Release from liability of Non-Executive Board Members of the Company – voting item
This agenda item is the proposal for the General Meeting to release the Non-Executive Members of the Board in office at the Company during 2018, from any liability to which a member may be subject towards the Company for their supervision insofar as such supervision is reflected in the Annual Accounts and Annual Report for the financial year 2018 and/or on the basis of the information that is provided to the General Meeting prior to the adoption of the Annual Accounts 2018.
Votingrequirement: The General Meeting may adopt this resolution by a majority of the votes cast without a quorum being required.
Authorization to the Board to allow the Company to repurchase its own shares – voting item
At last year’s Annual General Meeting, the General Meeting authorized the Board to repurchase shares in the capital of the Company until November 24, 2019.
The Board proposes to extend the authorization to the Board to resolve, as the corporate body authorized, to repurchase shares, on the New York Stock Exchange or otherwise for a period of 18 months as from the date of this AGM (until December 27, 2020), up to a maximum of 10% of the issued share capital, provided that the Company (and one or more of its subsidiaries), following that repurchase, will not hold more shares in treasury than at maximum 10% of the issued capital in aggregate.
The repurchase may be effected at a price of at least EUR 0.02 and a maximum of 110% of the stock exchange price. Stock exchange price means: the average of the highest quoted price for each share on the five consecutive trading days immediately preceding the date of repurchase, according to the Official Price List of the New York Stock Exchange.
This price range enables the Company to adequately repurchase its own shares, also in volatile market conditions.
Votingrequirement: The General Meeting may adopt this resolution by a majority of the votes cast without a quorum being required.
Authorization to the Board to issue shares and/or to grant rights to subscribe for shares – voting item
The Board proposes to grant the Board the authority, as the corporate body authorized, to resolve to issue shares and/or grant rights to subscribe for shares, up to a maximum of 10% of the issued share capital, at the time of issuance, or at the time of granting the right to subscribe for shares, plus an additional 10% of the issued share capital, at the time of issuance, or at the time of granting the right to subscribe for shares, if the issue or the granting of the right to subscribe for shares takes place in view of a merger or an acquisition. This authority is requested for a period of 18 months, until December 27, 2020.
Votingrequirement: The General Meeting may adopt this resolution by a majority of the votes cast.