All Company records must be complete, accurate and reliable in all material respects. There is never an acceptable reason to make false or misleading entries. Undisclosed or unrecorded funds, payments or receipts are strictly prohibited. You are responsible for understanding and complying with the Company’s record keeping policy. Contact the Compliance Officer if you have any questions regarding the record keeping policy.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Each employee has an obligation to comply with the laws of the cities, provinces, regions and countries in which the Company operates. This includes, without limitation, laws covering bribery and kickbacks, patent, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets, information privacy, insider trading, offering or receiving gratuities, employment harassment, environmental protection, occupational health and safety, false or misleading financial information, misuse of corporate assets and foreign currency exchange activities. Employees are expected to understand and comply with all laws, rules and regulations that apply to your position at the Company. If any doubt exists about whether a course of action is lawful, you should seek advice immediately from the Compliance Officer.
Discrimination and Harassment
The Company is firmly committed to providing equal opportunity in all aspects of employment and will not tolerate any illegal discrimination or harassment based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, health condition, national origin or any other protected class. For further information, you should consult the Compliance Officer.
Health and Safety
The Company strives to provide employees with a safe and healthy work environment. Each employee has responsibility for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for other employees and third parties by following environmental, safety and health rules and practices and reporting accidents, injuries and unsafe equipment, practices or conditions. Violence and threatening behavior are not permitted.
Each employee is expected to perform his/her duty to the Company in a safe manner, free of the influences of alcohol, illegal drugs or other controlled substances. The use of illegal drugs or other controlled substances in the workplace is prohibited.
Violations of the Code
All employees have a duty to report any known or suspected violation of this Code, including any violation of laws, rules, regulations or policies that apply to the Company. Reporting a known or suspected violation of this Code by others will not be considered an act of disloyalty, but an action to safeguard the reputation and integrity of the Company and its employees.
If you know of or suspect a violation of this Code, it is your responsibility to immediately report the violation to the Compliance Officer, who will work with you to investigate your concern. All questions and reports of known or suspected violations of this Code will be treated with sensitivity and discretion. The Compliance Officer and the Company will protect your confidentiality to the extent possible, consistent with the law and the Company’s need to investigate your concern.
It is the Company’s policy that any employee who violates this Code will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment, based upon the facts and circumstances of each particular situation. Your conduct as an employee of the Company, if it does not comply with the law or with this Code, can result in serious consequences for both you and the Company.