Application has been made for the bonds to be listed on the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and to be traded on the Euro MTF Market.
We expect, but are not obligated to holders of the bonds, to maintain listing of the bonds on the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and admission of the bonds to trading on the Euro MTF Market. Changed circumstances, including changes in listing requirements, could result in suspension or removal of the listing of the bonds on the Euro MTF Market, or cause us to conclude that continued listing of the bonds on the Euro MTF Market is impossible, impracticable or unduly burdensome, in which case, we may take steps to procure the delisting of the bonds from the official list of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and withdrawal of admission to the Euro MTF Market. In such event, we may, but are not required to, seek an alternative admission to listing, trading and/or quotation for the bonds by another listing authority, exchange and/or system within or outside the European Union, as we may decide. An alternative admission may not be available to us or may, in our opinion, be unduly burdensome.
Notice of any delisting and/or alternative listing will be given as described in “Description of the Bonds and Guarantee—Notices”, and a copy of the notice will be provided to the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. Although there is no assurance as to the liquidity of the bonds on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, delisting of the bonds may have a material effect on the ability of a bondholder to continue to hold the bonds and/or to resell the bonds held by it in the secondary market.
Except as disclosed in “Summary Financial Information” on pages S-24 to S-27 of this Supplement, there has been no significant change in our financial position since March 31, 2024, the date of the most recent published English language financial statements of Japan Bank for International Cooperation.
Except as disclosed in “Recent Developments” on pages S-16 to S-23 of this Supplement, there has been no significant change in Japan’s public finance and trade data since March 31, 2024.
On ●, 2024 (Tokyo time), the Minister of Finance or the Minister of Finance ad interim of Japan is expected to provide consent to give Japan’s guarantee with respect to the bonds, upon our application dated ●, 2024. The bonds are issued pursuant to a decision of the Board of Directors of JBIC on March 26, 2024.
The bonds have been accepted for clearance through Euroclear and Clearstream (Common Code: ●; ISIN: ●). The address of Euroclear is 1 Boulevard du Roi Albert II, B-1210 Brussels, Belgium. The address of Clearstream is 42 Avenue JF Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg.
We are not and have not been involved in any governmental, legal, or arbitration proceedings (including any such proceedings which are pending or threatened, of which we are aware) during the 12 months preceding the date of this Supplement which may have, or have had in the recent past, significant effects on JBIC’s financial position.
Japan is not and has not been involved in any governmental, legal or arbitration proceedings (including any such proceedings which are pending or threatened of which Japan is aware) during the 12 months preceding the date of this Supplement which may have, or have had in the recent past, significant effects on Japan’s financial position.
The contact address and telephone number for JBIC for the purposes of this Supplement is Capital Markets and Funding Division, Treasury Department, Treasury and Systems Group, JBIC, 4-1, Otemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8144, Japan, telephone: 81-3-5218-3304.
The contact address and telephone number for Japan for the purposes of this Supplement is Market Finance Division, Financial Bureau, Ministry of Finance, 3-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8940, Japan, telephone: 81-3-3581-4111.