As a policy-based financial institution, the Group engages in financing activities to realize its policy objectives, and the nature of the finance to support overseas economic transactions is characterized by a relatively significant portion of long-term loans and loans that entail sovereign or country risk. Therefore, the Group’s non-performing loans and credit-related expenses may increase if the financial conditions of the individual borrowers significantly deteriorate due to political and economic trends in the borrowers’ country or region. As such, the Group calculates an expected loss amount and recognizes it as an allowance for loan losses. The allowance for loan losses included in the consolidated balance sheet as of March 31, 2021 was ¥339,841 million and the method for recognition is described in (d) “Allowance for Loan Losses” in Note 5 “Significant Accounting Policies” as well as “6. Significant Accounting Estimates” in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Allowance for loan losses is calculated in accordance with the Group’s internal rules for self-assessment of asset quality and internally established standards. The calculation process includes determination of the borrowers’ category based on the evaluation of borrowers’ solvency in consideration of their repayment status, financial condition, performance, future prospects and other relevant factors, and the estimation of future cash flows of individually-assessed loans and bills discounted under the cash flow estimation approach. Given that the future prospects for borrowers, etc. used in the borrowers’ category determination and future cash flows of individual claims used under the cash flow estimation approach are affected by changes in borrowers’ business environment including effects of the spread of COVID-19 and whether their business strategy is successful, determination of the borrowers’ category and application of the cash flow estimation approach require management judgement, entailing higher estimation uncertainty. Accordingly, we have identified determination of borrowers’ category for the purpose of determining the allowance for loan losses and bills discounted, particularly with respect to borrowers displaying a deterioration in repayment status, financial position or business performance, as well as the estimate of future cash flows of individually-assessed loans and bills discounted used in the cash flow estimation approach, as a Key Audit Matter. | | Our audit procedures performed to examine the Group’s determination of borrowers’ category and estimate of future cash flows of individually-assessed loans and bills discounted used in the cash flow estimation approach included the following, among others: - We evaluated the Group’s internal controls over the determination of the borrowers’ category. The controls tested included but were not limited to controls over the accuracy and completeness of schedules used in determining the borrowers’ category and controls over the underlying internal credit rating data about the borrowers. - We selected a sample of borrowers by taking into account the type of business, the repayment status, financial position or the degree of deterioration in their business performance and potential credit risk estimated from external disclosure information to test management’s category of the sampled borrowers. We also considered the monetary impact of the changes in the borrowers’ category on the amount recorded in the allowance for loan losses. - We evaluated sampled borrowers’ recent repayment status, financial position, and business performance, by inspecting a set of materials related to the Group’s self - assessment of asset quality, such as explanatory materials including a description of the business, borrowing and repayment status, research materials providing an understanding of actual financial position, financial statements, and the trial balance, and examined them in light of the available external information, including the trend of natural resources prices. In addition, we made inquiries to the Finance Department in charge of the loans as necessary to supplement our understanding. Also, we compared internal credit ratings on sovereign loans with external credit ratings. - We assessed the future cash flows of a sample of individually-assessed loans and bills discounted used in the cash flow estimation approach as well as the inputs used by management, evaluated the model used in the cash flow estimation approach and tested their mathematical accuracy through recalculation. |