Secretary of State
204 North Carson Street, Suite 4
Carson City, Nevada 89701-4620
(775) 684-5708
Website: www.nvsos.gov
Articles of Incorporation (PURSUANT TO NRS CHAPTER 78) | Filed in the Office of Ross Miller, Secretary of State, State of Nevada Document Number 20110421052-98 Filing Date and Time 06/06/2011 11:06 AM\ Entity Number E0323382011-1 |
1. Name of Corporation: SERVICE TEAM INC.
2. Registered Agent for Service of Process Commercial Registered Agent: PARACORP INCORPORATED
3. Authorized Stock: 74,000,000 common shares par value .001
100,000 preferred shares par value .001
4. Names and Addresses of Board of Directors – Robert L. Cashman, 18482 Park Villa Place, Villa Park, California 92861
5. Purpose: Any legal purpose.
6. Name and Address of Signature of Incorporator - /s/ Robert L. Cashman, 18482 Park Villa Place, Villa Park, California 92861
7. Certificate of Acceptance of Appointment of Registered Agent - /s/ Michele Calkins for PARACORP, INC.