Schedule of Effect of Restatement | The effect of the restatement on specific line items in the consolidated financial statements for the three months ended September 30, 2015 is set forth in the table below: Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Loss for the three months Ended September30, 2015 Previously Reported Adjustments As Restated Operating expenses $ 7,491 (2,749 ) $ 4,742 Loss before income tax $ (7,491 ) $ 2,749 $ (4,742 ) Net loss $ (7,491 ) $ 2,749 $ (4,742 ) The Company formed two indirectly owned subsidiaries in China. Lisite Science Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (“Lisite Science”) was formed in June 20, 2016 and Shenzhen Baileqi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (“Baileqi electronic”) was formed in August 8, 2016. Both companies started operation in September 2016. Well Best International Investment Limited is the sole shareholder of both companies. The management inadvertently did not include the financial statements of Lisite Science and Baileqi Electronic in the consolidated financial statements in the form 10 - Subsequent to the filing of 10 - Q for the three months ended September 30, 2016, the management of the Company has concluded that we should restate our consolidated financial statements for the quarter ended September 30, 2016 due to the fact that the Company needs to incorporate the accounts of Baileqi Electronic and Lisite Science in the consolidated financial statements as both companies commenced operation in September 2016. The effect of the restatement on specific line items in the consolidated financial stements as of and for the three months ended September 30, 2016 is set forth in the table below: Previously Adjustments As Restated ASSETS Current Asset: Cash $ 17,630 $ 187,676 $ 205,306 Advances to suppliers - 234,236 234,236 Account receivables - 34,725 34,725 Inventory 40,685 332,672 373,357 Due from related parties 913,380 - 913,380 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 9,286 50,273 59,559 Total current assets 980,981 839,582 1,820,563 Total Assets $ 980,981 $ 839,582 $ 1,820,563 LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY Current Liabilities: Accounts payable- non-related parties $ 545,212 $ 129,743 $ 674,955 - related parties - 109,436 109,436 Advance from customers 286,292 178,805 465,097 Due to related parties 49,088 421,236 470,324 Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 71,626 9,863 81,489 Total Current Liabilities 952,218 849,083 1,801,301 Stockholders’ Equity : Preferred stock,5,000,000 shares authorized, $.0001 par value; 5,000,000 shares issued and 500 - 500 Common stock, 195,000,000 00 shares authorized, $.0001 par value; 99,003,000 shares issued and outstanding 9,900 - 9,900 Additional paid in capital 261,610 - 261,610 Accumulated deficit (243,082 ) (9,529 ) (252,611 ) Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (165 ) 28 (137 ) Total stockholders’ equity 28,763 (9,501 ) 19,262 Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity $ 980,981 $ 839,582 $ 1,820,563 Previously Adjustments As Restated Revenue $ 844,109 $ 43,150 $ 887,259 Cost of revenue- Non-related parties 756,570 24,657 781,227 -Related parties - 13,906 13,906 Gross profit 87,539 4,587 92,126 Selling, general and administrative expenses 41,710 13,933 55,643 Income before income taxes 45,829 (9,346 ) 36,483 Provision for income taxes 18,909 183 19,092 Net income from continuing operations $ 26,920 $ (9,529 ) $ 17,391 Previously Adjustments As Restated CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATIONS: Net loss $ (8,179 ) $ (9,529 ) $ (17,708 ) Net loss from discontinued operation (35,099 ) - (35,099 ) Net income from continuing operation 26,920 (9,529 ) 17,391 Changes in assets and liabilities: - Increases in account receivable - (34,826 ) (34,826 ) Increases in advance to suppliers - (234,919 ) (234,919 ) Increases in inventory (40,804 ) (333,642 ) (374,446 ) Increases in prepaid expense (9,183 ) (50,437 ) (59,620 ) Increases in accounts payable 546,852 239,827 786,679 Increase in advance from customers 287,127 179,325 466,452 Increase in accrued expense and other current liabilities 62,664 9,956 72,620 Net cash provided by continuing operating activities 873,576 (234,245 ) 639,331 Net cash provided by discontinued operating activities - - - Net cash provided by operating activities 873,576 (234,245 ) 639,331 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Payment to a related party (916,044 ) - (916,044 ) Net cash used in continuing operation (916,044 ) - (916,044 ) Net cash provided by discontinued operation - - - Net cash used in investing activities (916,044 ) - (916,044 ) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from related parties 577 422,466 423,043 Net cash provided by continuing operation 577 422,466 423,043 Net cash provided by discontinued operation - - - Net cash provided by financing activities 577 422,466 423,043 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (237 ) (545 ) (782 ) Net increase ( decrease ) in cash (42,128 ) 187,676 145,548 Cash balance, beginning of period 59,758 - 59,758 Cash balance, end of period $ 17,630 $ 187,676 $ 205,306 |