Exhibit 3.177

Indiana Secretary of State Packet: 1997081068 Filing Date: 07/30/2009 Effective Date: 07/31/2009 INDIANA SECS STAR Y OF STATi RECEIVED TOOOKCWTA SECRETARY OF STATE CORPORATE DIVISION 302 W. Wufctntfan BMt IndwpoiM 4(204 Tptaw(317)25TB tndina Coda 2S-M8-3 FILING FEE; S30.0Q 2009 JUL 30 AH l: 30 ARTICLES OF ENTITY CONVERSION: Conversion of a Corporation Into a UmKod Liability Company State Form 51576(1-04) Approved by State Board of Account*, 2004 INSTRUCTIONS: Lisa S if x paper for effacA PmaanterigM and on copy to 0m addrasa in uppar right comor of thit form. Please TYPE or PRINT. Please visit our office on the writ at am. ARTICLE; I. PLAN OP li.MT! IV CONVERSION RICHMOND TREATMENT CENTER, INC. ARTICLES OF CONVERSION OF (Jiereinafler ‘NvMtur/Mng Cvporaton’) INTO RICHMOND TREATMENT CENTER. LLC (h&oMtor ’Survhfktg U.CJ s. PtuMMl forth the Plan of Conversion, oontairhg 8«ch Infonrrton u requked by Indiana Coda 23-1-36.5-11 and ImSanm Coda 23-1-38.5-12. atlatfi herewith, and designate It n ‘ExWhrtA.* The Mewing (i basic MBimatSon that must be ktdudad in the Pt«n of Entity Conversion: (plow nf&rto Mbit* C&dfc 24*f-JaW2 for* more cempkta fating of nquimmanta ft stow aubmKtsng the plan). A statement of the type ef bwincsa entity that SurvMng LIC wfl be and. ffttwKtioa foreign norvcoipcraUon. tejuriirfidfanof organisation; « The term* *nd concSJcra of the conversion; Ihe manner and basia of axwertina the ahaies of Non-eutfvlngCaiperatfon into the interests, secufttea.obOgetlaRs, rights to eavire interests or other secuties of SurvMng LLC feQowing Ke convention; and The lull text.In effect ImmedUtelyatef tna con wmmatfon of ttn conversion, of the oqianicdocumcr*(ifany) of Surviving LLC. If,is a result of the conversion, one or more shareholders of Nerwurviving Corporation woidd be subject to owner IliMty far debts, obcatton,ortlabffltte* of any other person cr entity, those shareholders must consent It) writing to cuehlabBBoi in ordertorthe Plan of Merger to be vaBd. b. Plaeae read and sign the following statement / sffinn undar pa/salty of pbfurytfisl tiit pian of con wxion Ja in ecmrtfanoi wftri (ho Artlchn or Incorporation or bytawj of Non-tund*ng Corporation and la duhrauHiariudbviltaahMm/icldtn cfNotbStavtvtog Coipontton as nqtMndbytot t*w art* Stott of Indiana. Signatvm„ 7W ’nnfd Hama PAMELA B. BURKE ARTICLE I*: NAME AND DATE Of INCORPORATION OF NCN-SURVlViNG CORPORATION a. The name or Ncn-survfvtng Corporation immediately before fling thaw Articles of Entity Conversion Is the Mowing: RICHMOND TREATMENT CENTER, INC. b. The data on which Non-*urviving Corporation was [nooipooted h the State of IncSana !a the folowfog; «LOr fe, I “7 AR IICLL Hi: NAME AND PRINCIPAL OFFICE OF SURVIVING LLC a. The name of Surviving LLC Is the Mowing: RICHMOND TREATMENT CENTER, LLC (Pieaat note pursuant to ifitfana Code 23-ffl-M. Ms name mutt mdudetho words UmtodUabfllty Company*, VLC.’, or 1LC*). 1 (lf8wvMng LLC Is a foreign LLC, then Rename must adha** to the iawa of the state In wtddik la domiciled). b. The addmuofSuivMngU.C’s Principal OiBce is (he foBowfcg: Street Address 1 20400 STEVENS CREEK BLVD., SUITE 600 City CUPERTINO SMe CA 2lo Code 95014

Indiana Secretary of State Packet: 1997081068 Filing Date: 07/30/2009 Effective Date: 07/31/2009 ART SCI c IV: RLGlSTGREO G.:FIC5 AND ACEN7 OF SURVIVING LLC RagistarBd Aocnt Th> ntnw and addreaa of Surviving LLC’8 Registered Agent and Retfttered Offiofortenfe* of process ara the totlowfingr NinwdRsgSwedAeiri NATIONAL REGISTERED AGENTS, INC. Zip Coda Sty INDIANAPOLIS 46204 Indian* 320 N. MERIDIAN ST. Mdraiso(RaQlitMdOno«frwf ar6ubf/la) SECTION 1: ARHCLC V—JURISDICTION OH SURVIVING LLC AfJL) CHAWItK Of’ NUNbUKVSVlNO CORPORAIIOM JfflWP(gTQM INDIANA Ptaaaa atste tha jurisdiction In wMdi Surviving LLC wffl ba organized and gevamad. SecnONX: CHARTERSURRENDER ({PUMU comprtra tWiwcttonontyHSutvMngLLCte oromtrjouttU*ofhtdhuukl. If tfwjurfadiciian staled above la not Indiana, ptaoae tot forth (ha Artdaa of Charter Sumnderferthe NotvsurvMng CorporaUon nd stttcfi hertwth Pmuantto tocKana Osda 23-T-3&5-14, the ArtJdw of Charter Sumndar must Indyde: t “The naiiM of NontuivlvInQ Corporation; 2. A ststament tial lfc« Atfdea of Charter Surrender ara bairtg Sod In csmacfion with the cctwaraion cf NctmrtfvinQ Ccrpoattcn Into an LLC that win ba oiganbad m ajwfadltflon other than the State of Indiana: 3. A tisned stalemert under pttuBy of paijury ttul he conversion w« tfiiy spprovod by (he shareholder* of Nwvsun*«ig CorporiSon in a manner required by Indians Law and consistent with the Atfda* of Incorporation or Iha bylaw* of KotvaunMtg Corporate: 4. Tha Jufadfctfon under wttfch (to Survfting LLC wD ba orpantzad; and 6. Tha oddms of SurvMng LLCs uacufive offSoa. AKHCLC VI DISSOLUTION OH SURVIVING LLC Please Indicate when dlaaotutlon w> take ptaoa In 8urvMng LLC: ? The latest date upon wtiltfiSurvtvlna LLC la to dissolve is OR H Sunrfvirtg LLC Is perpetual until dbaofutloa AKIlCLt’ VII: MANAGGf.ICNi OI: SURVIVING LLC SunMng LLC wa be managed by: ? Tho momiwrs of SwvMng LLC, OR (g A manager or managers In vtttnec* Wweof, tha undersigned betng an officer or othar duly authorised rsproMntattve of Non-awning Corporation axsoutn thna Artfctos of Entity Comwrafen and vertfae.sittiact to panacea of peijwy, that the atatenanti contained herein are true. —day of July m09 aerrir —j PiinHdNsiM Pamela B. Burke Tfir
Exhibit A
Indiana Secretary of State
Packet: 1997081068
Filing Date: 07/30/2009
Effective Date: 07/31/2009
Richmond Treatment Center, Inc.
In accordance with Sections 23-1-38.5-11 and 23-1-38.5-12 of the Indiana Code (the “Code”), Richmond Treatment Center, Inc., an Indiana corporation (the “Corporation”), hereby adopts the following Plan of Entity Conversion.
| 1. | Conversion. In accordance with the Code, the Corporation shall be converted (the “Conversion”) into Richmond Treatment Center, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company (the “LLC”). |
| 2. | Conversion of Stock. One hundred percent (100%) of the validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of common stock of the Corporation that were issued and outstanding immediately prior to the date of the Conversion shall be converted into such number of membership interests as required to represent one hundred percent (100%) of the membership interests of the LLC immediately following the Conversion. |
| 3. | Effective Date. The Conversion shall be effective as of July 31, 2009. |
| 4. | Articles of Organization. The Articles of Organization, a copy of which are attached hereto as Exhibit I, shall be the Articles of Organization of the LLC as in effect immediately after consummation of the Conversion. |
| 5. | Effect of Conversion. Following the Conversion, the LLC shall be, for all purposes, the same entity that existed before the Conversion. |
| | | | |
| | | | Indiana Secretary of State Packet: 1997081068 Filing Date: 07/30/2009 Effective Date: 07/31/2009 |

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| | | | Indiana Secretary of State Packet: 1997081068 Filing Date: 07/30/2009 Effective Date: 07/31/2009 |
State of Indiana
Office of the Secretary of State
I, TODD ROKITA, Secretary of State of Indiana, hereby certify that Articles of Amendment of the above For-Profit Domestic Corporation have been presented to me at my office, accompanied by the fees prescribed by law and that the documentation presented conforms to law as prescribed by the provisions of the Indiana Business Corporation Law.
The name following said transaction will be:
NOW, THEREFORE, with this document I certify that said transaction will become effective Friday, July 31, 2009.
| | |
(Seal) | | In Witness Whereof, I have caused to be affixed my signature and the seal of the State of Indiana, at the City of Indianapolis, July 30, 2009. /s/ Todd Rokita TODD ROKITA, SECRETARY OF STATE |