Clay Thomas, P.C.
Certified Public Accountant
8302 Hausman Road West
No. 518
San Antonio, Texas 78249
(210) 908-9536 (office)
(210) 908-9344 (fax)
February 9, 2011
To the Board of Directors
iVoice Ideas, Inc.
Austin, Texas
Pursuant to this firm’s audit of the financial statements of iVoice Ideas, Inc., for the periods ending December 31, 2009, December 31, 2010, and September 30, 2011, and from inception to September 30, 2011 you have this firm’s consent to release the result of the audit and of the financial statement information contained within those audits to third parties and to include the same in the Company’s registration statement filed on Form S-1.
/s/ Clay Thomas, P.C.
Houston, Texas
December 8, 2011