Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Organization
- Summary of Significant Accounti
- Prepaid Expenses and Other Curr
- Accrued Expenses and Other Curr
- Common Stock
- Warrants
- Share-Based Compensation
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Net Loss Per Share
- Subsequent Events
- Summary of Significant Accoun_2
- Summary of Significant Accoun_3
- Prepaid Expenses and Other Cu_2
- Accrued Expenses and Other Cu_2
- Warrants (Tables)
- Share-Based Compensation (Table
- Commitments and Contingencies (
- Net Loss Per Share (Tables)
- Summary of Significant Accoun_4
- Prepaid Expenses and Other Cu_3
- Accrued Expenses and Other Cu_3
- Common Stock (Details Narrative
- Warrants - Schedule of Rollforw
- Warrants - Schedule of Warrants
- Share-Based Compensation (Detai
- Share-Based Compensation - Summ
- Share-Based Compensation - Sche
- Share-Based Compensation - Sc_2
- Commitments and Contingencies_2
- Commitments and Contingencies -
- Commitments and Contingencies_3
- Net Loss Per Share - Schedule o
- Subsequent Events (Details Narr