Lasso Energy LLC
PO Box 465
Chase, KS 67524
Owner: | Owner Number: | ROCKFORD |
Rockford 011Corp | Type of Interest: | Working Interest |
P.O. Box 363 | Revenue Interest: | 0.12750000 |
Fox Island, WA 98333 | Billing Interest: | 0.15000000 |
Property Name: | Anderson |
Effective Date: | 09/01/2012 |
Operator: | Lasso Energy LLC |
Legal Description: | Barton County, Kansas: |
| NorthwestQuarter(NW/4)of28-T20S-RI2W |
| (Section28,Township20South,Range12West); |
| Containing 160 acres, more or less |
Production | GAS:Y | NGL:Y | OIL:Y | PRD:Y | WTR:Y |
The undersignedcertifies theownership of their decimal interestinproduction or proceeds as described above, payable by Lasso Energy LLC (Payor),
TERMS OF SALE:The undersigned will be paid in accordance with thedivision of interests as set above. ThePayor shallpay all parties at the price agreed to by the operator for oiland gas to be sold pursuantto this division order. Purchaser shallcompute quantity and make corrections for gravity and temperature and make deductions for impurities.
PAYMENTS: From the effective date,payments are tobe made by checksofPayor, its successors orassigns,based onthis division of interest, less taxes requiredby lawtobe deducted and remitted by Payor as purchaser. Lease operatingexpenses may bededucted from the payment prior to disbursement to Owner. Payments of less than$100will beaccrued beforedisbursement until the total amount equals$100or more, orpaid annually, whichever occurs first.Owner agreestorefund Payor anyamounts attributabletoaninterestorpartof an
interest that owner doesnot own.
INDEMNITY: The owner agrees toindemnifyand hold Payor, its successors and assigns, and itsagents,servantsand employees harmless from allliability resultingfrom paymentsmade to the owner in accordance with said division of interest, including but not limited to, attorney fees or judgments in connection with any suit that affectstheowner's interest in which Payor is made a party.
Page2 of Division Order
DISPUTES·WITHHOLDING OF FUNDS: If a suitis filed that affects the interest of the owner
writtennotice shallbegiven to Payorbytheowner together with a copy of thecomplaint or
petition filed. Inthe event of a claim ordisputethat affects titleto thedivision ofinterest
creditedherein,Payor is authorized to withholdpaymentsaccruing to such interest, without
interestunless otherwiserequiredby applicable statute until the claim or dispute is settled.
NOTICES: The owner agreesto notify Payor in writingofanychangein thedivision of interest
including changes of interest contingent on payment ofmoney orexpiration of time. No change
of interest is binding onPayor until the recorded copy of the instrument ofchange ordocuments satisfactorilyevidencingsuch changeare furnished to Payor at thetime the change occurs.
Any changeof interestshall be made effective on thefirst day of the month followingreceipt of
such noticeby Payor. Any correspondenceregardingthisagreement shallbefurnished to the addresses listed unless otherwiseadvisedby either party.
DEFAULT: If a working interest owneris in default in the paymentof its share ofthe lease expenses, operatorof the abovelease,may withhold payment of any monies due the
undersigneduntil operatorhas recovered all monies it is due for lease expenses.
Inaddition to theterms and conditionsof this Division Order, the undersigned and Payor may
have certain statutory rightsunder the laws ofthe statein whichthepropertyis located.
Owner(s) Signature(s): | Owner(s) Tax ID Number(s): | Daytime Phone: |
/s/ Kevin M Murphy | 45-4855224 | 253-973-7135 |
Witness Signature: /s/ Ken Liebscher
Witness Signature:
FederalLaw requiresyou tofurnish your SocialSecurity orTaxpayerIdentification Number.
Failure to comply will result in 30.5% taxwithholding and willnot be refundableby Payor.
Lasso Energy LLC
PO Box 465
Chase, KS 67524
Owner: | Owner Number: | ROCKFORD |
Rockford 011Corp | Type of Interest: | Working Interest |
701- N. Green valley Pkwy | Revenue Interest: | 0.16000000 |
Ste 200-258 | Billing Interest: | 0.20000000 |
Henderson, NV 89074 | | |
Property Name: | Asmussen |
Effective Date: | 06/01/2012 |
Operator: | Lasso Energy LLC |
Legal Description: | W/2 SEI4, EXCEPT the SE/4 SW/4 SEI4 of Section 16, Township 29 |
| South, Range 4 East (70 Acres) |
Production | GAS:Y | NGL:Y | OIL:Y | PRD:Y | WTR:Y |
The undersignedcertifies theownership of their decimal interestinproduction or proceeds as described above.
TERMS OF SALE:The undersigned will be paid in accordance with thedivision of interests as
set above. ThePayor shallpay all parties at the price agreed to by the operator for oiland gas
tobe sold pursuantto this division order. Purchaser shallcompute quantity and make
corrections for gravity and temperature and make deductions for impurities.
PAYMENTS: From the effective date,payments are tobe made by checksofPayor, its
successors orassigns,based onthis division of interest, less taxes requiredby lawtobe
deducted and remitted by Payor as purchaser. Lease operatingexpenses may bededucted
from the payment prior to disbursement to Owner. Payments of less than$100will beaccrued
beforedisbursement until the total amount equals$100or more, orpaid annually, whichever
occurs first.Owner agreestorefund Payor anyamounts attributabletoaninterestorpartof an
interest that owner doesnot own.
INDEMNITY: The owner agrees toindemnifyand hold Payor, its successors and assigns, and
itsagents,servantsand employees harmless from allliability resultingfrom paymentsmade to
the owner in accordance with said division of interest, including but not limited to, attorney fees or judgments in connection with any suit that affectstheowner's interest in which Payor is made
a party.
Page2 of Division Order
DISPUTES·WITHHOLDING OF FUNDS: If a suitis filed that affects the interest of the owner
writtennotice shallbegiven to Payorbytheowner together with a copy of thecomplaint or
petition filed. Inthe event of a claim ordisputethat affects titleto thedivision ofinterest
creditedherein,Payor is authorized to withholdpaymentsaccruing to such interest, without
interestunless otherwiserequiredby applicable statute until the claim or dispute is settled.
NOTICES: The owner agreesto notify Payor in writingofanychangein thedivision of interest
including changes of interest contingent on payment ofmoney orexpiration of time. No change
of interest is binding onPayor until the recorded copy of the instrument ofchange ordocuments satisfactorilyevidencingsuch changeare furnished to Payor at thetime the change occurs.
Any changeof interestshall be made effective on thefirst day of the month followingreceipt of
such noticeby Payor. Any correspondenceregardingthisagreement shallbefurnished to the addresses listed unless otherwiseadvisedby either party.
DEFAULT: If a working interest owneris in default in the paymentof its share ofthe lease expenses, operatorof the abovelease,may withhold payment of any monies due the
undersigneduntil operatorhas recovered all monies it is due for lease expenses.
Inaddition to theterms and conditionsof this Division Order, the undersigned and Payor may
have certain statutory rightsunder the laws ofthe statein whichthepropertyis located.
Owner(s) Signature(s): | Owner(s) Tax ID Number(s): | Daytime Phone: |
/s/ Kevin M Murphy | 45-4855224 | 253-973-7135 |
Witness Signature: /s/ Ken Liebscher
Witness Signature:
FederalLaw requiresyou tofurnish your SocialSecurity orTaxpayerIdentification Number.
Failure to comply will result in 30.5% taxwithholding and willnot be refundableby Payor.
Lasso Energy LLC
PO Box 465
Chase, KS 67524
Owner: | Owner Number: | ROCKFORD |
Rockford 011Corp | Type of Interest: | Working Interest |
701- N. Green valley Pkwy | Revenue Interest: | 0.28000140 |
Ste 200-258 | Billing Interest: | 0.35000000 |
Henderson, NV 89074 | | |
Property Name: | Sanders |
Effective Date: | 06/01/2012 |
Operator: | Lasso Energy LLC |
Legal Description: | NS/4 Section 1 Township 25 South Range 14 West |
| |
Production | GAS:Y | NGL:Y | OIL:Y | PRD:Y | WTR:Y |
The undersignedcertifies theownership of their decimal interestinproduction or proceeds as described above.
TERMS OF SALE:The undersigned will be paid in accordance with thedivision of interests as
set above. ThePayor shallpay all parties at the price agreed to by the operator for oiland gas
tobe sold pursuantto this division order. Purchaser shallcompute quantity and make
corrections for gravity and temperature and make deductions for impurities.
PAYMENTS: From the effective date,payments are tobe made by checksofPayor, its
successors orassigns,based onthis division of interest, less taxes requiredby lawtobe
deducted and remitted by Payor as purchaser. Lease operatingexpenses may bededucted
from the payment prior to disbursement to Owner. Payments of less than$100will beaccrued
beforedisbursement until the total amount equals$100or more, orpaid annually, whichever
occurs first.Owner agreestorefund Payor anyamounts attributabletoaninterestorpartof an
interest that owner doesnot own.
INDEMNITY: The owner agrees toindemnifyand hold Payor, its successors and assigns, and
itsagents,servantsand employees harmless from allliability resultingfrom paymentsmade to
the owner in accordance with said division of interest, including but not limited to, attorney fees or judgments in connection with any suit that affectstheowner's interest in which Payor is made
a party.
Page2 of Division Order
DISPUTES·WITHHOLDING OF FUNDS: If a suitis filed that affects the interest of the owner
writtennotice shallbegiven to Payorbytheowner together with a copy of thecomplaint or
petition filed. Inthe event of a claim ordisputethat affects titleto thedivision ofinterest
creditedherein,Payor is authorized to withholdpaymentsaccruing to such interest, without
interestunless otherwiserequiredby applicable statute until the claim or dispute is settled.
NOTICES: The owner agreesto notify Payor in writingofanychangein thedivision of interest
including changes of interest contingent on payment ofmoney orexpiration of time. No change
of interest is binding onPayor until the recorded copy of the instrument ofchange ordocuments satisfactorilyevidencingsuch changeare furnished to Payor at thetime the change occurs.
Any changeof interestshall be made effective on thefirst day of the month followingreceipt of
such noticeby Payor. Any correspondenceregardingthisagreement shallbefurnished to the addresses listed unless otherwiseadvisedby either party.
DEFAULT: If a working interest owneris in default in the paymentof its share ofthe lease expenses, operatorof the abovelease,may withhold payment of any monies due the
undersigneduntil operatorhas recovered all monies it is due for lease expenses.
Inaddition to theterms and conditionsof this Division Order, the undersigned and Payor may
have certain statutory rightsunder the laws ofthe statein whichthepropertyis located.
Owner(s) Signature(s): | Owner(s) Tax ID Number(s): | Daytime Phone: |
/s/ Kevin M Murphy | 45-4855224 | 253-973-7135 |
Witness Signature: /s/ Ken Liebscher
Witness Signature:
FederalLaw requiresyou tofurnish your SocialSecurity orTaxpayerIdentification Number.
Failure to comply will result in 30.5% taxwithholding and willnot be refundableby Payor.