Loans | Loans Loans consist of the following at the dates indicated: June 30, June 30, Retail consumer loans: One-to-four family $ 623,701 $ 650,750 HELOCs - originated 163,293 161,204 HELOCs - purchased 144,377 72,010 Construction and land/lots 38,102 45,931 Indirect auto finance 108,478 52,494 Consumer 4,635 3,708 Total retail consumer loans 1,082,586 986,097 Commercial loans: Commercial real estate 486,561 441,620 Construction and development 86,840 64,573 Commercial and industrial 73,289 84,820 Municipal leases 103,183 108,574 Total commercial loans 749,873 699,587 Total loans 1,832,459 1,685,684 Deferred loan costs, net 372 23 Total loans, net of deferred loan fees and discount 1,832,831 1,685,707 Allowance for loan and lease losses (21,292 ) (22,374 ) Net loans $ 1,811,539 $ 1,663,333 All qualifying one-to-four family first mortgage loans, HELOCs, and FHLB Stock are pledged as collateral by a blanket pledge to secure outstanding FHLB advances. Loans are made to the Company's executive officers and directors and their associates during the ordinary course of business. The aggregate amount of loans to related parties totaled approximately $837 and $616 at June 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively. In relation to these loans are unfunded commitments that totaled approximately $872 and $965 at June 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively. The Company’s total non-purchased and purchased performing loans by segment, class, and risk grade at the dates indicated follow: Pass Special Mention Substandard Doubtful Loss Total June 30, 2016 Retail consumer loans: One-to-four family $ 587,440 $ 7,800 $ 20,129 $ 1,283 $ 11 $ 616,663 HELOCs - originated 159,275 678 2,997 55 10 163,015 HELOCs - purchased 144,377 — — — — 144,377 Construction and land/lots 36,298 542 679 9 — 37,528 Indirect auto finance 108,432 14 21 11 — 108,478 Consumer 4,390 1 224 2 9 4,626 Commercial loans: Commercial real estate 448,188 7,817 9,232 1 — 465,238 Construction and development 79,005 480 4,208 — — 83,693 Commercial and industrial 63,299 1,032 5,361 — 2 69,694 Municipal leases 100,867 1,651 665 — — 103,183 Total loans $ 1,731,571 $ 20,015 $ 43,516 $ 1,361 $ 32 $ 1,796,495 Pass Special Mention Substandard Doubtful Loss Total June 30, 2015 Retail consumer loans: One-to-four family $ 598,417 $ 11,563 $ 28,656 $ 1,772 $ 12 $ 640,420 HELOCs - originated 155,899 580 4,020 407 3 160,909 HELOCs - purchased 72,010 — — — — 72,010 Construction and land/lots 42,689 650 1,754 124 — 45,217 Indirect auto finance 52,396 59 39 — — 52,494 Consumer 3,610 16 32 — 39 3,697 Commercial loans: Commercial real estate 384,525 12,762 13,972 182 — 411,441 Construction and development 50,815 3,567 5,413 — — 59,795 Commercial and industrial 73,774 953 4,781 — 2 79,510 Municipal leases 106,260 1,733 581 — — 108,574 Total loans $ 1,540,395 $ 31,883 $ 59,248 $ 2,485 $ 56 $ 1,634,067 The Company’s total PCI loans by segment, class, and risk grade at the dates indicated follow: Pass Special Mention Substandard Doubtful Loss Total June 30, 2016 Retail consumer loans: One-to-four family $ 5,039 $ 377 $ 1,593 $ 14 $ 15 $ 7,038 HELOCs - originated 258 — 20 — — 278 Construction and land/lots 522 — 52 — — 574 Consumer 8 — — — 1 9 Commercial loans: Commercial real estate 12,594 4,266 4,463 — — 21,323 Construction and development 1,136 292 1,719 — — 3,147 Commercial and industrial 3,234 194 167 — — 3,595 Total loans $ 22,791 $ 5,129 $ 8,014 $ 14 $ 16 $ 35,964 Pass Special Mention Substandard Doubtful Loss Total June 30, 2015 Retail consumer loans: One-to-four family $ 5,176 $ 1,210 $ 3,890 $ 54 $ — $ 10,330 HELOCs - originated 259 — 36 — — 295 Construction and land/lots 571 — 143 — — 714 Consumer 11 — — — — 11 Commercial loans: Commercial real estate 21,550 3,454 5,175 — — 30,179 Construction and development 2,292 146 2,340 — — 4,778 Commercial and industrial 4,349 279 682 — — 5,310 Total loans $ 34,208 $ 5,089 $ 12,266 $ 54 $ — $ 51,617 The Company’s total loans by segment, class, and delinquency status at the dates indicated follows: Past Due Total 30-89 Days 90 Days+ Total Current Loans June 30, 2016 Retail consumer loans: One-to-four family $ 3,514 $ 5,476 $ 8,990 $ 614,711 $ 623,701 HELOCs - originated 220 377 597 162,696 163,293 HELOCs - purchased — — — 144,377 144,377 Construction and land/lots 100 119 219 37,883 38,102 Indirect auto finance 182 — 182 108,296 108,478 Consumer 4 4 8 4,627 4,635 Commercial loans: Commercial real estate 1,436 3,353 4,789 481,772 486,561 Construction and development 371 1,296 1,667 85,173 86,840 Commercial and industrial 216 2,819 3,035 70,254 73,289 Municipal leases — — — 103,183 103,183 Total loans $ 6,043 $ 13,444 $ 19,487 $ 1,812,972 $ 1,832,459 Past Due Total 30-89 Days 90 Days+ Total Current Loans June 30, 2015 Retail consumer loans: One-to-four family $ 5,548 $ 8,261 $ 13,809 $ 636,941 $ 650,750 HELOCs - originated 695 808 1,503 159,701 161,204 HELOCs - purchased — — — 72,010 72,010 Construction and land/lots 102 307 409 45,522 45,931 Indirect auto finance — — — 52,494 52,494 Consumer 23 2 25 3,683 3,708 Commercial loans: Commercial real estate 2,758 4,636 7,394 434,226 441,620 Construction and development 166 2,992 3,158 61,415 64,573 Commercial and industrial 439 2,898 3,337 81,483 84,820 Municipal leases 202 — 202 108,372 108,574 Total loans $ 9,933 $ 19,904 $ 29,837 $ 1,655,847 $ 1,685,684 The Company’s recorded investment in loans, by segment and class that are not accruing interest or are 90 days or more past due and still accruing interest at the dates indicated follow: June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015 Nonaccruing 90 Days + & still accruing Nonaccruing 90 Days + & still accruing Retail consumer loans: One-to-four family $ 9,192 $ — $ 10,523 $ — HELOCs - originated 1,026 — 1,856 — Construction and land/lots 188 — 465 — Indirect auto finance 20 — — — Consumer 15 — 49 — Commercial loans: Commercial real estate 3,222 — 5,103 — Construction and development 1,417 — 3,461 — Commercial and industrial 3,019 — 3,081 — Municipal leases 419 — 316 — Total loans $ 18,518 $ — $ 24,854 $ — PCI loans totaling $ 6,607 at June 30, 2016 and $8,158 at June 30, 2015 are excluded from nonaccruing loans due to the accretion of discounts established in accordance with the acquisition method of accounting for business combinations. As of June 30, 2015, other assets included a receivable from a third party related to the sale of $9,200 of nonperforming loans that was settled on July 8, 2015. The additional charge-off of approximately $664 resulting from the transaction was reflected in charge-offs in the allowance for loan losses as of June 30, 2015. TDRs are loans which have renegotiated loan terms to assist borrowers who are unable to meet the original terms of their loans. Such modifications to loan terms may include a lower interest rate, a reduction in principal, or a longer term to maturity. Additionally, all TDRs are considered impaired. The Company’s loans that were performing under the payment terms of TDRs that were excluded from nonaccruing loans above at the dates indicated follow: June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015 Performing TDRs included in impaired loans $ 28,263 $ 21,891 An analysis of the allowance for loan losses by segment for the periods shown is as follows: June 30, 2016 PCI Retail Consumer Commercial Total Balance at beginning of period $ 401 $ 12,575 $ 9,398 $ 22,374 Provision for (recovery of) loan losses (40 ) (597 ) 637 — Charge-offs — (1,663 ) (2,041 ) (3,704 ) Recoveries — 1,234 1,388 2,622 Balance at end of period $ 361 $ 11,549 $ 9,382 $ 21,292 June 30, 2015 PCI Retail Consumer Commercial Total Balance at beginning of period $ — $ 15,731 $ 7,698 $ 23,429 Provision for (recovery of) loan losses 1,053 (1,258 ) 355 150 Charge-offs (652 ) (3,107 ) (1,101 ) (4,860 ) Recoveries — 1,209 2,446 3,655 Balance at end of period $ 401 $ 12,575 $ 9,398 $ 22,374 June 30, 2014 Retail Consumer Commercial Total Balance at beginning of period $ 21,952 $ 10,121 $ 32,073 Recovery of loan losses (3,447 ) (2,853 ) (6,300 ) Charge-offs (4,436 ) (901 ) (5,337 ) Recoveries 1,662 1,331 2,993 Balance at end of period $ 15,731 $ 7,698 $ 23,429 The Company’s ending balances of loans and the related allowance, by segment and class, at the dates indicated follows: Allowance for Loan Losses Total Loans Receivable PCI Loans individually evaluated for impairment Loans Collectively Evaluated Total PCI Loans individually evaluated for impairment Loans Collectively Evaluated Total June 30, 2016 Retail consumer loans: One-to-four family $ 23 $ 187 $ 6,385 $ 6,595 $ 7,038 $ 12,411 $ 604,252 $ 623,701 HELOCs - originated — 288 1,709 1,997 278 1,145 161,870 163,293 HELOCs - purchased — — 558 558 — — 144,377 144,377 Construction and land/lots — 198 1,146 1,344 574 392 37,136 38,102 Indirect auto finance — — 1,016 1,016 — — 108,478 108,478 Consumer — 10 51 61 9 — 4,626 4,635 Commercial loans: Commercial real estate 288 — 6,142 6,430 21,323 5,376 459,862 486,561 Construction and development 17 — 1,891 1,908 3,147 1,789 81,904 86,840 Commercial and industrial 33 3 685 721 3,595 2,927 66,767 73,289 Municipal leases — — 662 662 — 305 102,878 103,183 Total $ 361 $ 686 $ 20,245 $ 21,292 $ 35,964 $ 24,345 $ 1,772,150 $ 1,832,459 June 30, 2015 Retail consumer loans: One-to-four family $ 35 $ 492 $ 7,463 $ 7,990 $ 10,330 $ 22,841 $ 617,579 $ 650,750 HELOCs - originated 3 275 1,499 1,777 295 2,608 158,301 161,204 HELOCs - purchased — — 432 432 — — 72,010 72,010 Construction and land/lots — 531 1,291 1,822 714 1,926 43,291 45,931 Indirect auto finance — — 464 464 — — 52,494 52,494 Consumer — 39 89 128 11 45 3,652 3,708 Commercial loans: Commercial real estate 334 — 6,005 6,339 30,179 10,961 400,480 441,620 Construction and development — 119 1,462 1,581 4,778 5,161 54,634 64,573 Commercial and industrial 29 400 675 1,104 5,310 4,537 74,973 84,820 Municipal leases — — 737 737 — 316 108,258 108,574 Total $ 401 $ 1,856 $ 20,117 $ 22,374 $ 51,617 $ 48,395 $ 1,585,672 $ 1,685,684 During the quarter ended September 30, 2015, the Company increased its thresholds for loans individually evaluated for impairment under ASC 310-10. These changes primarily impacted the retail consumer loan segment, which contains loan that are more homogeneous in nature. This increase was appropriate given the growth in loans as well as the improvement in the overall credit quality of the portfolio. While these changes decreased the loans individually evaluated for impairment by $11,913 , it did not have a material impact on the Company’s allowance for loan losses at September 30, 2015 or provision for loan losses for the quarter ended September 30, 2015. Loans acquired from acquisitions are initially excluded from the allowance for loan losses in accordance with the acquisition method of accounting for business combinations. The Company records these loans at fair value, which includes a credit discount, therefore, no allowance for loan losses are established for these acquired loans at acquisition. A provision for loan losses is recorded for any further deterioration in these acquired loans subsequent to the acquisition. The Company’s impaired loans and the related allowance, by segment and class, at the dates indicated follows: Total Impaired Loans Unpaid Principal Balance With a Recorded Allowance With No Recorded Allowance Total Related Recorded Allowance June 30, 2016 Retail consumer loans: One-to-four family $ 29,053 $ 12,348 $ 13,375 $ 25,723 $ 281 HELOCs - originated 4,486 1,999 1,178 3,177 305 Construction and land/lots 2,890 764 693 1,457 209 Indirect auto finance 45 20 — 20 — Consumer 514 9 13 22 10 Commercial loans: Commercial real estate 7,433 857 5,776 6,633 13 Construction and development 3,556 600 1,929 2,529 14 Commercial and industrial 9,710 1,197 2,930 4,127 17 Municipal leases 419 114 305 419 1 Total impaired loans $ 58,106 $ 17,908 $ 26,199 $ 44,107 $ 850 June 30, 2015 Retail consumer loans: One-to-four family $ 31,590 $ 10,340 $ 19,164 $ 29,504 $ 598 HELOCs - originated 6,019 2,565 1,543 4,108 294 Construction and land/lots 3,303 1,225 758 1,983 533 Indirect auto finance 10 — — — — Consumer 1,966 13 45 58 39 Commercial loans: Commercial real estate 13,829 696 10,971 11,667 412 Construction and development 6,615 1,268 4,241 5,509 64 Commercial and industrial 5,668 688 4,051 4,739 431 Municipal leases 316 — 316 316 — Total impaired loans $ 69,316 $ 16,795 $ 41,089 $ 57,884 $ 2,371 Impaired loans above excludes $2,541 at June 30, 2016 and $644 at June 30, 2015 in PCI loans due to the accretion of discounts established in accordance with the acquisition method of accounting for business combinations. The table above includes $1,854 and $9,492 of impaired loans that were not individually evaluated at June 30, 2016 and June 30, 2015 , respectively, because these loans did not meet the Company’s threshold for individual impairment evaluation. The recorded allowance above includes $164 and $515 related to these loans that were not individually evaluated at June 30, 2016 and June 30, 2015 , respectively. The Company’s average recorded investment in loans individually evaluated for impairment as of the dates indicated below, and interest income recognized on impaired loans for the year ended as follows: June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015 June 30, 2014 Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Retail consumer loans: One-to-four family $ 28,479 $ 1,477 $ 30,089 $ 1,696 $ 38,949 $ 1,624 HELOCs - originated 3,593 200 4,373 238 5,549 274 Construction and land/lots 1,787 135 2,074 158 2,080 182 Indirect auto finance 7 2 — — — — Consumer 55 23 46 24 34 8 Commercial loans: Commercial real estate 8,506 440 14,718 243 22,116 640 Construction and development 3,469 84 5,654 167 7,885 169 Commercial and industrial 4,379 155 2,496 188 2,747 163 Municipal leases 452 22 303 24 — — Total loans $ 50,727 $ 2,538 $ 59,753 $ 2,738 $ 79,360 $ 3,060 A summary of changes in the accretable yield for PCI loans for the years ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 follows. Year Ended June 30, 2016 Year Ended June 30, 2015 Accretable yield, beginning of period $ 11,096 $ 6,151 Addition from Bank of Commerce acquisition — 7,315 Reclass from nonaccretable yield (1) 1,452 3,047 Other changes, net (2) 1,436 438 Interest income (4,452 ) (5,855 ) Accretable yield, end of period $ 9,532 $ 11,096 ______________________________ (1) Represents changes attributable to expected losses assumptions. (2) Represents changes in cash flows expected to be collected due to the impact of modifications, changes in prepayment assumptions, and changes in interest rates. The following table presents carrying values and unpaid principal balances for PCI loans as June 30, 2016 and 2015: June 30, 2016 June 30, 2015 Carrying value of PCI loans $ 35,964 $ 51,617 Unpaid principal balance of PCI loans $ 43,398 $ 61,451 The following table presents a breakdown of the types of concessions made on TDRs by loan class: Year Ended June 30, 2016 Year Ended June 30, 2015 Number of Loans Pre Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Post Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Number of Loans Pre Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Post Modification Outstanding Recorded Investment Below market interest rate: Retail consumer: One-to-four family 5 $ 234 $ 238 4 $ 449 $ 447 Construction and land/lots — — — 1 110 99 Commercial: Commercial real estate 1 $ 590 $ 578 — $ — — Total 6 $ 824 $ 816 5 $ 559 $ 546 Extended payment terms: Retail consumer: One-to-four family 5 $ 142 $ 147 5 $ 566 $ 579 HELOCs - originated 2 28 25 3 91 85 Consumer — — — 2 10 8 Commercial: Commercial real estate 1 286 284 1 426 467 Construction and development 1 128 128 — — — Commercial and industrial 2 164 155 — — $ — Total 11 $ 748 $ 739 11 $ 1,093 $ 1,139 Other TDRs: Retail consumer: One-to-four family 30 $ 2,890 $ 2,498 21 $ 4,166 $ 4,027 HELOCs - originated 4 228 227 4 155 119 Construction and land/lots — — — 2 138 134 Consumer 1 2 1 2 58 1 Commercial: Construction and development 2 386 371 1 173 169 Commercial and industrial 1 $ 997 $ 957 — $ — $ — Total 38 $ 4,503 $ 4,054 30 $ 4,690 $ 4,450 Total 55 $ 6,075 $ 5,609 46 $ 6,342 $ 6,135 The following table presents loans that were modified as TDRs within the previous 12 months and for which there was a payment default during the years ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 . Year Ended June 30, 2016 Year Ended June 30, 2015 Number of Loans Recorded Investment Number of Loans Recorded Investment Below market interest rate: Retail consumer: One-to-four family 2 $ 63 2 $ 379 Total 2 $ 63 2 $ 379 Extended payment terms: Retail consumer: One-to-four family 2 $ 43 4 $ 574 Total 2 $ 43 4 $ 574 Other TDRs: Retail consumer: One-to-four family 11 $ 529 12 $ 1,422 HELOCs - originated 1 8 2 8 Construction and land/lots — — 1 32 Consumer — — 1 1 Commercial: Construction and development 2 371 1 170 Total 14 $ 908 17 $ 1,633 Total 18 $ 1,014 23 $ 2,586 Other TDRs include TDRs that have a below market interest rate and extended payment terms. The Company does not typically forgive principal when restructuring troubled debt. In the determination of the allowance for loan losses, management considers TDRs for all loan classes, and the subsequent nonperformance in accordance with their modified terms, by measuring impairment on a loan-by-loan basis based on either the value of the loan’s expected future cash flows discounted at the loan’s original effective interest rate or on the collateral value, net of the estimated costs of disposal, if the loan is collateral dependent. |