In certain situations, the Company may provide loan modifications to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty. These modifications may include interest rate reductions, principal forgiveness, term extensions, and other-than-insignificant payment delays intended to minimize the Company’s economic loss and to avoid foreclosure or repossession of collateral. Year ended December 31, 2024 . During the year ended December 31, 2024 , the Company entered into 65 loan modifications with an aggregate carrying value of $1.0 billion , or 12.4% of total loans, net. These modified loans include a combination of changes to the contractual terms which were in the form of term extensions, other-than-insignificant payment delays, and interest reductions. There were 30 loans with an aggregate carrying value of $688.8 million , or 8.2% of loans, net, that were modified to include both term extensions and interest payment deferrals. The term extensions ranged between 3 and 125 months with a weighted average of 16 months added to the original loan term. Included within these modifications was 1 SBA loan with a carrying value of less than $0.1 million with a 125 month term extension, which is included in the range mentioned above. Interest payment deferrals ranged between 7 and 38 months with a weighted average of 19 months and include payments for periods before the modification date. Payment modifications include the reduction of interest payments to equal excess net operating income with the difference between the original rate and the interest collected due at maturity. In most cases, cash management accounts are set up for the loans and default interest is waived. There were 8 loans with an aggregate carrying value of $137.0 million , or 1.7% of loans, net that were modified to include interest payments deferrals which ranged between 7 and 25 months with a weighted average of 15 months and include payments for periods before the modification date. Payment modifications include the reduction of interest payments to equal excess net operating income with the difference between the original rate and the interest collected due at maturity. In most cases, cash management accounts are set up for the loans and default interest is waived. There was 1 loan with a carrying value of $73.9 million , or 0.9% of loans, net that was modified to include both an 18 month term extension added to the original loan term and an interest rate reduction from SOFR + 3.25% to a fixed rate of 6.0% from June 2024 to December 2024 and 6.5% from January 2025 to July 2025. There was 1 loan with a carrying value of $62.7 million , or 0.8% of loans, net that was modified to include an 18 month term extension added to the original loan term, a 22 month interest payment deferral, and an interest rate reduction from SOFR + 3.30% to SOFR + 0.50% from October 2024 to August 2025 and to SOFR + 1.00% from September 2025 to August 2026. There were 24 loans with an aggregate carrying value of $58.4 million , or 0.7% of loans, net that were modified to include term extensions which ranged between 2 and 120 months with a weighted average of 13 months added to the original loan term. Included within these modifications was 1 SBA loan with a carrying value of less than $0.1 million with a 120 month term extension, which is included in the range mentioned above. There was 1 loan with a carrying value of $10.4 million , or 0.1% of loans, net that was modified to include an interest rate reduction from SOFR + 5.00% to a fixed rate of 6.0% effective June 2024 . Of the loans that were modified during the year ended December 31, 2024 , the majority were on accrual status. During the year ended December 31, 2024 , $12.2 million of total capital was invested by the borrowers, substantially all in the form of payment towards past due interest, principal or contribution to various reserve accounts. Year ended December 31, 2023 . During the year ended December 31, 2023 , the Company entered into 21 loan modifications with an aggregate carrying value of $468.6 million , or 4.4% of total loans, net. These modified loans include a combination of changes to the contractual terms which were in the form of t erm extensions and other-than- insignificant payment delays. There were 15 loans with an aggregate carrying value of $431.5 million , or 4.1% of loans, net that were modified by term extensions. The term extensions ranged between 9 and 120 months with a weighted average of 18 months added to the original loan term. The largest loan with a carrying value of $380.1 million was modified in May 2023 to extend the maturity date of the loan from June 2023 to December 2024, or 18 months . The borrower was required to contribute $17.0 million , or 4.5% of the total carrying value of the loan, towards various reserve accounts. There was 1 SBA loan with a carrying value of $0.1 million with a 10 year term extension, which is included in the range. There were 3 loans with an aggregate carrying value of $36.6 million , or 0.3% of loans, net, that were modified to include both term extensions and interest payment deferrals. The term extensions ranged between 10 and 18 months with a weighted average of 17 months added to the original loan term. The payment deferrals ranged between 10 and 12 months with a weighted average of 12 months . There were 3 loans with an aggregate carrying value of $0.5 million , or less than 0.1% of loans, net that were modified by interest payment deferrals. The payment deferrals ranged between 6 and 9 months with a weighted average of 7 months . Of the loans that were modified during the year ended December 31, 2023 , substantially all were on accrual status as of December 31, 2024 . The remaining elements of the Company’s modification programs are generally considered insignificant and do not have a material impact on financial results. Allowance for loan losses. The Company’s allowance for loan losses reflects estimates of expected life-time loan losses, which considers historical loan losses including losses from modified loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty. The Company continues to estimate the allowance for loan losses after modification using loan-specific inputs. As of December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023 , substantially all of the modified loans were performing in accordance with the modified contractual terms. Loans with modifications disclosed in the previous twelve months are performing in accordance with their modified terms as of December 31, 2024 , except for 12 loans with a carrying value of $43.7 million which did not make payments in accordance with their modified terms during the three months ended December 31, 2024 . On loans for which the Company determines foreclosure of the collateral is probable, expected losses are measured based on the difference between the fair value of the collateral and the amortized cost basis of the loan as of the measurement date. As of December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023 , the Company’s total carrying amount of loans in the foreclosure process was $8.4 million and $95.0 million , respectively. Lending commitments. For th e year en ded December 31, 2024 , lending commitments to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty for which the Company has modified the loan terms were $20.9 million . For the year ended December 31, 2023 , lending commitments to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty for which the Company has modified the loan terms was not material. PCD loans On May 31, 2023, the Company acquired PCD loans in connection with the Broadmark M erger . Subsequent to the determination of the preliminary purchase price allocation, based on updated valuations obtained, the Company recorded a measurement period adjustment of $5.2 million to increase the PCD allowance. Refer to Note 5 for further details on assets acquired and liabilities assumed in connection with the Broadmark Merger. The table below presents a reconciliation of the Company’s purchase price with the par value of the purchased loans. (in thousands) Preliminary Purchase Price Allocation Measurement Period Adjustments Updated Purchase Price Allocation UPB $ 244,932 $ 38,750 $ 283,682 Allowance for credit losses (27,617) (5,245) (32,862) Non-credit discount (6,035) (3,342) (9,377) Purchase price of loans classified as PCD $ 211,280 $ 30,163 $ 241,443 The Company did not acquire any PCD loans during the three months ended December 31, 2024 or December 31, 2023 . |