On March 7, 2022, the Company granted 200,000 stock options to a consultant of the Company at a price of $6.31 for a period of 5 years with the stock options vesting one quarter three months from grant date, one quarter six months from grant date, one quarter at nine months from grant date and one quarter at one year from grant date.
On March 17, 2022, the Company granted 170,000 stock options to consultant of the Company at a price of $8.25 for a period of 5 years with the stock options vesting one quarter on May 17, 2022, one quarter on June 17, 2022, one quarter on September 17, 2022 and on December 17, 2022.
On April 12, 2022, the Company granted 100,000 options to a consultant with an exercise price of $9.40 for a period of 5 year. One quarter of the options vested at grant, one quarter will vest three months from grant date, one quarter will vest six months from grant date and one quarter will vest nine months from grant date.
Three months ended March 31, 2022 compared to the three months ended March 31, 2021:
The Company incurred a net loss of $13,740,984 for the quarter ended March 31, 2022 (“Q3-2022”) compared to a net loss of $9,802,434 for the quarter ended March 31, 2021 (“Q3-2021”). The primary reason for the increase in loss was costs related to the operation of the pilot plant, amortisation of the pilot plant, amortisation of the office lease, increased consulting fees and management fees, increased filing and transfer agent, increased office and administration, project investigation costs, increased professional fees and share-based payments. Consulting fees were higher when comparing quarter to quarter as a result of additional engagement of consultants to support and advance the company in the next stage of development and the finalisation of the LANXESS MOU negotiation. Management fees incurred during Q3-2022 of $1,484,715 were higher than fees incurred during Q3-2021 of $342,721 due to annual bonus accrued for calendar year 2021. Professional Fees of $940,955 were higher than fees of $141,552 during Q3-2021. This is mainly due to higher legal and audit fees incurred during the period. Filing and transfer agent fees of $365,613 were higher than fees of $34,617 during Q3-2021. The increase is related to the volume of warrant exercises and sustaining fees or the NYSE American Exchange. Office and administration cost of $696,073 were higher than the costs of $184,656 incurred during the comparative quarter mainly due to higher insurance costs. Advertising and investor relations costs incurred during Q3-2022 of $156,068 were lower than costs incurred during Q3-2021 of $220,383 due to a decrease in the purchasing of ads. Travel costs of $52,174 incurred during Q3-2022 was higher than costs of $400 incurred during Q3-2021 due to the restriction of travel abroad and to the United States being loosened and a trip made by management to the project in Arkansas. The share-based compensation during the period was $1,323,477 as compared to $4,077,810 recognized in Q3-2021 as share-based compensation. The Company did not incur any cost associated with a preliminary economic assessment during Q3-2022 as compared to $15,380 of costs incurred during Q3-2021. The updated PEA was released on October 28, 2021. The Company incurred $91,017 of costs related to patent applications as compared to $47,304 of costs incurred during Q3-2021. The increase in fees relates to the advancement of the applications. The Company incurred $310,104 of costs associated with the investigation and evaluation of potential new projects for the Company as compared to $65,841 of costs incurred during Q3-2022.
Nine months ended March 31, 2022 compared to the Nine months ended March 31, 2021:
The Company incurred a net loss of $31,667,877 for the nine months ended March 31, 2022 (“YTD2022”) compared to a net loss of $18,354,031 for the nine months ended March 31, 2021 (“YTD2021”). The primary reason for the increase in loss was costs related to the operation of the pilot plant, amortisation of the pilot plant, amortisation of the office lease, increased consulting fees and management fees, increased filing and transfer agent, increased office and administration, project investigation costs, increased professional fees and share-based payments. Consulting fees were higher when comparing YTD2022 to YTD2021 as a result of additional engagement of consultants to support and advance the company in the next stage of development and the finalisation of the LANXESS negotiation. Management