Legal Disclaimers Comanche Asset Acquisition Th e “Comanch e asset acquisition” r efers to the tr ansaction pursuant to which Sanch ez En er gy Co rpora tion (“S anchez Ene rgy”, “SN” or the “Comp any”) to geth er with an entit y cont roll ed by Th e Blackstone G roup L.P. (“Bl ackstone”) purchas ed ce rta in dev elop ed and unde velop ed oil and g as asse ts in Mav er ick, Di mmi t, Web and La Sall e Counti es, Tex as fro m Anad arko E&P Onshore LLC and K err-McG ee Oil & Gas Onshore LP for approxim at ely $2.1 billion subj ect to post-closing adjustm ents . The effect ive dat e of th e acquisition is July 1, 2016. Our estim at ed r ese rve inform ation includ es that of Sanch ez En erg y including, unless othe rwis e stated, the r eserv es acquired in the Com anche as s et acquisition. Unl ess other wis e stat ed, this pres entat ion giv es pro fo rm a effect to the compl etion of the Co manch e asset acquisition and all ref er ences in this pres entat ion to (i) rese rves as of ye ar-end 2016 or 2016 and (ii) acrea ge , drill ing loc ations, ope rat ional and production inform ation as of ye ar-end 2016, 2016 or lat er ar e pro for ma fo r the Com anche asset acquisition , exc ept for wh er e cont ext indicates otherwise, which do not give pro forma effect to the Comanche asset acquisition. Forwa rd Look ing St atements This pr esent ation cont ains, and our offic ers and rep res entati ves may f rom tim e to tim e mak e, “for w ard-looking st at em ents” within the m eaning of the saf e ha rbor prov isions of the Priv at e Securit ies Litig ation Refor m Act of 1995. All stat em ents, othe r th an stat e ments of historic al f acts, included in this pr esent ation that addr ess ac tiviti es, ev ents, conditions or dev elop ments that S anchez Ener gy exp ects, estim ates, beli ev es or anticipa tes will or m ay occur or ex ist in the futur e ar e for wa rd-looking stat e ments . Thes e stat e ments a re based on c ert ain assumptions m ade by the Co mpany b ased on mana ge m ent’s exp eri ence , percept ion of historic al t rends and technic al analys es, curr ent conditions, anticip at ed future dev elop ments and othe r facto rs bel iev ed to be appropri at e and re asonable by mana ge m ent. When used in this pr esent ation, words such as “will ,” “potenti al,” “beli ev e,” “ estim at e,” “int end,” “ expect ,” “m ay,” “should,” “ant icipat e,” “could,” “plan,” “pr edict ,” “proj ect,” “profil e,” “mod el,” “str at egy,” “future” or th eir neg ativ es or th e stat e ments th at includ e these words or othe r wo rds that convey the unce rtaint y of future events or outco m es, ar e int ended to id entify for ward-look ing s tat em ents , a lthough not all for w ard-looking st ate m ents contain such identifying words . In particula r, st at em ents, express or impli ed, conc erning Sanch ez En ergy ’s future op er ating results and re turns, S anchez En er gy’s str ategy and plans or v ie w of th e m ark et , or Sanchez Ene rgy’s abilit y to r epl ace or incr eas e rese rves, inc re ase production, g en era te inco me or c ash flows, and r educe l eve ra ge r atios a re for wa rd-looking stat e ments . Fo rw ard-lookin g stat em ents ar e not guar ant ees of perfor manc e. Such stat e ments a re subject to a number of assumptions, risks and uncerta inties, many of which ar e beyond our control. A lthough Sanch ez Ener gy beli ev es that th e exp ectat ions reflec ted in its forw ard-lookin g stat em ents ar e re asonabl e and ar e based on reasonabl e assumptions, no assuranc e can be giv en that these assumptions a re accur ate or th at any of thes e expect ations will be achi ev ed (in full or at all) or will p rove to ha ve b e en corr ect. Impo rtant factors th at could c ause Sanchez Ene rgy’s actua l r esults to diff er mat er iall y fro m th e expect ations r efl ected in its fo rw ard-looking stat em ents includ e, among othe rs : Sanchez Ene rgy ’s abil ity to successfully ex ecut e its business and financia l str ategi es ; the ti ming and ext ent of chang es in pr ices fo r, and de mand for, c rude oil and condensat e, natu ral gas liquids, na tural g as and re lat ed co mmoditi es ; S anchez Ener gy’s ability to utilize the se rvic es pe rsonnel and othe r as s ets of Sanchez Oil and Gas pursuant to existing se rvic es agr ee m ents ; Sanch ez Ener gy’s abili ty to repl ac e the r eser ves it produces through drill ing and proper ty acquisitions ; the r e alized ben efits of Sanchez En ergy ’s various acquisitions and the liabi liti es as s umed in connection with these acquisitions, including the Com anche asset acquisition; th e r e alized b enefits of Sanch ez Ene rgy ’s ventu res ; the re aliz ed ben efits of S anchez En er gy’s tr ansactions with Sanch ez Production P artn ers LP ; th e re alized ben efits of Sanch ez En er gy’s p artn ership with B lackston e; the extent to which S anchez Ener gy’s d rilling plans ar e successful in economic ally dev eloping its acr e ag e in, and to produce r ese rv es and achi ev e anticipat ed p roduction l ev els fro m, its existing and futur e proj ects; the accu racy of r es e rv e es tim at es , which by th eir natur e involv e th e ex ercis e of professional judg ment and m ay th er efor e be imprec ise; th e ex tent to which Sanch ez Ener gy can optim ize r eser ve r ecov ery and economic ally d eve lop its plays utilizing horizontal and vertic al dril ling, advanc ed comple tion technolog ies and hydraul ic fractur ing; S anchez Ener gy’s ability to succ essfully ex ecute its h edging stra te gy and the r esulting re aliz ed pric es th er efrom ; The cr edit worthin es s and p erfor manc e of our counte rpar ts including fin ancial institutions, op er ating p artn ers and othe r parti es ; co mpet ition in the o il and g as explo ration and production industry for e mploye es and othe r p ersonnel, equipment , mat eri als and serv ices and, rel at ed th er eto, the av ail ability and cost of e mploy ees and othe r personnel, equipm ent, m at eri als and s e rvic es; S anchez Ene rgy’s abilit y to access th e cr edit and capit al ma rk ets to obt ain financing on t erms it de e ms acc eptabl e, if at al l, and to oth er wise satisfy its c apita l exp enditur e requir em ents ; th e av ailabi lity, prox imit y and capaci ty of, and costs associated with, g athe ring, proc essing, comp ression and transport ation facil iti es ; Sanch ez Ene rgy’s abi lity to comp et e wi th other co mpani es in the oil and natural g as industry; the imp act of, and chan ges in, go ve rnm ent polici es, la ws and re gulations, including t ax l a ws and re gulations, envi ronm ental l aws and r egul ations r el ating to a ir e missions, w aste disposal , hydr aulic fracturing and access to and use of water , la ws and regul ations imposing conditions and restrictions on drilling and compl etion ope rations and la ws and regul ations with r espect to de riva tiv es and hedging activ iti es ; develop ments in oil-producing and natur al-g as producing countries, th e actions of the Org anization of Pet roleu m Export ing Countri es and other facto rs affecting th e supply of oil and natural g as; Sanch ez Ener gy’s abil ity to effectiv ely int egr at e acquir ed crud e oil and natur al gas p roper ties into i ts ope rations, fully identify ex isting and pot ential probl ems with r espect to such prop erti es and accu rat ely esti ma te r eser ves, production and costs with respect to such prope rti es ; unexpec ted r esults of litig ation fil ed ag ainst Sanch ez Ener gy; the extent to which S anchez En ergy ’s crude oil and natura l gas prope rti es oper at ed by others a re op er ated successfully and economic ally ; th e use of comp eting en erg y sourc es and th e d eve lopm ent of alt erna tiv e ener gy sourc es ; th e ext ent to which Sanch ez En erg y incurs uninsured losses and liabil iti es or losses and li abilit ies in exc ess of its insurance cov er ag e; and the othe r facto rs describ ed under IT EM 1A, “Risk F actors,” in Sanchez Ene rgy’s Annual R eport on For m 10-K for the fisca l y ear end ed Dec emb er 31, 2016 and any updat es to thos e facto rs set for th in its subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q or Current Reports on Form 8-K. In light of th ese risks, uncer tainti es and assumptions, the ev ents ant icipat ed by S anchez Ener gy’s for wa rd-looking st ate m ents ma y not occur, and, if any of such ev ents do, Sanchez Ene rgy may not hav e cor rec tly anticipat ed th e timing of thei r occurr ence or th e extent of the ir i mpact on its actu al r esults . Acco rdingly , you should not plac e any undue r eli ance on any of Sanchez Ene rgy’s for w ard-looking s tat em ents. Any forw ard-lookin g s tat em ent spe aks only as of the date on which such state ment is m ade and Sanchez En ergy unde rta kes no obliga tion to corr ect or updat e any forw ard-lookin g stat em ent, wheth er as a r esult of ne w informa tion, future ev ents or other wise , except as required by applicable law. Oil and G as Reserves The Secu riti es and Exchang e Com mission (“SEC”) r equir es oil and g as compani es, in thei r filings with th e S EC, to disclose “prov ed oil and g as r eser ves” (i. e. , quantit ies of oil and g as that a re esti mat ed with reasonabl e c ert ainty to be econo mica lly producible) and per mits oil and gas compani es to disclose “probabl e r ese rv es” (i.e. , quantiti es of oil and g as that a re as lik ely as not to be r ecov er ed) and “possible res erv es” (i.e. , additional qu antiti es of oil and gas th at might be r ecov er ed, but with a lo w er prob ability than prob able res erv es). We may use c ert ain t er ms in this pres entat ion, such as “r esource potenti al” or “EURs” that the SEC ’s guidel ines strictly prohibit us from including in filings with the SEC . The c alcula tion of resource pot ential , EURs and any othe r estim at es of reserv es and resourc es that a re not prov ed, probabl e or possible res erv es ar e not necessari ly calculated in accordance with SEC guidelines . Investors are urged to consider closely the disclosure in Sanchez Energy’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016. Non-GAAP Measures Included in this pres entation ar e c ert ain non-GAAP financi al me asures as defined under Secur iti es and Exch ange Com mission Regul ation G. Investo rs ar e ur ged to consider c losely the disclosur e in S anchez Energy’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K and the reconciliation to GAAP measures provided in this pres entation. 2 © 2017 Sanchez Energy Corporation