Exhibit 10.17
OocuSign Effi elope IO . 108A2752 - SC3E E F7 - BF65 - 0 EEAA 1E MSA.2 BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT Principal I Loan Date I Maturity I Loan N o I $7,000 , 000.00 03 - 01 - 2021 05 - 15 - 2022 1901 1000012 Call/ Col 80 Account Off i ca I r Initials I F24 Reference.a in the boxes above ere for l 1nde,·1 1111 only and do not 1.imrt the apphcabiliry of th.11 doc - nt to eny p1rt1col;ar lo i n o, i \ em . Any ilom above contalnino • • • • • has been om i tted du• ro te xt len uh h m it at l o ns. Borrower: Tradition Transportation Group. lnc. ; freedom Fral,ght Solutions. LLC : T,1dhlon Leasing Systems L. l. C .: Treditio<, T,ams>""alion Company l . L.C.: and lreclidon logbt J CI L.L.C. 300 Growm Pa,kway Suite A Angola , IN 48703 Lender: First Fln,ncfal Bank NA lndianapo1;, LPO - Commucla 450 E 96th Str••t Suite 500 ln n•polit . IN 46240 18121 238 · 6000 THIS BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMEN T dated March 1, 2021 . i1 madt and uacU1ed betwHn T r ocfitio<, Tr.,..po,1atlon Group , I nc .; Freedom frolgh1 So1U1ion1 . I.LC : Tradidon Leaslne Systoma l . L . C .: Trodillon Tren1pott1Uon Company l .L. C .; and Tr - ""' Loglslics l . L . C . l "Borrowar "I and Flt1t Fiiwnc ; ial S.nk NA rLender•) on the following terms and conditions . Borrower has received p, - ;o, commerc i al k>.ana from Linder or has applied to lender fo, • commercial to.an or k>ains or oth1, financi1t 1ecommodatlon1, lnctudlng those which may b1 dHcribed on eny ••hlibit or sch Ŷ dul• an1ch1d to this Agra1m1nt, Borrower unders t ands and •gr Ŷ es tha t: IA, In 9r1ntfno , renewing, or 1.wttrwling any Loon. Lender ii relying upon 8orrow1f1 representatJona. warrand11 , 1nd agt1 1m. nu H 11t forth In this Agte Ŷ ment : IBt the grant i ng. renew i ng, or ••tendin9 of eny l.oan by Unde, 1t 111 times 1hetl be aubject to L 1nct.,•s sole ju6gment encl dncr1b0n: and ICI en such Loans ahal b• Md ,emMt subject to the t1tm1 and conditions of this Agreefflllftt. TERM . Th i s A 91 eem 1 n t s . h . 1 t 1 be effect i ve n of Match t, 2021 . and sha!J contJn .... e i . n ful l fo,ce 1 nd ertect until a . uch time as •• of Borrower · • toan, i n tevor of Lender have been 91 i d in full . including princ i pal, i nterest , costs, expenses , 1 no rnevs· tee, . and other fess Ind charges . or until 1 uch time 01 ttt . parties may . egree in writing to terminate th i s Agreement . UNE OF CREOfT . The fndebtednen tfleludes I revolv ing llne of ertdh . Advance, under the Indebtedness . as wet! H difec - tions for payment ho m 9 or,ower's account . t . may be ,oques ted orally by Borrower . All requHts shall be con f ir med in wrl 1 in 9 on • he day of the roqveat . Bouowar 99 1 111 to be labte f or a ll St . ms either : (A) advanced In acco,dance w i th the in structions of an 1 utho ri 1 ed , : ,enon 11 described W, thl • Actvance A ut h Of • t v· 5 ection betow or CBJ c r ed it ed to arry of 8 orrow . , ' s accouni . w 1 th lender . ADVANCE AUTHORITY, T he fo l low i ng person or p 1 , 1 ons ar e euthorlze - d to requ H \ advances and authorize payment& under thl li ne of credit until Lender receives from Borrower, 11 Lender •• eddrtn ahown above . written noUco of revoea 1 lon of such authorhy : Timothy Edw 11 d Evens , Pr 11 i dtn 1 end CEO of Trad ; tion Tren • Port • tion GrOUp . Inc .; Joseph J Montel . Genetti Counsel of Tradition Trensportetion Group . Inc .: Joseph Michaet Davis . Offieer of Tradi 1 ion Tn,nsportation Gtoup . Inc .; Jamu Lynn Evan . a . Otr ..: tor of Ma,keting & Sales of Tradition Trampo,tation Group . Inc .: James l'tffl" E •.. - ,s . MefflberlP,nldant of ffffdom Fre ,ght Sokltions . LlC ; nmothy Ed · ward E ¥ . Member/Chairman o f ffeedom Ftt i ght Solt . nions . llC : Joseph J Montel . M 1 mber / G • n • al Counstl of Freedom F,elgh t Sotudons . llC ; Joseph M l chaeJ Davit . Member o f Freedom Freight Soh . rtloru . lLC : Joseph J Mon 1 el M 1 mbtf/Prnld 1 nt of Tradition ltHing Systems l . L . C .; Tlmothy Edward Evans . Member o f Tradition L • asing Systems L . L . C .; JoHph Michael 01 Yl 1 . Member of Tradition l 1 ao ln 9 Systems L . L . C .: Jomes Lynn Evans, M 1 mbtr of TradlUon leuln 9 Sy 11 ems L . L . C .: T i molhy Edword Ewns . Mamber/Prnldent & CEO of Tradition Tronsportotlo n Compony L . L . C .; Josoph Mlc : haol Da'" • • Member / COO o r Tradi'ISon Transportation Company L . L . C . : Joseipt'I J Monte l, Membe rlG • neral Counsel of Trld l tlon Transpo,u,lon Company L . L . C .; J Ŷ mes Lynn Evans . Member of Tradlt . ion Ttlntport ; atlon Company L . L . C .: JllfflCs Lynn Evana . Nemblt /Pr 111 dent ot Tr Ŷ d lrl on logbtK : S l . L . C .: Tlmolhy Edward E,, . , .. , Member of Trecldon Logistic $ L . l . C .; JosephJ M - • I . Mombe< of Tradition Logiatlcs l . L . C .: and JoHph Michu l Dav l a . Member of TredittOn lo 9 i 1 tica l . l . C . CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO EACH ADVANCE . , Lender's obligetlon 10 make tht Initial Advtnco a nd each subseque nt Advonca under this Ag,etmenl shall be 1 ubject to the f u lfillment to L • r • , a : ati 1 factJon of au of t condition $ set fo, 1 h in this A 9111 ment and In Che Re l a 1 ed Docum ent s . loan Doarnenu . Bonower ah . ti t provide to Lender the to llo wW'lgdocum • ntt : tor th - e Loan ; tll the Note : ( 2 1 Sec ... , 1 ty Agreements 9 ,ent 1 ng to Lender security ll'ltereats i n the Collatera l : 1 31 f 1 n 1 ncin 51 st 1 tement 1 ind a n other documents perhtcl m g l 1 nd 1 r • s ; Sec 1 . Kitv Interests ; ( 4 J evtde . nce of in Ŷ u, 1 nce as requ 1 re d betow ; ( 5 ) gu 1 r 1 nties ; 181 together with 111 auch Related Documents 11 Lende r m 1 y ,equlre lor the loin : ell in form and 1 ubstance Htiafactory to Lender and L 1 nd 11 1 1 counsel . Bouowe, · 's Au 1 hoti : z Ŷ tion . 8 ouower shall have provided in form end substance satisf • cto, y to L ender properly cert . itied ,uolut io ns, duly author i zing the e>recution and de Hver v of thia Agrument . the Note and the " - l Ŷ ttd Docu ment&. I n addi1ion. Borrowe, sh1M h a v e provided such othef re1olu1 kJ na . authonutio,,,s . documents and Ntrume.n,.s a.s lendu or •t• counset . mey req,.A, e . Payment of Fen and E • pensc.• . 8ouower 1h11t h 1Y9 paid to L ender all fees. charges, and other expenses whic h a,e then due end payable 11 spec i f i ed in thl1 Agreement or any Related Document. Representat . ion, and Warranti11 . The repre.sent1tion1 and warrentles set f orth In th i s Agre e ment , in th e Ae1111d Oocumtntt . end in any docum ent or certificate de H ve,ed to Lender under th J s Ag,e.erne n t arc true a.nd cou ect . No E¥tnt of Defauh . Tt \ eut ihal no t ex i st et the time of any Advance a condition wh ic h would conn•tute a n Event of O.fe ut t undor tN1 Agteemen.t or under any Rel ated Document. MULTIPLE BORROWERS . Thi s Agt•erTtent has been oxoc u ted by mult i ple obligor - s who are ,eter,8d 10 In 1hi, Agreement •l'.'dividually, coflectivefy and l nttrc hengeably es·Borrower . • Unless speciflc11ty stated to tho contrary. the word · eo rr owu" •s used •n tl \ is Ag re1m1nt, in cluding without l imita tion an rtp(ese nta rions. wattenties 1nd coven.ant, . lhal l i nclude • II Ro11owe,s . 8or<owe r uoderst11"1ds and agrees th.et. w i th or wi1hout no t i ce to any one Borrower . L endet may CAI mike one or more edd i t 1o ntl secured o, unsecured loa ns ƒ ' o therwise o.w11 n d additiona l cr ed i t 'Ntth respect to tnY other Borrower : (BJ with , espec : t to any other Bo rrower alter . con,promis Ŷ • , w . 1 • t 1 nd, acc ele r 1 t 1 . or otherwise cha nge O" - or mot e d mts the time for payment or othef terms of any indebtednt : 11 , inclu ding ; nc 11 a 1 es and dec,eases or the ra 1 e ot interest on the ,n debtedness ; (C l excNnge , enforce . wetve, subordinato, fall or decide not to perfect, and release any sucurity . with or without the substitution of new colla \ tral; IOI 11 lea1e, subst i lult, egree not to sue, o r deal with anyone 01 more of Sorrower's or any 01hor Borrowe, ' 1 suredu , e . ndorser1. or othu 9uer1nto ra on any term, or in any mal' \ ner L ende t may choose; ,e, determ i ne ho w , when and whit application of p a y me nts and credits 1h1 II be mtde on 1ny i ndebt ed ness : IF) aPl)ly such socu rh v and dir ect t he order or manner of u lt of any Col lateral, including without hm 1 t e t i on . any non· 1 udic ial sa l e pe rmi ned by the terms of the contt ol tn g seamty agreement or d eed o f t . rU $ \ • u L ender i n h a djsc,e \ tOn may d 111 tmlne ; tGI s . e . tl . u,nsfe, , ess ,gn or g,ant part ; c - tPat ions in • or an y part of the loan : O · O e • erc : 1 H or refr .. n hom exe,c i slng any r i ghts against Borrower or others, or oth erw ise act or refra i n from ecting ; m settle or comp,omt 11 any indebtedneu ; end 1 J, 1 vbord i n 1 t 1 t the payment of all or any p 1 r 1 of any of Borrower's Indebte dness 10 Lender to I ha poyment ot any liabi)hle, which moy be duo Lender or othe,a . REPRESENTATlONS ANO WARRANTIES . Borrower represents and warrant, to L a nder . 1 . s of cht date of thii Agreement, as of the date of each d i sb 4 Jfaement of lo an proceeds , H of the datt ot en y renewa l . •• t ension or modilCat lo n ot anv l oin . end at a ll t i mes any lndebttdM . SS exists :
Doc:uSign Envelope ID: 1D8A2752 - 5C3E - 4EF7 - BF65 - DEEAA 1 E6A5A2 loan No: 19011000012 BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT (Co nt i nued) Page 2 0 , 911 niratHln . Ttadttion Transportation Group, Inc . is a co,pc,rerion tcu profit whicn is . and al all t i mes sha l l b . e, duly organized , val i dly ex i sting . ar \ d in good standing u r . dtr and by v i rtue of the lews o 1 t h e State of I n d i ana . T rad i t . an T tt nspona,ion Group, Inc . i s duly a uth o r i zed 10 transe c t bus i ness i n af l other states ln wh , eh Traditiori T ransportatio n Group . Inc . is doing bus i ness, hav i ng obte i ned all n e cessary fili ngs , governmental licenses af \ d approvals for each state in which Tradit . On Transco,tation Group , Inc . is d - oing busin e u . Spe c : it i caJly, T radition Transp,o,tatlon Grovp . Inc . Is . and at ell times sh all be, duly qual i fied es a fo r eign corporation 1 n a n states in which the fa il ur e 10 s o qu a l i f y would hive a mater i al adverse effect on I t& buslnns er f l n . anc i a l c o ndit i on . TradltK>n Trensp,ortation Group . Inc . has the foll power and e uth ority to own it 1 properties and to trensact the bwiness i n which i t i s presen 1 ly eng a ged or pre se ntty propo . se, to en 949 e . T redition Tumspo r t . etion Group, Inc . m 1 in 1 ains an office Gf 300 Growth Parkway Suile A . Angola, I N 46703 . Unloss Tradition TransporteUon Group, In c . hes des i gnated otherwise in writin 9 , the principal office i 5 \ he office at which Tradition Transportat i on Group, Inc . keeps its books and records including i ts records concerning the Colateral . T ra dition Tr,nsponation Group , Inc . will noti f y l e nder pr i or to any change in the location o t Tradition Transportation O r oop . Inc . ", 1 tet 1 of organitation or any change in T r ad i tio n Tra n sportation Graus : ,, ln c . ' s name . Tradition Traneponatlon Gtoup . I n c . shal l do all t h i,,gs f'tt« : H a ry to preserve at \ d to ke ep in full fo r ce and e 1 ftct it 1 existence , rights and privilege - - 1 , and shaN compty with e ll regu l ation, . tole& . Ofdf n an c n . statutes, orders and deerees of any governmental or q sl - governm . entat authofi 1 y or court a p,p Ucabte to Tradit i on Tral'lspo,tation G,o \ . lp , Inc . , nd Traditio n Transpon,t i on Group , l oc . ' s bus l ne.&S ectivittes. F r eedom Fre i ght Solut i ons, LLC is a limited liabi lit y c:ornp,any which is, ar.d at a ll times shall be, duty orgariized, va l id l y exist i ng, and in goOCI sta n ding uode. r and by vLrtue of the laws of the State of Indiana. Freedom Frc l ght Solutions , l. l C is d u ty authonted to trensaet busine" in a ll other statu in which Freedom Fralght Solutions, LLC ls doing buslneu, htvlng obtained a ll necessary t il i ngs, governmental l icen - ses and app r oval.& to, eae,h 5tJte in which F r eedom freight Solut i ons, LLC ia doing business. Specif i cally, Freedom F re ight Solutions , llC is, nnd •• a ll times shall be, duly qualif i ed as a foreign limited liability company in aH s1a1cs in which the fai l u re to so qualify would have a mater l ol adverse e tf ect on its bu:sineu or financier co n d icio n . M'eedom Freight So lutio ns. LLC ha& the full power and autho,ity to own ltc properties and to t t ensact lhe business in wh(ch it i5 presently engeg1d or presenlty propose, t o engage . freedom Fre i ght Solut i ons . LLC maintains en office et 300 Growth Parkway Svite A, Angola, IN 46703 . Un)eu Fre&dom Freig - ht Solutions , UC ha$ designated otherwise i n writing. the orincipal office is the office •t Wt \ iC::h freedom freight Solutions, LLC le.Np$ Its bOO'IC$ and record'5 includ i ng i t$ record, concerning the Collateral. Freedom Fre i ght Soludona, LLC will i,otilv Lend11 pr i or to env cr.angie I n location ot Frfltdom F re i ght Sdutions. llC'a state of organizatlol"I or anv change in Freedom Freight Soluti - onc, L LC ' s narM. F:eedom Fn:, ; ght So l utions , LLC shall do 111 things nece11ery to p r eserve and to keep In Ml force :and offoct hs tndstonco, rights and priviteges, and shall comply with & , la c gl.Aat i on.1. rules , ord i nances. statv1es , orders •nd decrees of any govommental or c;ua&i•governmental authofity 01 co u rt applicable to Freedom Freigh1 Solutions , LLC and F l'Hdon, F t e i ght Sofutions . LLC's bucineu activities . T radition l eesing Systems l . L . C . i& a llm ! ted IJ 11 b i lity compeny whic h i s, and at aU t i mes sha be , duly o , gan i ied, validly eK i sting , an d in good standing unct . r and bv v i rtue of the iaws o f t h e St 11 a of 1 ndia n a . Tra dition Leasirig Systems l,L . C . i s duty autho ri zed to uansact business i n a ll other atatos in which Tradition Leas ing Syc 11 ,n . s l . l . C . i 5 do i ng busineu, hav i ng obteined all n 1 cess 1 ,y fil i ngs, governmental l ic onsc . s and ; ,pprovets tor each stete in which Tradition l • aaing Syst@m L . L . C . i s doing bvsines, . Spe . cilicelly , Tradition leasing Systems L . l . C . i s , and al all time s she • be . du ly qual ified H I foreign l i mited liability comp 11 ny , n a ll 1 unes in whicti the failure to so qual i ty woutd have a material adveqe effect on its bu . sines or flno nclol condition . T n . idi ti on l eesing Sy nems L . L . C . has the full powe t end authority to own iu, properti 11 and to uansact the bus • nen In which h C a preeentty engoocd or presently propo s es to engage . T ra d i tion Leas i ng Sys em 5 L . L . C . maintains an of'tlce at 300 Growth Parkway, Angola . IN 46703 . Unless Tradit i on Loas . ing Sy - stems L . L . C . has des i gnated Otherw i se in w r it i ng, t h e iuioc i pal otftee i : J the offict 1 at which Trad l t l Ofl Leas in g Sys t ems L . l . C . keops i ts bocks end records I ncluding its records eonceo,ing the Cotlate r a l . T r edil n Len i ng Systems L . L . C . will no 1 ify Lender pri o r to any change ; n t h e l ocation of T r aditio n Leasing Systems l . L . C . 's Sti'tte of orgenizetlon or e ny change in T raditioo l sasing Syste r os L . L . C . ' : s n ame . T r ad i t i on Leas ing Systems l . l . C . s h afl do aJI thlngs nec • ssery to p . rt! $ 411 'Ve ntl to keep in tun fo r ce and eft • ct ill 8 JCi stance , right $ and p,r iv Uege, . iiln d $ ha lt comp l y with a ll regulat i ons, rules , ordinance, , stetote . s, orde,s and decrees ot any govert 1 me - mat ot qua : si govemmentel authority or co u rt app l ic 1 ble 10 Tradition leasing Svscoms L . L . C . and Tr adit i on leeaing Systems l . l . C . 's buiiitte , ss activities . Tradition T r anspcrtatlon Company l . L . C. ia a limhed l iabi \ ity eompany wti.ch is, and at all times shflll bt!!, d o ty organited, valid l y ex i st i ng, in goud stand in g vnde, andby vir1ue o f the laws of the State o f lnd l:ina. Tradition Tronspo,union Company L . L.C. ls du l y autho rt ted t o tr e n.sect businesa in a ll othe r states in which Tradition T r ansportadol' \ Compa n y L.l.C. Js doing busine$S , having obtai n ed a n necessary fil i ngs. government.ai r ticenses and appro val , for each siate In v1hich T t ad i t i on Transportat i on Company L. L.C . I s doing busi n ess . S pe c i fica ll y, T ra ditfon Treinspoftetion Company l.L.C. is, a n d atoll t i mes shall be, duey Qualined a s fo r e i gn ltmtted liabilitv company in al1 states i n whjch t he failure to so Qualify would have - a m<1teciel adve - rs.e effect Of \ its business o r fioancial condition. Tradition Transpanation C o mpany l.L. C. has the tun p,owe, end evthority to own its propenies and to transact tht bu1in1u in which it i w preHotlv 1n9•91d or pr e sently proposes to engage. Tradition Traruipo r t•1ion Company L.L.C . m1 1 ,ii ail \ S an oftic at 300 Growth Parkway , Angola , IN 46703. U n less T ra diti on Tran . sponetion Company l . L . C . has design . aced otheirwise i n writing, the p ri nc i pal office is t he off i ce at which Trad i t i on Transportat i on Company L . t . C . kee : ps i ts books and rccon : fs i ne l \ J ding its records concer n ing the Co tla tua 1 . Tradition Tran 1 pottation C o mpany L . L . C . witl notify lender r,r l or to any c - henge in the location of Tra d i t i on T,ansportat i o n Companv l . L . C . ' 1 state o f organization or t 1 ny change in Tradition T r ansportation Company L . LC . ' s n . eme . Tradition Transpc, 1 et i - on Co mpenv L . L . C . shi ll do all 1 t, i ngc necessary to preserve and to keep i n full fo r ce and effect i t s existence . r i ghts and privilege s , end ! 1 - hsll comply wi 1 h e ll reg u laOons . r u l «s . o r di n ances . statu t es . orders e n d decrees of any go v ernmenta l or Qvasi - 90 veuwnen 1 a l authority or court app li cable to T radition T r ansportation Company L . L . C . an d Tradit , on T ransportation Company l . l . C . 's bus t n en s . ctivitiee . Tr a di 1 lon logist i cs l . l . C . i s a l imit ed li 1 b ili tv comtJany which Is, and at a l times sha l l be , duly 01 gan i 2 ed , va l idly o • i stlng , and in good s tand i ng under and by virtue of the laws of the State o , f nd i an - 1 . T,aditi - on L og i stic' $ L . L . C . h ; duly i 11 . ttho<ized to tre n s,ct business i n all 01 h er st a t es in whicti Trad it ion Logl . sdcs L . L . C . is doing b us inesJ, nav i ng obt ai ned all neceu . ary fi l ings , govern me nta l licensts and approva l s fo , ea ch st a te in wh i ch Tradition Logis ti c s L . L . C . i s do i ng b u siness . Specifi c ally , Tradition logi 5 tic 1 L . L . C . i s . and 11 1 11 t i mes shall be, d u l y qual i f i ed as a fo r eign llmhed liability company in a n states in whic h t h e tailu, e t o s o qual i ty wo u ld h 1 \ le a matar i el adverse effect on i ts busio e u or financial condition . Traditk>n logiatic a l . L . C . has the full power e nd a u thor it y to own i ts proput l ea end to transact the bus . ineu I n wh i ch it is presently e n gaged or present l y pf'Of)o a es to eng&Ge . Trad i tion Log i st i cs L . l . C . mainta i ns an ott i ce at 300 G r owth Pukway, Angola, IN 46703 . Unites Tradltl n Log i stics L . L . C . has des i gnated otherwise In w r iting . the prin c ipal office i s 1 he office at wh i ch Tradition Logis 11 cs Ll . C . keeps ii $ books and r e cord s i n cluding i,s r ecords c o nce rni n g the Coll a teral . Tradition Logistics L . L . C . will notily Lender prior to any change in the location o f T radi ti on Lo ; is 1 les L . L . C . ' s state of organiza 1 lon or any change In Tradition L ogiat . lcs L . LC . ' s t \ &m e . T r aditio n Logis ti cs L . L . C . shall do a lt thing, rwces . sa r y to i ; ireseNe nd 10 keep in full fo r ce and effect it s existenc e . 1 ig h 1 s and p r i v i leges, e - nd shall comply w i t h an r egu l at i ons , rule . J, ord in ances, statutes . orde . ,s and decr e es of any governm e ntal or qu,si - gove,n m ental au t hority Of' court app l icable to Tr a dition log i sci< : - & L . L . C . and Tradition log i ilics L . L . C . ' s buS . fOoss act i vit i es . Assumed Business N ames . Borrower hea f i f ed o r recorded ala documents 01 filings reQvired by law relat i ng to all a ss umed bus i ne , ss names JJS d Bo'irowe . r . e_ u N th, . ham., 6f • 8q i er. · th • '.Nl g - i'S ;, · , comp l ete t i St of • a• . tsil . um ' ed · tJ . u . ilrf eis ri4n \ 11S ur, r W hj i::h BairoWG t d 0 e 5 bus r neSJ : : None . A!,!t llati n \ a . B , Q{row · r • s,xec u ion •. d . o U . ve . ,y. ari pe r ornian . .ol thi$ , A9,,eme '!i t • ,. a ll · ae _l tt O;t?,c ' '! f!l ts 11aVe bi,:!' d , utv ,
OocuSign Envelope ID: 108A2752 - 5C3E - 4EF7 - BF65 - DEEAA1E6A5A2 Loan No : 19011000012 BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT (Continued) Page 3 authorized by al) necanarv action by Borrower and do not conllic 1 w i th . resu l t in 8 \ l'iolation of, ar constitute a defaylt under ( 1 ) any provision of la) Borrower's art i cles of incorporation or organiut?on , o, bvlaws . o r (bl Borrower's arricles of organi . zation or membership agreements, or (cl any agreement o, other i n $ Hument bN"lding upon Borrower or 12 ) any law, governmental regulation, court decree, or order apJ)Ueeble to Botrowcr 0 t to Borrower's p 10 pcrties . Fi nancial lnfo,mation. Each of Borrower's financia l 1t1teme.nta supplied to Lender truly and completely disclosed Borrower's financial co nd i tion as of the date of lhe statement, and there has bee n no m;ue,i.al adverse change in Borrower's ftnancial condition subseq uent to the date of the most recent financial statement supp lied to l ender. Borrower h as no me1eria l contingent obligations except as disclosed in such tinanci t:t•teme.nts, Legal Ettecc . Thl . s Agreement constitutes . and eny ins trument or agreement Bortowe, i s requir ed to give under this Agreement when delivered will constitute laga 1 , valid, elld bi n ding obligations of Borrower enfo,ceab!c against Borrower In acco,dance w i th the i r respect ive term . s . Properties . E • cept as ccntempfatcd by this Agreement o r es previously disclosecs i n Borrower· • financ i a l statement& or in writing to Lender a n d as accepted by L - ender, end oxcep< ( 01 prcper 1 v tex l ien . s for taxes not presently due an - d puyab . Sorrower owns end has good t i tle to all of Borrower ' s properties free and ca . er ot al Secufity lnteres 1 s, and has not uecvted aray secur i ly docum • nt . a or financir,g statements relat i ng to such properties . All of Borrowet's propert 4 H a,e t i tled in Booower's l ega l name . and Bouo \ llrer has not used or filed a financing statement under any other Mme fot at leas t the last five 151 years . Hazardous Sub1tanc.11. Except as disclosed to and acknowledged by tender .n writing. Bouower represents and warrant, that: Ill Ourin9 the petiod of Booower's ownership of the Collateral. there has been no uu. generation. m1nufach.we. &torage, lte•tment, disposa l , release or threatened re l ease of any Haurdous Substanco by any p,e,son on. under, abovt or from any of the Collateral . (2) Borrower has no know l edge of, or reason to believe that there has been ra 1 an \ ' breech or violation of any Environ.mental Laws; ,bl any use, generation, menvfacture, storage, treatment, disposal, release ot thfeatened releas - e of any Hazardovs Substance on. under, about or from the CoUateral by any prior owners or occupan,, of •nv of the Collateral: or ( cl snv actual or tlv eetened litigation or c t aims of any kind by any pe r son releting to such rn.atters. t3) Neither Borrower no r any tenant , conuactor. agent or other authorlt.ed user of any of the Collateral she» use, generate. manufacture, store, treat, dispose of or re•ease anv Hazardous SubSL&nce on, under. about or from any of t.he Collatera l ; and any such activity shall be conducted in compliance with a I applicable fede ra l , state. and locel laws. regulations. and ordinances, inch,,dlng without limitation aU Environmo ntal laws. Borrowe, authorizes Lande, and hs agents to enter upon the Collateral 10 make such inspections and tests as Le e, maydeem appropr i ete to determine compli.ance of the Collateral with this sect i on of 1he Agreement. Any inspections or tests made by Lender .fflell be at Borrower's expe"se and for lender's p \ lfposes only and shall no1 be construed to create any re1,pons t bllity or Uabll i ty on the part ot Lender to Borrower or to any other peuon , The representatio ns •nd warranties contalned herein ue based on Borrowe, · s due diligence in inve.sttQatin:g the Co M ateraf f or haurdous weste and Hazardous Substance.a. Borrower hereby 111 releas.es and waives a,w future claims aga if'lst Lender lo, indemn;ty or contribution In the e...,.nt Borrower becomes tiab •• for cteanup OC' other coats under env such lows . and ( 21 agrees to indemnity, defend, and hold harmless Lende r agaH"'lst eny and d cfaim . s, losses , l iablli ties . dames, , . penalties . e n d • KPenses which Lender may directly or indirect : ty sus ta in o r svffer resulting from • breech of this section ot the Agreement or as a consequence of any use, generation, manutec : ture, storage, d i sposa l . re l ease or threateried release of a hazardous waate or substance on the Collateral . The provisions of this section of the Agreement, including the obligation to indem ni fy and defend, lhall survive t h e peym - ent ot the l ndcb 1 odnoss and the termination, expiration or sa 1 isfaction of thla Agreement and shall not be affected by l&nder • s acqujsition of any i n terest in any of 1 he Collateral . whether by foreclosure or otherwise . Litig . tion 8 lf'ld Claims . No l itioatlon, c laim , ilwe,tigatlon . adminis 11 ative proceedir,g or similar actlon (including those for u n paid taxes) ag • irlst Bortower is pending or threetened . and no other event t \ &s occurred whtch may materially adverselv affe< : t Borrower's flnanci . al condit i on or properties . other than liti 9 ation, claims, or other events , if any, that hive been disclosed to and acknowledged by lender i n writing . Ta xes . To the best of Borrower's knowledge, all of 8 onower' $ teK retums and ieports that a,e 01 were req : uircd ro be - til . have been f i led, end 1 ll 1 axu, asse asments and other governmental charges have been pe Ż d in full , except those present 1 y being or to be oontested by Borrower ln good faith in the o,d i na,y c ; ou r u of business ar : d tor wNth atleQ u ate reserves have been provided, Lien Ptlority . Un f ess otherwise prevlous,v d i sclosed to lender i n wr i ting, Borrower has not entered Into or grented any Security Agreements, or permitted the filing or ettachment of any Security I nte r ests on or affecting env of the C - ollateral directly or i nd i rectly secvri,ng repayment of Borrower's loan and Note . that wourd be prio r or that mav in any way be supe,lor to lender"s SecurltV Interests and righ t s in and to such Collateral . Binding Effect . This Agreement . 1 he Note . all Secur i ,v Agreement $ lif any J . and all Related Documents are bindkig upon the signera thereof . as well as upon their succ : essors . r&presen 1 atives and assigns, and a,e ! egallv enforceable in accordance with their respec,ive terms . AFFIRMATIVE COVE NANTS . Borrower covenant& and agree , s with Lender 1 ha 1 , so l ong 8 $ this Agreement remains i n effect, Borrower w i •: Notices of Claims : iind Litigation . PromptJy i nfo r m lende , rn writii,g of { 1 ) all materia l adverse changes in Sorrower's financial condit i on, and ( 2 ) all exis 1 in 9 and a ll threatened litigation . daims, invest 19 ati ons, admlnis 1 ,a 1 i ve p r oceedings or slmller actions affecting Borrower or any Guarantor which couid meterially affect Iha f i nancial condition ol Borrower or the tinancial condition ot any Guarantor . Financiat R 1 cords . Maln 1 a l n Its books and records in acccrd a iice with GAAP, appHed on a consistent basis, and permit Lender to oxam l ne and audit Borrow 8 f • c book& and ,eco rds at all rCO $ Onab le ti mes . fi 11 anciaJ Stat . ,,, 1 nts . Furn i sh Lender with thefollowiog : Annual Statements . As soon a $ ava it eble, but in no event l 11 e, than ninety ( 90 J days at'ler the end of e . ach fi $ < : &I year . Borrower's balance sheet and income statement for the yoa, er'ld 1 d, audited by a certified public accountent satisf 3 e 1 orv to Le nder . ln 1 erimStat Ŷ menu . As soon as availab ! e, but in no event later than thirty ( 301 days after the end of each fiscal quarter . 80 11 o we,'s balance sheet ond profit and l os . s statemen, for t h e pe : iod ended, prep,a,ad by Borrower . Tax Returns, As soon as available, but in no event lat er than thirty 1301 days after the 1 pplicab!e tili ng date for the tax report ing perMld ended . Bo,rowa r 's federal andother 9 ovemmantal tax re 1 urn . s, prep . ared by • ux protessionat satisfactory to Lender . Addi 1 ion 1 I R 1 quir 1 menta . F',nancial Stat 1 ments . FI . N'n,sh lendlt with th e foUowing : As soo n as avallablo . but i . n any avant no 1 lat Ŷ r than one hundred and twencv 1120 } days attar the end of each fiscal yew of me Borrower . Borrowu • , audited balanc,e sheet and audited sta tements of Income, accumulated earnings , and cash flows to, such y . a, . setting forth in each CIH in c : omparathte form the f 9 M'e& for the previous year . pttpared by an lncfepffldent cerdffed pub'lc accountant sa 1 t $ factory to lender . In addition . as soon as avail • ble . but In any event n,ot later than th iny l 3 OJ days ahet the end of each month , Borrowet's balance sheet and state me nta of
OocuSig n En v elope I D : 1D8A2752 - 5C3 E - 4 E F7 - BF6S - DE EAA 1 E6ASA2 loan No: 19011000012 BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT (Contiouedl Page 4 € income, accumul • t 1 d earnings . and cash flows fo r th . e respective fisca l year - to • date per i od . all prepared In accordance with GAAP . setting forth in • ach cue in compa,ative form the figures for 1 ha previou s fiscal ye . ar - to - date period and certified by en officer of Borrower es btiing true and correct . Lender , in its sote discretion, ,aserves the ability to cha . ng, the r • qulred times a nd frequencies of submissions of financlal statements by Botrower . In addition 10 anv other fln 1 ncla . l reporting requirem e nts of Borrower to le n der . Bonowe, agte • s to furnish to L Ƈ nde, , at times and frequencies determined eppropriat • by Lend e r In it . s : sole dl 5 cr 11 lon from time to time . Federal end State Income tax returns . borrowing base ccrtif . C . ittes . egit,g of rtcei - vables and payables . Jnveotory schedules . budgats . f 0 f 1 casts . and other reports with respec 1 to Borrower • s financial condition and buslnen opera 1 ions . Unless walvad ln writing by lende, . Botrowu shall provide Lender. 01 times and frtqllencies dete,mined appropriate by lender in it5 sol• discretion from time to time. • bonowing baH c1 , 1ifica11, rn 1h1 form prescribed by Lender 01 s uch 01h1r fonn as ,hall b a accep1abla to Lender. completed as of the epplicab&e valuat i on date. setting for1h 1hc borrowing base as con,puted In aceordance with 1he req!Arements of Lender. Lender. fn its sole disetet i on ,. ren r vn the abifity to cha Ilg a tho requhed t & and frequ•ncies of the submin . lons of d'Ht borrowing base certificate by Botrowe:, . A ll tlnancial reports reQui r ed to be provkfed under th i s Agreement $hal1 be prep ii fed in a c cordance w i th GAAP, apc:,C i ed on a cons i s1 c n t b.a.sis, tnd certi fi ed by 8ouower as being uue a r"l d correct. Additfon I Information . Fv mi sh suc h additional ! nformat i r:>n and stfttements, es L e n.de< m.11.v r eo u e,t from time tot i me. Rn.anciol Covenants and Ratio1. Comply with the foll o w in g covena.nts and rario 5: Minimum Income and Cash tlow Requirements . Ma lr na r n n ot less than the fOf l owil"lg Miriimum Net Income l evel : Mafntain an Annual Cnh fk)w Cove,aoe Ratio In excess of 1 . 20 to 1 . 00 . The t • rm "Anr . ual Caah Flow Coverage Aatto • means a ratio . the numeirator of wh . lch la th, 8011 ower •• Nut Income Ah • T Ŷ x in accordance with GAAP . but •• eluding extraordin Ŷ ty gains and tones and norvecurring income as detetmined by the l - enc :• n In Its . sole dilcro 1 l on, leas dividends o, withdrawal . a from cepitel . plus the aggregate amounta dect,ci . d In determininQ Net Income After T x in raspeet of i nte,e&t . dopreciatk,n, depletlon . and amorttutlor \ expense . i n each casa determined In acec . danc :• with GAAP . all for the then most recently ended fiscal ye . a, petiod . and the denom i nator of which h . Borrowar • , Curren 1 Ponlon of Lol' \ g Term Debt et tfl • Banow 11 • s prtor fi,cal year e . nd plus the aggregate amount deducted In determining the Net Income Aftw Tax fn respect of inttnst e,cpense for d'le then mo 11 recently ended flacal yea, period, d 1 tetmin,d in ac : cordanca with GAAP . "Cunem Po,tion of long Te,m Debt" rnuns at any time . and with ,espect to any Uabilities for bottowed money of Borrow . , . the portion of a . uch liebilitics tor botrowed morwy whic . h by i ts terms ls due on demand or whhln one ya . a, from suc . h time . Tang i ble Net Worth Aaqu ; ,ementa . Other Net Worth ,equi,ements are a :; follows : Maintoin a Tangible Net Wo,th of at IM 1 t 0 $2 , 600.000.00, The rum 'T1ngible Net Worth" moans Botrower'1 lotal assets excluding all ;nt - lblll autts 11 . e. goodwill , uadernarb. patll'IIS. copyrights, organJzationat a,cpense& , 111d similar intanc;lb1e Items a, classitiad by Londo, in Its sole di$Crtlion) len total debt . This mmirnum •vel of Tangible Net Worth shouldb.: nu&intained at all times and e \ laJuated 12JJ1/2021. E xcept as provided above, all computat,on $ maCM to dttiermine complia : n ee wi t h th 4 , toqyl r oments contained in this paragraph sh&II be made i n acco,dence with generalty accepted accounting princ i ples , applied on a consistent bui 1 , andcertified by Sorrower es being ttue and cottec ; t . Insurance . Mai n ta i n fire and other risk lns u ranc . publ i c 11 . ablMty in . s u rence . and s u c h other i nsurance II Lendor mov requ ir e wit h , e . apect to Borrower 's properties and operations , in fo r m . amounts . eov&ra 9 as $ n d wi 1 h insuntnee comp an ies acceput,,e to Lender . &rrower . upo n ,eqves 1 of Lender . wl!I de li ver to lender from t i me to time the policies o r c . cmlficates o f iosur . &ncc in fo,m ut i 1 f 1 ctory to Lender . inc kl dlng ,tipulet i ons that coverages wiU not be cancelled o, d i minished w i thou 1 at leas 1 ten ( 10 ) day s prior written notice to lende, . Eac h i n $ uranca o,o li c ; y allo shaU lncfude a n Oftdorscment p rovi d i ng that coverage in lavo, of Lender will not beImpaired in any way by eny 1 ct, omiuion or def 11 Jlt of Borrowe r or any oO,er person . In connect i on with i ll po i i c kn coverN'l 9 ass e ts I n which Lend e r h . olds or i s Offered I security inter 111 for the Loans . Bor r ower w ill pro \ tide lend et with suchlender's k>n payable o, othe r endorsements as Lender may require . Insurance R e. port,. Furn i sh 10 Lender, upon roquest ot Lender, rep or ts on each e,c i sting i ns u rance policy showing su ch lntorm11 i o h a, lender may rea&onably reque s t. incluc:ing wlthcut lim i tation t n toll o wing : (1 ) ttt. name o f U1• ins1.1 r e, ; f2l the ri s ks Insu r ed ; ( 3 ) the a moun t ot t h e p o l tey ; (4) the PfOpert f t:, In.sured; (6) t ho t h en curret11 property v a l u•s on the bas i s of wh i ch i ns u rance has been obtained, and the rnant \ er of determining those val u es; and (61 the c>cpi,atio n date or the poticy. I n addition. upon requost of L ande, (however n ot mo r e o ft e n then annueltyl , Borrower wm have an ind ep endent appt&lser sa1 i sfectorv co lender dete,mine , •• app li cable. the 1ctual cash va J ue or repfacemel' \ t cost ot any Collatu - , . T h e cost cf .svc;h appra is al s h. all t,e pe i d by So r rower . G"8ren1iea . Prio, to d i sbu r s e ment of l"Y Loan p rouads, furnish exG utcd guaranties of the Loans i n f a vor ot Lender , execute d by the gueranto11 named below. on L ender•s forms, and in th e erno u nl$ ,nd llnder tho c ond iti ons set fOfth in thoee guaranties . . , Na.mes of - Guarantor s . J a mes. Lynn Evans Joseph J Montel r;mothy Edward Evans Joseph Mich.at 01vi1 Amounts Unlimited Unlimlted Unlimlt t d Unlim ed Other Agreements . Comply w i th •11 terms and con d i1 1 on.s ot all o,h e r a greeme n ts , whether now o r heteafter ex i sting , be t ween Borrower and any other party end notify lender i m mediately in writing o f any defavlt i n connec1 i on with any 01her such 19 r eemen1s . Loa,,Proceeds . Use ell loan proceeds solely to, 8orrower ' s b u s i n ess operation9 , u n lcu ap e cific al y consented to th e contta r v by Lender in writi n g . TaxH , Charges and Liens . Pay and discharge when due a ll of iu ir \ debtedness and o b ligarioos, in c l u d i ng w i thout limita t ion all assessments , t a ,ces . governmeniel charges, lev i e . s and Uens , of every k \ nd aod nature , i mpo sed upon Borrowe r M i ts pro rti e s . i n come , or profits . prio, to the date on which penatdes woutd attach . and all lawful cli 1 ims that . ii un, : ia i d . m i ght become a l i en o , cha r g e upon any of 80 11 cwer • 5 properties , in . come . or profhs . Provided howewi : r . Borrower wiU not be reqvired to pay and disc h arge any such a s,eument , tax . charge, levy, l ie n or c aim so long as ( 1 ) the legality of the . same shaH be c o n 1 ested in g od faith bv appropriate ptocee d ings , end ( 2 ) Bor ro we, shall have established on Bor r owe r 's books adeq ua te rese,ves w i th respect to such conte s t e d asseum e nt , . taK , charge , lavy . lien, o r cla i m i n a ccord a nce w it h GAAP . Performerw : e, Pe r for m and c o mpl ; i, in a timely m e 11 ne r . wrth al t e r ms . con di tions, and p, c v i s . ions ,at fotth in this Ag r eement . I n the R e la te d Doc u me n ts . and in ell other i nsttument . a and agre • ments betwcer, Borrow e r end Lend e r . So rrower s h all n ot i fy Le n der i mmedlcnetv i n writ i ng o f any de f a u l t i n co nn ection with any ag r eem en t . Operations . Ma i ntain ex e c uti v e a nd man a geme n t r soMel wit h sub . stant i ally the same Qualificat i ons a n d exoe ri enc 1 as 1 he present exe c utive and ma nagement p ersonl"le l ; provide written notic e to L ende , of any c hange i n o : e c uthiie and ma n agemen 1 person n el ; col' \ duct its
0ocuSign Envelope 10 : 108A2752•5C3 E - 4EF7 - 8F65 - 0EEAA 1E6A5A2 Loan Na: 19011000012 BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT (Continued) Page 5 business affa irs In a reasonabte and p,udent manner . En vironment a l S 1 udies . Promptly condvct and comp l ete . at Borrower's expense, all such investigations, studies, samplings and testings as may be requested by Lender or any governmental aurhoritv rel at i ve to anv substance, or any waste or by p,oduct of any substance defined as toxic or a hazardous S \ lb . Stance unde, applicable federal , sute, or Joe . al law, rv l e . regu tion . order or directive, et or aff ecting any property cu any facility owned, )eased or used by Bonowe, . Compli 1 nce with Governmental Requiremen 1 s . Comply w i th a ll law, . Ofdinancn . and reguletkms, now or hereafter In effect, ot all governm 1 n 1 al authorities appl i cab 4 e to 1 he conduct ol Sorrower·, p,operties, bosineuea and ope,a 1 ions, and to the use or occupancy of the Collateral, including without l im itation , th - e Amerltains With O i . ubrlhies Act . 8 ouower may contes 1 in good faith any such lew . ordlnanc . e, or regu lat i on and w ithh old compriarice du,ing any proceeding, inehJding appropr i ate appeels, so long 81 Borrower has norif i ed Lende r in writing prio r to doing so end so klf'lg as, it'I Lender's sole opinion, le n d er's inrereus in the Collateral are not jeopardi zed . Lender may require Borrower to post adequate security or a surety bend . reasOl \ 8 blV satisfactory to Lender, to protect Lender's interest . Inspection . Permit emp l oyees or agents of Lef'lder at any reasonable 1 ime to i nspect any and all Cofletere l for the Loan or L oans and Bouowar'a other propenle . s and to examine or sudil 8 orrower' 1 books, account 1 , and records and to make copies and memoranda of Borrower' $ books , eccounts, end records . If Borrower now or at any time h ere atttH maintains any records (Tncluding without limitation compu,e, genarat 11 d records and compute, . software p 10 gr 11 ms f or th • generation of . such record,) in th 4 Po&Hssion ot a third party, Borrower, upon request of Lender . shall "O t ify such party to perm i t lender tree access to SIJCh reco rd, at au reasonable times and to provide Lender with cop ias of any records ii may ,eciuest, all at 80 ,rowar's expense . Environmen t al Compliance and ReJ)Ofts . 80 frower shall comply in all respects with anyandall Envirorvnental Laws ; not c : aute or peunit to exist, as • result of an Intentiona l or unin 1 entional action or om , asion on Borrowe r' s part or on the part of any third party, on property owned and/or occupied by Bor,ower, any environmentaf activity where damage may result to the environm e nt, unless such environmental activfty is pur . svant to 1 md In compliance with the ccn - di t iona of a pe,mic issued by the appropriate federal . state o, local gc : wemmental authorities ; shall fum ls h 10 Lender C)fomptly and I n any event w 1 thlt'I thiny ( 30 ) days aher rocelpt thereof a copy of any notice, sl .. H"nmons . Jien, citation, directive, letter or other commun i cation trom any gove,nmental • gency or instrumentality concerning any tmention .. i or un i ntentional action or omission on Borrower • s part in connection wilh any environmental activ!tv whether o, not there i . s demage to the envlronm • nt and/or other natural resources . Addition 1 J AssunmcH . Make, execu 1 e and daGvor 10 Lender such ptOmissory notas, mortgages , deed . a of trust, security 19 ,eements, assignments . financing statements, insttu m ent . s, documents and other agreements es Lande . , o, its ett 0 tnevs m 1 y reasonably request to evidence end secure the Lea ns and to perfect all Secu,ity lnr eruu . LENDER'S EXPENOrTUAES . If anv action or proceeding i 1 commenced that would materialty affect Lender's int erest • n the Collateral or i f Sorrower f alls to com v with any provi s ion of this Agreement o r 11 nv Rela 1 ed Documents, including but not limited to Bcrrower 'a fei furt to discharge or o,ay when due any amounts 8 ouower is ,equired to discha r ge OJ pay unde r this Agreement or any Related Documents . Lender on Borrower's behalf may (but shall not be obligated to) take a • w &c : tion that Lender deems appropriate, i . nctudlng but not limited to di . acha rgi n 9 or paying all taxes, liens, security i nterests . encumbrances and other c l aims . at any time lev i ed o r placed on any Coll ter a l and paying all costs for insuring, meintalning and prnerving enyCo ll . atatal . A ll such expeoditures i ncurr ed a, paid by Lender tor such purposH will thenbea r I nterest at the rate charged under the Note from the date incurted o, paid by l ender to the date of repayment by Bouowar . All avch expe nses w ill become a p . ,t of the f ndebtedne,s ar .. d, at L ender · $ option, wiU (A) be payable on demand ; lBJ be ad ded to the balance of the Note and ba apportioned among and be payable w ith any installment payments to bec : omo due during either f 1 J the term of any applicable insurance policy ; or ( 2 J the remaining term of the Note : or IC> be treated a $ a balloon poyment wh i ch wUI be due and payable et the Note·s maturity . NEGATIVE COVENANTS . Borrower cove - Ntnts and agrees w i th Lender th,n while th i s A 9 re 11 men 1 is I n effect, Borrower shall not, withou 1 the prior written consent of lender : Continuity of Opera'b<lns . f 1 ) Engage in any businus ectiv , t ies substantially different than thos • in Which Borrower Is presently engaged, ( 21 ce • - se operetions, li quidote, merge or re&tructure as a 1 - egal entity Cwho ther by divl - &ion or othuwis . e} . consolidate with or acquire any other ent ; ty, ch 1 nge i ts name, convert to another type of entity or redomesticete, dissolve o, uansfa, or s . eH Collateral out ol the ordinory course of bt .: sinesa, or ( 3 } pay any d i v i dends on Bonowe . r·s stock (other than dividends payable in its s t ock), provided, however that notwith . !tanding the foregoing, but ooly so tong a, no Event of Oefault has oc : cYrred and is continuing or woukl resu lt from the payment of dividends, if Bortowar is e •subchapte , S Corporat i on• las def i ned in the l nternol Revenue Code of 1986, as amended}, Sorrowet may pay cnh dlvidendt. on its Slack to its shareholders t,om time to tima i n a mounts necessary to enabJe the shareholders t o pay income t uec and make estimated Income tax peyments to satisfy their li abilities under tederel and .stale law which arise .solely from their 1tatu, as Shareholders of a Subchapter S Corporation tac.use o f their ownership of shares or Borrow ur '& stock. or purchase o r ret i re any of Bottower'• outstanding shares or alter or amend Borrower's capita l structure. CESSATIO N OF ADVANCES . U l ender has made any commitment to make any loan to Borrower . whether under thi s Agreement or u nd er any other agreement, Lender shall have no obHgetion to make Loan Advances or to 6 isb 1 JrH Loan proceeds it : IAt Borrower or any Guarantor is In default undar the terms of thjs Agreement or an \ ' of the Related Docvmef'lts or any othe, agreement that Borrower or any Guarantor has with Lender ; tB> Bofrower or any Guarantor dles, becomes incompetent o, becomes i nsoJvent . files a petition In bankruptcy or similar proceedings, or Is adjudged • bankrupt ; (CJ the re occurs a materia l adwrse change in Borrower's financial condition . in the financia l condition of any Guarantor, or in the velue of env Co ll ateral secv ri ng any Loan ; o r ( 01 an y Guarantor seeks, c l aims or otherwise attempts to timit, modify or revoke auch Guarantor's guaranty of the Loan or • nv other loa n with lender . R IGHT O F SETOFF . To the extant permitted by l!IPOlicable law, Lende, ,ese,vea a right of s . etott il"I ell Borrower's eceounts with lender !whether checking, savings, or some othe r account) . Thi . s includes all accounts Sorrower hold . 5 joint l y with someone e l se and elf acco u n ts Bouower rnay open in the fu 1 ure . However, thi . s does not include any IRA or Keogh accounts . o : any trvst accollnts for whrch setotf woutd be prohibited by law . Sorrower authorizes Lender, to lhe exlant permhtod by appfic • b l - elaw, to charge or setoff all sums owing on rhe I ndebtedness against any and all such a ccount& . DEFAULT . E ch of the following shall constitute an Event o f D • f aul( un<ler this Agreement : Payment Defautt . Borrower fails to ma k e any payment when due under the l oan . Other Defautts . Bor r ower fails to comply with 01 to perform any othe 1 term, obl!gation . covenant or condition contained ln this Agreement or in any of the Related Documents or to compiy with or to perform any te,m, obligation, covenant or condition cont 1 ined in a n y othor agreement bacwaen le n der and 8 ortowe, . False StattrntnU . Any waflan ty, representat i on or statement made or tUfnished to lender by Borrower or on Borrower's behalf under this Agreement or the Rehtited Documents is false or mis l eadlng in any metefiat ,espect, elther now or at the t i me made or furnished o, be.comes false or misleading at any time thereafte,, lruolvtncy. Tha dissolutJon or te,mination of Bonower's existence as a going business, lhe insolvency of Borrower, the appointment ofa
OocuSign Envelope ID: 1D8A2752 - 5C3E - 4EF7 - BF6S - OEEM1E6A5A2 loan No: 19 01 1000012 BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT I Continued) Page 6 rece i ver for any pan of Bo,rower's propettv . ony ass i gnment to, the benefit of c,editor, , any type of creditor workout, or the comm e nceme nt of any proceeding uoder anv bankr u ptcy or insolvency ltws by or eg,tnst Borrower , 01 f 1 ctive CoUater 11 izat i on . This Ag,eamont or any of the Related Documents ceases to be i n fvll torte and 1 fl 1 ct Hnclud in g failu r e of any collateral document to create a valid and perf e cted security interest or l i en) at eny time and for eny rec 11 on . Cradftor or Forfeiture Proc&ed ings . Commencement ot foreclos u re or forfeitu r e p r oceed i ng $ , whether by jud i c i al proceedi n g, sett - he lp , reposseasion or any ot r method . by any creditor ot Borrower or by any 90 vcrnm e ntel agency again . st any collateral secur i ng the l oan . This l nch . tdea a ga,n i shmeru of any of 8 orrowe,·s account, . inc,tuding depos i t accounts . with Lender . However, this Event of Oefeull sh 3 II not 1 pp(y if there ls a good fai 1 h d i spute by Bor,ower . 15 to the val i dit y or reesonab le nes - s of the claim wh i ch i s the basis of the creditor or torfeitwe procee . ding and if 8 ortowu g i ves Lend e, writte n notice ol the creditor or forfeiture proceeding and dopcsits with Lender monies or a surety bond for the c r ed i tor or forfe i ture i,roceed in g , in an amount dete,mined by Lender, in i ts so l e di . scration , as being en adcQuate reserve or bond for tho dispuu :. Events Affec . tlng Guarantot , Any of the preced i ng events occurs with r 11 pect to any Guarantor of 1 ny of the Indebtedness or any Guaqmtor d i e, or becomes incompetent, o, revokes or disi : ,utes the va lid ity of . or tiabillty undet . any Guaranty of the Indebt e dness . Chw)Qe In Ownership . Any change i n owners h ip of twenty . f i ve percent ( 25 % 1 or more of the common stock of Borrower . Adverse Change . A materia l adverse change occurs i n Borrower's financia l condjtion, or Ltr \ der believes the prospect of peyrnent or performe nce of t he L oan Is i mpai,e . d . Insecurity . lel \ de r in good faith believes its elf insecure . EFfECT Of AN EVENT OF 0 EFAULT . U a n y Event of Defau l t shall occu r, ex cept where otherwise p,ovided in this Agreement or the Ae l ated Oocumonta, all comm i tme nts end ob hg 11 t io ns of Lender uf"ldet thi $ Agreement or the Related Documents or anv other agreement immedlately will terminate Uncft . 1 d l ng any obliga 1 ion to make further Loan Advancn Of disbursements) . and , at Lender's option . atl lnde . btedness immediately will b - acome due and payable, all whhout not ic e of any kind to Borrower . except that in t c - ue of 1 n Event of Defa ult of the type described in the ·in . solvency • subsection abo ve . such acceleration shall be automntic and not optional . In addftfOn . Lender shall have all the rights and remedies orovi ded i n the Related Documents or ava il able at la w , in equity . o r otherwise . E)lcept as may be P' 0 hibited by . app ll cable law, a ll of Lendo r ' $ r i ghtt and ramedi $$ Shil l be cumulal t ve and may be e x e,cised singt . 1 lorly or concurrently . E t 1 ction by Lender to put 5 ue . any remedy shall not exclude purtu i t ot any other remedy, a nd an a l ectlon 10 make @ 1 tPenditu,es or to take action to i,erto,m en obtigation of 8 orrowe, or of ; my Grentor shall not elfect Lender's right to dec l are a default and to e,cero i se its rights 11 \ d remediu . All Loens shall M r epai d undar , 11 circum&tancu without relief from anv lndiani, or other valuation and a 1 >prai . sement law s . MISCEI . LANEOUS PROVISIONS . Tho follow ; ng m i sce ll • neous provis i ons are a port of this Agreomont : Amendments . Thia Agr eement, togethtt with enyRelated Oocumants, constitute, the entire undorstandlng and &gfeement of the parties 11 to the matters set forth in this Agreeml!!nt . No • Iteration of o, amendment to th i s Agreement shaU be effective unJets given I n writing ind aign 1 d by the partv 0 1 part i es sought to be eha,ged or bound by tN! lllte r ation or amendment, Ano,neys • Fett ; EJ 11 : pen 111 . Borrower • grees to pay upon demand all of L ender's cocu and expenses, including t ... end • t'G attorney, • fees and l ttndtt' 9 1 egaJ e ,cpe nse,, incurr 1 d i n connection wit h the e nforcement of this Agreement . Le nder may hire or pay $ 0 meone el - 11 to he lp enforce thia Agreement . and Borrower shall pay the costs end e_,cpensos of such enforcement . Costs and @ xpe nses inc l ude Le nder 's attorneys' tees and legal expensn whethe r or not there i s a l awsuit . lncfudlng attorneys ' fees &nd Ir . gal expen . se $ for btnkruptcy roceedings (inctuding efforts to mo d ily o, vac ate any automatic stay or in ; unctJon}, appeals, and ony anticipated post - Judgment colloctio . i servfC . es . Borrowc, also shell pay all court costs and such add i t i ona l fee, ,, may be directed by the eourt . Cas,tion Headln 91 . Caption headings in this Agreement afe tor conv e nie n ce purpo - su only and are not to be used to Interpret or define the provision, of th l a Agreement . Consent to loan PartJcfpatJon . Bouowar agrees . Jnd consents to l e r·s sale or transfer . whether now o, late,, of one or more participation i nte reJts '" the Loa : n to one or more p u r c ha s ers . whether related or un . re l et&d to Lender . Lender may provide . withoU 1 anv limitation whzn,oaver, to any one or more purchasers . or potential purchasers , any I nformation or knowltdge Lender mey have about Borrow • , or ebo v t any o t h r m • tter rel,ting to the Loa n, ; ii,ld Borrower herebv waives any rignts to privacy Botrower MIY have with respect to s uc h m a tters . Botrower edd,tionatly wa iv es a n y and au not i ces of sate of part i cipa t i on i nterests . as well es all notices of any reourchaso of such participation interuts . Borrowu also otgrees that the purthit $ er 1 of any such partlclpatfon Interests w ill be considered es the abso l ute ow ner s of such interests in the Loan end will have a ll the rig hu granted under t h e pan . ic i pation agreement or agreements governing the sale ol such partidpation in terests . Borrower further wa i ves 111 rights of offset or counterclaim that it mey hav e now or later against lende, or egainst anv purchaser of su ch e part ic ipation interest and unconditionally agfees th 11 either Lender or such pu,chase, may ento,ce Botrower • , ob l igation under the Loan i rrespective of the fai t u , c or insotve n cy ot any holder of any interut in the loan . Sorr ower further agrees that the purc : ha 5 er of any such part ic ipation interests may ento,ce its interest& i rre ape clive of any personal cla j ms or defenses that Bo,rowu Y have against Lender . Governing Law . This Ag,e,ment will be governed by fedefill law applicable to Lender end . to th • extent not p,eemptod by federal law . the laws of th - e State of lnd lM1a without regard to its conOiets of taw prov i sions. This Agreement has been acc•pted by lender In the Stat• of I ndiana. Choice of V•nue. 1t there i s a la wsu i t. Bouowe, agrees upon Linde,·, request to submit to the. Jurisdiction of the courts of Mar on County, State of lndlano . Joint and Seve,al Uability . All obligations of Borrowe r under t his Agreement shall M Joint and several, and all references to Borrowe r shell mean each and every Sorrowe r. T his means thet each Borrower sign i ng b e. low is respons i ble tot a ll obligatio ns In this Ag r eement . Where any one or more of the partie, i s a co,po,adon. pa,tnership , li mited liabil i ty company or similar entity , it is not necessary for Lende r to in.quire in to the POwers of 1 ny of the offic , era , d i rectors , oanners, members , or other aoents ect i ng or purport i ng co act on the e n t ity•s behalf, end any obligatio ns m ade or created in r elia nce upcn the prof e ued exercise of such powers sha ll be guaranteed under this Agreement . No Waiver by Linder . lender s h all not be deemed to h ave wa i ved any ri ghts under this Agreement u . nfess such waiver Is g i ven in writing and signect by lender . No delay or omiss i on on the part of Lender I n exerc i sing any ri ght shall operate as e w a ive, ot such right or 1 ny other right . A waiv er by lende r of • p r ovision of this Agreeme n t shall not prejudice or constitute a waiver of lender • s right otherw is e to demand str i ct comp l iance with that provision or any othet provis i on of th i s Agreement . No prio r waiver by Lender , nor any course of dea li ng between lender and Bo ,ro we r , o r b et ween Len der and eny Granter, shall constitute a wa i ver of any of Lender's rights or of any of Borrower ' & or any Grantor's ob li gations es to a n y f utu r e tran $ aCtions . Whenever the conse nt of Lender l s required unde r this Agreement . the g r anting of such co nsent by lender in any in stance shall not const i tute continuing consent to subsequent ins ta nces where such con . sent i s required and i n all cases su c h con $ ent m a y be grant e d or withheld in the sole discretio n of lender .
0ocuSignEnvelope 10 : 108A2752 - 5C3E - 4EF7 - BF65 - 0EEAA1E6ASA2 loa n N o: 1 9 0 1 10 00012 BU S INESS L OA N A G RE E MENT ( Con t i n ue d ) Page 7 Notic • s . Any not ice required to be given under 1 h is Agreement shaU be g i vel'l in writing , and shall bo effective when act uaUy delive,ed, when actuaJty received by t elcfacslmite (unless othetwiae requited by tawl, when deposited with a nationelly recognized overnight courier . or, if mai led, when deposited in 1 he United States mail, as Hrst c l ass . cenitied or registe r ed mait po sta ; e prepaid , d irec ted to the addresses shown near the beginning of t h is Agreement . Any pertv may change its addfess for notices under chis Agreemenc by giving forma l wr i tten notice to the other parties . S 1 J 1 teifyio 9 that the purpose of the not i ce is to change the party's addre : H . For notice purposes . Bouow& t agrees to k eep Lender informed a 1 a . ti times of Borrower's cu . rrent eddrest . Un 1 eas otherwise provided or required by law . it thete is more than o n e Borrowe,. an - , not ic e given bv Lende, to any Bouowar tS deemed to be not e given to all Borrowers . Seve,ablNty . If a court of competent jurisdiction tinds a, .. y provision of ttiis Agut 0 - ment to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable as to anv peraon or circum 1 tanco . that finding shall not make the otranding provision illegal . Invalid, or unen f orceable as to any othe r petson or circumstance . It feasible . the offending prov i sion s h all be considered modified so tha t Jt becomes lega l , ve l id and e . nforc : eable . It 1 he offending provision cannot be so modified, it . shall be con&ide,ed deleted f rom this Ag,eement . U n . less otherwise requ i red by l 3 w, the ill • galtly . invalidity, or unento,ceabtlitv of any prov i sion o f tl'u Agreeme"t shall r . ot affect the t egelity . va l idity or enforceabi li ty of any other provision of this Agreement . Substd i e r ies and Affi l . . ertes of Borrower . To the extent the c : ontekt of any prov i s f on . s o f this Agreement makes i t app,opdate , including w itho ut ljmitetJon any represe n tatk>n, wa,r • ntv or coven 81 \ t, the word " 8 orrowe, .. as u&ed in this Agreement shall inc l ude &II of Sorrower's subsidiaries and affiliates . Notwithst e nding the foregoing however, under no circum&tance 5 shall this Agreement be construed to reQui r e Lende r to make any Loan or o ther financial 1 ccommocta 1 i on to any of Borrowor·s 1 ubsidiaries o, aff i liates . Successors and Assigns . Al : I covenant . s and agreements by or on behel f of Borrower contained i n thi, Agreement or Bn \ ' Related Documents ihall bind Borrower's successors and assigns and shall inllfe to the benefit of Lender and It& successors and ass ; gns . Borrower sh all not . however, haive the right to asgign Borrower's rights u ndet this Agraemtrtl or any I nterest thereir 1 . without the prior written consent of Lender . Survival of Reptesenta t ions and Wauantkt,. Borrower understands and agrees that i n extending, Loan Advances, Lender is re l ying on a ll representations, wananttes, and covenant& mede b y Borrower in th i s Agreeme n t or in any certificate o r other i nstrument delivered by Borrower 10 Lender under thi, Agreemef'lt o, the Related Oocumencs. Borrowe r h 1"her agrees that regardless of any invest ig ation mide bv Lendor , ull such representet i on1, warranties 1nd covena n t& will svrviV9 the e J11 ten1k,n of Loa.n Advances and delivery to t. ende r of the Related Documents, sh.all be continuing in nature, sha ll be deemed made af \ d reda t ed by Borrower •t the time each l . oan Advance i5 mede, and s h all r etJla i n in tufl to,cc and effect unti l suc:O time as Bo,rower's lndebtednes.a shall be. paid in full, o, unt il this Agreement sha ll b e terminated in the manne, prov i ded abo'le, wh i c he ver i s t he last to occur. Time Is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. Waive Jury. AO parties to this Agreement hereby waive the t i ght to any fwy trlel i ,, any action. proc:eedi n 9, or co.. - .terclaim brwght by any pa rt y egainst any other p•rty. DEFI N IT I O N S . The toll ow in g capita J ited words and terms shall have the following meanlnga when used in this Agreement . UnJeu specifically steted to the contr,,ry, all references to dollar amount, shall mea n amounts in tawfu l money of tM United States of America . Wo,ds and t er ms uaed In the singular shall include the plwaf . and the plural sha ll in clvde 1 he singular, as the context may require . Words and terms not otherwise defined In this Agreemeot shall have the meanings auributed to svch t erms in the U niform Commercial Code . Accounting words and terms not otherwise defined in tMs Agreement shaU have the mean in g,s ; ass i gned to them i n accordance w f th generally accepted accounting principles as in effect on the dare of this Agreemvnt : Advance. The word• Advance• mea n s a d i sbursement of Loan funds made. or to be mada, to Borrower or on Bor,owe r ·s beha l f on a line of credit o, mvhipie advance basis under the terms and condit i ons ot this Agreement. Ag,, . , . - ,, n t . The word "Agreement" moans this Bus i ness loan Agreement . e . s this B u stne . u Loan Agreement miv be amende d or modified from time to time . toget h er with alJ exhibi t s and $ C h edulas attached to th i s Business L oen Agreement from time to time . Borrower . T h e word .. Borrower • means T r adition T ran 1 portt 1 t \ on Group, Inc .: Freedom Freight Sotutions, LLC : T, ad i tion Leas . rig Svstams L . L . C . ; Tradition Transportation Company l . L . C .: and Tradition Logist i cs L . L . C . and i nc fudes al' co - signers and co - makers signing the Note and an their successors and assigns . Collateral. Tho word ·cona1era1 means a l l property and assets 9ranted as co ll atera l security for a Loan. whether ,eal or personal p,opercy, whether g r anted directly o r in direc tl y . whether granted now or in the future, and whether granted in the form of a secur it y interest, mortgage . collateral mortgage, deed of truat. assignment, pledge. crop pleds,ft. chattel mong •• collateral chattel mongege, cha1te l trus1. f actor's lien, equipment tiusr, conditiona, l a t e, tru.st r eceipt, li en , charge, l ien or t i t l e rete n tion con t ract, leese or con1ignment i ntended as a security device . or any other security or lieninterest what'soever, whether created by law, contract. or otherw i se. E . nvitonmantal Laws . T ht words "'Env itonmenta \ Laws .. mean anv and all state, federal end local statutes . regufat . Ons and ord in ances relating to the protection of human health or the environme n t, inctvding without i mitation the Comp,ehemive EnvironmentaJ Response, Compensation . and Liabilily Act of 1980 . as am • nded, 42 U . S . C . Section 9 6 01 , et seq , ("CERCLA"I, the Superfu n d Amendments and Reauthoriza 11 on Act o f 1986 , Pub . L . No . 99 - 499 l"S ARA"I, tha Hau,,dous Motefl • lc TronapoJtation Act, 49 U . S . C . Section 1801 , tt seq .. the Resource Conservat i on and Recove,v Act, 42 U . S . C . Section 6901 , et 11 q .• o, other applicable state or federal lews . ru les, 01 regulations adopte<f purs u ant thereto. Even t of 0afauh. The wo,ds ·event ot Default" mean eny of the events of default set forth tn this Agreement In ,ho default sect ion of this Ag,eement. GAAP. The word "GAAP • meen, generallv accap1ed accounting i,,inciptes . Grantor. The word "Grantor "' means e ac h ind all o f the persons o, entities grontlng e Secu r ity Inte r est in any Collateral for the L oan, including w ithou1 limitation au Borrowers g,anting auch a Security I n t erest. Guarantor. The word '"Guarantor" m @an.s any guar a ntor. &Yrety, or eccommod,. t J on party of &nv or au of the Loan. Gua r anty. The word '"Gvo.ranty"' means the gueranty from Gu11anto r to L t ndlf , including withoYt limitation a guarllnty ot an or part of the Note. Haia,dous Substanc :: es . Tho words "'Hazardous Substa n ces· mean materia l s that . because or th • ir qu 1 ntit', . concentration or ph't's . ic al, chemical 01 infectious characte - ristic : s, mev - cause or cose a present or po 1 cnrie! haz! r d to human heelth or the env ir onment when impropertv used, treated . stOted , < 1 isposed of . gene r ated . manufactured , trarupor t ed or otherwise hand l ed . The words · Hezardou . s Substance : a· are used in the i r verv broadest s&, .. se and indude withovt l i mitation eny and all hazardous or 1 oxic aubsta : nc : es , materials or was 1 e as defined by or liMed under . the Env 1 t onmental Laws . The term '"Hazardou, Substancu • also i ncludes, w i thout li mitat i on . petrolt u m and petroleum by - products or any fraction thereof and asbestos .
OocuSign Envelopo 10 : 108A2752 - 5C3E - 4EF7 - BF65 - 0EEAA1E6A5A2 Loan No : 19011000012 BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT (Continued) Page 8 Indebtedness . The word "' l n debtedneu" means the indebtedne&s evidenced by th@ Note or Releted Documents, including all princtpal and i nte,ut together with all othe, indebto - dnesa and costs end eJc : penscs for which 8 orrowe . r is re . spons • ble under this Ag,eement or under any of the Related Documents . lender . T h e wo , d "Lender" means Fir 5 t Financial Bank N . A, lu aucceuors and assigns . loen . The word '"l oan · means any and a t l loans and flnal' \ Clal 1 ccammodations from Leneler to Borrower whether now or hereafter e st i ng, end however evid • nced, including wit h out limhation those foans . and financial accommoda 1 ! ons desctibed here i n or described on any e,chi t or sehtdule auach d to this Agr • ement from time lo time . Note . T he word " Nou, · means lhc Note dated Ma • c - h 1 , 202 1 end eJCacuted by Tr 11 ditkm Transportation Group, Inc . ; Freedom Freight Solutions, L L C ; T r edition leasing Systems L . l . C .; Tradition Transportation Comp . any L . L . C .; and Tradition Logist i cs L . L . C . in the principal amount of $ 7 , 000 , 000 . 00 , toge,her with arl renewals of, extensions of, modifications of, retinanc i ngs of, consolidations of, and substhutioris for the note or crf!dit 1 greement . Related Oocumenu . The words "Re l ated OocvmeMs" mean Jfl promissory notes , credi 1 agreements, loan agreement 5 , environmenta l agreements, guarant i es, secur i ty agreements . mottgeges . deeds of trust, security deeds, colleten, J mongtges . end e l l other instrument&, agreement • and documents, whether now or hereafter e,c i sting, executed in eont \ eetion with 1 tie lo . an . S • cu,lty Agreement . Th 11 words ·Secu ,i 1 y Agreement • me . en 8 nd include without limi 1 ation any agreement $ , promises . covenanu, atran 9 ement 5 , understandings or othe r ag,eements, whether created by low , contract, or otherwl&e, evidencirig, governil' \ g, rep(esenti - ,g, or Cteating a Security I nterest . S 1 curily Interest . The words '"Secur iw I n terest"' mean, without !Imitation, any and all types of colJaterel 1 ,ecuritv, oresont and future, whether in the form of a lien . charge, ttncvmbraoce, mortgage, deed of tit . 1 st, security deed, assignment . pledge, crop p l edgo, Chane l mortgage , collateral chanl!I mongage, chattel trust . factor's t . en, equipment trust, conditional 111 e . trust rece i pt . lien or title retention contract , lease or co,,sl . gnment inte nded is e security de . vie - ,, or • nv other security or lien interes t whatsoeve, whether created by law . contract, or otherwise . BORROWER ACKNOWlEOGES HAVING READ All THE PROVISIONS OF THIS BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT AND BORROWER AGREl:S TO ITS TERMS. THIS BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT IS OATEO MARCH 1 , 2021, BORROWER : ' RTATION GROUP. INC.· By . : · - T i;; i ;i,l;¥'C1gmijlf'f, h»;;;6 w - Y n ;; a _ . :J,p P , r .; e : s o i l d d e ii n n t $ . a ;;;r - C f E f O o . o ; ; r - Tradidon Tnm$poniltfon Group, Inc. ON u&liMI WG SYSTEMS L.L.C. By:. - h;m;, "lii!i'llil'llr. , - '.7Miico;;;m;;;;b 11;;;/PJ;;:•;;•r,:;id;;•n;; - t -- ;o;; - 1 - ;T;;;,ad.:;. . ;,riti;;;on Leasing System.s l.l.C. TRA 'Tliil'N!l,oORTATION COMPANY L.L.C.. By:. _,n, .. _ . . . .., ei.w...... t_ s _ Tirriot y wa, vans. MemberfPresident C O of Tradition Transportation Comp.any L.L.C. TRAOIT'& . l \ I,ICS L .L.C . ev , 11 - : - - ; - =s ---- - . ; Membor/Presidan t of TraditiOn ' loglotlcs L.L.C.
OocuS,gn E c 10: U )3A2 7 5 2 - 5C3 E _. EF 7 - 8f6 S - OEEM 1 E6ASA2 Loan No : 1 90 1 1000012 BUSINESS LOAN AGREEMENT (Con t in ued) Page 9 LENOEII , FIRS T l F A I N O A N . C . o . I A . c L . . B . , A , N K NA B r . . , Matk A f ri : ommer d a f L oan Offlc:•