9. | Related Party Transactions – continued |
On June 17, 2022, the Company entered into a Master Services Agreement (“the MSA”) with Telescope Innovations Corp. (“Telescope”). Robert Mintak, CEO of the Company and Dr. Andy Robinson, President and COO of the Company are directors of Telescope Innovations Corp. Under the MSA, Telescope will provide various research and development (“R&D”) services for the purpose of developing new technologies. The Company will fund an initial project for one year under the MSA, which will aim to evaluate the use of captured CO2 in the Company’s various chemical processes, as well as investigating the potential for permanent geological sequestration of CO2 within the lithium brine extraction and reinjection processes contemplated by the Company. Other R&D projects may be performed for the Company by Telescope as required. The Company incurred $141,033 (September 30, 2021: $Nil) of costs related to this agreement during the period ended September 30, 2022.
Amounts due to Telescope are non-interest bearing, unsecured and have no fixed terms of repayment.
As at September 30, 2022, there is $60,000 (June 30, 2022: $793,310) in accounts payable and accrued liabilities owing to Telescope Innovations Corp.
10.Financial Instruments and Financial Risk Management
The fair value of financial instruments is the amount of consideration that would be agreed upon in an arm’s length transaction between knowledgeable, willing parties who are under no compulsion to act. Fair values are determined by reference to quoted market prices, as appropriate, in the most advantageous market for that instrument to which the Company has immediate access. In the absence of an active market, fair values are determined based on prevailing market rates for instruments with similar characteristics.
The fair value of current financial instruments approximates their carrying value as they are short term in nature.
Financial instruments that are held at fair value are categorized based on a valuation hierarchy which is determined by the valuation methodology utilized:
Level 1 – quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.
Level 2 – inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices).
Level 3 – inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).
There were no transfers between Levels 1, 2 or 3 for the period ended September 30, 2022 and the year ended June 30, 2022.