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AAS, ABA, Abrasion, absorption, abstain, abundant, AC, accessed, accessible, accompanied, accompanying, accomplished, accreditation, accredited, accreted, accretion, accretionary, accretive, ace, acid, acquire, acquired, acquiring, acquisition, active, activity, add, Additionally, adequacy, adjacent, Administration, administrative, Adnani, ADNR, advance, advanced, advancement, advancing, adverse, adversely, Advisory, AER, aerial, aeromagnetic, Aeropromotor, affiliate, aforementioned, Africa, Ag, AGA, age, agency, aggregate, aggregating, aggressive, agreed, agreement, ahead, AIDEA, aided, aim, airborne, aircraft, airstrip, AISC, akin, Al, Alaska, Alastair, Alberta, Alejandro, algorithm, alliance, alluvial, Almaden, ALS, alteration, altered, alternative, Altoro, Alvarez, Amag, Amaga, Amazon, Amazonia, Ambiente, amenable, Amir, Amorim, amyl, analytical, analyzed, Anchorage, Andean, andesite, andesitic, Andina, angle, AngloGold, ANM, Anna, announced, anomalously, anomaly, anorogenic, Anserma, Antioquia, APMA, apparently, appeal, appealing, applied, apply, applying, appointed, approach, approximate, approximately, approximation, Aptian, aqua, arbitrary, arc, archaeological, architecture, archive, Areva, argillic, arise, Armstrong, arrangement, arsenopyrite, Article, ascribed, Ashanti, assay, assayed, assaying, asset, assignment, assist, ATA, Athabasca, ATM, atomic, attack, attend, attention, attitude, attract, attractive, attributed, attributing, ATV, Au, AuEq, auger, August, aureole, Aurum, auto, Avasca, avoid, aware, azimuth, Ba, Bachelor, back, bag, balance, ball, banded, bankable, bankrupt, bankruptcy, banned, barequero, barren, Barroso, basal, basalt, basaltic, baseline, basement, basic, Basin, Batalha, batch, batholith, bearing, bedrock, beginning, behaviour, Behre, Bellhaven, belt, Bema, beneficial, beneficially, Bernardo, BGC, Bi, BIA, Big, biotite, blank, blend, block, BMO, Boa, body, Bogot, Bogota, bold, Bolombolo, Bom, Bond, bornite, bounded, box, BR, Brasil, Brasilinvest, Brazil, Brazilian, BrazMin, breadth, breccia, BRI, bringing, British, broader, broadly, broken, brought, Bruce, BSR, BTW, build, bulk, bulky, Bullion, Bureau, burned, Burrard, buy, BV, BVG, ca, cable, Cachoeira, calendar, call, called, Camglo, camp, campaign, Canaccord, Candela, Candella, Cantera, capable, capacity, Carabaya, carbonyl, Cardenal, care, carefully, cash, cast, casual, categorized, Cathedral, Cauca, CBCA, CCAA, Cd, cease, ceased, ceasing, cemented, center, centered, central, century, Cerro, certainty, certified, cessation, CEU, chair, Chairman, chalcopyrite, challenge, challenged, challenging, channel, charge, chargeability, charged, chart, charter, Chartered, Chemex, Choco, chosen, CIL, circuit, circular, circulation, Cirque, civil, claim, clan, clarifying, classic, classified, classify, clay, cleaned, cleaner, cleaning, cleanup, cleared, closest, Closure, cluster, cm, coal, coarse, coarser, Coastal, coincident, collaborated, collared, collector, collision, Colombia, Colombian, Colombiano, Colorado, Colosa, colour, Columbia, Combia, combination, Cominco, commence, commenced, commencement, Commencing, commercial, commercialize, commercially, comminution, commitment, committed, commonly, compelling, compete, complex, compliant, component, composed, composite, composition, comprehensive, compression, compressional, comprise, comprised, comprising, compromise, computer, Computershare, concentrate, concentrated, concentration, concentric, conceptual, concession, condensed, confidence, configuration, confined, confirm, Confirmation, confirmatory, confirmed, confirming, conflict, confluence, conjugate, consecutive, considerable, consideration, constitute, Constitutional, constrained, constraining, constructed, constructing, construction, construed, consultant, consultation, Consulting, consumer, consumption, contact, contamination, contemplate, contemplated, content, context, continent, continental, continentally, contingency, contingent, contract, contracted, contractor, contradicting, convene, conventional, conversion, Cook, copper, copy, Cor, Cordillera, core, cored, Cornwall, correlation, corridor, corroborate, corroborated, Corrupt, corruption, cosmopolitan, council, counsel, counted, counter, counterparty, country, coupled, court, covellite, coverage, CPA, CPG, Cr, craton, created, creating, credibility, credit, Creek, creep, crew, crime, criminal, crosscutting, Crucero, crushed, crushing, crust, crystal, crystallized, Cu, Cuiaba, culminating, cultural, culture, cumulatively, curtail, curtailed, cut, cutting, cyanidation, cyanide, cycle, damage, darker, das, database, daylight, DBGF, Dbm, deadline, deal, death, debate, Debeira, debt, Dec, December, decided, decision, declaration, declare, declared, declaring, decline, declined, decreased, dedicated, Deed, deep, deeper, default, defaulted, Defense, deferral, deferred, deflation, deformation, deformed, degraded, degree, delay, delayed, delimit, delimited, delineate, delineation, delivered, demand, demolished, demonstrate, demonstrated, demonstrating, denied, density, department, depend, depended, dependent, depending, Deportment, deposit, depressive, deprivation, depth, derived, Desenvolvimento, desired, destabilization, detail, detailed, detect, deteriorated, deterioration, detox, deviate, deviation, device, dextral, diagnostic, diameter, diamond, diapiric, diatreme, diesel, difficult, digestion, digital, dilational, dimension, dimensional, diorite, dioritic, dip, dipping, direct, directed, directing, direction, directly, director, dirt, disability, disagreement, discharge, disciplined, discount, discover, discovered, discovery, discrete, discretion, dismembered, dispatched, displaced, display, disposal, disposition, disrupt, disruption, disseminated, dissolution, dissolved, distance, distinct, distribute, distribution, district, diverse, diversified, diversity, divestiture, divide, divided, dividend, division, Dolbear, domain, dominantly, dominated, doming, donated, dor, DOT, double, doughnut, downhole, Dragon, drainage, draped, dravite, dried, drill, drilled, drilling, dropped, drought, duty, ear, earlier, earliest, earn, earned, Earth, east, eastern, echelon, economy, edge, education, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effort, El, Eldorado, electric, element, Elevation, eleven, eliminate, ellipsoidal, elliptical, elongate, elongated, EM, emanating, emission, emplaced, emplacement, employed, employee, employing, empowered, en, enable, enabled, enacted, enacting, enactment, encompassing, encourage, encouraging, endangered, endorsed, energy, enforce, enforcement, engineering, England, enhance, enhancement, enriched, ensuing, entered, entering, envelope, environment, epiclastic, epidemic, epithermal, equivalent, Ernst, escrow, ESCROWED, ESIC, essentially, Estado, estate, Estelle, estimate, estimated, estimating, estimation, ethical, ethnicity, European, event, eventual, evidence, evolve, evolving, examination, examine, excavated, excavation, excluding, exhaustive, expand, expansion, expend, expenditure, expensive, expertise, expire, expired, expiring, explanation, exploitation, exploited, exploratory, explosive, export, exportation, exported, exporting, exposed, expressed, expropriation, extensional, external, extracted, extracting, extraction, extreme, extrusive, eye, face, facilitate, facility, facing, factor, fail, failed, fair, fairly, faith, farm, farming, fatality, fault, faulty, favor, favorable, Fe, feature, fee, feed, feldspar, felsic, field, fifteen, filtercake, filtration, final, finalized, finer, fire, fix, fixed, flag, flank, Float, floatation, flooding, Floor, flotation, flow, flown, flowsheet, FLS, fly, focused, focusing, folding, forecast, foreseeable, Forest, formal, format, formation, formula, Fort, forward, forwarded, Foster, found, founder, fourth, fracture, fractured, fracturing, Frankfurt, Fredonia, free, Freemasonry, frequency, frequently, fringing, frozen, fulfil, fulfillment, full, fully, function, fund, funded, funding, fusion, Ga, galena, gangue, garimpeiro, Garnero, Garofalo, Garrucha, gender, genetic, genetically, Genuity, Geo, geochemical, geochemistry, geographically, Geologia, geologic, geological, geologically, geologist, geology, geometry, Geomodeller, geophysical, Georgia, Geosol, geotechnical, geotechnically, glaucophane, GLDG, global, globally, Glossary, GMI, goal, Goldcorp, Golden, good, Goodwin, gouge, GPS, gradational, granite, granitic, granitoid, granodiorite, granodioritic, granular, gravel, gravimetric, gravity, GRC, grease, Great, greenschist, grey, GRG, grid, grind, Grosso, ground, group, grouped, grow, GT, guarantee, Gunpoint, Guyana, half, hand, handle, hard, harder, hardrock, harm, harmonize, hat, Haywood, heap, hear, heard, heavy, hectare, hedging, hereinafter, hereunder, heritage, Herrera, Hg, high, highest, highlight, highlighted, highly, highway, hire, holder, hole, homogenized, honesty, honor, horizon, hornblende, horse, host, hosted, hosting, housing, Howell, HQ, HTW, human, Hunting, hydrogeological, hydrothermal, hypabyssal, ice, ICP, identical, illustrate, illustrated, imagery, immaterial, IMP, impair, impaired, implement, implementation, implemented, imply, important, importantly, importing, impossible, improper, incentive, inclement, inclination, inclusion, inclusive, income, inconsistency, incorrect, increase, increased, increasing, incur, incurred, incurring, index, indirect, indirectly, individual, induced, inductively, infill, inflation, infrequent, initial, initially, initiate, initiated, initiating, initiative, injury, Inlet, input, insensitive, inserted, insignificant, insolvency, insolvent, inspect, inspection, instability, installation, Instituto, insufficient, insurance, insured, intend, intended, intense, intensely, intensity, Intention, intercepted, interfere, interference, interim, interlayered, interleaving, intermediate, Intermineral, interpolation, interpret, interpretation, interpreted, intersect, intersected, interval, introduction, intruded, intrusion, intrusive, invalid, invalidation, Inverse, inversion, investigate, investigated, investor, IP, IPO, Iriri, IRR, irregular, island, ISO, isobutyl, isoclinal, isolated, issuable, Itaituba, Jacareacanga, Jaguar, January, Jardim, Jerico, jewelry, Jo, jointly, Jorge, Jr, judicial, July, junction, June, junior, Junta, Jurassic, jurisdiction, justified, justify, JV, Keane, Kennecott, Kent, key, kg, kilogram, kilometer, kilometre, kind, Kiska, kitchen, Kite, Kluane, km, Knelson, Knob, knowledge, Korbel, kriging, KTTM, La, lab, laboratory, lack, laid, Lake, land, landowner, landsat, lapse, laptop, large, largely, larger, largest, Latin, latitude, Laurentian, lava, LC, leach, leaching, lead, leading, lease, leased, led, left, legend, legislation, lender, length, lesser, leverage, liberated, liberation, license, licensed, licensing, life, light, likelihood, Lima, Limbani, Limon, line, lineament, linear, link, linked, literacy, literate, lithic, lithologic, lithological, lithologically, lithology, LLB, Loan, local, Localized, locally, locate, located, location, locked, Lodge, logged, logging, logistical, lom, London, longer, longitude, longitudinal, Longyear, low, lower, LSP, Ltda, lubricating, Ma, machine, macroeconomic, mafic, magma, magmatic, Magna, magnetic, magnetite, maiden, MAIG, main, maintenance, Maloquinha, mandate, manifest, manner, map, mapping, March, Margarita, margin, Maria, Mario, markedly, marker, Marmato, Marsal, masonry, massive, master, Mato, maturity, maximize, maximum, Maybelle, mayor, McMurray, mechanical, Medellin, medium, Meio, MEMBERSHIP, merchant, merge, merger, merging, merit, mesh, Mesozoic, messing, metallurgical, metallurgically, metamorphic, metamorphosed, meter, meterage, method, methyl, metre, metreage, Mg, Middle, milestone, mill, milling, million, millwork, Mina, minable, Minera, mineralogical, mineralogy, minimal, minimize, minimum, Ministry, Miocene, mitigate, mitigated, mix, mm, MME, MMSA, Mn, Mo, mobility, model, modeling, modelling, moderate, modified, modify, Modifying, molybdenite, monetary, monitored, monitoring, monthly, Montoya, Montreal, monzodiorite, monzogranite, monzonite, monzonitic, Moose, moralization, Mountain, mounted, movement, moving, Moz, MSc, MSP, Mt, mud, Muddy, mule, multiple, municipal, municipality, Muriel, mylonitization, Na, Nasdaq, native, nearby, necessarily, negative, negatively, negotiate, negotiated, Negro, neighboring, Neogene, Nesbitt, nested, net, network, NevGold, Newmont, Newrange, Nil, nominal, nominally, nominate, Nominating, noncompliance, north, northeast, northeastern, northern, northward, northwest, northwestern, notice, notified, Nova, NovaCopper, Novo, NPV, NQ, NS, NSR, NT, NTW, null, Nutmeg, NW, NWT, obey, objective, objectivity, oblique, obliquely, observation, observe, observed, occasional, Occasionally, occupation, occupational, occurrence, oceanic, October, offering, officially, offset, Offsite, older, Oligocene, OM, Omai, omitted, ongoing, Ontario, ophiolitic, ophiolitie, opinion, opportunity, opposition, opted, optimal, optimisation, optimised, optimization, optimize, optimized, optimizing, option, optioned, Orano, order, ordered, Ordinance, ordinary, organization, organizational, origin, original, originally, originating, Ormsby, orthogonal, Osisko, Otra, ounce, outcrop, outer, outline, outlined, outlining, overlain, overlying, overprint, overprinted, overseeing, overseen, oversight, owner, ownership, oxide, oxygen, oz, Pacific, packed, PAE, paid, pale, Paleogene, Paleoproterozoic, Palito, Panam, pandemic, Panther, paper, Par, Para, paragenetic, paralegal, parallel, paralleling, Parauari, parity, partial, partially, partner, passed, passing, pathfinder, pattern, paved, pay, payable, Payback, paying, payment, payroll, Pb, PEA, peaked, pegmatitic, pending, people, percentage, peridotite, peripheral, permanent, permanently, permission, pertain, pertaining, pertinent, Peru, pervasive, petrographic, ph, phase, phased, phenomena, photographed, phyllic, physical, pink, Pintada, pit, plan, planned, planning, plasma, plastic, Plata, Plc, plotted, pluton, plutonic, PM, point, pointing, polarization, pollution, pool, popular, population, porphyritic, porphyry, Portage, portfolio, portion, Porvenir, position, positive, possessing, postponement, postulated, potable, potassic, potassically, potassium, pound, ppm, practice, precision, predevelopment, predict, predicted, predominantly, preference, preferentially, preferred, prefix, preliminary, premised, preservation, President, Pressacco, pressure, prevailing, primarily, printed, prior, priority, problem, procedure, proceeding, produce, produced, producing, professional, profile, program, Programa, programme, progressing, progressive, Progresso, prohibit, prohibited, prohibiting, prohibition, project, projected, projection, prominence, prominent, promising, promote, promoter, pronounced, proper, properly, proponent, proportion, propylitic, prospect, prospecting, prospective, protect, protected, protection, protective, protocol, province, provincial, proximity, PTI, PTO, pull, pulp, pulped, pulverized, Puno, purple, pursue, pursuing, put, pyrite, pyrrhotite, QAQC, QC, Qemscan, QP, Quadrangle, quality, quantified, quantity, quarter, quartered, quarterly, quartz, Quebradona, question, quiescent, Quinchia, race, rack, Rainmaker, Raintree, Rainy, randomly, range, ranged, ranging, rank, ranking, rapid, ratio, RDI, Rea, reach, reaching, reactivate, reactivated, reactivation, reader, reagent, real, recent, recently, recession, recirculating, Reclamation, recognizable, recommence, recommenced, recommencement, recommend, recommendation, reconnaissance, recoverable, recruit, rectangle, redemption, reduce, reduced, reduction, referendum, refining, refrain, refreshed, Regent, regia, regime, region, regional, registrar, regrind, regrinding, regular, regularly, rehabilitate, reinterpretation, reject, reliability, reliable, relied, relief, relinquished, relogging, rely, remedial, remediate, remuneration, render, rendered, renegotiated, renewable, renewal, renewed, Reno, repaid, repatriation, repayment, repeat, replicate, reportedly, reprocessing, Republic, repurchase, reputation, reputational, research, residence, resident, resistivity, resolution, Restated, restrict, restricted, restriction, resumed, retention, Retrieval, retrograde, return, returned, revealed, revenue, reverse, review, reviewed, revocation, rich, ridge, riffle, rig, rim, Rimfire, Rio, River, road, robust, rock, role, ROM, Romeral, Rosa, Roth, rougher, rounded, rounding, route, Routine, routinely, royalty, RTDM, run, running, rural, rush, Sabina, sabotage, safeguarding, safety, sale, saleable, Salt, sample, sampled, sampling, Sandstorm, Santarem, Sao, saprolite, SAS, satellite, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, sawn, Sb, sc, scale, scenario, schedule, scheduled, Scheme, schist, schistose, School, scissor, scope, scoping, screen, scrutiny, Se, sea, season, secondary, Secretaria, Secretary, SEDAR, sedimentary, seismic, selected, sell, SEM, senior, Sentence, separate, separated, separately, separation, September, septic, sequence, sericitic, serve, served, settlement, SGS, shallow, shape, shaped, sharp, shear, shearing, shed, shell, shipped, shipping, shop, short, showed, shown, side, signature, siliciclastic, Silvercorp, Similarly, simple, single, site, situ, situated, situation, size, sizing, Skwentna, Sky, slightly, slope, slowdown, SLR, small, smelted, smelter, Smith, snow, sociopolitical, sodium, soft, software, soil, solid, Solitario, solve, source, sourcing, south, Southcentral, southeast, southeastern, southwest, spaced, spacing, Spain, span, spatially, speak, spectroscopy, spending, sphalerite, split, splitter, spouse, Sr, staffing, stage, staked, stakeholder, staking, standalone, state, stated, station, steel, steep, steeply, step, stewardship, stibnite, sticker, stockwork, stone, storage, stored, strategic, strategy, stratigraphically, stratigraphy, stream, Street, strength, strike, striking, stringent, strip, strive, strong, strongly, structural, structurally, structure, studied, study, subduction, submission, subscribing, subscription, subsidiary, subvertical, successful, successfully, succession, successor, sudden, suffer, suffering, sufficient, suggest, suitable, suite, sulphide, summary, summer, Sunward, supergene, Superintendent, supplemented, supply, support, supported, supporting, Supreme, surface, Surubim, survey, surveyed, surveying, Susitna, suspended, suspension, Sustentabilidade, suture, symbol, syndicate, synmineral, syntectonic, systematic, table, tag, tagged, Talon, target, targeted, tax, taxation, TCLP, team, Tech, technology, tectonic, tectonically, telecommunication, temporarily, temporary, tenor, tensional, tent, tenure, terminate, terminated, terminating, terminology, terrain, terrane, territorial, terrorism, terrorist, Tertiary, test, tested, testing, testwork, Tetra, text, texture, theft, theodolite, thereat, therefrom, thereon, thick, thirty, tholeiitic, thought, threat, thrust, thrusting, Ti, ticket, tilting, Tim, Tinto, Titiribi, TJ, Tl, TML, Tocantinzinho, today, tonnage, tonne, top, topographic, Toronto, town, township, townsite, toxic, Trabajo, trace, traced, traffic, transact, transaction, transcurrent, transfer, transferred, transparent, transport, transportation, transported, transverse, travel, treat, treating, treaty, trench, trenching, trend, trending, Tribunal, Trilogy, Trinta, troy, true, trustee, Tudela, turn, turned, Turner, twelve, twenty, Tyhee, type, UK, ultimate, ultimately, ultramafic, umpire, unable, unaltered, unauthorized, uncertain, unconformably, unconstitutional, uncover, undergoing, undergone, underground, underlain, underlying, understand, understanding, undertaken, undertook, underway, undetected, undiscovered, undrilled, unduly, unethical, unexpected, Unified, uniform, uniformly, Universidad, University, unknown, unlimited, unlock, unmineralized, unprofitable, unregistered, unresolved, unrest, unsampled, untested, unused, unusual, upcoming, upgrade, upgraded, uphold, upper, upright, uranium, urged, USA, USGO, utilization, utilized, utilizing, valid, validate, valley, Vancouver, vandalism, variability, variably, variety, vegetation, vehicle, vein, veined, veining, vended, vendor, Venecia, venture, verification, verified, verify, vertical, vertically, Vespasiano, vest, vested, viability, Vice, vicinity, view, village, violation, Virtually, visit, visited, Vista, void, volcanic, volcaniclastic, volcanism, volume, Vulcan, Wainwright, walking, war, Wardell, warehouse, washed, waste, water, weak, weakly, wear, weather, weighed, weighing, weight, Weighting, west, western, wet, whichever, Whistler, Whittle, wholly, wide, widely, wider, width, William, Wilton, winding, Windy, winter, withdrawn, WKR, wooden, work, workforce, working, world, worldwide, worst, WSAR, xanthate, XRD, Yarumalito, Yellowknife, Yentna, yielding, Young, younger, Zn, zone, zoning, ZTEM
abide, advantage, AIF, amendment, attestation, attorney, book, BTR, budget, Calculation, CDN, chapter, Codification, complying, conceived, consent, controller, criteria, delivery, Dhaliwal, domestic, EGC, electronically, eligible, embedded, Employer, entirety, exempt, expert, fraud, furnish, GAAP, harbor, heading, Herb, hereto, holding, Hon, Inline, Instruction, Integrated, Interactive, Jumpstart, labor, licence, Linkbase, Modernization, modernize, newly, paragraph, Pat, performing, posted, posting, Presentation, promptly, proxy, recognize, redistribution, referencing, Reform, registrant, REGISTRATION, relation, reliance, respond, rule, safe, Schema, send, service, Sponsoring, Startup, Taxonomy, Treadway, treasury, undersigned, updating, waiver, WASHINGTON, website, XBRL, xi, xii, xiii, xiv, xix, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xx, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxiv, xxix, xxv, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, xxx, xxxi, zip
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- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 99.1 Exhibit 99.1
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- 99.5 Exhibit 99.5
- 99.6 Exhibit 99.6
- 99.7 Exhibit 99.7
- 99.8 Exhibit 99.8
- 99.9 Exhibit 99.9
- 99.10 Exhibit 99.10
- 99.11 Exhibit 99.11
- 99.12 Exhibit 99.12
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