New Standards Adopted as at April 1, 2018 | 39 NEW STANDARDS ADOPTED AS AT APRIL 1, 2018 Adoption of IFRS 15, "Revenue from Contracts with Customers" On April 1, 2018, the Group adopted IFRS 15, “Revenue from Contracts with Customers” (‘IFRS 15’), using the modified retrospective method applied to all contracts as of April 1, 2018. Results for reporting periods beginning after April 1, 2018 are presented under IFRS 15, while prior period amounts are not adjusted and continue to be reported in accordance with our historic accounting under IAS 18, Revenue (‘IAS 18’). Revenue arises mainly from production and distribution of media content, television syndication or satellite rights and digital and ancillary rights. The Group determines revenue recognition through the following steps: 1. Identification of the contract, or contracts, with a customer 2. Identification of the performance obligations in the contract 3. Determination of the transaction price 4. Allocation of the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract 5. Recognition of revenue when, or as, a performance obligation/s are satisfied. In all cases, the total transaction price for a contract is allocated amongst the various performance obligations based on their relative stand-alone selling prices. The transaction price for a contract excludes any amounts collected on behalf of third parties. Revenue is recognised either at a point in time or over time, when (or as) the Group satisfies performance obligations by transferring the promised goods or services to its customers in an amount that reflects the consideration that it expects to receive in exchange for those services. At contract inception, the Group assesses the services promised in the contracts with customers and identifies a performance obligation for each promise to transfer to the customer a service (or bundle of services) that is distinct. To identify the performance obligations, the Group considers all of the services promised in the contract regardless of whether they are explicitly stated or are implied by customary business practices. The Group recognises contract liabilities for consideration received in respect of unsatisfied performance obligations and reports these amounts within ‘Trade and other payables’ in the Statement of Financial Position. Similarly, if the Group satisfies a performance obligation before it receives the consideration, the Group recognises either a contract asset or accrued receivable within ‘Trade and other receivables’ in the Statement of Financial Position, depending on whether something other than the passage of time is required before the consideration is due. For certain content licensing arrangements, the Group’s collection period range between 2 – 3 years from contract inception date. Under IFRS 15, an entity needs to adjust the promised amount of consideration for the effects of the time value of money if the timing of payments agreed to by the parties to the contract (either explicitly or implicitly) provides the customer or the entity with a significant benefit. As such, for arrangements where the implied collection period (or normal credit term) is considered to be more than 1 year, revenue is recognised after adjusting the promised amount of consideration for a significant financing component, using the discount rate that would be reflected in a separate financing transaction between the entity and its customer at contract inception. The effects of financing, i.e. unwinding of the financing component, is recognised separately from revenue from contracts with customers in the Statement of Income, within ‘Finance income’. Any subsequent change in collection date from the anticipated collection date considered on the contract inception date has been recognised separately in the Statement of Income, within ‘Other gains/(losses), net’. In case of television syndication rights, as on March 31, 2019, there were certain films in respect of which rights have not been transferred either because the delivery of the content has not been made or effective date mentioned in the contract has not arrived as on the reporting date. The aggregate amount of license fees allocated to the above movies for the twelve months ended March 31, 2019 is $14,723 which is included in contract liability. For the twelve months ended March 31, 2019, revenue amounting to $9,747 is included in the contract liability balance at the beginning of the period. As such, the Group has performance obligations associated with fixed commitments in customer contracts for future services that have not yet been recognized in our condensed consolidated financial statements amounting to $ 10,347 as of March 31, 2019. The Company expects to recognize revenue on more than 80% of these remaining performance obligations by 12 months with the balance recognition thereafter over a period of 2 to 5years. Practical Expedients and Exemptions The Group generally expense sales commissions when incurred because the amortization period would have been one year or less. These costs are recorded within sales and marketing expenses. Adoption of IFRS 9, "Financial Instruments" On April 1, 2018, the Company adopted IFRS 9, “Financial Instruments” (‘IFRS 9’), using the modified retrospective method applied as of April 1, 2018. IFRS 9 Financial Instruments replaces IAS 39 ‘Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement’ requirements with effect from April 1, 2018. When adopting IFRS 9, the Group elected not to restate prior periods. Rather, differences arising from the adoption of IFRS 9 in relation to classification, measurement, and impairment are recognized in opening retained earnings as of April 1, 2018. Major changes in IFRS 9 as compared to IAS 39 is on account of introduction of the expected credit loss model and the changes in categories of financial assets and financial liabilities. The adoption of IFRS 9 has impacted the following areas: • The impairment of financial assets applying the expected credit loss model. This applies now to the Group’s trade and other receivables. For contract assets arising from IFRS 15 and trade receivables that do not contain a significant financing component, the Group applies a simplified model of recognizing lifetime expected credit losses. For all other financial assets, expected credit losses are measured at an amount equal to the twelve month ECL, unless there has been a significant increase in credit risk from initial recognition in which case those are measured at lifetime ECL. • The measurement of available for sale equity investments was at cost less impairment in IAS 39. This investment is now measured at fair value with changes in fair value presented in other comprehensive income. • The recognition of gains and losses arising from the Group’s own credit risk. The Group continues to elect the fair value option for certain financial liabilities which means that fair value movements from changes in the Group’s own credit risk are now presented in other comprehensive income rather than profit or loss. Details showing the Classification and Measurement of the Company’s financial instruments on adoption of IFRS 9 as at April 1, 2018. IAS 39 Category IFRS 9 Category Total Total Financial Assets Cash and cash equivalents Loans and Receivables At amortized cost 87,762 87,762 Restricted deposits Loans and Receivables At amortized cost 7,468 7,468 Investment in equity instruments Available for sale financial assets Financial assets at FVTOCI* 27,257 27,257 Trade and other receivables Loans and Receivables At amortized cost 235,726 235,726 Total 358,213 358,213 IAS 39 Category IFRS 9 Category Total carrying value Total fair value Financial Liabilities Total borrowings (excluding convertible notes) At amortized cost At amortized cost 190,936 174,533 Convertible notes Financial liabilities at FVTPL Financial liabilities at FVTPL** 86,010 86,010 Trade and other payables At amortized cost At amortized cost 72,142 72,142 Acceptances At amortized cost At amortized cost 8,898 8,898 Total 357,986 341,583 * FVTOCI – Fair value through other comprehensive income. ** FVTPL - Fair value through profit and loss. Details showing the Classification and Measurement of the Company’s financial instruments on adoption of IFRS 9 as at March 31, 2019. IAS 39 Category IFRS 9 Category Total carrying value Total fair value Financial Assets Cash and cash equivalents Loans and Receivables At amortized cost 89,117 89,117 Restricted deposits Loans and Receivables At amortized cost 56,614 56,614 Investment at fair value Available for sale financial assets Financial assets at FVTPL** 1,042 1,042 Investment at amortized cost Available for sale financial assets Financial assets at FVTOCI* 2,650 2,650 Trade receivables Trade Accounts Receivables At amortized cost 71,129 71,129 Trade receivables Trade Accounts Receivables Financial assets at FVTOCI* 125,229 125,229 Total 350,445 345,781 IAS 39 Category IFRS 9 Category Total carrying value Total fair value Financial Liabilities Total borrowings (excluding convertible notes) At amortized cost At amortized cost 212,479 205,911 Convertible notes Financial liabilities at FVTPL Financial liabilities at FVTPL** 68,349 68,349 Trade and other payables At amortized cost At amortized cost 83,487 83,487 Acceptances At amortized cost At amortized cost 8,366 8,366 Total 372,681 366,113 * FVTOCI – Fair value through other comprehensive income. ** FVTPL - Fair value through profit and loss. The cumulative effect of the changes made to the consolidated interim Statement of Financial Position as at April 1, 2018 in respect of the adoption of IFRS 9 were as follows: Assets As of IFRS 9 As of Trade and other receivables $ 254,223 $ (18,497 ) $ 235,726 Deferred income tax liabilities 39,519 (673 ) 38,846 Currency translation reserve (56,722 ) (34 ) (56,756 ) Reserves 422,992 (14,270 ) 408,722 Non-controlling interests 137,728 (3,520 ) 134,208 However, as a result of adopting IFRS 15, amounts reported under IFRS 15 were not materially different from amounts that would have been reported under the previous revenue guidance of IAS 18, as such, cumulative adjustments to retained earnings is not material. The impact of adoption of IFRS 15 and IFRS 9 on our consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at March 31, 2019 were as follows: Assets Balance at IFRS 9 IFRS 15 (*) Balance at Trade and other receivables $ 215,210 $ 10,767 $ 24,273 $ 250,250 Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity Currency translation reserve (64,179 ) (126 ) — (64,305 ) Reserves (2,202 ) 4,121 22,918 24,837 Other long-term liability 13,898 — (458 ) 13,440 Deferred income tax liabilities 27,427 921 — 28,348 Non-controlling interests 135,529 5,851 1,813 143,193 (*) The impact of adoption of IFRS 15 and IFRS 9 on the consolidated Statement of Income for twelve months ended March 31, 2019 was as follows: March 31, 2019 IFRS 9 (*) IFRS 15 (*) March 31, 2019 Revenue $ 270,126 $ — $ 24,273 $ 294,399 Cost of sales (155,396 ) — — (155,396 ) Gross profit 114,730 — 24,273 139,003 Administrative cost (87,134 ) 10,673 — (76,461 ) Operating profit before exceptional item 27,596 10,673 24,273 62,542 Impairment loss (423,335 ) — — (423,335 ) Operating profit/(loss) (395,739 ) 10,673 24,273 (360,793 ) Financing costs (24,093 ) — 458 (23,635 ) Finance income 16,419 (2,209 ) — 14,210 Net finance costs (7,674 ) (2,209 ) 458 (9,425 ) Other gains/(losses) 288 (20,698 ) — (20,410 ) Profit/(loss) before tax (403,125 ) (12,234 ) 24,731 (390,628 ) Income tax (7,328 ) (248 ) — (7,576 ) Profit/(loss) for the year (410,453 ) (12,482 ) 24,731 (398,204 ) Other comprehensive income / (loss) (41,462 ) 4,664 — (36,798 ) Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the year (451,915 ) (7,818 ) 24,731 (435,002 ) Profit/(loss) for the year Attributable to Equity holders of Eros International Plc (423,867 ) (14,591 ) 22,918 (415,540 ) Non-controlling interest 13,414 2,109 1,813 17,336 Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the year Attributable to Equity holders of Eros International Plc (459,321 ) (10,149 ) 22,918 (446,552 ) Non-controlling interest 7,406 2,331 1,813 11,550 (*) incremental impact on account of adoption of IFRS 15 and IFRS 9 in addition to those reported under guidance of IAS 18 and IAS 39 Earnings Per Share Basic Diluted Earnings Earnings attributable to the equity holders of the parent $ (415,540 ) $ (415,540 ) Potential dilutive effect related to share based compensation scheme in subsidiary undertaking — (197 ) Adjusted earnings attributable to equity holders to Eros International Plc (415,540 ) (415,737 ) Number of shares Weighted average number of shares 70,706,579 70,706,579 Potential or dilutive effect related to share based compensation scheme — 1,463,640 Adjusted weighted average number of shares 70,706,579 72,170,219 Earnings/(loss) per share Earnings attributable to the equity holders of Eros International Plc per share (in cents) (587.7 ) (587.7 ) Since there is loss for the fiscal year ended March 2019, the potential equity shares resulting from dilutive options are not considered as dilutive and hence, the Diluted EPS is same as Basic EPS. |