Filing exhibits
- 20-F Annual report (foreign)
- 2.5 Exhibit 2.5
- 4.49 Exhibit 4.49
- 4.50 Exhibit 4.50
- 4.51 Exhibit 4.51
- 4.52 Exhibit 4.52
- 4.53 Exhibit 4.53
- 4.54 Exhibit 4.54
- 4.55 Exhibit 4.55
- 4.56 Exhibit 4.56
- 4.57 Exhibit 4.57
- 4.58 Exhibit 4.58
- 4.59 Exhibit 4.59
- 4.60 Exhibit 4.60
- 4.61 Exhibit 4.61
- 4.62 Exhibit 4.62
- 4.63 Exhibit 4.63
- 4.64 Exhibit 4.64
- 4.65 Exhibit 4.65
- 4.67 Exhibit 4.67
- 8.1 Exhibit 8.1
- 12.1 Exhibit 12.1
- 12.2 Exhibit 12.2
- 13.1 Exhibit 13.1
- 13.2 Exhibit 13.2
- 15.1 Exhibit 15.1
- 15.2 Exhibit 15.2
- 15.3 Exhibit 15.3
- Download Excel data file
- View Excel data file
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Organization and principal acti
- Principal accounting policies
- Certain risks and concentration
- Business combination and dispos
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Short-term and Long-term deposi
- Restricted short-term deposits
- Accounts receivable, net
- Financing receivables, net
- Prepayments and other current a
- Investments
- Property and equipment, net
- Land use rights, net
- Intangible assets, net
- Goodwill
- Deferred revenue
- Accrued liabilities and other c
- Short-term loans
- Convertible bonds
- Cost of revenues
- Other income
- Income tax
- Mezzanine equity
- Common shares and treasury shar
- Share-based compensation
- Basic and diluted net income pe
- Related party transactions
- Fair value measurements
- Commitments and contingencies
- Subsequent events
- Restricted net assets
- Segment Reporting
- Principal accounting policies (
- Organization and principal ac_2
- Principal accounting policies_2
- Certain risks and concentrati_2
- Business combination and disp_2
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Short-term and Long-term depo_2
- Accounts receivable, net (Table
- Financing receivables, net (Tab
- Prepayments and other current_2
- Investments (Tables)
- Property and equipment, net (Ta
- Land use rights, net (Tables)
- Intangible assets, net (Tables)
- Goodwill (Tables)
- Deferred revenue (Tables)
- Accrued liabilities and other_2
- Short-term loans (Tables)
- Convertible bonds (Tables)
- Cost of revenues (Tables)
- Other income (Tables)
- Income tax (Tables)
- Share-based compensation (Table
- Basic and diluted net income _2
- Related party transactions (Tab
- Fair value measurements (Tables
- Commitments and contingencies (
- Segment Reporting (Tables)
- Organization and principal ac_3
- Organization and principal ac_4
- Principal accounting policies_3
- Principal accounting policies_4
- Principal accounting policies_5
- Principal accounting policies_6
- Principal accounting policies_7
- Principal accounting policies_8
- Certain risks and concentrati_3
- Certain risks and concentrati_4
- Business combination and disp_3
- Business combination and disp_4
- Business combination and disp_5
- Business combination and disp_6
- Business combination and disp_7
- Business combination and disp_8
- Business combination and disp_9
- Cash and cash equivalents (Deta
- Short-term and Long-term depo_3
- Restricted short-term deposits
- Accounts receivable, net (Detai
- Financing receivables, net (Sch
- Financing receivables, net (S_2
- Financing receivables, net (All
- Financing receivables, net - (N
- Prepayments and other current_3
- Investments (Schedule of Invest
- Investments (Narrative) (Detail
- Property and equipment, net (Sc
- Property and equipment, net (Na
- Land use rights, net (Schedule
- Land use rights, net (Schedul_2
- Land use rights, net (Narrative
- Intangible assets, net (Summary
- Intangible assets, net (Schedul
- Intangible assets, net (Sched_2
- Intangible assets, net (Narrati
- Goodwill (Details)
- Goodwill (Narrative) (Details)
- Deferred revenue (Details)
- Accrued liabilities and other_3
- Short-term loans (Details)
- Short-term loans (Narrative) (D
- Convertible bonds (Details)
- Convertible bonds (Narrative) (
- Cost of revenues (Details)
- Other income (Details)
- Income tax (Schedule of Current
- Income tax (Schedule of Reconci
- Income tax (Schedule of Tax Eff
- Income tax (Schedule of Movemen
- Income tax (Narrative) (Details
- Mezzanine equity (Narrative) (D
- Common shares and treasury sh_2
- Share-based compensation (Share
- Share-based compensation (Restr
- Share-based compensation (Summa
- Share-based compensation (Res_2
- Share-based compensation (Sum_2
- Share-based compensation (Huya'
- Share-based compensation (Numbe
- Share-based compensation (Binom
- Share-based compensation (Sha_2
- Share-based compensation (Sha_3
- Basic and diluted net income _3
- Related party transactions - Sc
- Related party transactions - _2
- Fair value measurements - Summa
- Fair value measurements - Sched
- Fair value measurements - Sch_2
- Fair value measurements - Narra
- Commitments and contingencies_2
- Commitments and contingencies_3
- Subsequent events (Narrative) (
- Restricted net assets (Details)
- Segment Reporting (Details)
- Segment Reporting - Property an