$183,497.72 | February28,2013 |
FOR GOODANDVALUABLECONSIDERATION, thereceipt andsufficiencyofwhich is herebyacknowledged, IDS SolarTechnologies, Inc., aNevada corporation,("Maker") hereby promises topay to the order of BruceR. Knoblich("Holder") the sum of ONE HUNDREDEIGHTY-THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDREDNINETY-SEVENDOLLARS ($183,497.72). This Note shallbear interest at the rate of fivepercent (5%) per annum. All principal and interest due hereunder shall be paid on or before August 27, 2013.
This notessupercedestheNotedatedNovember27, 2012for$51,800.00between IDS Solar Technologies, Inc.andBruceR.Knoblich and incorporates the principal balance into this promissory note.
Maker herebywaivespresentment,dishonor, noticeof dishonorandprotest.Allpartieshereto consent to, and Holder is expresslyauthorized to make, without notice, any and all renewals, extensions, modifications, or waivers of the time for or the terms of payment of anysum or sums duehereunder, orunder anydocumentsor instrumentsrelating to or securing this Note, or of theperformance of anycovenants,conditions or agreements hereof orthereof orthe taking or release of collateral securingthisNote. Any such actionby Holder shall not discharge the liability of any party to thisNote.
This Noteshallbegovernedbyandconstruedinaccordancewith thelaws oftheStateof Nevada without regard to conflict of law principles. Maker shallalso pay Holder anyandall costs of collection incurred inconnection with thisNote, including court costs and reasonableattorney's fees.
IDS SolarTechnologies,Inc.
By:/s/ BruceR. Knoblich
BruceR. Knoblich,President