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CUSIP No. G16258 10 8 | | SCHEDULE 13D | | |
Item 5. Interest in Securities of the Issuer
Items 5(a)-(c) of Schedule 13D are hereby amended and restated as follows:
(a)-(b) The aggregate number and percentage of L.P. Units of the Issuer held by the Reporting Persons to which this Schedule 13D relates is 220,030,707 units, constituting approximately 51.5% of the Issuer’s currently outstanding L.P. Units. The percentage of L.P. Units of the Issuer in this Item 5 is based on an aggregate number of L.P. Units of 183,081,905 outstanding as of July 31, 2020 and assumes that all of the outstanding redeemable/exchangeable partnership units of BRELP and BEPC shares are exchanged for L.P. Units (on a one-for-one basis).
(i) Brookfield
| (a) | As of July 31, 2020, Brookfield may be deemed the beneficial owner of 220,030,707* L.P. Units, constituting a percentage of approximately 51.5%**. |
| (b) | Sole voting power to vote or direct vote: 0 L.P. Units |
Shared voting power to vote or direct vote: 220,030,707* L.P. Units
Sole power to dispose or direct the disposition: 0 L.P. Units
Shared power to dispose or direct the disposition: 220,030,707* L.P. Units
* This amount includes 40,468,944 L.P. Units and 129,658,623 redeemable/exchangeable partnership units of BRELP beneficially owned by BRPI, and 5,364,000 L.P. Units held by BIC. This amount also includes BEPC shares held as follows: 42,535,263 BEPC shares held by BRPI, 1,341,000 BEPC shares held by BIC and 662,877 BEPC shares held by BREP Holding L.P. (“BREPH”). The general partner of BREPH is BRP Bermuda GP Limited (“BRP Bermuda”). BRPI, BIC, BREPH and BRP Bermuda are each a subsidiary of Brookfield.
** Assuming that only all of the redeemable/exchangeable partnership units of BRELP and BEPC shares beneficially owned by BRPI, BIC and BREPH, as applicable, are exchanged for L.P. Units (on a one-for-one basis), the percentage would be 61.6%.
(ii) Partners
| (a) | As of July 31, 2020, Partners may be deemed the beneficial owner of 220,030,707* L.P., constituting a percentage of approximately 51.5%** |
| (b) | Sole voting power to vote or direct vote: 0 L.P. Units |
Shared voting power to vote or direct vote: 220,030,707* L.P. Units
Sole power to dispose or direct the disposition: 0 L.P. Units
Shared power to dispose or direct the disposition: 220,030,707* L.P. Units
* This amount includes 45,832,944 L.P. Units, 129,658,623 redeemable/exchangeable partnership units of BRELP and 44,539,140 BEPC shares beneficially owned by Brookfield.
** Assuming that only all of the redeemable/exchangeable partnership units of BRELP and BEPC shares beneficially owned by Brookfield are exchanged for L.P. Units (on a one-for-one basis), the percentage would be 61.6%.
(iii) BRPI
| (a) | As of July 31, 2020, BRPI may be deemed the beneficial owner of 213,325,707* L.P. Units, constituting a percentage of approximately 49.9%** |
| (b) | Sole voting power to vote or direct vote: 0 L.P. Units |
Shared voting power to vote or direct vote: 213,325,707* L.P. Units
Sole power to dispose or direct the disposition: 0 L.P. Units
Shared power to dispose or direct the disposition: 213,325,707* L.P. Units
* This amount includes 40,468,944 L.P. Units and 129,658,623 redeemable/exchangeable partnership units of BRELP beneficially owned by BRPI. This amount also includes 42,535,263 BEPC shares held by BRPI and 662,877 BEPC shares held by BREPH. The general partner of BREPH is BRP Bermuda, and BREPH and BRP Bermuda are subsidiaries of BRPI.